D812871 00100_02 15-12-16
Attenzione! Leggere attentamente le “Avvertenze” all’interno! Caution! Read “Warnings” inside carefully! Attention! Veuillez lire attentivement les Avertissements qui se trouvent à l’intérieur! Achtung! Bitte lesen Sie aufmerksam die „Hinweise“ im Inneren! ¡Atención¡ Leer atentamente las “Advertencias”en el interior! Let op! Lees de “Waarschuwingen”tigre aan de binnenkant zorgvuldig!
ATTENZIONE: per la vostra sicurezza dopo l’attivazione dello sblocco ribloccare l’anta nella posizione totalmente aperta o totalmente chiusa, vericare tale posizione dell’anta prima di qual­siasi attivazione dell’automatismo. ATTENZIONE! Importanti istruzioni di sicurezza. Leggere e seguire attentamente le Avvertenze e le Istruzioni che accompagnano il prodotto poi­ché un uso improprio può causare danni a per­sone, animali o cose. Conservare le istruzioni per consultazioni future e trasmetterle ad eventuali subentranti nell’uso dell’impianto. Questo prodotto dovrà essere destinato solo all’uso per il quale è stato espressamente insta­llato. Ogni altro uso è da considerarsi improprio e quindi pericoloso. Il costruttore non può essere considerato responsabile per eventuali danni causati da usi impropri, erronei e irragionevoli. SICUREZZA GENERALE
Nel ringraziarVi per la preferenza accordata a questo prodotto, la Ditta è certa che da esso otterrete le prestazioni necessarie al Vostro uso. Questo prodotto risponde alle norme riconosciute della tecnica e della disposizioni relative alla sicurezza se correttamente installato da personale qualicato ed esperto (installatore professionale). L’automazione, se installata ed utilizzata correttamen­te, soddisfa gli standard di sicurezza nell’uso. Tuttavia è opportuno osservare alcune regole di comporta­mento per evitare inconvenienti accidentali:
- Tenere bambini, persone e cose fuori dal raggio d’azione dell’automazione, in particolare durante il movimento.
- Non permettere a bambini di giocare o sostare nel raggio di azione dell’automazione.
- L’apparecchio può essere utilizzato da bambini di età non inferiore a 8 anni e da persone con ridotte capacità siche, sensoriali o mentali, o prive di esperienza o della necessaria conoscenza, purché sotto sorveglianza oppure dopo che le stesse abbiano ricevuto istruzioni relative all’uso sicuro dell’apparecchio e alla comprensione dei pericoli ad esso inerenti. I bambini non devono giocare con l’apparecchio. La pulizia e la manutenzione destinata ad essere eettuata dall’utilizzatore non deve essere eettuata da bambini senza sorveglianza.
- I bambini devono essere sorvegliati per sincerarsi che non giochino con l’apparecchio. Non permettere ai bambini di giocare con i controlli ssi. Tenere i telecomandi lontani dai bambini.
- Evitare di operare in prossimità delle cerniere o organi meccanici in movimento.
- Non contrastare il movimento dell’anta e non tentare di aprire manualmente la porta se non è stato sbloc­cato l’attuatore con l’apposita manopola di sblocco.
- Non entrare nel raggio di azione della porta o can­cello motorizzati durante il loro movimento.
- Non lasciare radiocomandi o altri dispositivi di comando alla portata dei bambini onde evitare azionamenti involontari.
- L’attivazione dello sblocco manuale potrebbe causa­re movimenti incontrollati della porta se in presenza di guasti meccanici o di condizioni di squilibrio.
- In caso di apritapparelle: sorvegliare la tapparella in movimento e tenere lontano le persone nché non è completamente chiusa. Porre cura quando si aziona lo sblocco se presente, poiché una tapparella aperta potrebbe cadere rapidamente in presenza di usura o rotture.
- La rottura o l’usura di organi meccanici della porta (parte guidata), quali ad esempio cavi, molle, sup­porti, cardini, guide.. potrebbe generare pericoli. Far controllare periodicamente l’impianto da personale qualicato ed esperto (installatore professionale) secondo quanto indicato dall’installatore o dal costruttore della porta.
- Per ogni operazione di pulizia esterna, togliere l’alimentazione di rete.
- Tenere pulite le ottiche delle fotocellule ed i dispo­sitivi di segnalazione luminosa. Controllare che rami ed arbusti non disturbino i dispositivi di sicurezza.
- Non utilizzare l’automatismo se necessita di inter­venti di riparazione. In caso di guasto o di malfunzio­namento dell’automazione, togliere l’alimentazione di rete sull’automazione, astenersi da qualsiasi ten­tativo di riparazione o intervento diretto e rivolgersi solo a personale qualicato ed esperto (installatore professionale) per la necessaria riparazione o manu­tenzione. Per consentire l’accesso, attivare lo sblocco di emergenza (se presente).
- Per qualsiasi intervento diretto sull’automazione o sull’impianto non previsto dal presente manuale, avvalersi di personale qualicato ed esperto (ins­tallatore professionale).
- Con frequenza almeno annuale far vericare l’integrità e il corretto funzionamento dell’automazione da personale qualicato ed esperto (installatore professionale), in particolare di tutti i dispositivi di sicurezza.
- Gli interventi d’installazione, manutenzione e ripara­zione devono essere documentati e la relativa docu­mentazione tenuta a disposizione dell’utilizzatore.
- Il mancato rispetto di quanto sopra può creare situazioni di pericolo.
L’eliminazione dei materiali va fatta rispettando
le norme vigenti. Non gettate il vostro appa­recchio scartato, le pile o le batterie usate nei riuti domestici. Avete la responsabilità di restituire tutti i vostri riuti da apparecchia­ture elettriche o elettroniche lasciandoli in un punto di raccolta dedicato al loro riciclo.
Tutto quello che non è espressamente previsto nel manuale d’uso, non è permesso. ll buon fun­zionamento dell’operatore è garantito solo se vengono rispettate le prescrizioni riportate in questo manuale. La Ditta non risponde dei danni causati dall’inosservanza delle indicazioni ripor­tate in questo manuale. Lasciando inalterate le caratteristiche essenziali del prodotto, la Ditta si riserva di apportare in qualunque momento le modiche che essa ri­tiene convenienti per migliorare tecnicamente, costruttivamente e commercialmente il prodotto, senza impegnarsi ad aggiornare la presente pub­blicazione.
WARNING: for your safety, after unlocking the leaf, relock it in the fully open or closed position and check that the leaf is in said position before activating the device. WARNING! Important safety instructions. Care­fully read and comply with the Warnings and Ins­tructions that come with the product as improper use can cause injury to people and animals and damage to property. Keep the instructions for fu­ture reference and hand them on to any new users. This product is meant to be used only for the pur-
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pose for which it was explicitly installed. Any other use constitutes improper use and, consequently, is hazardous. The manufacturer cannot be held liable for any damage as a result of improper, incorrect or unreasonable use. GENERAL SAFETY
Thank you for choosing this product. The Firm is condent that its performance will meet your ope- rating needs. This product meets recognized technical standards and complies with safety provisions when installed correctly by qualied, expert personnel (professional installer). If installed and used correctly, the automated system will meet operating safety standards. Nonetheless, it is advisable to observe certain rules of behaviour so that accidental problems can be avoided:
- Keep adults, children and property out of range of the automated system, especially while it is moving.
- Do not allow children to play or stand within range of the automated system.
- The unit can be used by children over 8 years old and by people with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities or with no experience or neces- sary knowledge on condition they are supervised or trained about the safe use of the equipment and understand the risks involved. Children must not play with the unit. Cleaning and maintenance must not be performed by unsupervised children.
- Children must be supervised to ensure they do not play with the device. Do not allow children to play with the xed controls. Keep remote controls out of reach of children.
- Do not work near hinges or moving mechanical parts.
- Do not hinder the leafs movement and do not at- tempt to open the door manually unless the actuator has been released with the relevant release knob.
- Keep out of range of the motorized door or gate while they are moving.
- Keep remote controls or other control devices out of reach of children in order to avoid the automated system being operated inadvertently.
- The manual releases activation could result in un- controlled door movements if there are mechanical faults or loss of balance.
- When using roller shutter openers: keep an eye on the roller shutter while it is moving and keep people away until it has closed completely. Exercise care when activating the release, if such a device is tted, as an open shutter could drop quickly in the event of wear or breakage.
- The breakage or wear of any mechanical parts of the door (operated part), such as cables, springs, supports, hinges, guides…, may generate a hazard. Have the system checked by qualied, expert per- sonnel (professional installer) at regular intervals according to the instructions issued by the installer or manufacturer of the door.
- When cleaning the outside, always cut o mains power.
- Keep the photocells optics and illuminating indica- tor devices clean. Check that no branches or shrubs interfere with the safety devices.
- Do not use the automated system if it is in need of repair. In the event the automated system breaks down or malfunctions, cut o mains power to the system; do not attempt to repair or perform any other work to rectify the fault yourself and instead call in qualied, expert personnel (professional installer) to perform the necessary repairs or maintenance. To allow access, activate the emergency release (where tted).
- If any part of the automated system requires direct work of any kind that is not contemplated herein, employ the services of qualied, expert personnel (professional installer).
- At least once a year, have the automated system, and especially all safety devices, checked by qualied, expert personnel (professional installer) to make sure that it is undamaged and working properly.
- A record must be made of any installation, mainte- nance and repair work and the relevant documenta- tion kept and made available to the user on request.
- Failure to comply with the above may result in ha- zardous situations.
Materials must be disposed of in accordance with the regulations in force. Do not throw away your discarded equipment or used bat- teries with household waste. You are respon- sible for taking all your waste electrical and electronic equipment to a suitable recycling centre.
Anything that is not explicitly provided for in the user guide is not allowed. The operators proper operation can only be guaranteed if the instruc- tions given herein are complied with. The Firm shall not be answerable for damage caused by failure to comply with the instructions featured herein. While we will not alter the products essential features, the Firm reserves the right, at any time, to make those changes deemed opportune to improve the product from a technical, design or commercial point of view, and will not be required to update this publication accordingly.
ATTENTION : pour votre sécurité, après lactivation du déverrouillage, re-verrouillez le vantail en position complètement ouvert ou complètement fermé, vériez cette position du vantail avant de procéder à une quelconque activation de lautomatisation. ATTENTION ! Instructions de sécurité impor tantes. Veuillez lire et suivre attentivement tous les aver- tissements et toutes les instructions fournis avec le produit sachant qu’un usage incorrect peut provo- quer des préjudices aux personnes, aux animaux ou aux biens. Veuillez conserver les instructions pour d’ultérieures consultations et pour les transmettre aux propriétaires futurs éventuels. Cet appareil ne peut être destiné quà l’usage pour lequel il a été expressément installé. Tout autre usage sera considéré comme impropre et donc dangereux. Le fabricant ne sera en aucun cas considéré comme responsable des préjudices dus à un usage impropre, erroné ou déraisonné. SECURITE GÉNÉRALE
Nous vous remercions davoir choisi ce produit qui, nous nen doutons pas, saura vous garantir les per- formances attendues. Ce produit, correctement installé par du personnel qualié et expérimenté (monteur professionnel) est conforme aux normes reconnues de la technique et des prescriptions de sécurité. Si lautomatisation est montée et utilisée correcte- ment, elle garantit la sécurité d’utilisation prescrite. Il est cependant nécessaire de respecter certaines règles de comportement pour éviter tout inconvé- nient accidentel.
- Tenir les enfants, les personnes et les objets à lécart du rayon daction de lautomatisation, en particulier
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pose for which it was explicitly installed. Any other use constitutes improper use and, consequently, is hazardous. The manufacturer cannot be held liable for any damage as a result of improper, incorrect or unreasonable use. GENERAL SAFETY
Thank you for choosing this product. The Firm is condent that its performance will meet your ope­rating needs. This product meets recognized technical standards and complies with safety provisions when installed correctly by qualied, expert personnel (professional installer). If installed and used correctly, the automated system will meet operating safety standards. Nonetheless, it is advisable to observe certain rules of behaviour so that accidental problems can be avoided:
- Keep adults, children and property out of range of the automated system, especially while it is moving.
- Do not allow children to play or stand within range of the automated system.
- The unit can be used by children over 8 years old and by people with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities or with no experience or neces­sary knowledge on condition they are supervised or trained about the safe use of the equipment and understand the risks involved. Children must not play with the unit. Cleaning and maintenance must not be performed by unsupervised children.
- Children must be supervised to ensure they do not play with the device. Do not allow children to play with the xed controls. Keep remote controls out of reach of children.
- Do not work near hinges or moving mechanical parts.
- Do not hinder the leaf’s movement and do not at­tempt to open the door manually unless the actuator has been released with the relevant release knob.
- Keep out of range of the motorized door or gate while they are moving.
- Keep remote controls or other control devices out of reach of children in order to avoid the automated system being operated inadvertently.
- The manual release’s activation could result in un­controlled door movements if there are mechanical faults or loss of balance.
- When using roller shutter openers: keep an eye on the roller shutter while it is moving and keep people away until it has closed completely. Exercise care when activating the release, if such a device is tted, as an open shutter could drop quickly in the event of wear or breakage.
- The breakage or wear of any mechanical parts of the door (operated part), such as cables, springs, supports, hinges, guides…, may generate a hazard. Have the system checked by qualied, expert per­sonnel (professional installer) at regular intervals according to the instructions issued by the installer or manufacturer of the door.
- When cleaning the outside, always cut o mains power.
- Keep the photocells’ optics and illuminating indica­tor devices clean. Check that no branches or shrubs interfere with the safety devices.
- Do not use the automated system if it is in need of repair. In the event the automated system breaks down or malfunctions, cut o mains power to the system; do not attempt to repair or perform any other work to rectify the fault yourself and instead call in qualied, expert personnel (professional installer) to perform the necessary repairs or maintenance. To allow access, activate the emergency release (where tted).
- If any part of the automated system requires direct work of any kind that is not contemplated herein, employ the services of qualied, expert personnel (professional installer).
- At least once a year, have the automated system, and especially all safety devices, checked by qualied, expert personnel (professional installer) to make sure that it is undamaged and working properly.
- A record must be made of any installation, mainte­nance and repair work and the relevant documenta­tion kept and made available to the user on request.
- Failure to comply with the above may result in ha­zardous situations.
Materials must be disposed of in accordance
with the regulations in force. Do not throw away your discarded equipment or used bat­teries with household waste. You are respon­sible for taking all your waste electrical and electronic equipment to a suitable recycling centre.
Anything that is not explicitly provided for in the user guide is not allowed. The operator’s proper operation can only be guaranteed if the instruc­tions given herein are complied with. The Firm shall not be answerable for damage caused by failure to comply with the instructions featured herein. While we will not alter the product’s essential features, the Firm reserves the right, at any time, to make those changes deemed opportune to improve the product from a technical, design or commercial point of view, and will not be required to update this publication accordingly.
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D812871 00100_02
Con Elettroserratura, With electric lock, Avec serrure électrique, Mit Elektroschloß, Con electrocerradura, Met elektrische sluiting.
D812871 00100_02
+ 9 hidden pages