Beurer IPL 10000 User Manual

IPL 10000
Hair removal
Instructions for use ................................................................................. 2 – 21
BEURER GmbH • Söflinger Str. 218 • 89077 Ulm (Deutschland) Tel.: +49 (0) 731 / 39 89-144 • Fax: +49 (0) 731 / 39 89-255 • E-Mail:
Table of contents
1. Included in delivery ......................................................................................................................... 3
2. Signs and symbols .......................................................................................................................... 3
3. Intended use .................................................................................................................................... 4
4. Warnings and safety notes ............................................................................................................. 4
5. What is the beurer SalonPro System? ........................................................................................... 7
6. Description of the device ............................................................................................................... 8
6.1 Base unit ..................................................................................................................................... 8
6.2 Applicator .................................................................................................................................... 9
6.3 Cartridge ..................................................................................................................................... 9
7. Before you start ............................................................................................................................. 10
STEP 1: Check whether the beurer SalonPro System is suitable for you ................................... 10
STEP 2: Skin sensitivity test ........................................................................................................ 10
STEP 3: Plan hair removal using the beurer SalonPro System for the best results .................... 11
STEP 4: Prepare the treatment area ........................................................................................... 11
STEP 5: Set the energy intensity level ........................................................................................ 11
STEP 6: Familiarise yourself with the possible side-effects of using the
beurer SalonPro System ................................................................................................ 12
STEP 7: What can be expected from treatment using the beurer SalonPro System? ................ 13
8. Using the beurer SalonPro System ............................................................................................. 14
8.1 Starting treatment ..................................................................................................................... 14
8.2 Facial treatment .........................................................................................................................15
8.3 Treating the upper lip ................................................................................................................ 16
8.4 Treating the cheeks and jaw ..................................................................................................... 16
8.5 Treating the neck and chin ........................................................................................................ 16
8.6 Care after facial treatment ......................................................................................................... 16
9. Care and maintenance of the beurer SalonPro System ............................................................ 17
9.1 Cleaning the beurer SalonPro System ...................................................................................... 17
9.2 Replacing the cartridge ............................................................................................................. 17
10. Trouble-shooting ........................................................................................................................... 17
11. Frequently asked questions ......................................................................................................... 18
12. Disposal ......................................................................................................................................... 20
13. Technical data ............................................................................................................................... 21
Dear customer,
Thank you for choosing one of our products. Our name stands for high-quality, thoroughly tested pro­ducts for applications in the areas of heat, gentle therapy, blood pressure/diagnosis, weight, massage, beauty and air. Read these instructions for use carefully and keep them for later use, be sure to make them accessible to other users and observe the information they contain.
With kind regards, Your Beurer team
1. Included in delivery
• 1 beurer SalonPro System base unit with applicator
• 1 mains cable
• 1 set of instructions for use
• The device is only intended for private use in the home and is not inten­ded for commercial use.
• The device is only suitable for adults over the age of 18.
• Children must not play with the device.
• Check that the device and the mains cable are in perfect working order
before each usage. In the event of damage, the device must not be used.
• Do not use the device near bathtubs, wash basins, showers or other con­tainers with water or other liquids – risk of electric shock!
• Always ensure that the device is securely positioned on a level surface.
• Never look into the light.
• Do not insert any objects into the device's vents.
• Make sure that the device's vents are not covered.
2. Signs and symbols
The following symbols can be found in the instructions for use and on the device itself:
Warning instruction indicating a risk of injury or damage to health.
Safety note indicating possible damage to the unit/accessory.
Note on important information.
This device must not be used near to water or in water itself (e.g. in a wash basin, or in the shower or bathtub) – risk of electric shock!
Read the instructions for use.
Keep away from eyes!
Do not use on tanned skin or after exposure to the sun.
Disposal in accordance with Directive on waste electrical and electronic equip-
ment (WEEE).
This product satisfies the requirements of the applicable European and national directives.
3. Intended use
The beurer SalonPro System is intended for use by adults for the removal of unwanted body hair. The ideal body areas on which to use the beurer SalonPro System are the legs, armpits, bikini zone, chest, stomach and face below the cheekbones. The beurer SalonPro is not intended for removing hair on the anus, genitals or nipples. Only use the beurer SalonPro System in accordance with the instruc­tions for use.
4. Warnings and safety notes
Before using the device, read the safety notes carefully and follow the instructions exactly whenever
using the beurer SalonPro System. Non-observance of the following instructions can result in injury or
material damage. Store these instructions for use in a safe place and make them accessible to other users. Ensure that the instructions for use are included if you pass the device on to a third party.
• Do not use the beurer SalonPro System when pregnant or breastfeeding.
• If you discover extreme reddening, blistering or burns on the skin, STOP USING THE DEVICE IMME­DIATELY!
• 48 hours before using the beurer SalonPro System for the first time, perform a skin sensitivity test on
a small area of skin in the intended treatment area (see Chapter 7, step 2: "Skin sensitivity test").
• Never look directly into the light emitted from the cartridge. This product emits potentially dangerous
optical radiation. Ensure that the light area of the cartridge remains in constant contact with the skin.
• Never attempt to release a light pulse into the air!
• On the basis of the "Hair and skin colour chart" on the back page of these instructions for use, deter-
mine which light intensities are best suited to the colour of your skin and your body hair and whether
this method is suitable for you to use at all (if not, this is marked by an 'x' in the chart).
• Do not use the beurer SalonPro System on naturally dark skin. Treating dark skin with the beurer
SalonPro System can have adverse consequences, such as burns, blisters or discolouration of the skin (hyper- or hypopigmentation).
• The beurer SalonPro System works best on dark hair types and on hair with a high melanin content.
Black and dark brown hair shows the best response and, although brown and light brown hair will also respond to the treatment, it usually requires more hair removal sessions. Red hair could pro­duce a reaction. White, grey or blond hair does not usually respond to the beurer SalonPro System, although several users have noticed results after multiple hair removal sessions.
• The beurer SalonPro System can cause temporary pigmentation.
• Do not attempt to open or repair your beurer SalonPro System. When the beurer SalonPro System
is opened, you could come into contact with dangerous electrical components or with pulsed light energy, which could result in serious injury and/or permanent damage to the eyes.
Keep the beurer SalonPro System away from water! The beurer SalonPro System is an
electrical device. Do not place it in water or allow it to fall into water or any other liquid.
This can result in a severe electric shock!
• Do not use the beurer SalonPro System when you are taking a bath.
• Do not use the beurer SalonPro System when the device is damp or wet.
• Do not reach for the beurer SalonPro System if it has fallen into water.
• Immediately unplug the mains plug from the beurer SalonPro System if it has fallen into water.
• Never touch the mains plug or the device with wet hands!
To prevent damage
• Do not attempt to open or repair your beurer SalonPro System. Attempting to open the beurer Salon­Pro System can damage the device and invalidates your warranty.
• During use, do not expose the device to temperatures below 10°C or above 35°C.
• The device should never be left unattended when it is plugged into a socket.
• Only use the beurer SalonPro System for its intended purpose and as described in the instructions
for use.
• Do not operate the beurer SalonPro System if a cable or plug is damaged and keep the mains cable
away from hot surfaces.
• Always unplug the beurer SalonPro System from the mains immediately after use.
• Before cleaning, unplug the mains plug of the beurer SalonPro System.
• Do not use the beurer SalonPro System with attachments or accessories that are not recommended by beurer GmbH.
• Do not use the beurer SalonPro System if you see or smell smoke while using the device.
• Do not use the beurer SalonPro System if it is not working properly or if it appears to be damaged.
• Do not use the beurer SalonPro System if the fan opening on the applicator is cracked, is becoming
detached or missing entirely.
• Do not use the beurer SalonPro System if the skin colour sensor in the applicator is cracked or bro­ken.
• Do not use the beurer SalonPro System if the exterior housing is cracked or falling apart.
• Do not use the beurer SalonPro System if the cartridge is damaged or if the light area is cracked, bro-
ken or missing.
• Do not operate the beurer SalonPro System if the cable or plug is damaged.
Do not use the beurer SalonPro System under any circumstances if you suffer from one of the following ailments:
• If you suffer from skin cancer or have done in the past.
• If you suffer from epilepsy.
• If you suffer from keloidal scars.
• If you have herpes or psoriasis.
• If you are photosensitive or suffer from another form of light sensitivity, such as porphyria, polymor-
phic photodermatosis, solar urticaria, lupus, etc.
• If you suffer from a metabolic disorder, such as diabetes.
• If you suffer from a blood clotting disorder.
Do not use the beurer SalonPro System under any circumstances if you are taking any of the fol­lowing medication:
If you are taking medication that makes the skin more sensitive to light, including non-steroidal anti-
inflammatory drugs (for example, aspirin, ibuprofen, paracetamol), tetracyclin, phenothiazine, thiazide
diuretics, sulphonylurea, sulfonamide, DTIC, fluorouracil, vinblastine, griseofulvin, alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), beta hydroxy acids (BHAs), Retin-A®, Accutane® and/or topical retinoids.
• If you are undergoing or recently underwent treatment with azelaic acid.
• If you have taken tetracycline antibiotics in the past two weeks.
• If you have been treated with Accutane® (isotretinoin) in the past six months.
• If you have been on a course of steroids in the past three months.
• If you have had a skin exfoliation treatment or other skin smoothing procedure in the last six to eight
• If you underwent radiation or chemotherapy in the past three months.
Do not use the beurer SalonPro system under any circumstances in the following areas:
• On mucous membranes in the nose or throat area.
• On or next to an active implant, such as a pacemaker or a device for incontinence, insulin pump, etc.
• On the face above the cheekbones, around the eyes, eyebrows or eyelashes, as this could result in
severe damage to the eyes.
• On nipples, genitals (male or female) or around the anus.
• On piercings or other metal objects, such as earrings or jewellery.
• On tattoos or permanent make-up in the area to be treated.
• On dark brown or black patches, such as large freckles, birthmarks, moles, blisters or warts.
• On eczema, psoriasis, lesions, open wounds or acute infections. Wait until the affected area has
healed before using the beurer SalonPro System.
• On damaged or cracked skin or in areas at risk of malignancy.
• On an area of your body where you may like to have hair in the future.
Do not use the beurer SalonPro System on tanned skin or shortly after exposure to the sun!
• Do not use the beurer SalonPro System under any circumstances for four weeks after expo­sure to the sun (more than 15 minutes without protection in direct sunlight), as this may lead to severe burns or damage to the skin. Treating skin that has recently been exposed to sun­light can have adverse consequences, such as burns, blisters or discolouration of the skin (hyper- or hypopigmentation).
• For at least two weeks after the treatment, avoid more than 15 minutes of direct exposure to the sun.
If recently treated skin is exposed to sunlight during this period, sun protection with SPF30 or higher must be applied.
This list is not exhaustive. If you are unsure as to whether it is safe for you to use the beurer SalonPro System, seek advice from your doctor or dermatologist.
5. What is the beurer SalonPro System?
The beurer SalonPro System is a light-based device for lasting hair removal for private use. The hair removal process based on laser and light is a well known and proven method. In 15 years of clinical applications around the world, it has
Before treatment using the beurer SalonPro System
During a pulse emitted by the beurer SalonPro System
After treatment using the beurer SalonPro System
Anagen – growth phase
Catagen – resting phase
proven to be a safe and effective method for achieving lasting hair reduction.
How does the light remove the hair?
Light-based hair removal is founded on the principle of selective photothermoly­sis, which uses optical energy to deactivate hair growth. To achieve such a ther­mal effect, the hair shaft must selectively absorb the light energy and convert it into heat. This selectivity is achieved when the optical energy that is released into the tissue is mainly absorbed by the pigment of the hair shaft, while the skin and the sur­rounding tissue remains cool. Melanin is the pigment in the hair shaft that is res­ponsible for absorbing the light and generates the heat that ultimately deactiva­tes hair growth. Therefore, the more melanin present in the hair (i.e. the darker the hair), the more light can be absorbed and the more effectively the light can work for the hair removal.
What effect does the hair growth cycle have on light-based hair removal?
Every hair on our body goes through the three phases of the hair growth cycle: anagen, catagen and telogen. These phases have a significant influence on how effective the light-based hair removal is. Anagen is the hair growth phase, while catagen and telogen are both resting phases.
Although the duration of a complete hair growth cycle differs from person to person and depends on the area of the body the hair is gro­wing on, the cycle generally lasts 18 to 24 months. At any given time, the majority of the hair follicles on an area of skin are in the resting phase. The beurer SalonPro System can have no effect on these resting hairs. However, the hairs in the anagen growth phase res­pond to treatment using the beurer SalonPro System. Please note that a complete hair growth cycle is required to achieve complete hair removal using the beurer SalonPro System.
Telogen – resting phase
With the beurer SalonPro System, safety is the top priority
• IPL technology with the beurer SalonPro System – The highest level of safety with the lowest
level of energy
Thanks to Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) technology, lasting hair removal results can be achieved with a
mere fraction of the energy used by other light-based hair removal devices. The low level of energy used in the beurer SalonPro System reduces the potential risk of damage or complications and con­tributes to your general safety.
• The beurer SalonPro System protects your skin
Light-based hair removal is not suitable for naturally dark skin tones or tanned skin. The beurer
SalonPro System features an integrated skin colour sensor that measures the colour of the area of skin to be treated, meaning that it is only possible to use the device on suitable skin colours. This safety feature prevents you from treating your skin if it is too dark or too tanned. The beurer SalonPro System applicator features built-in UV protection, blocking dangerous UV radiation.
• The beurer SalonPro System protects your eyes
To protect the eyes, the beurer SalonPro System applicator features a built-in skin contact sensor.
The sensor was developed so that no light pulses can be emitted when the applicator is held in the air. The safety switch is only activated when the light area is in full contact with the tissue.
6. Description of the device
6.1 Base unit
1 Base unit socket 5 Indicator lamp
2 Power switch 6 Energy level selection button
3 Applicator 7 Energy indicator lamp
4 Trigger button 8 Indicator lamp for "Cartridge empty"
1 2
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