- --
~ Infroductlon
S FUJlctlOo1\i1I
7 Op.erating desoriptlon
of Ute dclayfld blow.
INIck LocUng $~'-em
1V How the doobl6
<lcUon worlo:$
In3!ructlom; for
uslllg the B4tl1lBIIi
B 76 pi::::tol
15 Saleh'
17 EXlractll1l~ the
19 Filling (loading)
lhe mll!;liuinc
23 Lo~drn9
29 !=ir]ng.
3IJ PloStol di&(J,$$(!mbly
J.8 Chml1hlY the platOl
~I) A!J:!jamblyrnlii the
45 Autom~tic platol
TIw w<>rld wJd.r; success :Of It::;
Automatic Hl.Jntlng Shotgun
jnspirad BEineIii Arml S,p,A. to de
Furthor rlJ:9c~rl;h
fiutomat!c weelXJn:S Dl1d in PiHtlcul:ar
M3~d8un:$ 10 Qflce a~aln DHcr 11$
aolCGt clientele n l;Jistol of
exceptional performllnce.
YQtm; of c.ftref1J1 ;study end
.patlent rcG8Brch in h:)lIi2t1c~ fig
w~1I 01$ experlenciB et the: tt<hr'll~~1
leyol In mccn,ll1iCOII construction,
made possible the (;rc~ltlon or
a WCJPon of rowllitionsry dl':slgn.
CUrtInle::>;of- Instant fl ring fIe(ldlness.
ob:;oluto :9,Ifl)t)'. and e;r;ceptiol1;)1
rei:ooll contrDI Df'd
been "e:hievl!Jd. The end wsult I::>;3
weapon to<1t r;Q~~b[ne:!';the qu.oli'y
[t11r;1pBrformlllncB of D mlLtch tal\let
plslo! w~th the rugged d8p~nd<lblli ty
or II military, police ,11'10:.1personal
dot(::n~1j ...rn"l.
in the Herd
Fun ctional Characte ristics
Tho Wci\pon, aile or the few In
the /9 Para cellbcr r..nue bt.JUI
with 01 ~ptN:ial breBch locking
mechanIsm .ollowi(4Q the l,I$e af 8
ri'i)lclly fj:,:ed berfol milking It u..iqul!
for Ita kind.
The spt:<:I<l1double <Jc;tlon system
i.::;carefully designed to be mndc
a ml nl mum of
<",lIowlng II light dou,blo ml;!fQn pull
wUtl a :;:hort' trl'ilger travel.
rohu$! parts.
The pistol grli) frfllY1(!Is mado or
~U"JI)1pEdalloy steel ~late wi th <I
spocllli welding prQoC"e9!1
time in thi!: :sector.
- The ffi:Jga2lne relea,ge lever, is:
con...anlElntly located for the
thumb makino It easy to o:xtmc.t
the magazine, witnoot ~lLlfting your
grip pasiljon, whllo holding tIle
plsrol on l<'Irget.
The sleek, -hm]re:sslvc 1111<::of the
w(:(!;ponWlI.:;$'udled In 8Vt\ry
dEtail 10 mlnlrnllc f"Cf':oi!efl~ts
~ui;h ;)$ upward pltchlDIJ <lnd
sideway.:> tOrque (tw,stil'lg) III
of low
f1l1turBlI pointing grip sh-iJpoC,
sl ide buffer :sy:st-eIYi ;)nd e)(i:oBtient
trlg1JBr prac.8rnent ~H8<Jtly cnh(!Jnce
th(!i;c- hS.I1dl ifig
- The
(field ~tripped) 10 )uat a few
sl:cQnds wJlhO'Jt
t:1~lIing of ,he: c!;sentfal
Arm! 1s using for the fir,t
fl re. The combined
lool~ for a Q:1JIc.k
hand location,
eM be t:)ken apllrt;
the ha!p
of ilny
- -.-
Operating description
of the delayed blow.back
Locking System
The pl!ltol con:s15t:s of thrGG m;iln
<1s~cni~He:'.: warkln!] In ctJl1juoctlon
with each olher \0 lock and unlock
thci we;apoo~
1. The grip h;;Jn~e and 3ub fr.iul1e
(Witll barrel and lockiflg reces.s Eor
bolt! which (jtC: ;)ss.embled tt)
function Da 9 .:;in'!fle unit.
2. lhf,l $1idt! wIth Iia oGoltlhiJ}!IItlon
tiring Din retaining plate Dnd
bolt locklng sUPPlJrt,
3. ThD brMc:h bolt find 11.3atli'1c:hed
'tOg'iJIe l4!'Vor.
Whr.::n the pistol is loC!dco .j).l'uJready
to flra thE) rl:)(:011 spring unit
l1old't the slide lully fo.(ward
00 the 1';'Ime. In tl118 J1'o~i1Ion
the lackln!;] :support In the- rc.LJr of
the ~lide, pushing ,lg;(ti!1$\ !he
toggle levGrilUf1cned
lor ard .imd C;)usacl the toggle le\ier
to earn the roar 01 the bolt Into
1t8 "locking reC(!~S In thc sub fr.ame.
At the Inst::mt 01 firIng Iho bolt
ihe 811d~ romtlin:!; inert and htl$
~uEdeB n:li'ltlvtJ to thl!: h:)mo.
bolt. hils dr on the bolt
Ir;)me are 10clo:cd together.
1'101yel begun ~o move on Its:
In. thl$ hlr[1h DrĀ£::;.~I.JI'~ph;ilse the 001 t
attempts 100mO\ia backwolrd$ to
unlodr .and P41~b the slidD ro th~
shde 11) the ra3r by thl} !09~19
to the
Thi$ lr1o-tlon Is opposed by trn::
lMrtl.a of thc ~lIde wh Ich i1I:>o
continues to e~c:rt .-
dOl'ffiwtJro eamlng actron flg;ain~t
Ihl) bolt through th(! togglE! Ic...~r.
By the time the bolt h(Js
Q'lliI!lcame the :;.Iiclc
rosistcnw the pre:J:Sl.lrO h;):11dropped
to ;II ufo mlnin1um limit. Tht! toggle
Icw:r, no longer :jupported by till::
slide, rot;)te:!l sllowtng du} bolt to
dlsBn(l<l!i)e t'.t: frnme recesa
to the. nWr ulOfItJ with tho slldt't
b)' the re!lldU[~1 g,IS pl'C:$~urQ.
CElS~ c:;o;tr;)~tion, elcctllJn, r;(Icklng
;!lad tellJildlng h;illow the
convent[Dnal mell.od.
BCCOIII.$Cof d\.9 uniqll(t nctlon
of thl.s pifitol. laclolY JJmm\~l)itIQn
with i'1 muzzel yolol;it)' of mor<:
than 1320 f~et per B~eond
(~I)Q Ineters ~r ~~C'Ond) c.[]n be:
u:sed II. CQmpleta confid~n.ce,
The bolt Is then blDwn
How the double
action works
Fig, 1 PiSIOoIloaded." safety off,
hAmmer uncIJc5o;odIdo'fflJ) , ~JIdy
to fire double 8(tIOI:l.
In tAl!I D08Hlon the ::.Ifet)' can be
o!1J1gsgeuin the sale positron.
Moving Ihc ItlMIJ31 $Dfety lever
upwnrds by h9nd brlnIJ8 Its
ilttoilChcd !;t)!;)rbl(lc:k plnte to the
oulltned position [see ~JrrGW),
tD!i)liIlc I~"el'
Fig. 2 pi:Stol londed. :$;'Ifet)' off
[dQwn). hammer En doublD tlcUon
j;lh;:1:!iC,111tl\i:$ ~$ltion the hilmmcr
is: sbout to be rolci)3~d by the pu~h
b~r rrOnl tho double scrlcm
relEl8so pIn .nnd :sMr ~o .(;trl~e
the firing pin
Fig. 3 Pistol !o"dcd, .:Jl"Jfel)' off
double action ph;)se. In ~hi~ po.s1tloo
'see arrow}.
hBlnmer has fallen In
the hamme1 haa .a1n::tldy stfl.ld:
the Iiring pin nO dl$c:h2lrge the
~.rttld~e) siler bel(1)
from tho hrunlner and :!;leu
push bar.
Ftngf;11pre:!lsure has brooDht
trl!lger to 'hI) end 01 it$ trIl\ia!.
Fig. tj
to fl r<t !!lIngle act'on. FIritl'iJ'CGudilEon
;)Iter flr$t dauble actIon shot.
To fire, pull the trlg{l6r whl~h
fof"C.e.s thD VLJ:;h
by Its trigger plvlJt unt1l It
c.flser'J'I1flUe$the !lIngle a.ctlon SEial
(SBEI ,(lrrow) tlJ rulc.iJSC the hi';lnin'Jer.
cn!;l<1gcd (ulm,lrd:s:) "oj; ~hown In
Pistol IDilldod, 8"fct'l olf
(down). h8rnrner cocked, ready
In 1hl~ pCt~itl('1fi Ihe 2afety cem bD
FIgur~ t, if you do not wl8h to fire
tQ the r(:l:tr
;19. ~
- -
-- -
-- -- -
-- -
- - -
Instructions for using
the Banalli B76 Pistol
Th!! platol ot.iJJ)'be- takel1 apart
In ;1 few geoonds
!3Pil'Clill tOOI$.
Alway!} r~mcmbcf .th..L.ur1le$' yau
iiJr(; (I~tufilly firing the pistol
It mu:>.t 00 Qn ::;;ttfety" wben
In U96.
The mm~(l1 of the b:arrel must
oIIlYNlYsbe pointed tOW;lro the
whl:)'n not ;1ctU3l1y' !Shooting.
Or In snotber sIi,Ifa,jilTcc11on
B~ lowering or n'li:J;lng Ihe'safal)'
Icvur. tho .'wfelY Is di:>.cn!il<!I1(:~ ~~
en!Jag~d rC5DCcfJllel)'.
When the red dot Is ...i::;:lblo.
the jJ!s.tal
(rig. 5),
When dl'l) white oot lij vls:lblo. the
pista1 Is tin 8t1Ie-ty. . FIQ,6).
10 thl$ pO!lltlOil 1M 3.Df!:lly' luvt:r
al:>.o blocb tho ::I1ide, '"
it; in ''fIring ,condillol'l,
Extr8ctinlg the magazine
Fig, 7)
So,t the pl$tol .on nfel;y: {lrlp th.o
plstal In your tiring h;:'lnd. with your
thumb n\~ lhe magazIne rcleal>-D
control hwcr In the dlrec::tlon
~1\.OWnby thl;! arrow,ln the flguro
ioo with )'ou.r other hood extract
the mB-gaZln8~
without MY
~illing (loading)
the. m agazi ne
(FI~': 3)
HQ!dlng the ciJrtridge by Its
proloC!tilCi In yoUr' rIght hMd,
sllp.tnc.hc:(td of the cat"trldgc ond(lr
the magazine feed lips whlle
cartrld!]B fo11oorn;r by It3 eera
tube slot:!!.
The magazIne holds. uight
~rtrld'IJ~:j;, m;fl:dmum.
the cartrid.ges onQ b.,. ono by pushinq
tham EOIWarduntil they
of the feed Ups.
Do not uSO (J):r;;c:$:!;lv."fo-rco when
cart)'lng aut this oPOr;)tion,
C,.rtridge:s wilh. defactlve ednDI>
m,rlY c&Us.eoPDmting problems,
hand ICYo"'Brsthu
through ~
emptY tne muga~ine. slip out
Loading the pistol
IlntrQducln5) thu lir5t clIrtildge In
Ih{J: bon-!!I}
I. Fir~t !.Oftdlng Mcthod,
A.. Grip ;tho wc~p(,loilin your Hrlng
h nd'.nnd keillp IbB'mlJ~el of the
barfol turned downwBrd.
B. tnsart a 'Illed
p1$h>1 unlil it Is 81J'IW'Gt}r;!by tile
ml!l~l!Izlnc',rel(::1:5c; ,catch.
C. Fma rnD
~...lctY rever
Pull the r.l1dl;! fully to the r~!lr,
by its groOYlJd fC~r Sti!C:lion, until
It stop:> (llld than let It ::mnp
fully fOl'l'lilrd;
opel'1ltlons plm::c the !lrst
cartridge oftl1e magazine In
the barre! chBmoor. (Fig. 9).
AttenUan1 The hammDr Qt the pi$tol
1$ oockcd arid rc:tdy to fire.
If the weapon 18':not used
!mml!dliltC1y' C~gi't1ie the safety or
tJlK:ock the hammor carefully
as.. descrlbC!d (In page 15 and 24.
II, Second:;.Loodlnu M(!~ho_t!.
A. GrIp tho; wc;:!pon in your
firIng bal1d and keep ~h~ Mt!'z:I;el
the b<Jrrelturned downwL1n:1~
B. Frec ",hG
::;alety I~Yar to the' firln~ position.
C. Pull the slide fully to II~ resr,
by 1t8 grOoved re&r I!iElctian.
whlle appl"}lng lIpwO'Ird pressure
rrisgaz1ne In the
by moving
,to firln'!) position.
by mo...ln~ thet
,:~-~ -
I I !-
i "
-I', .