The purpose of these Brake Application Guidelines is to provide original equipment manufacturer (OEM) builders of
medium and heavy duty trucks with information about which Bendix Spicer Foundation Brake products are approved
by Bendix Spicer Foundation Brake for use in common vocational applications in the USA and Canada.
Use of Guidelines
These Guidelines apply to the specifi c on, on-off, and off highway vocational categories and axle applications which
are listed, for vehicles operated in the USA and Canada. The categories equate to the commodity and service
categories used by OEM truck builders. Within each category, Bendix Spicer Foundation Brake has approved the
steer axle brake and drive axle brake applications shown in the table (subject to any applicable notes), provided that
the vehicle falls within the “Defi nitions” and “Typical Vehicle Types” and meets the “General Requirements” set out
for that category. Brake approval is based on gross axle weight rating (GAWR), static loaded radius of tire (SLR), air
chamber size, brake adjuster length (S-cam brake only), and the brake lining material.
These Guidelines do not apply to the use of Bendix Spicer Foundation Brake products in vehicles operated outside
the USA and Canada, in vocational categories or axle applications other than those specifi ed herein, for duty cycles
or ratings other than those listed herein, for vehicles with fi xed liftable auxiliary axles (tag or pusher) or for any off-
road applications. Approval for such uses may be requested on an individual basis by submitting a Brake Application Approval Request Form to the Bendix Spicer Foundation Brake Application Engineering Department at the address
Brake Warranties
Bendix Spicer Foundation Brake warranties for steer axle, drive axle and trailer brakes are set out in the Bendix
Spicer Foundation Brake Applications and Installations (BW7216) must either meet the requirements of these
Guidelines for automatic approval or be approved by the Bendix Spicer Foundation Brake Application Engineering
Department. Failure to obtain application approval or the use of Bendix Spicer Foundation Brakes or their
components in non-approved applications will void the Bendix Spicer Foundation Brake warranty coverage.
Modifi cation of the vehicle or brake confi guration, changes in the vocational use, or service outside the limits of these Guidelines may void the Bendix Spicer Foundation Brake warranty coverage.
For answers to questions concerning these Guidelines or to request a Brake Application Approval Request Form for a
use not covered by these Guidelines, contact one of the following:
Bendix Spicer Foundation Brake LLC Roadranger
866-610-9709 800-826-HELP (826-4357) 24 hours a day in the USA and Canada
Changes to Guidelines
These Guidelines are subject to change at any time, without prior notice, at the discretion of Bendix Spicer
Foundation Brake LLC.
For updates visit
Sales and Service Offi ce
Effective Date: [October 2007]
City Delivery
Defi nitions
Pickup and delivery service within cities and/or suburban areas
Operation on road surfaces of concrete, asphalt and maintained gravel
Three (3) miles between starts/stops (typical)
100% load going/40% load return (typical)
Typical Vehicle Types
Auto Transport Truck Moving Van Pickup and Delivery Tanker Truck
Beverage Truck Municipal Truck Refrigerated Truck
Flatbed Truck Newspaper Delivery Stake Truck
General Requirements
• Cam same operation for all steerable axle brakes
• Air chamber bracket assembly gusset and additional camshaft bracket support see page 45, attached to the axle housing
when the:
a. Brake centerline to air chamber centerline distance (BCCC dimension) is greater than 343 mm [13.5"]
b. Application use type 30/36 or 36/36 Spring brake chambers.
c. Super Single Tire (Wide Base Tires)
Note: The above support can be supplied by BSFB or the vehicle manufacturer but must be approved by BSFB
Application Engineering Department.
• Air chamber bracket with gusset, see page 45, when the application includes any of the following components:
a. Super single tire
b. Type 30/36 or 36/36 Spring brake chambers
c. High-articulation mechanical suspensions
d. Two-speed axle or Planetary double reduction axles
• Applications for use in countries other than the USA and Canada must be reviewed by BSFB Application Engineering.
• Vehicle manufacturer is responsible for air system design, parking and stopping distance performance.
• For all S-cam brake models the camshaft input torque is limited to 2545 N•m [22,500 in-lbs].
• Applications on vehicles with fi xed or liftable auxiliary axles (tag or pusher) must be approved on an individual basis by the
BSFB Application Engineering Department, as auxiliary axles may impact the braking performance of the vehicle.
General Recommendations
• Cam same for all brake assemblies
• Dust shields for all applications
• Use Auxiliary retarders per TMC RP636
• Brake drum / Rotor material specifi cation per SAE J431. Drum / rotor surface fi nish 4.57 micrometers [180 max microinch]
and .38 mm [.015”] runout when mounted on a hub rotated on bearings. See notes section for Minimum Drum Weight
• Brake air system balance per TMC RP632
• Due to legal maximum highway GAWR (17,000-20,000 lb.) per code of federal regulations, 23 CFR - chapter 1, part 658
and brake balance to trailers, brakes should be rated to 20,000 when used on structurally rated 23,000 GAWR drive axles.
City Delivery
Brake Max. Max. Air Chamber Brake Adjuster
Model GAWR (lb) SLR (in) Linings Size (in
For all vocations additional lining options available. Submit application request for possible approval.
All brakes shown meet FMVSS-121, S5.4 dynamometer requirements.
Recommended Options
• Wide Brake Package for longer brake life to reduce operating cost, see page 34.
• LMS (Low-Maintenance System) brakes and hubs for extended lubrication intervals, simplifi ed hub installation and reduced
bearing endplay.
• ADB (air disc brake) on steer axles for improved braking performance
• ADB (air disc brake) on all vehicle axles for improved fade resistance and stopping power
• 19.5" wheel package for signifi cantly reduced weight and lower frame height:
Steer axle: ES1504D or ES1506D
Drive axle: ES1508D
• Bendix
Notes:1. * - Indicates Combination lining block
2. Mixing of ADB (Air disc brakes) on steer axle and S-cam brakes (drive axle) require BSFB application approval.
3. For tractor applications only
automatic slack adjusters (ASA) for maximized S-cam brake performance
Defi nitions
Construction vocation typically involves the movement of material and/or equipment to and from a job site
90% of loaded operation on road surfaces of concrete, asphalt, gravel, crushed rock or hard packed dirt and up to 10% of
• Cam same operation for all steerable axle brakes and EB1807R brakes
• Air chamber bracket with gusset for all construction applications, see page 45
• Air chamber bracket assembly gusset and support, attached to the axle housing when the:
a. Brake centerline to air chamber centerline distance (BCCC dimension) is greater than 343 mm [13.5”]
b. Application use a type 30/36 or 36/36 Spring brake chambers.
c. Camshaft brackets with BCCC dimension of less than 8.12” does not require a gusset or additional support.
d. Super Single Tire (Wide Base Tires)
Note: The above support can be supplied by BSFB or the vehicle manufacturer but
must be approved by BSFB Application Engineering Department.
• Applications for use in countries other than the USA and Canada must be reviewed by BSFB Application Engineering.
• Vehicle manufacturer is responsible for air system design, parking and stopping distance performance
• For all S-cam brake models the camshaft input torque is limited to 2545 N•m [22,500 in-lbs.].
• Applications on vehicles with fi xed or liftable auxiliary axles (tag or pusher) must be approved on an individual basis by the
BSFB Application Engineering Department, as auxiliary axles may impact the braking performance of the vehicle.
General Recommendations
• Cam same for all brake assemblies
• Dust shields for all applications
• Use Auxiliary retarders per TMC RP636
• Brake drum / Rotor material specifi cation per SAE J431. Drum / rotor surface fi nish 4.57 micrometer [180 max microinch]
and .38 mm [.015”] runout, when mounted on a hub rotated on bearings. See notes section for Minimum Drum Weight
• Brake air system balance per TMC RP632
Brake Max. Max. Air Chamber Brake Adjuster
Model GAWR (lb) SLR (in) Linings Size (in
For all vocations additional lining options available. Submit application request for possible approval.
All brakes shown with max GAWR less than 29,000 lb meet FMVSS-121, S5.4 dynamometer requirements. For all
brakes shown with max GAWR of 29,000 lb and greater, FMVSS-121 is not applicable.
Recommended Options
• Wide brake package for longer brake life to reduce operating cost, see page 34.
• LMS (Low-Maintenance System) brakes and hubs for extended lubrication intervals, simplifi ed hub installation and reduced
bearing endplay
• ADB (air disc brake) on steer axles for improved braking performance
• ADB (air disc brake) on all vehicle axles for improved fade resistance and stopping power
• Bendix
Notes:1. LS - Indicates Long stroke chamber
2. * - Indicates Combination lining block
3. Minimum drum weight of 54 kg (120 lb) is required
4. Mixing of ADB (Air disc brakes) on steer axle and S-cam brakes (drive axle) require BSFB application approval.
automatic slack adjusters (ASA) for maximized S-cam brake performance
Fire Service
Defi nitions
Vehicles used to transport people and equipment for the purpose of extinguishing fi res or ambulance service
Mileage is typically under 20,000 miles per year
Typical vehicle routes are three (3) miles between start and stop
Multiple high deceleration stops are common
Auxiliary retarders are common
Higher parking performance required
• Cam same operation for all steerable axle brakes and EB1807R brakes
• Air chamber bracket with gusset for all Fire Service applications, see page 45
• Air chamber bracket assembly gusset and additional camshaft bracket support see page 45, attached to the axle housing
when the:
a. Brake centerline to air chamber centerline distance (BCCC dimension) is greater than 343 mm [13.5"]
b. Application use a type 30/36 or 36/36 Spring brake chambers.
c. Camshaft brackets with BCCC dimension of less than 8.12" does not require a gusset or additional support.
d. Super Single Tire (Wide Base Tires)
Note: The above support can be supplied by BSFB or the vehicle manufacturer but
must be approved by BSFB Application Engineering Department.
• Applications for use in countries other than the USA and Canada must be reviewed by BSFB Application Engineering
• Vehicle manufacturer is responsible for air system design, parking and stopping distance performance.
• For all S-cam brake models the camshaft input torque is limited to 2545 N•m [22,500 in-lbs].
• Applications on vehicles with fi xed or liftable auxiliary axles (tag or pusher) must be approved on an individual basis by the
BSFB Application Engineering Department, as auxiliary axles may impact the braking performance of the vehicle.
General Recommendations
• Cam same for all brake assemblies
• Dust shields for all applications
• Use Auxiliary retarders per TMC RP636
• Brake drum / Rotor material specifi cation per SAE J431. Drum / rotor surface fi nish 4.57 micrometer [180 max microinch]
and .38 mm [.015"] runout, when mounted on a hub rotated on bearings. See notes section for Minimum Drum Weight
• Brake air system balance per TMC RP632
Brake Max. Max. Air Chamber Brake Adjuster
Model GAWR (lb) SLR (in) Linings Size (in
For all vocations additional lining options available. Submit application request for possible approval.
All brakes shown with max GAWR less than 29,000 lb meet FMVSS-121, S5.4 dynamometer requirements. For all
brakes shown with max GAWR of 29,000 lb and greater, FMVSS-121 is not applicable.
18 N/A
Fire Service
Recommended Options
• ADB (air disc brake) on steer axles for improved braking performance
• ADB (air disc brake) on all vehicle axles for improved fade resistance and stopping power
• Bendix
Notes: 1. LS - Indicates Long stroke chamber.
2. * - Indicates Combination lining block
3. Minimum drum weight of 54 kg (120 lb) is required
4. Mixing of ADB (Air disc brakes) on steer axle and S-cam brakes (drive axle) require BSFB application approval.
automatic slack adjusters (ASA) for maximized S-cam brake performance
Heavy Haul
Defi nitions
Movement of heavy equipment or materials at legal maximums or special permit loadings
Operation on road surfaces of concrete, asphalt and maintained gravel
High horsepower engines and auxiliary gear boxes are typically used
Vehicles may be equipped with two retarders
100% load going and empty return
Typical Vehicle Types
Tractor/Trailer Combination:
Equipment Hauling
Steel Hauling
General Requirements
• Anti-compounding air system
• Cam same operation for all steerable axle brakes and EB1807R brakes
• Air chamber bracket with gusset for all Heavy Haul applications, see page 45
• Air chamber bracket assembly gusset and additional camshaft bracket support see page 45, attached to the axle housing
when the:
a. Brake centerline to air chamber centerline distance (BCCC dimension) is greater than 343 mm [13.5"]
b. Application use a type 30/36 or 36/36 Spring brakes chambers.
c. Camshaft brackets with BCCC dimension of less than 8.12" does not require a gusset or additional support.
d. Super Single Tire (Wide Base)
Note: The above support can be supplied by BSFB or the vehicle manufacturer but
must be approved by BSFB Application Engineering Department.
• Applications for use in countries other than the USA and Canada must be reviewed by BSFB Application Engineering.
• Vehicle manufacturer is responsible for air system design, parking and stopping distance performance.
• For all S-cam brake models the camshaft input torque is limited to 2545 N•m [22,500 in-lbs].
• Applications on vehicles with fi xed or liftable auxiliary axles (tag or pusher) must be approved on an individual basis by the
BSFB Application Engineering Department, as auxiliary axles may impact the braking performance of the vehicle.
General Recommendations
• Cam same for all brake assemblies
• Dust shields for all applications
• Use Auxiliary retarders per TMC RP636
• Drum brake / Rotor material specifi cation per SAE J431. Drum / rotor surface fi nish 4.57 micrometer [180 max microinch]
and .38 mm [.015”] runout, when mounted on a hub rotated on bearings. See notes section for Minimum Drum Weight
• Brake air system balance per TMC RP632
Brake Max. Max. Air Chamber Brake Adjuster
Model GAWR (lb) SLR (in) Linings Size (in
For all vocations additional lining options available. Submit application request for possible approval.
All brakes shown with max GAWR less than 29,000 lb meet FMVSS-121, S5.4 dynamometer requirements. For all
brakes shown with max GAWR of 29,000 lb and greater, FMVSS-121 is not applicable.
Recommended Options
• Wide brake package for longer brake life to reduce operating cost, see page 34
• LMS (Low-Maintenance System) brakes and hubs for extended lubrication intervals, simplifi ed hub installation and reduced
bearing endplay
• ADB (air disc brake) on steer axles for improved braking performance
• ADB (air disc brake) on all vehicle axles for improved fade resistance and stopping power
• Bendix
Notes: 1. LS - Indicates Long stroke chamber.
2. * - Indicates Combination lining block
3. Minimum drum weight of 54 kg (120 lb) is required
4. Mixing of ADB (Air disc brakes) on steer axle and S-cam brakes (drive axle) require BSFB application approval.
automatic slack adjusters (ASA) for maximized S-cam brake performance
Intercity Coach
Defi nitions
Transporting people and sometimes light freight between cities and/or suburban areas
Operation on road surfaces of concrete, asphalt, maintained gravel, crushed rock, or hard packed dirt
High mileage operation
Typical vehicle routes exceed 30 miles between start and stop
No towed load allowed
Typical Vehicle Types
Tour Coach
Cross Country Coach
Vehicle Confi guration
6 x 2 straight coach with non-liftable tag or pusher axles
General Requirements
• Anti-compounding air system
• Cam same operation for all brakes
• Air chamber bracket with gusset for all intercity coach applications, see page 45
• Air chamber bracket assembly gusset and additional camshaft bracket support see page 45, attached to the axle housing
when the:
a. Brake centerline to air chamber centerline distance (BCCC dimension) is greater than 343 mm [13.5"]
b. Application use a type 30/36 or 36/36 Spring brake chambers.
c. Camshaft brackets with BCCC dimension of less than 8.12” does not require a gusset or additional support.
d. Super Single Tire (Wide Base)
Note: The above support can be supplied by BSFB or the vehicle manufacturer but
must be approved by BSFB Application Engineering Department.
• Applications for use in countries other than the USA and Canada must be reviewed by BSFB Application Engineering.
• Vehicle manufacturer is responsible for air system design, parking and stopping distance performance.
• For all S-cam brake models the camshaft input torque is limited to 2545 N•m [22,500 in-lbs].
• Applications on vehicles with fi xed or liftable auxiliary axles (tag or pusher) must be approved on an individual basis by the
BSFB Application Engineering Department, as auxiliary axles may impact the braking performance of the vehicle.
General Recommendations
• Dust shields for all applications
• Use Auxiliary retarders per TMC RP636
• Brake drum / Rotor material specifi cation per SAE J431. Drum / rotor surface fi nish 4.57 micrometers [180 max microinch]
and .38 mm [.015"] runout, when mounted on a hub rotated on bearings. See notes section for Minimum Drum Weight
• Brake air system balance per TMC RP632
Brake Max. Max. Air Chamber Brake Adjuster
Model GAWR (lb) SLR (in) Linings Size (in
ES1658D 23,000 20.7 ES420,450 30 5.5
For all vocations additional lining options available. Submit application request for possible approval.
Recommended Options
• Wide brake package for longer brake life to reduce operating cost, see page 34
• LMS (Low-Maintenance System) brakes and hubs for extended lubrication intervals, simplifi ed hub installation and reduced
bearing endplay
• 19.5" wheel package for signifi cantly reduced weight and lower frame height:
Steer axle: ES1506D
Drive axle: ES1508D
• Bendix
automatic slack adjusters (ASA) for maximized S-cam brake performance
Notes: 1. Mixing of ADB (Air disc brakes) on steer axle and S-cam brakes (drive axle) require BSFB application approval.
Intercity Coach
Line Haul
Defi nitions
Line Haul is moving different types of freight in high mileage operation (over 60,000 miles/year)
Operation on road surfaces of good to excellent concrete or asphalt
Typical vehicle routes exceed 30 miles between start and stop
Typical vehicle confi gurations are 4 x 2, 6 x 2 and 6 x 4 tractor/trailer combinations and straight trucks
Typical Vehicle Types
Auto Hauler Flatbed Trailer Refrigerated Freight Pipe Hauler
Bulk Hauler General Freight Livestock Hauler Tanker
Doubles Grain Hauler Moving Van Triples
General Requirements
• Anti-compounding air system
• Cam same operation for all steerable axle brakes
• Air chamber bracket assembly gusset and additional camshaft bracket support see page 45, attached to the axle housing
when the:
a. Brake centerline to air chamber centerline distance (BCCC dimension) is greater than 343 mm [13.5"]
b. Application use a type 30/36 or 36/36 Spring brake chambers.
c. Camshaft brackets with BCCC dimension of less than 8.12” does not require a gusset or additional support.
d. Super Single Tire (Wide Base)
Note: The above support can be supplied by BSFB or the vehicle manufacturer but
must be approved by BSFB Application Engineering Department.
• Use air chamber bracket with gusset for applications, see page 45, when the application includes any of the
following components:
a. Super single tire
b. Type 30/36 or 36/36 Spring brake chambers
c. High articulation suspensions
d. Two-speed axle or Planetary double reduction axles
• Applications for use in countries other than the USA and Canada must be reviewed by BSFB Application Engineering.
• Vehicle manufacturer is responsible for air system design, parking and stopping distance performance.
For all S-cam brake models, with the exception of the ES1504L, the camshaft input torque is limited to 2545 N•m [22,500 in-lb].
• Brake model ES1504L camshaft input torque is limited to 1490 N•m [13,200 in-lbs].
• Applications on vehicles with fi xed or liftable auxiliary axles (tag or pusher) must be approved on an individual basis by the
BSFB Application Engineering Department, as auxiliary axles may impact the braking performance of the vehicle
General Recommendations
• Cam same for all brake assemblies
• Dust shields for all applications
• Use Auxiliary retarders per TMC RP636
• Brake drum / Rotor material specifi cation per SAE J431. Drum / rotor surface fi nish 4.57 micrometers [180 max microinch]
and .38 mm [.015”] runout, when mounted on a hub rotated on bearings. See notes section for Minimum Drum Weight
• Brake air system balance per TMC RP632
• Due to legal maximum highway GAWR (17,000-20,000 lb) per code of federal regulations, 23 CFR - chapter 1, part 658
and brake balance to trailers, brakes should be rated to 20,000 lb when used on structurally rated 23,000 lb GAWR drive
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