Belkin N450 User Manual

Software User Manual
F9K1003 8820-00797 Rev. A00
Self-Healing .............................................. 1
Setup Steps .................................................1
Self-Healing Notification .......................................6
Self-Healing Wireless Radio ..................................10
To en sure you r Bel ki n R outer cont inues to g ive you the bes t wir eless Inte rnet connect io n p os sible, Sel f-Hea ling automatically provides preventative maintenance tasks once a week. No action is required from you.
Sel f-Heali ng lo oks for the c leare st ch an nels to operate on and automati cally m ake s the sw itch if a clear er ch annel b ecomes availa ble. It also autom aticall y cle ans r outing table s, wh ich can become bloa ted and slow dow n your o nline connec ti on over t ime. Sel f-Hea li ng pe rf orms these activi ti es ro utine ly.
By default, prevent ative main tenan ce is per forme d onc e a week on Tuesdays, at 3:30 A M. To change the time of preventi ve maintenance or turn off Self-Healing, please read the following:
Setup Steps
1. Acce ss th e Belki n Rou ter Mana ge r:
a. Tray menu (bottom right corner of Windows screen)
Router Settings User Manual
Check for Updates Options Exit
b. Menu bar (upper right corner of Macintosh screen)
2. Click on the blue Belkin Router Manager icon. 3. The B elkin Rout er Ma nager menu open s.
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