Belkin F9K1124V1 User Manual

FCC Statement
We, Belki n Internationa l, Inc., of 12045 E. Waterfron t Drive, Playa Vista, C A 900 94, declare under ou r sole respon sibilit y that the device, F9K1124 V1, comp lies wit h Part 15 of the F CC Rules. Operation is subject to the followin g two c onditions: (1) this dev ice may not c ause harmful in terfer ence, an d (2) this d evice must acc ept any in terfer ence received , includ ing interfere nce tha t may cause un desired operat ion.
Federa l Commu nications Co mmission No tice
This equ ipment h as been tested an d found to comp ly with the limi ts for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of th e FCC Rules. T hese lim its are designe d to prov ide reas onable protect ion agai nst harm ful interfere nce in a residential ins tallation.
This equ ipment g enerates , uses, and can radiate radio fr equency energy, an d if not install ed and us ed in accordan ce with the instruc tions, may caus e harmful inter ference to rad io communicat ions. H owever, there is no guarantee that inte rferen ce will not occur i n a particula r insta llation. If this equipme nt does cause h armful interf erence t o radio or televi sion receptio n, which can be determin ed by turning th e equipment of f and on, the user is enc ouraged to tr y and co rrect the inte rferen ce by one or mor e of the followi ng measur es:
• Reori ent or re locate the rec eiving a ntenna.
• Increa se the distanc e betwe en the e quipment and the receive r.
• Conne ct the equipme nt to an o utlet on a circ uit dif ferent f rom that to whi ch the r eceiver is con nected.
• Consul t the dealer or an exper ienced radio/ TV technic ian for help.
FCC Caut ion: Any change s or modific ations not expre ssly approved by the pa rty respon sible f or com pliance could void the user’s au thorit y to operate th is equipm ent.
Operations in the 5.15-5.25GHz band are restricted to indoor usage only.
FCC Radi ation Expos ure Stateme nt:
This equ ipment c omplies with FC C radiation expo sure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environm ent. This equi pment sh ould be install ed and o perated w ith a minimum di stance of 32cm b etween the radi ator and your body.
This tr ansmitt er must n ot be co -located or operating in c onjunct ion wit h any othe r antenna or tr ansmitt er.
Note: The country code selection is for non-US model only and is not available to all US model. Per FCC regulation, all WiFi product
marketed in US must fixed to US operation channels only.
Ind ustry Ca nada S tatem ent :
This dev ice co mplies w ith RSS -247 of the Indust ry Can ada Rules . Operation is subject to the followin g two conditi ons: (1) This devic e may not cause in terference, a nd (2) This dev ice mus t accept any interfere nce, inc luding interf erence that may cause undesir ed oper ation of the device.
Ce disp ositif e st conforme a la norm e CNR-247 standards d’ Industr ie Canad a applic able aux appare ils radio exempts de licence. Son fon ctionne ment est sujet au x deux c onditions suiva ntes: (1) et (2) ce di spositif doit a ccepter tout brouillag e recu, y compr is un brouillag e susceptible de provoq uer un fo nctionnement indesir able.
This Class B digital apparat us com plies with CAN I CES-3(B) Cet appare il numerique de la classe B confo rme a la norme NMB-3(B) du Canad a
Radiat ion Exposur e Stat ement:
This equ ipment c omplies with I C radiation expo sure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. T his equi pment sh ould be install ed and o perated w ith a minimum di stance of 32cm between the ra diator and your b ody.
Décla ration d’exposition aux rad iations:
Cet équi pement e st confo rme aux limites d’exposition aux rayonnements IC établies pour un environnemen t non c ontrôlé . Cet
équipe ment doi t être in stallé e t utilis é avec un m inimum de 32 cm de dista nce ent re la sou rce de rayonneme nt et votre corp s.
Cautio n
(i) the d evice fo r operat ion in the band 515 0-52 50 MHz is only f or indoor use t o reduce the potential f or harm ful inter ference to co-c hannel mobile satellite systems;
(ii) high -power radars are allocated a s prima ry use rs (i.e. p riorit y users) of the ba nds that the se radars coul d cause interf erence and/or da mage to LE-L AN devic es.
Averti ssement:
(i) les di spositifs fon ctionna nt dans la bande 5 150- 5 250 MHz sont réserv és uniqu ement po ur une ut ilisati on à l’int érieur afin de réduire les ris ques de b rouillage préju diciable aux sys tèmes de satelli tes mobi les utilisant l es même s canaux ;
(ii) De p lus, les utilisateurs dev raient utilisat eurs pr incipaux (c.-à- d., qu’ils ont la p riorité) pour le s bandes 5 250-5 35 0 MHz et 5 650 -5 850 MHz e t que ce s radar s pourrai ent causer du br ouillage et/ou des dommages a ux dispo sitifs LAN -EL.
aussi ê tre avis és que l es utili sateurs de rada rs de ha ute puiss ance sont dési gnés
le disp ositif ne doit pas prod uire de b rouillage prej udiciab le,
5250 -5350 MHz a nd 565 0-5 850 M Hz and
F9K1124v1 • 8850-00248 Rev. B00
+ 1 hidden pages