Belkin F5D8010 User Manual

Wireless Pre-N
Table of Contents
Advantages of a Wireless Network
for Optimal Performance
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Applicat ions and Advantages
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sec tion
The e asy insta lla tion a nd setup will hav e you networking in min utes.
Advantages of a Wireless Network
– you no longer need a dedicated “computer
– Bel kin Easy Installat ion Wizards mak e
– set up and acc ess print ers , compute rs, and other
– the wide range of Belki n networking
– Bel kin spares y ou the expense and
Widesprea d indu str y accepta nce
– cho ose from a wide r ange
Your wireless connectio n will be stronger t he closer your computer is
to yo ur wireless router (or acce ss point). Typical indoor operating range
for y our wireless de vices is between 100 an d 200 feet. Co nversely, your
five and 10 feet from the wi reless router (or acc ess point), in order to
While some of the items l ist ed below can a ffect network
functioning; if y ou are conce rned that y our netwo rk is not o per ating
To achieve th e best wirel ess network coverage for y our “wireless
the c eiling). If your wireles s rout er (or access point) it self is
This may mean placing the wi reless router (or acc ess po int ) on an
sec tion
Avo id placing your w ireless route r (or access p oin t) near devices that
Avo id placing your w ireless route r (or access p oin t) near devices that
to th e above issues,
you h ave a cordle ss phone:
that operates on the 2.4GHz band (che ck manufactu rer’s
the c learest connection and a voi d inte rfe rence from neighboring cordless
AOL s oftware, or by re- logging i nto the secure website.
AOL s oftware, or by re- logging i nto the secure website.
A sec ond alter native is t o chan ge your computers power management
A sec ond alter native is t o chan ge your computer’s power management
for p ortable c omp uters. To change your power man agement s ett ing
AOL, please review s teps 14 on pages 2 3 to be sure you have
AOL, please review s teps 1–4 on pages 2– 3 to be sure you have
sec tion
The C ard complies wi th the IEEE 802.11g sta ndard in order to
p roducts.
WPA, 64-bit WEP (W ired Equivalent Privacy), o r
Wirele ss access to n etworked resourc es
Applications and Advantages
w ireless LAN sol uti ons are back ward-compatib le with existing
Wi-Fi (IEEE 80 2.1 1g and
) products and wi th other produc ts
that display t he Wi-Fi mark.
Adapts easily in off ices or environ ments tha t freq uently rearrange or
Temporar y LANs for spe cia l projects o r peak time
sec tion
2 000 or XP
Install the Software Drivers
Insert the Ins tal lation So ftware CD in to your CD-ROM dr ive.
The B elkin Wireless Client Ut ili ty Set up screen will automaticall y
I f the Wireless Client Utility Setup sc reen d oes not appear
Click “Install So ftware” from the m enu.
sec tion
The i nstaller wil l now start.
You might see a screen similar
to th is one. This DOES NO T
the o n-screen instructions.
Plug the Card into an Available CardBus Slot on your Laptop
During the ins tal l process, y ou
I f your system did not
You might see a screen similar
to th is one. This DOES NO T
the o n-screen instructions.
Installing and Setting Up the Card
Install the Wireless Client Utility
After the netw ork card driver
to in stall the Wirel ess Clien t Utility.
The w izard will p rompt you to choose
to accept t he defaul t locatio n, or click
Click “Finish” to start the Belkin
Wirele ss Client Utility.
A sma ll Signal Indicato r icon should
Wirele ss Client Utility.
Wirele ss Client Utility.
The c ompact Wi reless Client U til ity
to op en up the e xpanded v iew.
Installing and Setting Up the Card
sec tion
Select a netwo rk to connect to by
the N etwork Li st.
I n o rder to s ee you r avai lab le
Wirele ss Pre -N Rou ter, connect to
the “ Belkin_Pre -N_ ” SSID network
followed by si x numbers , which are
The P rofile screen will appear t o
to sa ve the Profi le and activate it.
The S ignal Ind ica tor ic on should
tray (bottom r igh t corner of mo st
for g ood, yell ow for weak, red if
The f ollowing screen will app ear.
The s ignal ico n on the le ft changes color according to cu rrent receive d
The D isplay Mo de button alternates be tween the curre nt Con nec tion
The M ore button o pen s the expanded view tha t allows you t o view and
+ 31 hidden pages