Belkin F5D7634V2 Users Manual

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Saving/Backing up Current Settings
You can save your current configuration by using this feature� Saving your configuration will allow you to restore it later if your settings are lost or changed� It is recommended that you back up your current configuration before performing a firmware update�
1. Click “Save”� A window called “File Download” will open�
Click “Save”�
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2. A window will open that allows you to select the location in which
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3. When the save is complete, you will see the window below� Click
“Close”� The configuration is now saved�
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Restore Previous Settings
This option will allow you to restore a previously saved configuration�
1. Click “Browse”� A window will open that allows you to select the
location of the configuration file� Locate the configuration file, “config�bin”, and double-click on it�
2. Then, click “Open”�
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Updating Firmware
From time to time, Belkin may release new versions of the Router’s firmware� Firmware updates contain feature improvements and fixes to problems that may have existed� When Belkin releases new firmware, you can download the firmware from the Belkin website and update your Router’s firmware to the latest version�
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Checking for a New Version of Firmware
The “Check Firmware” (1) button allows you to instantly check for a new version of firmware� When you click the button, a new browser window will appear informing you that either no new firmware is available or that there is a new version available� If a new version is available, you will have the option to download it�
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Downloading a New Version of Firmware
If you click the “Check Firmware” button and a new version of firmware is available, you will see a screen similar to the one below�
1. To download the new version of firmware, click “Download”�
2. A window will open that allows you to select the location where you
want to save the firmware file� Select a location� You can name the file anything you want, or use the default name� Be sure to locate the file in a place where you can locate it yourself later� When you have selected the location, click “Save”�
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3. When the save is complete, you will see the following window�
Click “Close”� The download of the firmware is complete� To update the firmware, follow the next steps in “Updating the Router’s Firmware”�
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Updating the Router’s Firmware
1. In the “Firmware Update” page, click “Browse” (2)� A window
will open that allows you to select the location of the firmware update file�
2. Browse to the firmware file you downloaded� Select the file by
double-clicking on the file name�
3. The “Update Firmware” box will now display the location and name
of the firmware file you just selected� Click “Update”�
4. You will be asked if you are
sure you want to continue� Click “OK”�
5. You will see one more message� This message tells you that the
Router may not respond for as long as one minute as the firmware is loaded into the Router and the Router is rebooted� Click “OK”�
A 60-second countdown will appear on the screen� When the countdown reaches zero, the Router firmware update will be complete� The Router home page should appear automatically� If not, type in the Router’s address (default = 192�168�2�1) into the navigation bar of your browser�
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System Settings
The “System Settings” page is where you can enter a new administrator password, set the time zone, enable remote management, and turn on and off the UPnP function of the Router�
Setting or Changing the Administrator Password
The Router ships with NO password entered� If you wish to add a password for greater security, you can set a password here� Write down your password and keep it in a safe place, as you will need it if you need to log in to the Router in the future� It is also recommended that you set a password if you plan to use the remote-management feature of your Router�
Changing the Login Time-Out Setting
The login time-out option allows you to set the period of time that you can be logged into the Router’s advanced setup interface� The timer starts when there has been no activity� For example, you have made some changes in the advanced setup interface, then left your computer alone without clicking “Logout”� Assuming the time-out is set to 10 minutes, then 10 minutes after you leave, the login session will expire� You will have to log in to the Router again to make any more changes� The login time-out option is for security purposes and the default is set to 10 minutes� Note: Only one computer can be logged in to the Router’s advanced setup interface at one time�
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Setting the Time and Time Zone
The Router keeps time by connecting to a Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) server� This allows the Router to synchronize the system clock to the global Internet� The synchronized clock in the Router is used to record the security log and control client filtering� Select the time zone in which you reside� If you reside in an area that observes daylight saving time, then place a check mark in the box next to “Daylight Savings”� The system clock may not update immediately� Allow at least 15 minutes for the Router to contact the time servers on the Internet and get a response� You cannot set the clock yourself� You now have the option to select a primary and a backup NTP server to keep your Router’s clock synchronized with different NTP time servers on the Internet� Select your desired NTP server from the drop-down boxes, or simply keep it as is�
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Enabling Remote Management
Before you enable this advanced feature of your Belkin Router, MAKE SURE YOU HAVE SET THE ADMINISTRATOR PASSWORD� Remote management allows you to make changes to your Router’s settings from anywhere on the Internet�
There are two methods of remotely managing the Router� The first is to allow access to the Router from anywhere on the Internet by selecting, “Any IP address can remotely manage the Router”� By typing in your WAN IP address from any computer on the Internet, you will be presented with a login screen where you need to type in the password of your Router� The second method is to allow a specific IP address only to remotely manage the Router� This is more secure, but less convenient� To use this method, enter the IP address from which you know you will be accessing the Router in the space provided and select, “Only this IP address can remotely manage the Router”�
Before you enable this function, it is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED that you set your administrator password� Leaving the password empty will potentially open your Router to intrusion� The remote-access port defaults to port 8080� You can choose a different port by entering a new port number in the “remote port” field� Click on the “Apply Changes” button to save your settings�
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Enabling/Disabling Network Address Translation (NAT) Note: This advanced feature should be employed by advanced users
only� Before enabling this function, MAKE SURE YOU HAVE SET THE ADMINISTRATOR PASSWORD� NAT is the method by which the Router shares the single IP address assigned by your ISP with the other computers on your network� This function should only be used if your ISP assigns you multiple IP addresses or you need NAT disabled for an advanced system configuration� If you have a single IP address and you turn off NAT, the computers on your network will not be able to access the Internet� Other problems may also occur� Turning off NAT will disable your firewall functions�
Enabling/Disabling Universal Plug-and-Play (UPnP)
UPnP is yet another advanced feature offered by your Belkin Router� It is a technology that offers seamless operation of voice messaging, video messaging, games, and other applications that are UPnP-compliant�
Some applications require the Router’s firewall to be configured in a specific way to operate properly� This usually requires opening TCP and UDP ports, and in some instances, setting trigger ports� An application that is UPnP-compliant has the ability to communicate with the Router, basically “telling” the Router which way it needs the firewall configured� The Router ships with the UPnP feature disabled� If you are using any applications that are UPnP-compliant, and wish to take advantage of the UPnP features, you can enable the UPnP feature� Simply select “Enable” in the “UPnP Enabling” section of the “Utilities” page� Click “Apply Changes” to save the change�
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Enabling/Disabling Auto Firmware Update
This innovation provides the Router with the built-in capability to automatically check for a new version of firmware and alert you that the new firmware is available� When you log into the Router’s Web­Based Advanced User Interface, the Router will perform a check to see if new firmware is available� If so, you will be notified� You can choose to download the new version or ignore it� The Router ships with this feature disabled� If you want to disable it, select “Enable” and click “Apply Changes”�
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Setting up your Computers
In order for your computer to properly communicate with your Router, you will need to change your computer’s “TCP/IP/Ethernet” settings to “Obtain an IP address automatically/Using DHCP”� This is normally the default setting in most home computers�
You can set up the computer that is connected to the ADSL modem FIRST using these steps� You can also use these steps to add computers to your Router after the Router has been set up to connect to the Internet�
Windows XP, 2000, or NT
1. Click “Start”, “Settings”, then “Control Panel”�
2. Double-click on the “Network and dial-up connections” icon
(Windows 2000) or the “Network” icon (Windows XP)�
3. Right-click on the “Local Area Connection” associated
with your network adapter and select “Properties” from the drop-down menu�
4. In the “Local Area
Connection Properties” window, click “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)” and click the “Properties” button� The following screen will appear:
5. If “Use the following IP address” (2) is selected, your Router will need to be set up for a static IP connection type� Write the address information in the table below� You will need to enter this information into the Router�
6. If not already selected, select “Obtain an IP address automatically” (1) and “Obtain DNS server address automatically” (3)� Click
“OK”� Your network adapter(s) are now configured for use with the Router�
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Windows 98SE or Me
1. Right-click on “My Network Neighborhood” and select “Properties”
from the drop-down menu�
2. Select “TCP/IP -> settings”
for your installed network adapter� You will see the following window�
(1) (2) (3)
3. If “Specify an IP address” is selected, your Router will need to be set up for a static IP connection type� Write the address information in the table below� You will need to enter this information into the Router�
4. Write down the IP address and subnet mask from the “IP Address” tab (3)
5. Click the “Gateway” tab (2)� Write down the gateway address in the chart�
6. Click the “DNS Configuration” tab (1)� Write down the DNS address(es) in the chart�
7. If not already selected, select “Obtain an IP address automatically” on the “IP Address” tab� Click “OK”� Restart the computer� When the computer restarts, your network adapter(s) are now configured for use with the Router� Set up the computer that is connected to the cable or DSL modem by FIRST using these steps� You can also use these steps to add computers to your Router after the Router has been set up to connect to the Internet�
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Mac OS up to 9.x
In order for your computer to properly communicate with your Router, you will need to change your Mac computer’s TCP/IP settings to DHCP�
1. Pull down the Apple menu� Select “Control Panels” and select
“T CP/I P”�
2. You will see the TCP/IP control panel� Select “Ethernet Built-In” or “Ethernet” in the “Connect via:” drop-down menu (1)
3. Next to “Configure” (2), if “Manually” is selected, your Router will need to be set up for a static IP connection type� Write the address information in the table below� You will need to enter this information into the Router�
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4. If not already set, at “Configure:”, choose “Using DHCP Server”�
This will tell the computer to obtain an IP address from the Router�
5. Close the window� If you made any changes, the following window
will appear� Click “Save”�
Restart the computer� When the computer restarts, your network settings are now configured for use with the Router�
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Mac OS X
1. Click on the “System
Preferences” icon�
2. Select “Network” (1) from the “System Preferences” menu�
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3. Select “Built-in Ethernet” (2) next to “Show” in the
“Network” menu�
(2) (5)
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4. Select the “TCP/IP” tab (3)� Next to “Configure” (4), you should see “Manually” or “Using DHCP”� If you do not, check the PPPoE tab (5) to make sure that “Connect using PPPoE” is NOT selected� If it is, you will need to configure your Router for a PPPoE connection type using your user name and password�
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5. If “Manually” is selected,
your Router will need to be set up for a static IP connection type� Write the address information in the table below� You will need to enter this information into the Router�
6. If not already selected, select “Using DHCP” next to “Configure” (4), then click “Apply Now”�
Your network adapter(s) are now configured for use with the Router�
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In most cases, you will not need to make any changes to your web browser’s settings� If you are having trouble accessing the Internet or the Web-Based Advanced User Interface, then change your browser’s settings to the recommended settings in this section�
Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or Higher
1. Start your web browser� Select “Tools” then “Internet Options”�
2. In the “Internet Options” screen, there are three selections: “Never
dial a connection”, “Dial whenever a network connection is not present”, and “Always dial my default connection”� If you can make a selection, select, “Never dial a connection”� If you cannot make a selection, go to the next step�
3. Under the “Internet Options” screen, click on “Connections” and select “LAN Settings…”�
4. Make sure there are no check marks next to any of the displayed options: “Automatically detect settings”, “Use automatic configuration script”, and “Use a proxy server”� Click “OK”� Then, click “OK” again in the “Internet Options” page�
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