Beko BFTF2715SSIM User Manual

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Please read this user manual first!

Dear Customer,

We hope that your product, which has been produced in modern plants and checked under the most meticulous quality control procedures, will provide you an effective service.

Therefore, read this entire user manual carefully before using the product and keep it as a reference. If you handover the product to someone else, give the user manual as well.

The user manual will help you use the product in a fast and safe way.

Read the manual before installing and operating the product.

Make sure you read the safety instructions.

Keep the manual in an easily accessible place as you may need it later.

Read the other documents given with the product.

Remember that this user manual is also applicable for several other models. Differences between models will be identified in the manual.

Explanation of symbols

Throughout this user manual the following symbols are used:

C Important information or useful hints.

ARisk of injury and damage to the property.

BRiskPackagingof electricmaterialsshock. of the product are manufactured from recyclable materials in accordance with our National Environment Regulations.


1 Important instructions for


safety and environment

2 Your appliance


3 Installation


3.1. Appropriate installation location 9 3.2. Installing the plastic wedges . . . .9 3.3. Adjusting the feet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 3.4. Electrical connection. . . . . . . . . . . 10

3.5. Connecting the water hose to the refrigerator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11

3.6. Connecting the water line to the water supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11

3.7. Reversing the doors . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 3.8. Reversing the doors . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

4 Preparation


4.1. Things to be done for energy saving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

4.2. Initial use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

5 Operating the product


5.1. Indicator panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 5.2. Egg holder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 5.3. Fan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 5.4. Crisper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 5.5. Chiller compartment . . . . . . . . . . . 18 5.6. Freezing fresh food . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

5.7. Recommendations for preserving the frozen food. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

5.8. Deep-freeze information . . . . . . 20 5.9. Placing the food. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 5.10.Door open warning . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

5.11.Changing the door opening direction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

5.12 Illumination lamp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

6 Maintenance and cleaning 22

6.1. Avoiding bad odors. . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 6.2. Protecting the plastic surfaces 22 6.3. Door Glasses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

7 Troubleshooting



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• Neverwashtheproductbyspreading or pouring water onto it! There is the risk of electric shock!
• Nevertouchtheplugwithwethands!
Never unplug by pulling on the cable, always pull out by grabbing the plug.
• Itisrecommendedtocleanthetipof the plug regularly with a dry cloth.
• Donotplugtherefrigeratorifthewall outlet is loose.
• Neverconnectyourrefrigeratorto electricity-saving systems. Such sys-
capabilities were not fully developed or who lack experience and knowledge provided that they are supervised
or trained on the safe usage of the product and the risks it brings out. Children must not play with the product. Cleaning and maintenance works should not be performed by children unless they are supervised by someone.
• Unplugtheproductifafailureoccurs while it is in use.
• Iftheproducthasafailure,itshould not be operated unless it is repaired by the Authorised Service Agent. There is the risk of electric shock!
• Connecttheproducttoagrounded outlet protected by a fuse complying with the values in the rating plate.
Have the grounding installation made by a qualified electrician. Our company shall not be liable for any damages that will arise when the product is used without grounding in accordance with the local regulations.
• Unplugtheproductwhennotinuse.

Important instructions for safety and


This section contains safety instructions that will help protect from risk of personal injury or property damage. Failure to follow these instructions shall void any warranty.

Intended use

WARNING: Keep ventilation openings, in the appliance enclosure or in the builtin

structure, clear of obstruction.

– WARNING: Do not use mechanical devices or other means to accelerate the defrosting

process, other than those recommended by the manufacturer.

– WARNING: Do not damage the refrigerant circuit.

NOTE 103 This warning is only applicable to appliances with refrigerating circuits which are accessible to the


– WARNING: Do not use electrical appliances inside the food storage compartments of the

appliance, unless they are of the type

recommended by the manufacturer. This appliance is intended to be used in

household and similar applications such


– staff kitchen areas in shops, offices and other working environments;

– farm houses and by clients in hotels, motels and other residential type environments;

– bed and breakfast type environments;

– catering and similar non-retail applications.

1.1 General safety

• Thisproductcanbeusedbychildrenat and above 8 years old and by persons whose physical, sensory or mental

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Instructions for safety and environment



tems are harmful for the product.

tions and eye injuries.

• Unplugtheproductduringinstal-

• Donotcoverorblocktheventilation


lation, maintenance, cleaning and


holes on the refrigerator with any


repairing procedures.



• Alwayshavetheinstallationand

• Placethebeveragewithhigher


repairing procedures carried out


proofs tightly closed and vertically.


by the Authorised Service Agent.


• Donotusegaseousspraysnearthe


Manufacturer shall not be held


product since there is the risk of fire


liable for damages that may arise


or explosion!


from procedures carried out by


• Flammableitemsorproductsthat


unauthorised persons.


contain flammable gases (e.g. spray)

• Donoteatconeicecreamandice

as well as the explosive materials


cubes immediately after you take


should never be kept in the appli-


them out of the freezer compart-




ment! This may cause frostbite in


• Donotplacecontainersfilledwith


your mouth!


liquid on top of the product. Spilling

• Donottouchfrozenfoodbyhand!

water on an electrical component


They may stick to your hand!


may cause electric shocks or risk of

• Donotputbottledandcanned



liquid beverages in the freezer com-


• Donotstoreproducts(vaccines,


partment. They may burst!

heat-sensitive medicines, scientific

• Neverusesteamandsteamas-

materials and etc.) that require a


sisted cleaning materials to clean or


precise temperature control in the


defrost the refrigerator. Steam will




cause short circuit or electric shock


• Ifyouwillnotoperatetheproduct


since it would get into contact with


the electrical parts in the refrigera-

for a long period of time, unplug and


unload the food in it.




• Iftheproductisequippedwithblue

• Donotusemechanicaldevicesor

light, do not look at the blue light


other methods to accelerate the de-


with optical tools.


frosting process, other than those


• Exposingtheproducttorain,snow,


recommended by the manufacturer.

• Neverusethepartsonyourrefrig-

sun and wind is dangerous with

respect to electrical safety.


erator such as the door and drawer


• Inproductswithmechanicalcontrol


as a means of support or step. This


will cause the product to tip over or

(thermostat), wait for minimum 5


minutes to plug in the product again


parts of it get damaged.


after unplugging it.

• Donotdamagethecoolingcircuit,

• Donotoverloadtheproduct.Itmay


where the refrigerant is circulating,


with drilling or cutting tools. The re-

fall when the door is opened, and


cause injury or damage. Similar


frigerant that might blow out when


problems may occur in case of


the gas channels of the evaporator,


putting things on top of the prod-


pipe extensions or surface coatings




are punctured may cause skin irrita-


• Iftheproduct'sdoorisequipped



with a handle, do not pull by the



handle when changing the place of

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Instructions for safety and environment

the product. Handle may get loose.

• Payattentionnottohaveyourhand or any part of your body get caught by the moving parts inside the product.

1.1.1 HCA warning

• If your product’s cooling system contains R600a:

This gas is flammable. Therefore, pay attention to not damaging the cooling system and piping during usage and transportation. In the event of damage, keep your product away from potential fire sources that can cause the product catch a fire and ventilate the room in which the unit is placed.

Ignore this warning if your product’s cooling system contains R134a.

Type of gas used in the product is stated in the type plate which is on the left wall inside the refrigerator.

Never throw the product in fire for disposal.

CIf the product is equipped with a cooling system containing R134a gas, ignore this warning.

You can learn the gas used in Cproduction of your product on the

rating plate located on the left inner part of it.

AWARNING: Never dispose the product in fire.

1.1.2 For products with a water dispenser

• Pressure for cold water inlet shall be maximum 90 psi (6.2 bar).

If your water pressure exceeds 80 psi (5.5 bar), use a pressure

limiting valve in your mains system. If you do not know how to check your water pressure, ask for the help of a professional plumber.

• If there is risk of water hammer effect in your installation, always use a water hammer prevention equipment in your installation. Consult Professional plumbers

if you are not sure that there is no water hammer effect in your installation.

• Do not install on the hot water inlet. Take precautions against of the risk of freezing of the hoses. Water temperature operating interval shall be 33°F (0.6°C) minimum and 100°F (38°C) maximum.

• Useonlypotablewater.

1.2 Intended use

• Thisproducthasbeendesignedfor domestic use. It is not suitable for commercial use and it must not be used out of its intended use.

• Productmustbeusedonlyforstor-

ing food.

• Themanufacturerwaivesany responsibility arisen from incorrect usage or transportation.

• Originalsparepartswillbeprovided for 10 years, following the product purchasing date.

1.3 Children's safety

• If the door has a lock, the key should be kept away from reach of children.

•Childrenmustbesupervisedto prevent them from tampering with the product.

Refrigerator / User Manual



Instructions for safety and environment

DANGER: Risk of child entrapment. Before you throw away your old

A refrigerator or freezer:

• Take off the doors.

• Leave the shelves in place so that children may not easily climb inside.

1.4 Compliance with WEEE Directive and Disposing of the Waste Product:

This product complies

with EU WEEE Directive (2012/19/EU). This product

bears a classification symbol for waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE).This product has

been manufactured with high quality parts and materials which can be reused and are suitable for recycling. Do not dispose of the waste product with normal domestic and other wastes at the end of its service life. Take it to the collection center for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment. Please consult your local authorities to learn about these collection centers.

1.5 Compliance with RoHS Directive:

The product you have purchased complies with EU RoHS Directive (2011/65/EU). It does not contain harmful and prohibited materials specified in the Directive.

1.6 Package information

• Packagingmaterialsoftheproduct are manufactured from recyclable materials in accordance with our National Environment Regulations. Do not dispose of the packaging materials together with the domestic or other wastes. Take them to the packaging material collection points designated by the local authorities.


DANGER: Risk Of Fire or Explosion. Flammable Refrigerant Used. Do Not

A Use Mechanical Devices To Defrost Refrigerator. Do Not Puncture Refrigerant Tubing”.

DANGER: Risk Of Fire Or

Explosion. Flammable

Refrigerant Used. To Be

Repaired Only By Trained

A Service Personnel. Do

Not Puncture Refrigerant



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Instructions for safety and environment

CAUTION : Risk Of Fire Or

Explosion. Flammable

Refrigerant Used. Consult

Repair Manual/Owner’s

A Guide Before Attempting

To Service This Product.

All Safety Precautions

Must be Followed.

CAUTION : Risk Of Fire Or

Explosion. Dispose Of

Properlty In Accordance

A With Federal Or Local

Regulations. Flammable

Refrigerant Used.

CAUTION : Risk Of Fire

Or Explosion Due To

Puncture Of Refrigerant

Tubing; Follow Handling

A Instructions Carefully.

Flammable Refrigerant


Refrigerator / User Manual



Beko BFTF2715SSIM User Manual

2 Your appliance





































*3 *4






Fridge - compartment door shelf


Chiller compartment


Temperature setting button


Lock and key


Water dispenser filling tank


Bottle shelf


Egg section


Fridge - compartment glass shelf


Water dispenser reservoir




Storage container under the door shelf


Freezer compartment shelf


Moving door shelf


Icebox / Ice-making compartment


Adjustable feet


Freezer compartment




Fridge compartment

*optional:Figures in this user manual are given as an example and may not

match the product exactly. If the relevant parts are not available in the product you

Cpurchased, the figure applies to other models.


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3 Installation

3.1.Appropriate installation location

Contact an Authorized Service for the installation of the product. In order to prepare the product for use, refer the information in the user manual and ensure that electrical installation and water installation are appropriate. If not, call a qualified electrician and technician to have any necessary arrangements carried out.

BWARNING: Manufacturer shall not be held liable for damages that may arise from procedures carried out by unauthorized persons.

BWARNING: Product must not be plugged in during installation. Otherwise, there is the risk of death or serious injury!

WARNING: If the door clearance of the room where the product shall be place is so tight to prevent

Apassing of the product, remove the door of the room and pass the product through the door by turning it to its side; if this does not work, contact the authorized service.

Placetheproductonanevenfloor surface to prevent jolts.

Installtheproductatleast30cm away from heat sources such as hobs, heater cores and stoves and at least 5 cm away from electrical ovens.

Productmustnotbesubjectedto direct sun light and kept in humid places.

Appropriateairventilationmustbe provided around your product in order to achieve an efficient operation. If the product is to be placed in a recess in the wall, pay attention to leave at least 5 cm distance with the ceiling and side walls.

Donotinstalltheproductinplaces where the temperature falls below -5°C.

3.2.Installing the plastic wedges

Plastic wedges supplied with the product are used to create the distance for the air circulation between the product and the rear wall.

1.To install the wedges, remove the screws on the product and use the screws supplied together with the wedges.

2.Insert the 2 plastic wedges onto the rear ventilation cover as illustrated in the figure.

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3.3.Adjusting the feet

If the product stands unbalanced after installation, adjust the feet on the front by rotating them to the right or left.




AWARNING: Do not make connections via extension cables or multi-plugs.

BWARNING: Damaged power cable must be replaced by the Authorized Service Agent.

If two coolers are to be Cinstalled side by side, there

should be at least 4 cm distance between them.

Our company shall not be liable for any damages that will arise when the product is used without grounding and electrical connection in accordance with the national regulations.

Power cable plug must be within easy reach after installation.

Connect your refrigerator to a grounded outlet rated for a voltage value of 220-240V /50 Hz. Outlet shall have 10 to 16A fuse.

Do not extension cords or cordless multiple outlets between your product and the wall outlet.

Hot Surface Warning!

Side walls of your product is equipped with refrigerant pipes to improve the cooling system. Refrigerant with

Chigh temperatures may flow through these areas, resulting in hot surfaces on the side walls. This is normal and does not need any servicing. Please pay attention while touching these areas.


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3.5.Connecting the water hose to the refrigerator

Connect the water line to a water supply valve. If a valve is not present or you are not sure, consult a qualified plumber.

3.6. Connecting the water line to the water supply

1.Slip the union (B) onto the water hose (A).

2.Push the water hose downwards firmly to slip it onto the water inlet valve (C).

3.Tighten the union (C) by hand to secure it onto the water inlet valve.

Normally, you are not required to tighten the union with a tool.

However, you can use a wrench or pliers to tighten the union if there is a leakage.

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Altura: (cm/inch) desempaquetados

172 -67 23/32”





Anchura: (cm/pulgadas) desempaquetados

70.4 -27 23/32”





Profundidad: (cm/pulg) desempaquetados

68.7- 27 3/64”








Altura: (cm/inch) empaquetados

178.8-70 25/64”





Anchura: (cm/pulgadas) desempaquetados

74.5 - 29 21/64”





Profundidad: (cm/pulg) empaquetado

68.4-26 59/64”





Peso Bruto (Kg) / lbs

78 - 172





Peso Neto (Kg) / lbs

72 - 158.7






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3.7.Reversing the doors





Proceed in numerical order .

















































8 9
























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3.8.Reversing the doors

Proceed in numerical order .


4 5














8 9














16 15


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4 Preparation

4.1. Things to be done for energy saving

Connecting the product to electric Aenergy saving systems is risky

as it may cause damage on the product.

Do not leave the doors of your refrigerator open for a long time.

Do not put hot food or drinks in your refrigerator.

Do not overload the refrigerator, cooling capacity will fall when the air circulation inside is hindered.

In order to store maximum amount of food in the freezer compartment, the icematic, available in the freezer

compartment and easily removable by hand, shall be taken out. Net volume and energy consumption values declared on the power data plate of your refrigerator are measured and tested by removing the icematic. Do not remove the shelves inside the freezer compartment and on the door of freezer compartment shall not be removed and they shall always be used they provide ease of use and efficiency in energy consumption.

Airflow should not be blocked by placing foods on the sides of the freezer compartment fan. A minimum distance of 3 cm shall be provided on the sides of protective fan cover.

The baskets/drawers that are provided with the chill compartment must always be in use for low energy consumption and for better storage conditions.

Food contact with the temperature sensor in the freezer compartment may increase energy consumption of the appliance. Thus any contact with the sensor(s) must be avoided.

Depending on the features of your product, thawing frozen food in fridge compartment will both provide

energy saving and preserve the food quality.

Do not allow contact of the food with the fridge compartment temperature sensor shown in the figure below.

4.2.Initial use

Before starting to use your refrigerator, ensure that all preparations are made in accordance with the instructions in sections "Instructions for safety and

environment" and "Installation".

• Run the product without putting any food for 6 hours and do not open its door unless certainly required.

CYou will hear a noise when the compressor starts up. The liquids and gases sealed within the refrigeration system may also give rise to noise, even if the compressor is not running and this is quite normal.

CFront edges of the product may feel warm. This is normal. These areas are designed to be warm to avoid condensation.

CIn some models, the instrument panel automatically turns off

5 minutes after the door has closed. It will be reactivated when the door has opened or pressed on any key.

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5 Operating the product

5.1.Indicator panel

Indicator panels may vary according to the product model.

Audio – visual functions on the indicator panel helps you in using your product.



















































































1.Automatic Ice Machine Off/On indicator

2.Fridge Compartment Indicator

3.Error Status Indicator

4.Temperature Indicator

5.Vacation Button

6.Temperature Setting Button

7.Ice Cancel Button

8.Compartment Selection Button

9.Freezer Compartment Indicator

10.Economy Mode Indicator

C*optional:Figures in this user manual are given as an example and may not match the product exactly. If the relevant parts are not available in the product you purchased, the figure applies to other models.


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Operating the product

1. Automatic Ice Machine Off/On indicator

This symbol appears on the display when Ice Off function is activated.

2. Fridge Compartment Indicator

Fridge compartment light illuminates when adjusting the fridge compartment temperature.

3. Error Status Indicator

If your refrigerator does not cool adequately or if there is a sensor failure, this indicator will be activated. When this indicator is active, Freezer Compartment Temperature indicator will display “e” and Fridge Compartment Temperature Indicator will display numbers such as “1,2,3…”. These numbers on the indicator provides information about the error to the service personnel.

4.Temperature Indicator

Indicates the temperatures of fridge, freezer compartment.

5.Vacation Button

Press and hold this button for 3 sec. to activate the Vacation function. Press this button again to deactivate the selected function.

6.Temperature Setting Button

Changes the temperature of the relevant compartment between -5°F/ 21°C and +46 °F/8 °C.

7.Ice Cancel Button

Refrigerator stops ice production when you press selection button for 3 seconds.

8.Refrigerator Compartment

Selection Button Press Refrigerator Compartment Selection Button to switch between fridge and freezer compartments.

9.Freezer Compartment Indicator

Freezer compartment light illuminates when adjusting the freezer compartment temperature.

10.Economy Mode Indicator

This indicates that the refrigerator is running in energy-efficient mode. This indicator will be active if the Freezer Compartment temperature is set to +5°F/-15 °C.

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Operating the product



5.2.Egg holder



You can install the egg holder to

Crisper of the product is designed

the desired door or body shelf. If

specially to keep the vegetables fresh

it will be placed on body shelves

without loosing their humidity. For this

than the lower cooler shelves are

purpose, cool air circulation is intensified


around the crisper in general.

Never place the egg holder in



Athe freezer compartment






Fan is designed to ensure homoge-



neous distribution and circulation of



the cold air inside your refrigerator.



Operation time of the fan may vary



depending on the properties of your




While the fan works only with the

(This feature is optional)

compressor in some products, the

Use this compartment to store

control system determines its opera-

tion time in some products in accor-

delicatessen that shall be stored in a

dance with the cooling requirement.

lower temperature or meat products


that you will consume in a short time.


Chiller compartment is the coolest


place in your refrigerator where


you can keep dairy products, meat,


fish and poultry under ideal storage


conditions. Fruits and vegetables


should not be stored in this




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Operating the product

5.6. Freezing fresh food

• In order to preserve the quality of the food, it shall be frozen as quickly as possible when it is

placed in the freezer compartment, use the fast freezing feature for this purpose.

• You may store the food longer in freezer compartment when you freeze them while they are fresh.

• Pack the food to be frozen and close the packing so that it would not allow entrance of air.

• Ensure that you pack your food before putting them in the freezer. Use freezer containers, foils and moisture-proof papers, plastic bags and other packing materials instead of traditional packing papers.

Label each pack of food by adding the date before freezing. You may distinguish the freshness of each food pack in this way when you open your freezer each time. Store the food frozen before in the front side of compartment to ensure that they are used first.

CThe freezer compartment defrosts automatically.

Frozen food must be used immediately after they are thawed and they should not be re-frozen.

Do not freeze too large quantities of food at one time.










-18°C / 0°F

4°C / 39°F

This is the normal recommended setting.

-20°C / -4°F

3°C / 37°F

These settings are recommended when the ambient

temperature exceeds 30°C/86°F.





Use when you wish to freeze your food in a short time.

4°C / 39°F

Your refrigerator will return to its previous mode when



the process is over.





Use these settings if you think that your fridge

-24°C /

2°C / 35°F

compartment is not cold enough because of the hot


ambient conditions or frequent opening and closing of




the door.



Use this function when you place too much into the

-18°C / 0°F

Quick Fridge

fridge compartment or when you need to cool your

or colder

food quickly. It is recommended that you activate Quick



Fridge function 4-8 hours before placing the food.

Recommended Using Temparature: FF: 4°C / 39°F Frz : -18°C / 0°F

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Operating the product

5.7.Recommendations for preserving the frozen food

Compartment shall be set to -18°C at least.

1.Put packages in the freezer as quickly as possible after purchase without allowing the to thaw.

2.Check whether the "Use By" and "Best Before" dates on the packaging are expired or not before freezing it.

3.Ensure that the package of the food is not damaged.

5.8.Deep-freeze information

According to IEC 62552 standards, the product shall freeze at least 4.5 kg of food at 32°C ambient temperature to -18°C or lower within 24 hours for every 100-litres of freezer volume.

It is possible to preserve the food for a long time only at -18°C or lower temperatures.

You can keep the freshness of food for many months (at -18°C or lower temperatures in the deep freeze).

Foods to be frozen should not be allowed to come in contact with the previously frozen items to prevent them from getting thawed partially.

Boil the vegetables and drain their water in order to store vegetables for a longer time as frozen. After draining their water, put them in air-proof

packages and place them inside the freezer. Food such as bananas, tomatoes, lettuce, celery, boiled eggs, potatoes are not suitable for freezing. When these foods are frozen, only their nutritional value and taste shall be affected

negatively. They shall not be spoiled so that they would create a risk for human health.

5.9.Placing the food


Various frozen food

such as meat, fish, ice


cream, vegetables and





Food in pans, covered

plates and closed


containers, eggs (in


closed container)


Door shelves

Small and packaged

of fridge

food or beverage




Vegetables and fruits


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Operating the product



Fresh zone

(breakfast food, meat

products that shall be


consumed in a short







5.10. Door open

The lamp(s) used in this appliance


(This feature is optional)

is not suitable for household room

illumination. The intended purpose of

An audio warning signal will be given

this lamp is to assist the user to place

when the door of your product is

foodstuffs in the refrigerator/freezer

left open for at least 1 minute. This

in a safe and comfortable way.

warning will be muted when the door



is closed or any of the display buttons



(if any) are pressed.



Door open warning is given to user



both visually and acoustically. If the



warning continues for 10 minutes,



interior lights will be turned off.



5.11. Changing the



door opening direction



Door opening direction of your ref-



rigerator can be changed according



to the place you are using it.If this is



necessary, please call your nearest



Authorized Service.



Above description is a general exp-



ression.For information on changing



the opening direction of the door, you



must refer to the warning label loca-



ted on the inner side of the door.



5.12. Illumination lamp



LED lamps are used as illumination



lamps. Contact authorized service in



case of any problem with this type of






Refrigerator / User Manual






6 Maintenance and cleaning

Service life of the product is increase if it is regularly cleaned

BWARNING: First unplug the product before cleaning your refrigerator.

Never use any sharp and abrasive tools, soap, household cleaners, detergent and wax polish for cleaning.

Dissolve one teaspoon of carbonate in half liter of water. Soak a cloth with the solution and wrung it thoroughly. Wipe the interior of the appliance with this cloth and the dry thoroughly.

Make sure that no water enters the lamp housing and other electrical items.

Clean the door with a damp cloth. To remove door and body shelves, remove all of its contents. Remove door shelves by moving them upwards. After cleaning, slide them from top to bottom to install.

Never use cleaning agents or water that contain chlorine to clean the outer surfaces and chromium coated parts of the product. Chlorine causes corrosion on such metal surfaces. Do not use sharp, abrasive tools, soap, household cleaning agents, detergents, kerosene, fuel oil, varnish etc. to prevent removal and deformation of the prints on the plastic part. Use lukewarm water and a soft cloth for cleaning and then

wipe it dry.

6.1.Avoiding bad odors

Materials that may cause odor are not used in the production of our appliances. However, due to inappropriate food preserving conditions and not cleaning the inner surface of the appliance as required can bring forth the problem of odor.

Therefore, clean the refrigerator with carbonate dissolved in water every 15 days.

Keep the food in closed containers. Microorganisms spreading out from uncovered containers can cause unpleasant odours.

Never keep the food that have expired best before dates and spoiled in the refrigerator.

6.2. Protecting the plastic surfaces

Clean with arm water immediately as the oil may cause damage on the surface when it is poured on plastic surfaces.

6.3.Door Glasses

Remove the protective foil on the glasses.

There is a coating on the surface of the glasses.This coating minimizes the stain build-up and helps to remove the possible stains and dirt easily.Glasses that are not protected with such a coating may be subject to persistent binding of air or water based organic or inorganic dirt such as limescale, mineral salts, unburned hydrocarbons, metal oxides and silicones that can easily and

quickly cause stains or material damage. Keeping the glass clean becomes too difficult despite the regular cleaning. Consequently, the appearance and the transparency of the glass deteriorates. Harsh and corrosive cleaning methods and compounds will intensify these defects and speed up the deterioration process.

Water-based cleaning products that are not alkaline and corrosive must be used for regular cleaning purposes.


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Refrigerator / User Manual

Maintenance and cleaning

Non-alkaline and non-corrosive materials must be used for cleaning so that the service life of this coating lasts for a long time.

These glasses are tempered to increase their durability against impacts and breaking.A safety film is also applied to their rear surfaces as an extra safety measure in order to prevent them from causing damage to their surrounding in case of a breakage.

*Alkali is a base that forms hydroxide ions (OH¯) when it is dissolved in water.

Li (Lithium), Na (Sodium), K (Potassium) Rb (Rubidium), Cs (Cesium) and artificial and radioactive Fr (Fan-sium) metals are called ALKALI METALS.

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7 Troubleshooting

Check this list before contacting the service. Doing so will save you time and money. This list includes frequent complaints that are not related to faulty workmanship or materials. Certain features mentioned herein may not apply to your product.

The refrigerator is not working.

The power plug is not fully engaged. >>> Push the plug completely into the socket.

The fuse connected to the socket powering the product or the main fuse is blown. >>> Check the fuses.

Condensation on the side wall of the cooler compartment (MULTI ZONE, COOL, CONTROL and FLEXI ZONE).

The environment is too cold. >> Do not install the product in environments with temperatures below -5°C.

The door is opened too frequently >>> Take care not to open the product’s door too frequently.

The environment is too humid. >>> Do not install the product in humid environments.

Foods containing liquids are kept in unsealed holders. >>> Keep the foods containing liquids in sealed holders.

The product’s door is left open. >>> Do not keep the product’s door open for long periods.

The thermostat is set to too low temperature. >>> Set the thermostat to appropriate temperature.

Compressor is not working.

In case of sudden power failure or pulling the power plug off and putting back on, the gas pressure in the product’s cooling system is not balanced, which triggers the compressor thermic safeguard. The product will restart after approximately 6 minutes. If the product does not restart after this period, contact the Authorised Service Agent.

Defrosting is active. >>> This is normal for a fully-automatic defrosting product. The defrosting is carried out periodically.

The product is not plugged in. >>> Make sure the power cord is plugged in.

The temperature setting is incorrect. >>> Select the appropriate temperature setting.

The power is out. >>> The product will continue to operate normally once the power is restored.

The refrigerator's operating noise is increasing while in use.

The product’s operating performance may vary depending on the ambient temperature variations. This is normal and not a malfunction.

The refrigerator runs too often or for too long.


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The new product may be larger than your previous one. Larger products will run for longer periods.

The room temperature may be high. >>> The product will normally run for long periods in higher room temperature.

The product may have been recently plugged in or a new food item is placed inside. >>> The product will take longer to reach the set temperature when recently plugged in or a new food item is placed inside. This is normal

Large quantities of hot food may have been recently placed into the product.

>>> Do not place hot food into the product.

The doors were opened frequently or kept open for long periods. >>> The warm air moving inside will cause the product to run longer. Do not open the doors too frequently.

The freezer or cooler door may be ajar. >>> Check that the doors are fully closed.

The product may be set to temperature too low. >>> Set the temperature to a higher degree and wait for the product to reach the adjusted temperature.

The cooler or freezer door washer may be dirty, worn out, broken or not properly settled. >>> Clean or replace the washer. Damaged / torn door washer will cause the product to run for longer periods to preserve the current temperature.

The freezer temperature is very low, but the cooler temperature is adequate.

The freezer compartment temperature is set to a very low degree. >>> Set the freezer compartment temperature to a higher degree and check again.

The cooler temperature is very low, but the freezer temperature is adequate.

The cooler compartment temperature is set to a very low degree. >>> Set the freezer compartment temperature to a higher degree and check again.

The food items kept in cooler compartment drawers are frozen.

The cooler compartment temperature is set to a very low degree. >>> Set the freezer compartment temperature to a higher degree and check again.

The temperature in the cooler or the freezer is too high.

The cooler compartment temperature is set to a very high degree. >>> Cooler compartment temperature setting has an effect on the freezer compartment temperature. Change the temperature of the cooler or freezer compartment and wait until the temperature of the related compartments come to the adequate level.

The doors were opened frequently or kept open for long periods. >>> Do not open the doors too frequently.

The door may be ajar. >>> Fully close the door.

The product may have been recently plugged in or a new food item is placed inside. >>> This is normal. The product will take longer to reach the set temperature when recently plugged in or a new food item is placed inside.

Large quantities of hot food may have been recently placed into the product.

>>> Do not place hot food into the product.

Shaking or noise.

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