Behringer US600 User Manual

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Ultimate Pi tch Shifter / Harm onist Eect s Pedal
Thank you fo r showing your cond ence in us by purchasin g the BEHRINGER ULTRA SHIFT ER/HARMONIST US6 00. This high- quality ee cts pedal shif ts single notes a nd chords and even cr eates intelligent ha rmonies to your note s— at the touch o f a footswitch. Take o w ith incredible Tremo lo Arm/Flutte r eects to ben d single notes or simula te the movement of t he tremolo bar.
1. Controls
(1) The D TIME/SPEED contr ol has 2 dierent
functions depending on the eect mode selec ted. For TREM BAR and FLUT TER mode it adjust s the speed of the pi tch change. When using D ETUNE mode it contr ols the delay time of t he eect. In PITCH SHI FTER and HARMONIST m ode this control is n ot active.
(2) The BALANCE con trol adjusts th e balance
betwe en the direct sig nal and the eect s ignal in PITCH SHIFTER , DETUNE and HARMONIS T mode. At minim um position only th e direct signal is pr ovided while at max imum positio n only the eect s ignal will be heard. In TREM BAR and FLU TTER modes this co ntrol adjust s the output level of t he eects pe dal.
(3) The HR KEY con trol is used in HARM ONIST mode
to determi ne the key you are playin g in. Thisassur es that the right no tes tting wit h the harmonic preconditions are generated by the eec t. You can select out o f 10 dierent keys:
1. C major (A mi nor)
2. G major (E mi nor)
3. D major (B mi nor)
4. A major (F# mi nor)
5. E major (C# min or)
6. B major (G# minor)
7. Gb major (D # minor)
8. Db major (Bb minor)
9. Ab major (Fm mi nor)
10. Eb major (C minor)
11. Bb major (G minor)
12. F major (D minor)
(4) The PITCH cont rol adjusts the am ount of pitch shif ting. In HARMONIST m ode it select s the interval
added to th e direct signal.
(5) Use the MODE cont rol to select one o f 5 dierent eec t styles.
PITCH SHIFTER: Adds a d etuned signal to th e original signal w ith a maximum of 2 oc taves above or below.
Use the PITCH con trol to select t he degree of pitch s hift (-24, -12, -7, -5, -2, -1, +3, +4, +5, +7, +12, +24).
HARMONIST: Adds harmon ies to the original s ignal with a maxim um of 2 octaves abov e or below. Use the PITCH contro l to select the de sired interval (-2 Oct , -1 Oct, - 6th, -5th, -4th, -3rd, +3rd, +4th, +5th, +6th, +1 Oct, +2Oct). The inter vals are dynamic and a dapt to the key determi ned with the HR KE Y control.
DETUNE: Adds a su btle detuned sig nal to the original si gnal with a maximu m of 30 cents above or bel ow (-30 C, -25 C, -20 C, -15 C, -10 C, -5 C, +5 C, +10 C, +15 C, +20 C, +25, +30 C). Use the PITCH contr ol to adjust the amount of de tuning and the D TIME /SPEED control to det ermine the delay tim e.
TREM BAR: Detunes the i nput signal with a ma ximum of 2 octave s above or below simila r to the eect cr eated with a guit ar vibrato arm. Us e the PITCH control to adj ust the amount of de tuning (-12, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, +1, +2, +3, +4, +5, +12) and the D TIME/SPEED c ontrol to determ ine the time used to r each the dened pi tch value. The eec t is only active w hen you keep the foot switch depre ssed.
FLUTTER : Detunes the inpu t signal periodic ally with a maxim um of 1 octave above or b elow similar to the eec t created with a fa st moving guitar v ibrato arm. Use the P ITCH control to adjus t the amount of detun ing (-12, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, +1, +2, +3, +4, +5, +12) and the D TIME/SPEE D control to determ ine the time used to reach the d ened pitch value. T he eect is only a ctive when you kee p the footswitc h depressed.
(6) The ON /BATT LED illuminates when t he eect is ac tivated. (7) Use the footswitch to activate/deactivate the eect. (8) Use this ¼" TS IN conn ector to plug in the i nstrument cab le.
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