Behringer ULG10 User Manual

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Behringer Airplay Guitar ULG10
High-Performance 2.4 GHz Guitar Wireless System with Ultra-Low Latency and Rechargeable Battery
Quick Start Guide
Important Safety Instructions
WARNING: To reduce the risk of electric shock do not perform any servicing other than that contained in the operation instructions. Repairs have to be performed by qualified service personnel.
1. Read these instructions.
2. Keep these instructions.
3. Heed all warnings.
4. Follow all instructions.
5. Do not use t his apparatus near w ater.
6. Clean only wi th dry cloth.
7. Do not exp ose a power pack to re o r excessive tempera ture.
Expos ure to the re or temper ature above 100°C (212°F)
may cause explosion.
8. Do not expo se this produc t to bright sunshine f or a long time.
9. Do not d isassemble thi s apparatus. Take it to a quali ed service
person when service or repair is required. Incorrect reassembly
may result in a r isk of re or injur y to persons.
10. Please store this product in a clean and dry environment.
11. Charge it once a month (minimum).
4" TS
12. Use o f a power supply or char ger not recommende d or sold by
the manuf acturer may resu lt in a risk of re or injur y to persons.
13. Do not u se this apparatu s in excess of its out put rating.
Overloa d outputs above ra ting may result in a ris k of re or
injury to persons.
14. Do not us e this apparatus i f it is damaged or modi ed.
Damaged or m odied batter ies may exhibit unp redictable
behavior r esulting in re, ex plosion or risk of inj ury.
15. Have servicing perfor med by a qualied repair person using
only ident ical replacement p arts. This wil l ensure that the
safety of the product is maintained.
16. Switch o  this apparatus wh en not in use.
17. WARNING! Choking an d Swallowing Hazard . Keep the
produc t safely out of rea ch of children and pe ts. The small size
and the internal battery present a choking and swallowing
hazard. Failure to follow instructions may lead to permanent
injury o r death.
18. WARNING! To prevent possible hearing damage, do not
listen at hi gh volume levels for lo ng periods
19. Correc t disposal of this product: This symbol
indicate s that this produc t must not be dispo sed of
with hous ehold waste, accor ding to the WEEE
Direc tive (2012/19/EU) and your nat ional law. This
produc t should be taken to a col lection center l icensed for the
recyc ling of waste elec trical and elec tronic equipm ent (EEE). The
mishandli ng of this type of wa ste could have a possib le negative
impact on the environment and human health due to potentially
hazardo us substances th at are generally ass ociated with EEE. At
the same ti me, your cooperati on in the correc t disposal of this
produc t will contribut e to the ecient use of n atural resource s. For
more info rmation about wh ere you can take your wa ste equipment
for rec ycling, please cont act your local c ity oce, or your
household waste collection service.
Charging the Battery
100% Charged Approx 75% Approx 50% Low Battery
1. The Bat tery Level LEDs will  ash twice when eac h unit is turned ON.
2. Fully charg e each unit before u sing them for the r st time.
3. If the level i s low, attach the suppl ied dual cords to a comp uter USB output.
4. CAUTION: Do not leave the units unattended while they are charging.
Micro USB
Selecting the Channel
Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 3 Channel 4
1. Channel 1 is au tomatically sel ected each time t he units are turn ed on.
on the same c hannel, or they will no t operate.
3. If requir ed, press SEL on each un it to change to a dier ent channel. All 4 LEDs
will ash t wice and show the chan nel LED.
4. If the unit s are on dierent cha nnels, then the 4 LEDs o n the receiver will s tart to ash repea tedly
after a f ew seconds, until yo u select the cor rect channel.
5. The trans mitter signals c an be received by sever al receivers se t to the same channel.
For examp le, the signal can be fe d to 2 ampliers simu ltaneously to
generate a stereo sound image.
6. To switch o the t ransmitter and r eceiver, rst turn o y our
power ampli er, and then set both on/o s witches to the
OFF position.
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