Behringer iX16 Brochure

Digital Mixers
Ultra-Compact 16-Input, 8-Bus Digital Mixer for iPad* with 16Programmable MIDAS Preamps andUSB Audio Interface
iPad* controlled 16-input, 8-bus digital mixer for studio andliveapplication
16 MIDAS-designed, fullyprogrammable mic preamps foraudiophile sound quality
6 TRS aux sends and 2 XLR main outputs plus phones connector
18 x 18 channel USB 2.0 audiointerface
iPad* and PC apps available for remote operation via Ethernet, LANorWi**
8 buses each featuring inserts, 6-bandparametric EQ’s and full dynamics processing
Virtual FX rack featuring 4 true-stereo FX slots including high-end simulations such as Lexicon 480L* andPCM70*, EMT250* and QuantecQRS* etc.
40-Bit oating-point DSP features “unlimited” dynamic range with no internal overload and near-zero overall latency (0.8 msec)
Scene management allows full storage and total recall of your setups
USB type-A connector providing le storage and uncompressed stereo recordings plus show presets and system updates
Integrated ULTRANET connectivity for BEHRINGER’s P-16 Personal MonitoringSystem**
MIDI In/Out for remote scene recall or controlling other MIDI equipment
Future rmware updates downloadable from free of charge
Conceived and designed by BEHRINGER Germany
Ultra-Compact 16-Input, 8-Bus Digital Mixer for iPad* with 16 Programmable MIDAS Preamps and USB Audio Interface
You want freedom, and not just a little… but, total freedom. The iX16 Digital Mixer gives you the freedom to work wirelessly from anywhere in the venue using basically any device you have—be it iPad or iPad mini, tablet PC, laptop or Mac computer. Our public OSC protocol will even allow developers to work on their own apps for Android devices.
Want to hear the mix in the balcony? Or,maybe the bass player wants you to help him sort out his monitor mix. With the iX16 you have the freedom to roam about and experience all elements of the main mix from any vantage point—just grab your iPad and get moving. And you can mix monitors where they’ll do the most good, right in the sweet spot on stage. Betteryet, since iX16 supports being controlled by several remote devices concurrently, whynot give each band member control over their own monitor mix?!
The iX16 inherits the X32’s remarkable processing as well as the fully programmable mic preamps you’ll nd inside. But don’t be afraid, it also commends itself to the rather less experienced user, by focusing on a simple, streamlined workow that can easily be grasped. The iX16 provides serious connectivity, including a bi-directional 18-channel USB audio interface for live recording, home or project studio enthusiasts looking for a major step upinquality.
Add to this a 40-bit digital mix engine that will take your music to a wholenew level of sonic clarity, ULTRANET connectivity for our P16 Personal Monitoring System, andwe’ve just scratched the surface of the iX16’s amazing feature set. Perfect for permanentinstallations, just connect your mics and speakers, grab your iPad— and y! Professional gear—professional solutions—the iX16 Digital Mixer fromBEHRINGER!
Top Panel
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*Mac, iPad, and iPad mini are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Android is a trademark of GoogleInc. Alltrademarks, including, but not limited to Lexicon, PCM, EMT, Quantecand QRS are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Their use neither constitutes a claim of the trademarks nor aliation of the trademark owners with MUSICGroup. Product names are mentioned solely as a reference for iX16 compatibilityand eects.
**P-16 Personal MonitoringSystem and LANorWi are not included.
XLR/Line inputs
XLR outputs
USB socket
Phones output
Phones volume control
iPad home shelf
Rear Panel
Standard IECpower socket and On/O switch
USB socket
Ethernet socket
MIDI I/O sockets
ULTRANET socket for P16 personal monitor system
Auxiliary sends
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