Quick Start Guide
Legendary Analog Mixer/Utility
Module for Eurorack
(1) CHANNEL INPUTS connec t the incoming signal s via
cables w ith 3.5 mm TS connect ors.
(2) CHANNEL GAIN knobs adju st the input volume f or the
(3) MULTIPLE connectio ns act as a patchbay so t hat copies of
the input si gnals can be route d out to other module s for
further processing.
(4) OUTPUTS connect ions send out the mixe r module’s nal,
summed sig nal. The OUTPUTS sec tion features t wo sets of
output ja cks with negati ve and positive polar ity.
(5) MASTER GAIN controls t he nal volume a t the
OUTPUTS jacks.
Power Connection
The CP3A-M MIXER c omes with the requi red power cable for
connec ting to a standard Euro rack power supply sys tem. Follow
these ste ps to connect power t o the module. It is easier to m ake
these con nections bef ore the module has be en mounted into
a rack cas e.
1. Turn the power supp ly or rack case power o and
disconne ct the power cable.
2. Insert t he 16-pin connect or on the power cable int o the
socket on t he power supply or rack c ase. The connec tor has
a tab that wi ll align with the gap in t he socket, so it can not
be inser ted incorrect ly. If the power supply does n ot have
a keyed socke t, be sure to orient pin 1 (-12 V) with the re d
stripe o n the cable.
3. Inser t the 10-pin connec tor into the socke t on the back of
the modul e. The connector ha s a tab that will align wi th the
socket fo r correct ori entation.
4. After bot h ends of the power cable h ave been securely
attac hed, you may mount the mo dule in a case and tur n on
the power supp ly.
The neces sary screws ar e included with th e module for mount ing
in a Eurorack c ase. Connect the po wer cable before mou nting.
Dependin g on the rack case, the re may be a series of xed holes
spaced 2 HP ap art along the leng th of the case, or a tr ack that
allows individual threaded plates to slide alon g the length
of the cas e. The free-movi ng threaded plate s allow precise
positio ning of the module, bu t each plate should be p ositioned in
the approx imate relation to the mo unting holes in your m odule
before a ttaching the sc rews.
Hold the mo dule against the Euro rack rails so that eac h of the
mounting h oles are aligned wi th a threaded rail o r threaded
plate. Att ach the screws par t way to start , which will allow
small adjus tments to the pos itioning while you g et them all
aligned. Af ter the n al position has bee n established, ti ghten the
screws down.

Speci cations
Channel gain 4 x rotary knob
Maximum input level +14 dBu
Master gain 1 x rotary knob
Maximum output level +14 dBu
Signal Connections
Inputs 4 x 3.5 mm TS jack, mono
Impedance 10 kΩ unbalanced
Multiple 8 x 3.5 mm TS jack, mono
Arrangement 2 sets of 4 parallel jacks,
Compatibility CV and audio signals
Outputs 4 x 3.5 mm TS jack, mono
Impedance 220 Ω to 5 kΩ, unbalanced
Output noise < -85 dBu, 22 Hz - 22 kHz
Power supply Eurorack
Current draw 30 mA (+12 V),
30 mA (-12 V)
Dimensions (H x W x D) 129 x 71 x 35 mm
(5.1 x 2.8 x 1.4")
Rack units 14 HP
Weight 0.16 kg (0.35 lbs)
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Zhongs han Eurotec Ele ctronic s Limited
No. 10 Wanmei Road, South China Modern Chinese Medicine Park,
Nanlang Town, 528451, Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province, China