Quick Start Guide
Bluetooth Wireless Adapter for
In-Ear Monitors with MMCX Connectors
V 1.0
1. Read these instructions.
2. Keep these instructions.
3. Heed all warnings.
4. Follow all instructions.
5. Do not use th is appara tus
near water.
6. Clean only w ith dry c loth.
7. Di sposal of a b attery i nto re
or a hot oven , or mechani cally
crushi ng or cutt ing of a batt ery,
can res ult in an expl osion.
8. Leaving a ba ttery in a n extrem ely
high temperature surrounding
enviro nment can re sult in an
Music Trib e accepts no l iabilit y for any los s which may b e suered b y any perso n who
relies ei ther who lly or in par t upon any de script ion, photo graph, or s tatemen t containe d
herein. Technical specications, appearances and other information are subject to change
without notice. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Midas, Klark
Teknik, L ab Gruppe n, Lake, Tannoy, Turb osound, TC E lectr onic, TC Heli con, Behr inger,
Bugera, Oberheim, Auratone and Coolaudio are trademarks or registered trademarks of
Music Trib e Global Br ands Ltd. © Mu sic Tribe Glo bal Brand s Ltd. 2021 All rig hts rese rved.
For the applicable warranty terms and conditions and additional information regarding
Music Trib e’s Limited War ranty, ple ase see com plete det ails online a t
explo sion, or the le akage of
ammable liquid or gas.
9. A batte ry subje cted to ex tremely
low air pr essure may r esult in
an expl osion or the l eakage of
ammable liquid or gas.
10. Do not dis assembl e or modif y
this product.
11. Do n ot replace a b attery.
It can defeat a safeguard.
12. Plea se store thi s produc t in a
clean and dry environment.
13. Charg e it once a mon th
14. Do not le ave unatte nded
while charging.
15. WARNING! Choking and
Swallow ing Hazard . Keep the
produc t safely o ut of reach o f
childr en and pets . The small si ze
and the in ternal bat tery pre sent a
choking and swallowing hazard.
Failure to follow instructions
may lead to permanent damage
or death.
16. WARNING! To preven t possibl e
hearin g damage, do no t listen
at high vo lume levels f or long
Accessories List
• BT251-BK cable
• Zipper case
• USB ch arging ca ble
• This quick start guide
• Professional studio-grade Bluetooth adapter for in-ear monitors
• Bluetooth technology for exceptional sound quality
with up to 33 f t (10 m) of wirele ss freed om
• Bluetooth communication support for seamless phone calls and
eortless music control
• Enj oy up to 7 hours o f batter y life for no n-stop li stening pl easure
• Compatible with most earphones and headphones containing
MMCX con nector s
• 360 -degre e rotatin g gold-pla ted MMCX lo ck-snap con nector f or
convenience and exibility
• Adv anced DSP fo r optimize d sound qual ity from a w ide range of
audio devices
• Sup ports Qu alcomm apt X high-qu ality and l ow-laten cy audio fo r
enhanced video watching and gaming experiences
• Bui lt-in CVC tec hnology i solates th e user's voi ce from
surrounding noise for clear phone conversation
• Secure over-the-ear exible design ensures earphone stability
and comfort
• USB ch arging ca ble includ ed
and microphone
USB charging port
Battery pod
Control buttons
Getting Started
• Bef ore use, pl ease read th is quick st art guide c areful ly and
keep it in a s afe place.
• Plea se fully ch arge the ba ttery be fore use.
• Do no t leave unat tended whi le chargin g.
• Plea se regula rly charge t he batte ry if you have n ot used the c able for a
long time (more than 3 months).
• Plea se use the su pplied ch arger cabl e only.
WARNING: Avoid the following:
• Replacement of a battery that can defeat a safeguard.
• Dis posal of a ba ttery in to re or a hot ove n, or mechan ically cr ushing or
cutt ing of a batt ery, that can r esult in an e xplosion .
• Leaving a battery in an extremely high temperature surrounding
environment that can result in an explosion or the leakage of ammable
liquid or gas.
• A bat tery sub jected to e xtreme ly low air pre ssure that m ay result in a n
explosion or the leakage of ammable liquid or gas.
Bluetooth pairing
You will hea r voice promp t for pairi ng after p ower on. Plea se refer to f unctio n
map table for other functions.
Blueto oth func tions for B luetooth -enable d earphon es can be acce ssed fro m the
contro ller pod emb edded in th e earphon e cable:
Power ON / OFF
Power On Press ce nter key for 3 s econds
Power Of f Press ce nter key for 3 s econds

Music Controls
Play the Tra ck Press ce nter key once
Pause the Track Press ce nter key once
Volume Up b y 7% Pr ess "+" ke y
Volume Do wn by 7% Press "-" ke y
Nex t Track Long Press "+" key
Previous Track Long Pre ss "-" key
Phone Call Controls
Answer incoming call Press ce nter key once
Refuse incoming call Press ce nter key twi ce
End the call Press ce nter key once
Volume Up b y 7% Pr ess "+" ke y
Volume Do wn by 7% Press "-" ke y
Last number Redial Press ce nter key twi ce
Mic Control
Mic mute / unmute Long pre ss center key
Voice Assist Control
Activate Voice Assist P ress cente r key three ti mes
LED Indication
Charging Red
Fully charged Re d light will tu rn o
Pairing mode Red and Blue lights ashing alternately
Bluetooth connected Blue
Other important information
1. Register online. Pleaseregister your new Music Tribe equipment right after
you purchase it by visiting behringer.com. Registeringyour purchase using our simple
online form helps us to process your repair claims more quickly and eciently. Also, read
the terms and conditions of our warranty, ifapplicable.
2. Malfunction. Should your Music Tribe Authorized Reseller not be located in your
vicinity, you may contact the Music Tribe Authorized Fulller for your country listed under
“Support” at behringer.com. Shouldyour country not be listed, pleasecheck if your problem
can be dealt with by our “OnlineSupport” which may also be found under “Support”
at behringer.com. Alternatively, please submit an online warranty claim at behringer.com
BEFORE returning theproduct.
Bluetooth* Version 5.0
Frequency range 2402 MHz ~ 2480 MHz
Channel number 79
Max output power 5 dBm
Bluetooth range Up t o 10 m (33 ft) in line o f sight
CODEC support aptX, AAC, S BC
Call support CVC 8.0
Mic sensitivity -42 dB (± 3 dB) @ 1 kHz, 0 dB = 1 V/Pa
Battery type Rechargeable lithium battery
Workin g time Up to 7 hrs
Standby time Up to 150 hrs
Charging time 1 hr via USB 5 V / 50 0 mA
Cable Shielded, detachable
Connector MMCX connector, detachable
Cable length 25 cm (10")
*The Blue tooth® wor d mark and log os are owne d by the Bluet ooth SIG, Inc .,
and any us e of such mark s by Music Trib e is under lic ense.
BT2 51-BK
Responsible Party Name: Music Tri be Commer cial NV Inc .
Address: 5270 Proc yon Street ,
Las Vegas NV 89118, United States
Phone Number: +1 702 800 829 0
This equ ipment has b een teste d and found t o comply wit h the limit s for a
Class B di gital devi ce, pursua nt to part 15 of t he FCC Rules. T hese limi ts are
designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in
a reside ntial inst allation . This equi pment gene rates, use s and can rad iate
radio f requenc y energy an d, if not inst alled and us ed in accor dance with
the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
However, th ere is no guar antee that i nterfer ence will no t occur in a pa rticula r
installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or
television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment o and
on, the us er is encour aged to tr y to correc t the inter ference by o ne or more of
the following measures:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
• Connec t the equi pment into a n outlet on a ci rcuit di erent fro m that to
which th e receiver i s connect ed
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
This dev ice compli es with Par t 15 of the FCC rule s. Operat ion is subje ct to the
following two conditions::
(1) this devic e may not caus e harmful i nterfer ence, and
(2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference
that may cause undesired operation.n.
Important information:
Change s or modic ations to th e equipme nt not expr essly appr oved by Music
Tribe can void the user’s authority to use the equipment.
The Musi c Tribe is not re sponsibl e for any radi o or TV inter ference c aused by
unauthorized modi cations to this equipment. Such modications could void
the user authority to operate the equipment
FCC RF Radiation Exposure Statement:
(1) This Transmi tter mus t not be co-l ocated or o perating i n conjunc tion with an y
other antenna or transmitter.
(2) This equ ipment com plies wit h FCC RF radiat ion expos ure limit s set fort h for
an uncontrolled environment.