This description is only intended for the use of trained specialists in control and automation engineering who
are familiar with applicable national standards.
It is essential that the documentation and the following notes and explanations are followed when installing
and commissioning the components.
It is the duty of the technical personnel to use the documentation published at the respective time of each
installation and commissioning.
The responsible staff must ensure that the application or use of the products described satisfy all the
requirements for safety, including all the relevant laws, regulations, guidelines and standards.
The documentation has been prepared with care. The products described are, however, constantly under
We reserve the right to revise and change the documentation at any time and without prior announcement.
No claims for the modification of products that have already been supplied may be made on the basis of the
data, diagrams and descriptions in this documentation.
Beckhoff®, TwinCAT®, EtherCAT®, EtherCAT G®, EtherCAT G10®, EtherCAT P®, Safety over EtherCAT®,
TwinSAFE®, XFC®, XTS® and XPlanar® are registered trademarks of and licensed by Beckhoff Automation
Other designations used in this publication may be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own
purposes could violate the rights of the owners.
Patent Pending
The EtherCAT Technology is covered, including but not limited to the following patent applications and
EP1590927, EP1789857, EP1456722, EP2137893, DE102015105702
with corresponding applications or registrations in various other countries.
EtherCAT® is a registered trademark and patented technology, licensed by Beckhoff Automation GmbH,
Please note the following safety instructions and explanations!
Product-specific safety instructions can be found on following pages or in the areas mounting, wiring,
commissioning etc.
Exclusion of liability
All the components are supplied in particular hardware and software configurations appropriate for the
application. Modifications to hardware or software configurations other than those described in the
documentation are not permitted, and nullify the liability of Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co. KG.
Personnel qualification
This description is only intended for trained specialists in control, automation and drive engineering who are
familiar with the applicable national standards.
Description of symbols
In this documentation the following symbols are used with an accompanying safety instruction or note. The
safety instructions must be read carefully and followed without fail!
Serious risk of injury!
Failure to follow the safety instructions associated with this symbol directly endangers the life and health of
Risk of injury!
Failure to follow the safety instructions associated with this symbol endangers the life and health of persons.
Personal injuries!
Failure to follow the safety instructions associated with this symbol can lead to injuries to persons.
Damage to the environment or devices
Failure to follow the instructions associated with this symbol can lead to damage to the environment or
Tip or pointer
This symbol indicates information that contributes to better understanding.
TF66106Version: 1.1
The function blocks of the PLC library Tc2_S5S7Com can be used to realise data exchange between the
local TwinCAT PLC and a S5/S7 controller via an Ethernet LAN adapter from IBHsoftec.
The adapter is not part of the Beckhoff product and must be bought from IBHsoftec.
Product components
The function TF6610 | S5/S7 consists of the following components which are automatically installed during
• Functions: TF6310
• PLC library Tc2_S5S7Com (Tc2_TcpIp installed with TF6310)
• Background program:TwinCAT TCP/IP connection server (for communication, installed with
System requirements
Supported adapters:
• IBH Link S5++ adapter from IBHsoftec (from firmware version 1.39; the firmware version can be
read via the configuration software provided).
Older adapters (without ++) are currently not supported.
• IBH Link S7++ adapter from IBHsoftec (from firmware version NL50MPI V02.004 05.06.09; the
firmware version can be read via the configuration software provided).
The following article describes the minimum requirements for the engineering or runtime system.
Development environment
A development environment describes a computer developing PLC program, but not running. On a
development computer, the following have to be installed:
• TwinCAT v3.1.4016.0 XAE (engineering) or higher;
• TwinCAT 3 Function TF6610 S5 / S7 Communication;
Run-time environment
A runtime environment describes a computer running PLC programs. On a runtime computer, the following
have to be installed:
• TwinCAT v3.1.4016.0 XAR (runtime) or higher;
• TwinCAT 3 Function TF6610 S5 / S7 Communication;
• Licenses for TC1200 PLC and TF6610;
Developer and run-time version on a computer
To run a runtime and development environment on a computer (for example, to test a PLC program before
loading it to the target computer), the following requirements must be fullfilled:
• TwinCAT v3.1.4016.0 XAE (Engineering) or higher;
• TwinCAT 3 function TF6610 S5 / S7 communication;
• Licenses for TC1200 PLC, TF6610;;
Please note: For test purposes a 7-day trial license can be generated, see licensing.
TF66107Version: 1.1
The function TF6610 can be installed with the Operating System XP and CE.
The following section describes how to install the TwinCAT3Function for Windows-based operating
ü The TwinCAT3Function setup file was downloaded from the Beckhoff website.
1. Run the setup file as administrator. To do this, select the command Run as administrator in the context
menu of the file.
ð The installation dialog opens.
2. Accept the end user licensing agreement and click Next.
TF66108Version: 1.1
3. Enter your user data.
4. If you want to install the full version of the TwinCAT3Function, select Complete as installation type. If
you want to install the TwinCAT3Function components separately, select Custom.
TF66109Version: 1.1
5. Select Next, then Install to start the installation.
ð A dialog box informs you that the TwinCAT system must be stopped to proceed with the installation.
6. Confirm the dialog with Yes.
TF661010Version: 1.1
7. Select Finish to exit the setup.
ð The TwinCAT3Function has been successfully installed and can be licensed (see Licensing [}13]).
3.2Installation WindowsCE
The following section describes how to install a TwinCAT3function (TFxxx) on a Beckhoff Embedded PC
with WindowsCE.
1. Download and install the setup file [}11]
2. Transfer the CAB file to the WindowsCE device [}12]
3. Run the CAB file on the WindowsCE device [}12]
If an older TFxxx version is already installed on the WindowsCE device, it can be updated:
• Software upgrade [}12]
Download and install the setup file
The CAB installation file for WindowsCE is part of the TFxxx setup. This is made available on the Beckhoff
website and automatically contains all versions for Windows XP, Windows 7 and
Windows CE (x86 and ARM).
Download the TFxxx setup file and install the TwinCAT3function as described in the Installation [}8]
After the installation, the installation folder contains three directories (one directory per hardware platform):
• CE-ARM: ARM-based Embedded PCs running WindowsCE, e.g. CX8090, CX9020
• CE-X86: X86-based Embedded PCs running WindowsCE, e.g. CX50xx, CX20x0
• Win32: Embedded PCs running WindowsXP, Windows7 or WindowsEmbeddedStandard
The CE-ARM and CE-X86 directories contain the CAB files of the TwinCAT3function for WindowsCE in
relation to the respective hardware platform of the WindowsCE device.
Example: "TF6310" installation folder
TF661011Version: 1.1
Transfer the CAB file to the WindowsCE device
Transfer the corresponding CAB file to the WindowsCE device.
There are various options for transferring the executable file:
• via network shares
• via the integrated FTP server
• via ActiveSync
• via CF/SD cards
Further information can be found in the Beckhoff Information System in the "Operating Systems"
documentation (EmbeddedPC>Operating Systems>CE).
Run the CAB file on the WindowsCE device
After transferring the CAB file to the WindowsCE device, double-click the file there. Confirm the installation
dialog with OK. Then restart the WindowsCE device.
After restarting the device, the files of the TwinCAT3function (TFxxxx) are automatically loaded in the
background and are then available.
The software is installed in the following directory on the WindowsCE device:
\Hard Disk\TwinCAT\Functions\TFxxxx
Software upgrade
If an older version of the TwinCAT3function is already installed on the WindowsCE device, carry out the
following steps on the WindowsCE device to upgrade to a new version:
1. Open the CE Explorer by clicking Start>Run and entering "Explorer".
2. Navigate to \Hard Disk\TwinCAT\Functions\TFxxx\xxxx.
3. Rename the file Tc*.exe to Tc*.old.
4. Restart the WindowsCE device.
5. Transfer the new CAB file to the WindowsCE device.
6. Run the CAB file on the WindowsCE device and install the new version.
7. Delete the file Tc*.old.
8. Restart the WindowsCE device.
ð The new version is active after the restart.
TF661012Version: 1.1
The TwinCAT3function can be activated as a full version or as a 7-day test version. Both license types can
be activated via the TwinCAT 3 development environment (XAE).
Licensing the full version of a TwinCAT3Function
A description of the procedure to license a full version can be found in the Beckhoff Information System in
the documentation "TwinCAT3Licensing".
Licensing the 7-day test version of a TwinCAT3Function
A 7-day test version cannot be enabled for a TwinCAT 3 license dongle.
1. Start the TwinCAT 3 development environment (XAE).
2. Open an existing TwinCAT 3 project or create a new project.
3. If you want to activate the license for a remote device, set the desired target system. To do this, select
the target system from the Choose Target System drop-down list in the toolbar.
ð The licensing settings always refer to the selected target system. When the project is activated on
the target system, the corresponding TwinCAT 3 licenses are automatically copied to this system.
4. In the Solution Explorer, double-click License in the SYSTEM subtree.
ð The TwinCAT 3 license manager opens.
TF661013Version: 1.1
5. Open the Manage Licenses tab. In the AddLicense column, check the check box for the license you
want to add to your project (e.g."TF6420:TC3DatabaseServer").
6. Open the Order Information (Runtime) tab.
ð In the tabular overview of licenses, the previously selected license is displayed with the status
7. Click7-DayTrialLicense... to activate the 7-day trial license.
ð A dialog box opens, prompting you to enter the security code displayed in the dialog.
8. Enter the code exactly as it is displayed and confirm the entry.
9. Confirm the subsequent dialog, which indicates the successful activation.
ð In the tabular overview of licenses, the license status now indicates the expiry date of the license.
10. Restart the TwinCAT system.
TF661014Version: 1.1
ð The 7-day trial version is enabled.
TF661015Version: 1.1
Configuration of an IBH Link S5/S7 ++ adapter
4Configuration of an IBH Link S5/S7 ++ adapter
The adapter configuration software is provided by the manufacturer of the adapter. It is not part of the
TwinCAT function. A detailed description of the module configuration can be found in the manufacturer
Configuration of an IBH Link S5++ adapter
In the following example a fixed IP address was set:
Configuration of an IBH Link S7++ adapter
In the following example a fixed IP address was set:
TF661016Version: 1.1
Configuration of an IBH Link S5/S7 ++ adapter
TF661017Version: 1.1
Description of the PLC data area parameter values
5Description of the PLC data area parameter
The parameter values to be used for the write/read command differ depending on the type of external control
used, the adapter or the communication protocol. Some data areas may not be available, or the data have to
be read/written word by word instead of byte by byte. Further information can be found in the documentation
for the external control.
Data type
Read access to word variables in the S5/S7 controller returns data in Motorola format (Hi and Lo
bytes interchanged). For the evaluation the read data first have to be converted to the common Intel
format used in the TwinCAT system. Data to be written from the TwinCAT system to the S5/S7 controller must be converted to the Motorola format before the write access.
The BCD number system is used in the S5/S7 controller for representing the counter/timer variables. The
data may have to be converted, if necessary.
The TwinCAT PLC library: TcUtilities.Lib offers functions for conversion between Motorola and Intel format
(e.g. BE16_TO_host, host_TO_BE16...).
The following table provides an overview of the available communication routes:
Control LAN adapterTransport
S5IBH Link S5++TCP/IPIBH S5 LAN link protocol =
S7IBH Link S7++TCP/IPNetLink MPI protocol (NL-MPI)
IBH S5 LAN link protocol = FETCH/WRITE telegrams
• Currently this protocol can only be used with S5 controllers.
• The TCP/IP port number has the default value 2002;
• The parameter devAddr is not evaluated.
• The data block number (nDB) is only evaluated when the areas data blocks (DB) and extended data
blocks (DX) are accessed. Permitted range: 1..255;
• The areas P (periphery) and OS (operating state) are not supported.
Data area (eArea)Start address (nOffset)Permitted data length (cbBuffer)
DBData word offset: 0..2047read/write 1..2048 words
MFlag byte offset: 0..255read/write 1..256 bytes
IInput byte offset: 0..127read 1..128 bytes
QOutput byte offset: 0..127write 1..128 bytes
PI/O periphery byte offset: 0..127 (digital
I/Os), 128..255 (analog I/Os)
CCounter start offset: 0..255read/write 1 word
TTimer start offset: 0..255read/write 1 word
DXData word offset:read/write 1..2048 words
LAN adapter communication
FETCH/WRITE telegrams
from Hilscher
read/write 1..256 bytes
No connection parameterisation
required in the external controller.
No connection parameterisation
required in the external controller.
NetLink MPI protocol (NL-MPI) from Hilscher
• This protocol can only be used with S7 controllers.
• The TCP/IP port number has the default value 1099
• The MPI address (devAddr) has the default value 2. Permissible values: 1..126;
• The data block number (nDB) is only evaluated when the data blocks (DB) data area is accessed.
Permissible values: 0..65534;
TF661018Version: 1.1
Description of the PLC data area parameter values
• The areas P (periphery) and DX (extended data block) are not supported.
• The byte length has to be specified for the data length parameter (cbBuffer).
• The OS area (operating state) is only available for read access.
Data area (eArea)Start address (nOffset)Permitted data length (cbBuffer)
CCounter start offset: 0..65534Read: max. 111 word counters, write:
TTimer start offset: 0..65534Read: max. 111 word timers, write: max.
OSOperating state: Irrelevant1 word (0=STOP, 1=START, 2=RUN,
max. 108 counters
108 timers
TF661019Version: 1.1
6.1PLC Reference
6.1.1Function blocks
This function block (actively) establishes a network connection to the third-party system. If successful, the
internal parameters of the hLink variable are initialised. The same instance of the hLink variable must then
be transferred to the other instances of the communication blocks FB_NLinkFetch [}22], FB_NLinkWrite[}24] or FB_NLinkClose [}21]. In a PLC application one instance of this variables is required for each
network connection (TwinCAT system<->Ethernet LAN adapter<->external controller).
hLink : T_HNLINK;
hLink : Network connection handle ( Type:T_HNLINK [}29]). The instance of this variable is required by the
other communication blocks and is transferred to them via VAR_IN_OUT.
stSettings: Structure with configuration settings for the communication connection. The member variables of
this structure should contain parameters such as port number, host name, etc.
nOpt: Reserved for future applications.
bExecute: The block is activated by a rising edge at this input.
tTimeout: Specifies the timeout that must not be exceeded on receipt of the command.
bBusy: When the function block is activated this output is set. It remains set until a feedback is received.
While Busy = TRUE, no new command will be accepted at the inputs. Please note that it is not the command
execution but the receipt of the command that is monitored.
bError: In the event of an error during the command transfer, this output is set once the bBusy output has
been reset.
nErrID: Supplies the error number [}32] when the bError output is set.
See examples [}31].
Development environmentTarget platformPLC libraries to include
TwinCAT V3.1.4016 or higherPC oder CX (x86, x64, ARM)Tc2_S5S7Com (Communication->TcpIp)
This function block closes the network connection to the third-party system.
hLink : T_HNLINK;
hLink : Network connection handle ( Type:T_HNLINK [}29]). This is where the instance of the variable used
for establishing the connection by the FB_NLinkOpen [}20] function block is transferred.
bExecute: The block is activated by a rising edge at this input.
tTimeout: Specifies the timeout that must not be exceeded on receipt of the command.
bBusy : BOOL;
bError : BOOL;
TF661021Version: 1.1
bBusy: When the function block is activated this output is set. It remains set until a feedback is received.
While Busy = TRUE, no new command will be accepted at the inputs. Please note that it is not the command
execution but the receipt of the command that is monitored.
bError: In the event of an error during the command transfer, this output is set once the bBusy output has
been reset.
nErrID: Supplies the error number [}32] when the bError output is set.
See examples [}31].
Development environmentTarget platformPLC libraries to include
TwinCAT V3.1.4016 or higherPC oder CX (x86, x64, ARM)Tc2_S5S7Com (Communication->TcpIp)
This function block reads data from the third-party system and writes them to the local TwinCAT system
(FETCH service).
hLink : T_HNLINK;
hLink : Network connection handle (Type:T_HNLINK [}29]). This is where the instance of the variable used
for establishing the connection by the FB_NLinkOpen [}20] function block is transferred.
devAddr: Device address, MPI address of the component on the third-party system.
eArea: PLC data area in the third-party system (inputs, outputs, data block etc.) from which data are to be
read (type:E_NLinkArea [}26]).
nDB: Data block number in the third-party system. Data are to be read from this data block (only relevant for
access to data blocks and extended data blocks).
nOffset: The start byte address or word address from which data are to be read in the third-party system.
Whether a byte or word address is to be specified depends on the type of external controller/protocol used
and the data area to be accessed. Further information can be found here: Description of the PLC data areaparameter values [}18].
cbBuffer: Maximum number of data bytes to be read. The byte length is specified even for access to word
pBuffer: Pointer/address of the target data buffer in the TwinCAT system. The read data are written into this
buffer. The address can be determined with the ADR operator. The target data buffer must not be smaller
than the specified length of the data to be read.
nOpt: Reserved for future applications.
bExecute: The block is activated by a rising edge at this input.
tTimeout: Specifies the timeout that must not be exceeded on receipt of the command.
bBusy : BOOL;
bError : BOOL;
cbRead : UDINT := 0; (* Number of recend realy returned data bytes *)
bBusy: When the function block is activated this output is set. It remains set until a feedback is received.
While Busy = TRUE, no new command will be accepted at the inputs. Please note that it is not the command
execution but the receipt of the command that is monitored.
bError: In the event of an error during the command transfer, this output is set once the bBusy output has
been reset.
nErrID: Supplies the error number [}32] when the bError output is set.
cbRead: Number of successfully read data bytes.
See examples [}31].
Development environmentTarget platformPLC libraries to include
TwinCAT V3.1.4016 or higherPC oder CX (x86, x64, ARM)Tc2_S5S7Com (Communication->TcpIp)
This function block sends data from the local TwinCAT system to the third-party system (WRITE service).
hLink : T_HNLINK;
hLink : Network connection handle ( Type:T_HNLINK [}29]). This is where the instance of the variable used
for establishing the connection by the FB_NLinkOpen [}20] function block is transferred.
devAddr: Device address, MPI address of the component on the third-party system.
eArea: PLC data area in the third-party system (inputs, outputs, data block, etc.) to which data are to be
written (type:E_NLinkArea [}26])
nDB: Data block number in the third-party system. Block in which data are to be written (only relevant for
access to data blocks and extended data blocks).
nOffset: The start byte address or word address from which data are to be written to the third-party system.
Whether a byte or word address is to be specified depends on the type of external controller/protocol used
and the data area to be accessed. Further information can be found here: Description of the PLC data areaparameter values [}18].
cbBuffer: Maximum byte length of the data to be transferred from the source data buffer in the local
TwinCAT system to the third-party system. The byte length is specified even for access to word addresses.
pBuffer: Pointer/address for the source data buffer. Data from this buffer are transferred to the third-party
system. The address can be determined with the ADR operator. The source data buffer must not be smaller
than the specified length of the data to be sent.
nOpt: Reserved for future applications.
bExecute: The block is activated by a rising edge at this input.
tTimeout: Specifies the timeout that must not be exceeded on receipt of the command.
TF661024Version: 1.1
bBusy : BOOL;
bError : BOOL;
cbWrite : UDINT := 0;(* Number of successfull written data bytes *)
bBusy: When the function block is activated this output is set. It remains set until a feedback is received.
While Busy = TRUE, no new command will be accepted at the inputs. Please note that it is not the command
execution but the receipt of the command that is monitored.
bError: In the event of an error during the command transfer, this output is set once the bBusy output has
been reset.
nErrID: Supplies the error number [}32] when the bError output is set.
cbWrite: In case of success: Number of successfully written data bytes.
See examples [}31].
Development environmentTarget platformPLC libraries to include
TwinCAT V3.1.4016 or higherPC oder CX (x86, x64, ARM)Tc2_S5S7Com (Communication->TcpIp)
eNLinkArea_DB:=16#01,(* Source/dest. data from/to data block in main memory. *)
eNLinkArea_M:=16#02,(* Source/dest. data from/to flag area. *)
eNLinkArea_I:=16#03,(* Source/dest. data from/to process image of the inputs. *)
eNLinkArea_Q:=16#04,(* Source/dest. data from/to process image of the outputs. *)
eNLinkArea_P:=16#05,(* Source/dest. data from/to in I/O modules (S7 only PI, PQ). *)
eNLinkArea_C:=16#06,(* Source/dest. data from/to counter cells. *)
eNLinkArea_T:=16#07,(* Source/dest. data from/to timer cells. *)
eNLinkArea_DX:=16#0A,(* Source/dest. data from/to extended data block. *)
eNLinkArea_OS:=16#100(* Read PLC operational status information *)
PLC data area (inputs, outputs, flag, data block etc.) to be accessed. The parameter values differ depending
on the type of external control used, the adapter or the communication protocol. Some data areas may not
be available, or the data have to be read/written word by word instead of byte by byte .
More detailed information on this topic can be found under: S5/S7 data area parameter values [}18].
Development environmentTarget platformPLC libraries to include
TwinCAT V3.1.4016 or higherPC oder CX (x86, x64, ARM)Tc2_S5S7Com (Communication->TcpIp)
TYPE E_NLinkProtocol:
eNLinkProtocol_IBH_SX_PP := 0, (* IBH Link protocol (used by IBH Link S5++ adater) *)
eNLinkProtocol_MPI (* Hilscher NL-MPI protocol (used only by IBH Link S7++ adapter) *)
Communication protocol (depends on the hardware used).
Development environmentTarget platformPLC libraries to include
TwinCAT V3.1.4016 or higherPC oder CX (x86, x64, ARM)Tc2_S5S7Com (Communication->TcpIp)
Via these parameters the debug outputs can be activated/deactivated during troubleshooting (standard
setting: inactive)
The debug outputs are shown in the log view of the TwinCAT System Manager.
bServer: FALSE = client (active) connection. TRUE = server (passive) connection. Currently only client
connections are permitted.
bThrottle: If this parameter is set, the number of polling socket calls is reduced if no or few data are
received, i.e. the poll cycle is slowed down, thereby reducing the system load (default = FALSE).
Background information about the configuration of eProtocol- and eTransport parameter:
The IBHsoftec S7++ adapter is supporting more than one communication protocol (channel) to S7 controller.
• Using the Hilscher MPI-Protokoll + TCP/IP as transport protocol.
• Using the IBHsoftec S5++/S7++ protocol + RFC1006 as transport protocol.
The TwinCAT S5/S7 communication library is supporting only the first communication channel (using TCP/IP
transport protocol).
If you want to communicate with S7 controller then use this settings:
A variable of this type represents a network connection handle. The structural elements should not be written
to or modified directly. Variables of this type are used for internal data exchange.
One instance is required for each network connection (TwinCAT system<->Ethernet LAN adapter<->external
controller). The same instance is then transferred to other communication blocks as VAR_IN_OUT
Development environmentTarget platformPLC libraries to include
TwinCAT V3.1.4016 or higherPC oder CX (x86, x64, ARM)Tc2_S5S7Com (Communication->TcpIp)
All libraries have a specific version. This version is shown in the PLC library repository too.
A global constant contains the library version information:
stLibVersion_Tc2_S5S7Com: version information of Tc2_S5S7Com library (type: ST_LibVersion).To
compare the existing version to a required version the function F_CmpLibVersion (defined in Tc2_System
library) is offered.
Hint: All other possibilities known from TwinCAT2 libraries to query a library version are obsolete!
Development environmentTarget platformPLC libraries to include
TwinCAT V3.1.4016 or higherPC oder CX (x86, x64, ARM)Tc2_S5S7Com (Communication->TcpIp)