Application Note
Magnetic Encoder System (MES)
for Linear Motors AL2xxx
MES consists of a read head with integrated analog hall effects. These hall effects will
analyze the magnetic field of magnet plate and supply an analog output signal.
Signal Period: 24 mm pole pitch
Output Signal: 1 Vpp, Sine-Cosine
Termination: R = 120 Ohm
Accuracy: < 100 µm
Pre-conditions are precise assembly of magnet plates within
± 20 µm and offset-, phase- and amplitude compensation
within the drive.
Repeatability: < 50 µm
Resolution: 5 - 10 µm
Power supply: 5 VDC
Connection cable: 8-wire, twisted pair, PUR, UL
diameter 3.2 mm, length 3 m
Color code: green SIN +
yellow SIN –
blue COS +
red COS –
brown + 5VDC
white GND
pink + 5V sense
grey GND sense
shield PE / GND
Titel Magnetisches Encoder System
MES für Linearmotoren
Nummer Baugruppe
Verfasser Christian Mische Firmware
Datum 01. September 2005 Funktion
Baureihe AL2xxx
Magnetic Encoder System (MES) Page 2
for Linear Motors AL2xxx
Wiring for AX2000 / AX2500 and AX5000:
Signal color
SIN + green
SIN - yellow
COS + blue
COS - red
+ 5 VDC brown
+ 5 V sense pink
GND white
GND sense grey
Link between 4 - 12 and 2 - 10!
Necessary coupling connector: ZS4000-2051 (Service Pack). By using this standard
encoder cable for AM2000 / AM3000 can be used.
AX2000 / AX2500 AX5000 (X11 / X21)
Pin Pin
11 1
3 9
9 3
1 11
4 4
12 12
2 2
10 10
AX2000 to X1 and AX2500 to X2.
Front view Side view
Length (direction of move): 55 mm
Width: 50 mm
Hight: 30 mm
Direction of move