Becker Z 103, TRAFFIC ASSIST Z102, Z102, TRAFFIC ASSIST Z103 User Manual

Operating instructions


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Index 2 Safety information 5 The Traffic Assist 7
Use 7
Navigation 7
Unpacking the Traffic Assist 7
Checking the delivery 7 Delivery contents 8 Complaints procedure 8 Handling the packaging 8
Description of unit 8
Traffic Assist - basic unit 9 Cable for power supply from cigarette lighter 9 Battery 9 USB connection cable 9 Unit bracket 9 Accessories 10
Mains power supply unit 10 External GPS antenna 10 Headset 10
Information about documentation 10
Quick start guide 10 Operating instructions 10
Registration 11 Repairs 11 Emissions and disposal 11
Overview Traffic Assist 12 General operation 15
Maintenance and care 15 Battery quality declaration 16 Display quality declaration 16 Start-up 16 Power supply 16
Using the battery 17 Connection for the cigarette lighter 17 Connection to the mains outlet 18
Connecting power supply 18
GPS-antenna 18
Unit antenna 18 Connecting up external antenna 18
Memory card 19
Inserting memory card 19 Ejecting memory card 19
Unit bracket 19
Fitting the unit bracket 20
On the windscreen 20
Moving the unit holder 21 Attaching the Traffic Assist 21 Removing Traffic Assist 21
Switching the Traffic Assist on/off 21
Switching on 21 Switching off 22
Basic information about the touch screen 22
Operation 23 Calibration 23
Basic information about the menus 23
The main menu 23 Entries made with the entry menu 23
Entering characters 24 Scrolling through the lists 24 Special characters and umlauts 24 Other character sets 25 Entering numbers 25 Switching between upper and lower case 26 Deleting characters 26 Inserting spaces 26
The Becker key 26
Content Manager 27
Installing the Content Manager 27 Starting the Content Manager 28
Faults 29
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*Applies only to the Traffic Assist Z 103
Navigation mode 30
What is navigation? 30 Selecting navigation 31 Fast access mode 31
Configuration of fast access mode 31
The destination list 31 Icons used 32
Using fast access mode 32
Start with existing destination 32 Scrolling through stored destinations 32 Displaying or editing a destination 32 Home address 33 Calling up the destination input menu 33
The destination input menu 33
Configuration of the destination input menu 34
Enter address 34 Select Point of Interest 34 Select on map 34 Enter geo-coordinates 34 Route planning 34
Entering the address 34
Selecting a country 35 Selecting an address and starting route guidance 35
Points of interest 39
Point of interest in the vicinity 40 Point of interest near to an address 41 Point of interest near to destination 41 Entering a point of interest directly 41
Selecting a destination from the map 42 Coordinate entry 43 Route planning 44
Creating a new route 45 Editing a route 46 Optimising a route 46
Navigation settings 47
The Travel info button 47 The Route options button 48 The Junction info button 50 The TMC button* 50 The Map info button 51 The Speed info button 52 The Voice button 53 The Format button 53 The Volume button 54 The Time button 54 The Announce ETA button 55 The Reset button 55
Traffic announcements using TMC* 55
Displaying TMC messages on the map* 56 Using TMC* 56
Reading a message* 57 Display the relevant road in the map* 57
Taking announcements into consideration when calculating routes* 58
Automatic recalculation* 58 Manual recalculation* 58
The map display 58
Calling up the map display 58 Structure of the map display 59
Map display without route guidance 59 Map display with route guidance 59 Route guidance with arrow display 60
Using the map display 61
Repeating the last announcement 61 Changing the announcement volume 61 Map zooming 62 Moving the map 62
Map display options 62
Cancel route guidance 63 Enter/delete waypoint 63 Displaying the entire route 64 Displaying the destination list 65 Selecting 2D/3D mode 66 Changing zoom steps and map angle 66 Changing the orientation of the map (2D) 67 Displaying current position 68 Point of interest on the route 68 TMC on the route* 69 Block route 70 Changing route options 70
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*Applies only to the Traffic Assist Z 103
Settings 71
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Selecting system settings 71
The system settings menu 71 Operation 71
Selection options 71 Closing the settings menu 71
The individual menu items 72
Battery 72 Day/night display 72 Calibration 73 Language 73 Automatic on/off 74 Sounds 74 Factory settings 74 Information 75
Specialist words 76 Keywords 77 Technical Data 80 NOTICE 81
EU Declaration of Conformity 81 Disposal of the unit 82 Disposal of the battery 83
Duty to supply information according to battery legislation (BattV) 83
Removing the battery 83
The information and data contained in these documents are subject to change without prior notice. No part of these documents may be repro­duced or transmitted for any purpose without express written permission from HARMAN/BECKER Automotive Systems GmbH . All technical informa­tion, drawings etc. are subject to copyright law. © Copyright 2009, HARMAN/BECKER Automotive Systems GmbH All rights reserved.
*Applies only to the Traffic Assist Z 103

Safety information

!Safety information
• The unit may only be operated if the traffic situation allows for this and if you are absolutely certain that you yourself, your fellow passengers or other road users will not be put at risk, encumbered or disturbed by this.
• The rules of applicable road traffic acts must be observed at all times. Destinations may only be input when the vehicle is stationary.
• The navigational system is only an aid. The data/details provided may in some cases be incorrect. The driver must always decide whether to follow the details given or not. We accept no liability for the navigational system issuing incorrect details. As a result of traffic routing changes and deviating data, inaccurate or incorrect instructions may be given. Drivers should always pay attention to the actual road signs and traffic control. In particular, the navigational system cannot be used as a means of orientation in cases of poor visibility.
• The unit may only be used for its intended purpose. The volume of the navigational system should be set so that noises outside the vehicle can still be heard.
• The unit should be switched off immediately if faults occur (e.g. development of smoke or smells).
• For safety reasons, the unit may only be opened by a specialist. Please contact your local stockist if you require repairs.
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• The mains voltages (V) indicated on the mains charger, the car charger adapter and the unit must not be exceeded. Failure to observe this can result in destruction of the unit and the charger as well as explosion of the rechargeable battery.
• Never open the unit or the rechargeable battery. Any modification to the unit is also impermissible and renders the type approval invalid.
• Use only genuine BECKER original accessories. This will ensure that all the relevant regulations are complied with and damage to health and property is avoided. Dispose of defective units and the rechargeable battery according to the applicable legal requirements.
• No warranty is granted in the case of improper use. These safety instructions also apply to genuine BECKER original accessories.
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The Traffic Assist

The Traffic Assist is a powerful PND (Personal Navigation Device) for use in vehicles and closed spaces. The unit and the accessories are to be protected against moisture and dirt.


Thanks to GPS = Global Positioning Sys­tem, you no longer need to spend hours searching through road atlases. Once outside buildings, the receiver an­tenna integrated in the unit gives you con­tinuous access to navigational possibili­ties. Depending on reception, you may not be able to use the navigational func­tion inside buildings. When used in vehi­cles, you may not be able to adequately re­ceive GPS data depending on how the Traffic Assist is installed. In such cases, you will have to connect up an external antenna (does not fall within the scope of supply). Your Traffic Assist is equipped with TMC*. TMC gives you the option of receiving traffic announcements. You will then be informed of any traffic problems. The system plans an alternative route automatically or on request to avoid traffic problems, depending on the setting.

Unpacking the Traffic Assist

Your Traffic Assist is supplied in stable packaging. Do not unpack the unit in full if you discover any serious damage to the packaging or its content. If this happens, please contact your local stockist.

Checking the delivery

Before the Traffic Assist is started up, the delivery should be checked to ensure that it is complete and in the correct condition (see also page 12). > Carefully unpack the content of the
package and check it.
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Delivery contents

Traffic Assist, the mobile navigation system
Unit holder
USB cable
12/24 V car power adapter for ciga­rette lighter
DVD containing the Content Manager and the operating guide (not illustrated).

Complaints procedure

Please contact your local stockist if you have any complaints. The unit can also be sent directly to Harman/Becker in its orig­inal packaging.

Handling the packaging

Keep the original packaging in a dry place, at least for the warranty period.
The packaging should be disposed of cor­rectly in accordance with national dispos­al guidelines. The packaging must not be burnt. Depending on the country to which the unit is supplied, it may be pos­sible for local stockists to accept packag­ing.

Description of unit

The Traffic Assist consists of the basic unit Traffic Assist and the accessories in­cluded in the delivery. You will find photos of the individual parts under:
• "Overview Traffic Assist" on page 12
The basic unit and accessories must not be opened or modified in any way.
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Traffic Assist - basic unit

The basic unit contains all the electronics:
• an integrated antenna,
• a TMC receiver for the reception of traffic messages*,
• a touchscreen,
• An integrated loudspeaker for the out­put of messages during navigation.
On the side of the unit, there are also var­ious connections and ports. You will find more details of the unit under:
• See “Technical Data” on page 80.

Cable for power supply from cigarette lighter

This cable allows the unit to be connected up to the car's cigarette lighter. In addition, the TMC messages are also received via this cable.* The power supply must satisfy the follow­ing requirements:
• DC current 12/24 volts
0.5 amps


When depleted, the integrated rechargea­ble battery can be recharged by connect­ing the Traffic Assist to the power supply. For this purpose, connect the unit via a car power adapter to a 12/24 V socket in a ve­hicle or via the optional mains power sup­ply unit to the 230 V mains.
You can charge the Traffic Assist via the car charger cable included in the scope of delivery or via the optionally-available mains power supply unit. When the Traffic Assist is connected to a PC, it is supplied with power via the PC and does not consume battery power.

USB connection cable

You can connect the Traffic Assist to a standard personal computer having a USB interface using the USB connecting cable provided. The 2 GB flash memory of the Traffic Assist and any micro SD card can then be addressed via the PC like a removable storage medium.

Unit bracket

The Traffic Assist can be mounted in the vehicle using the unit bracket.
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Mains power supply unit
This power supply allows connection of the Traffic Assist to a mains outlet. Requirements for power supply: Alternating current
• 100-240 V
0.2 Amps 50-60 Hertz
External GPS antenna
You can use an external antenna to im­prove reception in vehicles where only limited GPS reception is available (not in­cluded in the scope of supply). Please con­tact your local stockist for more informa­tion. Details of the connection can be found under "Connecting up external antenna" on page 18.
When using the Traffic Assist, commer­cially available headphones with a 3.5 mm jack or adapter can be connected (not in­cluded).
Prevention of damage to hearing
The use of headphones or ear­phones over a relatively long
period of time at a high vol­ume may cause permanent damage to your hearing. Conformity with the limits for sound pressure laid down in the standard NF EN 50332-1:2000 as required by French Article L. 5232-1 is guaranteed.
Headphones must not be used while driving. Comply with the local national laws and regulations.

Information about documentation

Quick start guide

The Quick Start Guide is designed to pro­vide a brief introduction to operating your Traffic Assist. The most important basic functions of the Traffic Assist are ex­plained in the Quick Start Guide.

Operating instructions

A comprehensive explanation of the Traf­fic Assist functionalities is contained in these operating instructions.
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You can register your product using our software service, we will then inform you of any new updates and other news. You can register online on the Becker homepage
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The “Software update” menu item is lo­cated under “SERVICE/SUPPORT“.


The unit must not be opened if damaged. Please contact your local stockist.

Emissions and disposal

Information on emissions, electromagnet­ic compatibility and disposal can be found in "NOTICE" on page 81.
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Overview Traffic Assist

Scope of supply
1 Traffic Assist - PND (Personal Navigation Device) 2 USB connection cable 3 Unit bracket 4 Cable for power supply from car's cigarette lighter (12/
24 volts)
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Front of unit with controls and displays
1 Touch screen showing the main menu selected 2 Touch screen key
Press = activates the corresponding key command
3 Becker button ( )
Press = Back function in most applications Press and hold = switches Traffic Assist on and off
Rear of unit
4 Point for connecting up an external antenna
(external antenna not included in the scope of supply)
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Left side of unit
1 SD card slot 2 3.5 mm socket for headphones (headphones not included in
scope of delivery)
3 Mini-USB port
Top of unit
4 Reset button
Bottom of unit
5 Contacts for connecting the carrier plate

General operation

Maintenance and care

The unit is maintenance-free. For proper care, a commercially available cleansing fluid for electrical devices may be applied using a soft damp cloth.
Danger to life by electrocution. Always switch off the unit and disconnect the mains power supply unit before clean­ing the unit, supplied components, or accessories.
Do not use any aggressive or abrasive substances or cloths which may damage the surface. The unit must not be exposed to water.
Your mobile navigation system was de­signed and manufactured with great care and should be treated with equal care. You will enjoy your mobile navigation system for a long time to come if you observe the recommendations listed in the following:
• Protect your mobile navigation unit and the accessories from water and moisture. If your unit has been exposed to moisture, switch it off immediately and disconnect the power supply. Allow to dry at room temperature.
• Do not operate your mobile navigation system in a dusty or dirty environment and do not store it in such an environ­ment.
• Do not store your mobile navigation system in hot environments. High tem­peratures can shorten the service life of electronic components in your unit, damage the rechargeable batteries and cause certain plastics to warp or melt.
• Do not store your mobile navigation system in cold environments. During operation, when the unit warms up to operating temperature, moisture may form internally, causing damage to elec­tronic components.
• Do not drop your mobile navigation system unit, protect it from shocks and do not shake it. Improper handling can damage components within the unit.
• Never use corrosive or aggressive chem­icals, cleaning solutions or aggressive detergents for cleaning.
All the above information applies equally to the mobile navigation system, the re­chargeable battery, the mains charging and car power adapters as well as all acces­sories. Should one of these parts not work properly, please contact your authorised dealer.
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Battery quality declaration

The capacity of the rechargeable battery in your mobile navigation system decreases with every charging/discharging cycle. Improper storage at excessively high or low temperatures may also cause a gradual deterioration of capacity. Consequently, the operating time may be substantially reduced even in the case of a fully charged battery. The rechargeable battery is designed such that it should certainly still be possible for it to be charged and discharged after 6 months of operation of your mobile navi­gation system.

Display quality declaration

In some cases, for technical reasons, a few discoloured dots (pixels) may be visible on the display. Some pixels may also appear brighter or darker. However, such in­stances do not represent a product flaw.


Once the Traffic Assist has been unpacked and checked for damage, the unit can be started up. The individual start-up stages are:
• connect to power supply
• Switching on the unit
• Ensuring antenna reception (if naviga­tion is desired)

Power supply

You can charge the Traffic Assist via the car charger cable included in the scope of delivery or via the optionally-available mains power supply unit. When the Traffic Assist is connected to a PC, it is supplied with power via the PC and does not consume battery power.
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Using the battery

The internal power supply is via the inte­grated rechargeable battery. The recharge­able battery is maintenance-free and does not require any particular care.
Note that if the battery is completely dis­charged, it may take up to a minute be­fore the device can be switched on again.
In the event of a defective battery, please contact your authorised dealer. Please do not attempt to remove the battery your­self.

Connection for the cigarette lighter

If the cigarette lighter has recently been used and is still hot, wait until the lighter socket has cooled down.
Connect the power supply via the vehicle battery and the cable provided for the cig­arette lighter as follows: > Hold the USB socket at the corrugated
grip area and push it into the connect­ing socket on the Traffic Assist or into the connecting socket on the carrier plate as far as the stop, without using ex­cessive force.
> Insert the adapter into the cigarette
When the engine is switched off, the power supply slowly discharges the vehi­cle battery via the cigarette lighter! Do not therefore operate the Traffic As­sist for long periods with the engine switched off.
The TMC messages are received via the cable for the cigarette lighter. Messages can therefore only be received if the cable is connected.
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Connection to the mains outlet

Ensure that you do not have wet hands and that the power supply unit is dry. Only connect the power supply unit to a permissible mains power supply.
Connecting power supply
Connection to the public mains grid is achieved using the optionally available mains power supply unit. Please proceed as follows to connect to the mains: > Open the cover on the left side of the
unit of the Traffic Assist.
> Hold the USB connector at the corru-
gated grip area and push it into the con­necting socket of the Traffic Assist as far as the stop without employing excessive force.
> Insert the plug of the power supply unit
into the socket.
Remove the power supply unit when not using the Traffic Assist for longer periods of time.


Unit antenna

The GPS antenna is integrated into the housing.
The integrated GPS antenna is not suita­ble for use in vehicles with anti-glare win­dows (metalised thermo-glass or metal foil, indicated by the window label - SIG­LA SOL, SIGLA CHROM, SIGLA, KOOL-OF, SUNGATE, etc.) and vehi­cles with fine-meshed heating wires in the windows. If this is the case, use an external GPS an­tenna. Please consult your local specialist dealer.

Connecting up external antenna

To enable reception under adverse recep­tion conditions, an external GPS antenna can be connected (not included). For this purpose, a closable connecting socket is located on the rear of the housing. If no external antenna is connected, this con­nection must always be closed again.
> Open the closure by pulling gently on
its upper surface.
> Connect the external antenna using the
optionally available adapter.

Memory card

Your Traffic Assist has a slot for a Micro SD memory card. As the card data is stored on an internal memory in the Traffic Assist, the slot for the Micro SD memory card is only used for updates.
The card slot is located on the left side of the unit. The card slot is equipped with a spring-actuated locking and ejector me­chanism.

Inserting memory card

> Remove the memory card from its
packaging without touching or soiling the contact bar.
> Hold the memory card so that the con-
tact bar faces towards the front of the unit.
> Guide the memory card into the card
> Exert a little pressure and slide the
memory card into the card slot until it snaps in.

Ejecting memory card

The card slot ejects the card so that you can pull it out with two fingers. > Use your finger to gently press the
memory card against the spring force into the card slot and then release it.
The card is ejected. > Remove the memory card and place it
in the packaging while ensuring not to touch contact bar.

Unit bracket

The Traffic Assist can be attached directly to the windscreen with the unit holder.
The Traffic Assist and unit bracket must not be exposed to long periods of direct sunlight. Temperatures inside the of +70 C and higher may damage the bracket.
parts of
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Suction surface
Fastening screw
Carrier plate

Fitting the unit bracket

Fasten the unit holder such that your field of vision is not impaired when the Traffic Assist is installed and ensure that the unit is outside the deployment area of the airbag. Ensure that the electrical connection ca­ble
does not hamper you from accessing the vehicle's controls. Clean the attachment surface on the windscreen to ensure that it is clean and free of grease. Do not use greasy or soapy
cleaning agents.
On the windscreen
The unit holder can be attached directly to the windscreen using the suction mech­anism. > Move the carrier plate onto the four
retaining clips of the base .
> Select a suitable spot to attach. > Press the base with its suction sur-
face against the windscreen. Turn the unit holder such that the carrier plate is positioned roughly in the de­sired viewing direction.
> Press the lever down. The holder has attached itself firmly to the windscreen. It can now be adjusted with precision. In order to remove it, operate
the lever again.
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Moving the unit holder

> Unscrew the fastening screw until
the carrier plate can be moved with­out excessive force.
> Move the carrier plate to the re-
quired position and hold it in this posi­tion.
> Tighten the fastening screw suffi-
ciently so that the Traffic Assist is held securely in place when the vehicle is in motion.

Attaching the Traffic Assist

> Position the Traffic Assist, with the at-
tachment points on the bottom of the housing, on the carrier plate .
> Press the Traffic Assist onto the carrier
plate without using excessive force
5 6
until the clip engages in the at-
tachment point.

Removing Traffic Assist

Press the clip of the unit holder with your finger and use your free hand to take the unit out of the unit holder.

Switching the Traffic Assist on/off

The unit is switched on and off using the key .

Switching on

> Press the key for a few seconds. The unit is switched on. The manufactur­er's logo appears on the touch screen.
When the Traffic Assist is started for the first time, the language selection is dis­played automatically.
Using the buttons, it is possi­ble to scroll through the list in the direc­tion of the relevant arrow. > Press the button for the required lan-
> The selection is confirmed by pressing
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The following prompt appears shortly af­terwards:
> If you agree to the request contained in
this prompt, press the
Use of the Traffic Assist is only permitted in accordance with the national road traf­fic regulations applicable at the time.
OK button.

Switching off

You can switch the unit off at any time. > Press the button for a few seconds.
If you do not operate any controls Traffic Assist enters sleep mode after 5 seconds. > Press the
Traffic Assist off completely.
We recommend that you place the Traf­fic Assist in sleep mode in the event of short interruptions to operation (of up to a week). This significantly reduces the switch-on time and the Traffic Assist finds the satel­lites required for navigation much faster.
Complete off button to switch

Basic information about the touch screen

The Traffic Assist is fitted with a touch screen.
To ensure that the display's surface is not damaged, you may only touch it with your fingers or a blunt, non-smearing ob­ject.
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When you touch a button on the touch­screen, the button in question is briefly shown outlined in red to confirm the se­lection. If you touch a button that is not active at the moment, a short signal tone sounds.


If the touch screen starts responding im­precisely and e.g. buttons have to be touched off-centre in order to be actu­ated, calibration should be undertaken. The calibration function is started from the Settings menu (see also page 73).

Basic information about the menus

During operations, you are assisted by various menus and entry windows.

The main menu

The top menu level is the main menu. The individual applications are started from the main menu.
You will find information about the indi­vidual applications in the corresponding main chapters.

Entries made with the entry menu

Some applications require entries to be made via the entry menu. The entry menu is operated in a similar way to a keypad.
The character entered on the keypad is displayed in the top line of the entry menu. The central area is used to enter characters. Help functions are provided in the right line. Descriptions of how to op­erate the menu are provided below.
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Entering characters
Characters are entered by pressing the keys in the central area.
Once the entry is complete, the process is concluded by pressing the key and the entry passed on to the Traffic Assist for processing. When a navigation destination is entered, the Traffic Assist compares the entry with the set of data. The Traffic Assist then only makes those letters which are possible available for se­lection. The non-selectable characters are shown in a lighter font.
Scrolling through the lists
If you have already entered some of the letters of the selection you want, you can use the selection list to display all the des­tinations containing the combination of letters in question.
> To call up the selection list, press the
The quantity of selection options is dis­played in the form of the number on the button. When there are more than 300 options, the precise number is not dis­played. In the list, all the entries corresponding to the letters already entered are displayed. The letters entered are coloured red in the case of the individual entries.
The selection list appears.
> Press the arrow keys on the
right hand side of the screen to scroll through the list.
> Press the destination you want. The destination is adopted and the selec­tion list is closed.
Special characters and umlauts
Special characters and umlauts do not have to used when entering the names of towns and streets. The Traffic Assist will change entries from AE, OE and UE if necessary. > If, for example, you are looking for the
location "Würzburg", then simply press
"WUERZBURG" or "WURZBURG". Special characters can be useful when naming destinations and routes.
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> In order to switch to the special charac-
ters keyboard, press the button marked
with an arrow. The special characters keyboard is dis­played.
> Enter the desired special character. In order to exit the special characters key­board, press the button marked with an arrow.
Other character sets
Different character sets can be selected for the keyboard of the Traffic Assist.
> Press the button marked with an arrow
repeatedly until the desired character set is selected.
Entering numbers
Switch to the numbers keyboard in order to enter figures. > Press the button. The numbers keyboard is displayed.
> In order to return again to the keyboard
for entering letters, press the button marked with an arrow.
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Switching between upper and lower case
During free text entry, it is possible to switch between upper/lower case and the automatic function.
> Press repeatedly on the button in the
top right-hand corner of the display un­til the desired method of entry is acti-
vated. The inscription on the button symbolises the method of entry.
• The button represents automat-
ic mode. This means that, on entry, the
first letter is automatically in upper case
and subsequently changes automatically
to lower case.
• The button represents the entry
of upper case letters.
• The button represents the entry
of lower case letters.
Deleting characters
To delete the last character, use the back key.
> To delete the character to the left of the
cursor, press the key.
Inserting spaces
If you have an entry with two words, e.g. for names of towns, the words should be separated by a space.
> To enter a space, press the key.

The Becker key

The key is integrated in the bottom left hand corner of the casing.
It has various functions:
• Pressing and holding the button switch­es the Traffic Assist on or off.
• depending on the menu context, if pressed briefly, you will be returned to the previous entry level.
> SK
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