Follow each step of these
presented. To avoid damage to the equipment inside, open the carton
slight), show it to your supervisor.
To properly install this unit, you will need the Equipment Drawings provided,
showing all utility service and space requirements. If drawings cannot be
located, replacement copies may be obtained by writing, faxing, or telephoning STERIS, giving the serial number and model of your unit.
Once installed, unit operation should be tested by a STERIS-trained service
technician prior to your equipment usage.
If STERIS supervision is desired for installing and starting up this equipment,
contact STERIS for pricing and availability of this service in you region.
IMPORTANT: This unit is specifically designed to only process goods as
outlined in
A listing of the
and testing this equipment can be found in Section 1 of this manual. Do not
begin uncrating/installing the equipment until you have become familiar with
this information.
Any alteration of this equipment not authorized or performed by STERIS which
could affect equipment operation will void the warranty, could adversely affect
cleaning efficacy, could violate national, state, and local regulations, and could
jeopardize your insurance coverage.
. If you find any indication of damage to the equipment (no matter how
Operator Manual
Safety Precautions
Uncrating/Installation Instructions
to be observed when uncrating, installing,
in the order
To assure operators are adequately trained in the safe use of the equipment,
STERIS recommends that:
• all personnel who operate or maintain the equipment are trained in its
operation and in its safe use;
• personnel working with toxic chemicals and vapors (if applicable) have
comprehensive instructions in the unit, process, relevant health hazards,
and methods to detect the escape of toxic materials;
• there is regular training of all personnel concerned with the operation and
maintenance of the equipment; attendance records are maintained; and the
evidence of understanding is demonstrated.
Table of ContentsUncrating/Installation Instructions910000-015
Indications for Use
Service Information
The Basil® 4600 Cage and Rack Washer and Basil® 4602 Cage and Rack
Washer are heavy duty, large capacity hydrospray washers designed for
thorough, efficient cleaning of cages, racks, debris pans and miscellaneous
items used in the care of laboratory animals.
These units are specifically designed to only process goods as outlined in the
Operator Manual. If there is any doubt about a specific material or product,
contact the manufacturer of the product for the recommended washing
A thorough preventive maintenance program is essential to safe and proper
unit operation. You are encouraged to contact STERIS concerning our comprehensive Annual Maintenance Agreements. Under the terms of these agreements, preventive maintenance, adjustments, and replacement of worn parts
are done on a scheduled basis to help assure equipment performance at peak
capability and to help avoid untimely or costly interruptions. STERIS maintains
a global staff of well equipped, factory-trained technicians to provide this
service, as well as expert repair services. Please contact STERIS for details.
For contact information, see inside back cover.
The Basil 4600 Cage and Rack Washer and Basil 4602 Cage and Rack
Washer meet the applicable requirements of the following standards:
• Underwriters Laboratories (UL) Standard 1262, as certified by ITS Testing
Laboratories, Inc.
910000-015Uncrating/Installation InstructionsTable of Contents
A WORD FROM STERIS CORPORATION ............................................ i
Advisory ................................................................................................................................. i
Indications for Use ................................................................................................................. ii
Service Information ................................................................................................................ii
Table of ContentsUncrating/Installation Instructions910000-015
The following listing of
potential for danger to personnel, and CAUTIONS indicate the potential for damage to equipment. These
are repeated, where applicable, throughout the manual.
Safety Precautions
must be observed when installing this equipment. WARNINGS indicate the
When handling cabinet panels, use extreme care and wear protective gloves. Panels are heavy and may have
sharp edges.
When positioning cabinet panels two people are required to lift and support each panel because of weight and
size. One person must support panel while the other person installs the nuts and bolts.
Before placing any weight on the roof panel, secure panel on top of cabinet by installing bolts and nuts, finger tight,
in all four corners of roof panel.
When installing doors, more than one person is required to lift doors because of weight and size.
When installing control column(s), more than one person is required to lift control column in place because of weight
and size.
When installing detergent tank, more than one person is required to lift tank because of weight and size.
When moving sump coil, more than one person is required to lift coil because of weight and size.
When checking rotation of drive motor, use extreme caution. If rotation is incorrect, carriage will run directly into
the door header.
Listing of Safety PrecautionsUncrating/Installation InstructionsP910000-015
Definition of
Protective Earth (Ground)
Warning! Risk of Electrical Shock
P910000-015Uncrating/Installation InstructionsListing of Safety Precautions
NOTE: Please review these instructions carefully prior to installing equipment.
Follow instructions in the sequence given.
1. Review installation site and room layout drawings provided with Installation
Kit. It may be necessary to vary the actual installation from the drawings due
to space limitations or existing obstructions.
2. If necessary, unload, uncrate and move equipment to installation site. Refer
Uncrating / Utility Connection Instructions
3. If handling disposal of debris, ensure customer signs off on the disposition
of trash left on the job site.
4. Check the Occupational Health and Safety Act as well as local electrical and
plumbing codes for any special requirements that may pertain to the
installation of this equipment.
5. Recommend to customer that shutoff valves be installed at readily
accessible locations in steam and water supply lines near the equipment.
6. Recommend to customer that disconnect switch (with OFF position lockout
only) be installed in electric supply line within 10 feet of the equipment.
(P910000-016) shipped with
NOTE: If washer is installed next to other equipment, shutoff valves and
disconnect switch must be placed so that service can be shut off to any one piece
of equipment at a time.
1. All mounting hardware necessary for complete installation is shipped with
3.1 General
3.2 Base
the unit. Not every piece of mounting hardware will be utilized; ample
amounts are provided.
2. If necessary, use 6'' X 6'' X 1/8'' thick stainless-steel shims to level
equipment. Do not exceed 3/4-inch shim height. If equipment requires more
than 3/4" shimming material, use square tubing to level equipment.
3. Use silicone (RTV) provided in Installation Kit to seal all panel joints to
assure water tightness. When caulking, silicone bead should be a minimum
of 1/4 inch wide and completely circle all bolt holes. When in doubt, use
silicone liberally. It is easier to prevent a leak during assembly than to fix
a leak once equipment is in use.
4. All bolts going to atmosphere (from inside of chamber to outside of cabinet)
require sealing washers.
5. All bolts require lockwashers, except the welded nuts along the non-service
side of the washer.
1. Lift door grating and remove sump coil from base. Replace floor grating in
2. Position base according to room layout drawings, either in a pit or on the
floor. It pit mounted, make sure face of surface is parallel to pit wall (within
two to thee inches from the non-service side wall) or positioned as specified
in the room layout drawings.
3. Check base height (see Figure 3-1). Ensure the door threshold is at least 1/4"
higher than the highest spot on the floor, along the netire door swing (four
feet from base). If necessary, position shims under corners of base.
If pit mounted, use a four-foot level to check the door swing (see
Figure 3-2). Hold one end of level on door threshold and place two 1/8-inch
shims under the opposite end. Check door swing at 90°, 45°, and 15°.
NOTE: When shimming, ensure shim is placed under corner of base with part of
the shim exposed.
Door Threshold
Foor-Foot Level
Figure 3-2. Check Door Swing
4. Check level of base along face and length. If necessary, position shims
under corners of base. If shims are used to level base, base height must
be re-checked once the base is level.
5. In some instances, the base may be shipped in two or three pieces. If base
is split, assemble base pieces as follow:
a. Position base pieces, next to one another, close to the final location
indicated on the room layout drawings.
b. Connect the base pieces by installing the floor grating supports down the
center of the base and on either side of the door threshold (see Figure 3-3).
Floor Grating Supports
Door Threshold
Figure 3-3. Install Floor
c. Align the base pieces by stretching a string across the four alignment
marks located on the side of each piece (see Figure 3-4). If necessary,
position shims under corners of base piece(s).
d. Check base height and level of base as explained in Steps 3 and 4.
e. Once base is level, spot weld a series of one-inch welds along the base
seams to maintain the established position.
NOTE: The heat generated by most welding operations will damage epoxy/vinyl
flooring. Take appropriate precautions to protect floor from heat and welding arc.
f. Completely weld all base pieces together from the inside.
g. Check for pin holes and incomplete welds. All welds must be water tight.
h. Clean up welds using a wire brush.
6. If shims were used, weld shims in place to form a solid foundation (see
Figure 3-5).
Pit Pad
Figure 3-5. Weld Shims
7. Attach pump plate to service side of washer (see Figure 3-6). Ensure
brackets are facing up and plate does not cover drain hole.
(Facing Up)
Service Side
of Washer
Drain Hole
Figure 3-6. Install Pump Plate
8. Check level of pump plate along the plate width and length. If necessary,
position shims under the brackets attached to pump plate. Silicone shims
in place, using a heavy bead of silicone between the shims, between the
pump plate and shims and between the shims and floor.
If pit mounted, ensure shims are flush with the pit wall.
9. Re-tap threads on all welded nuts (along the non-service side of the washer)
with 5/16''-18 threads/inch tap.
•When handling cabinet panels, use extreme care and
wear protective gloves. Panels are heavy and may have
sharp edges.
•When positioning cabinet
panels, two people are required to lift and support
each panel because of
weight and size. One person must support the panel
while the other installs the
nut and bolts.
NOTE: Cabinet must be completely assembled and tightened within the same
day, before silicone hardens.
1. Remove paper from all cabinet panels.
2. Select any corner panel to begin cabinet assembly.
3. Count the number of bolts holes along side of corner panel (e.g. six bolt
holes). Do not count bolt holes along face (load/unload side) of corner panel.
NOTE: When caulking, fully open caulk nozzle to allow for a heavy silicone bead.
4. On inside of base, silicone around and between the number of bolt holes
counted plus one (e.g. seven bolt holes; see Figure 3-7). Do not silicone
along face of unit
. Make sure to silicone in a consistent line.
NOTE: Only silicone around and between the base bolt holes needed to install
one panel at a time.
DO NOT Silicone
Face of Cabinet
Bolt Holes
Figure 3-7. Silicone Around and Between Bolt Holes
5. Position bottom of corner panel on base lip. Using your foot, hold bottom
of panel on the lip and raise panel up into place. Insert alignment pins, one
on either end, to align panel and base bolt holes (see Figure 3-8).
NOTE: All bolts going to atmosphere (from inside of chamber to outside of
cabinet) require sealing washers. All bolts require lockwashers, except the
welded nut along the non-service side of the washer.
6. Attach panel to base. Ensure bolts along face of base are installed with the
bolt heads located on outside of base, and bolts along side of base are
installed with the bolt heads located on inside of base (see Figure 3-9).
NOTE: During panel assembly, all bolts are installed snug (tight enough to flatten
the silicone). Once cabinet is completely assembled, bolts will be securely
Bolt and Sealing
Nut and
Nut and
Side of Base
Face of Base
Bolt and Sealing
Figure 3-9. Bolt Positions for Corner Panel
7. Locate next panel to be installed. Each panel is numbered and installed in
sequential order, starting with the number assigned to the first corner panel
8. Count the number of bolt holes along bottom of panel.
9. Starting from top of installed panel, silicone around and between bolt holes
along the vertical panel joint and along inside of base (see Figure 3-10).
When caulking base, ensure to silicone around the number of bolt holes
counted plus one.
NOTE: Critical Leak areas are at the top and bottom of vertical panel joints, and
along base seams if base was split. Use silicone liberally in these areas.
Bolt Holes
Figure 3-10. Silicone Vertical Panel Joint and Base