Web Configurator......................................................................................................................................3
Logging into the Web Configurator......................................................................................................................................3
Changing the Device's IP Address.............................................................................................................................4
Selecting a Host Communication Protocol..................................................................................................................5
Get ALL.......................................................................................................................................................................5
Change, Refresh, Send, and Update Commands......................................................................................................6
Modbus Data Submenu............................................................................................................................................25
System Tab........................................................................................................................................................................38
Data Submenu..........................................................................................................................................................38
Data Logger Submenu..............................................................................................................................................54
Setting up the Devices..............................................................................................................................................65
Link Timeouts............................................................................................................................................................67
System Network Settings..........................................................................................................................................68
Data and Event Logging...........................................................................................................................................70
The SureCross™ DX80 GatewayPro and DX83 Ethernet Bridge devices use an XML file to configure the network. To access the XML
file, use any web browser and enter the device’s IP address into the browser’s address window:
The web configuration pages are arranged with a hierarchy of index tabs. The upper row of tabs is the top of the hierarchy and selects a
broad topic. Top level tabs open related tabs on the next levels down. The middle tab selects a sub-topic, and the bottom tabs select
individual pages within the sub-topic. The bottom of each page includes a Quick Help section listing usage tips or instructions specific to
that page.
The XML file on any Ethernet Bridge or GatewayPro does not necessarily contain the settings for a specific wireless network. In many
cases, the XML file saved in the Ethernet Bridge or GatewayPro is a default configuration file. Attaching the Ethernet Bridge or GatewayPro to the radio network does not automatically transfer network or device settings to the Ethernet Bridge or to the XML file.
When viewing real-time data returned to the browser by the connected device, the browser displays the data received when the page
displayed. At this time, update data by clicking the Refresh button or the web browser’s Reload or Refresh button. Each time a page
update is requested, new real-time data displays.
For more information on specific SureCross components, please refer to the data sheets for the SureCross devices:
• Gateways
• Line-Powered Nodes
• FlexPower™ Nodes
Logging into the Web Configurator
The SureCross™ Pro and DX83 Ethernet Bridge devices use an XML file to configure the network. To access the XML file, use any web
browser set up for a direct connection to the Internet. If problems occur while connecting, verify the browser is not set to use a proxy
When connecting to the Ethernet Bridge, GatewayPro, or MultiHop Pro directly from a host computer, a crossover Ethernet cable is
required; when connecting through a switch or Ethernet hub, use a standard Ethernet cable.
The factory default IP address for the devices is:
To change the device’s default IP address, first set up the host PC with an IP address different from the Ethernet Bridge, GatewayPro, or
MultiHop Pro IP addresses. (Please refer to Banner document 133116 for detailed instructions on setting up the host computer’s network
IP address.) For example, change the PC host IP address to:
After changing the host’s IP address, open a web browser and log into the Ethernet Bridge, GatewayPro, or MultiHop Pro by typing the IP
address in the browser location window:
rev. -
www.bannerengineering.com - tel: 763-544-31643
SureCross Web Configurator
After entering the IP address, the home web page for the SureCross device displays. To log in, click on any tab at the top of the page. To
log out, close the browser.
For user-level access, enter the following as the user name and password.
• User name: system
• Password: admin
For Admin-level access, enter the following as the user name and password:
• User name: root
• Password: sxi
Admin-level access allows administrators to set up system users and their passwords. Admin-level access is also required to change the
IP address of the system.
Changing the Device's IP Address
Once logged into the system, use the page tabs at the top of the page to select the path: System > Setup > Network. To change the
Ethernet Bridge or GatewayPro’s IP address:
1. Type in the new IP address
2. Click the Change IP button.
3. Cycle power to the device. The IP address change activates when the device reboots.
IMPORTANT! Verify the new IP address is correct before cycling power to the device. After the IP address changes, you must use the
new IP address to access these configuration screens. Print this page and file for your records.
Selecting a Host Communication Protocol
By default the Ethernet Bridge and GatewayPro systems communicate with a host using Modbus/TCP. After establishing the IP address
of the Ethernet Bridge and host, the system is set up to use Modbus/TCP.
The system can also use EtherNet/IP™. To change the system to EtherNet/IP, follow the previous instructions regarding the device and
host IP address, and then:
1. Log in using the following user name and password. User name: root Password: sxi
2. At the bottom of the System > Setup > Network page is a checkbox to enable EtherNet/IP. Only select this box if the GatewayPro
system is running on an EtherNet/IP network. This change cannot be enabled from a login other than the “root” login.
3. After selecting the EtherNet/IP Enabled checkbox, click the Set Ports button to save any changes made to the HTTP Port, Modbus
Server Port, Telnet Port, or EtherNet/IP Enabled settings.
4. Cycle power to the Ethernet Bridge or GatewayPro to complete this update. After the device powers up, the changes should be
For an existing network, perform a Get ALL for the devices and save the XML file before changing any network parameters. The default
XML file stored on the Ethernet Bridge or GatewayPro may not accurately represent your configured network.
The Get ALL command retrieves the parameters on the Configure Points and I/O Linking pages. These parameters are specific to the
wireless network. The Get ALL command does not retrieve parameters involving the host system or the wired network components.
1. From the RF Devices > Select Models screen, verify the DX80 radio devices are defined using the Models drop-down list and the
device name. If you make any changes to this list, select the Change box, then click the Update button to send the new device list
to the GatewayPro.
2. Select the Get ALL checkbox for each radio device in the wireless network.
3. Click the Update button to retrieve configuration information from each DX80 device.
4. The Get ALL command will take a few minutes to complete. Click on the Check Status button to review the status of the command.
When all devices are "Ready," the command has finished.
SureCross Web Configurator
Saving Changes to the XML File
To permanently save the changes to the XML file, go to the System > Setup > Config File page and click the Save button. Changes made
by clicking an Update button are temporary and only submitted to the Ethernet Bridge or GatewayPro, not the XML file.
Change, Refresh, Send, and Update Commands
Buttons commonly appearing on most configuration screens are the Change, Refresh, Send, and Update buttons. Each of these buttons
performs a slightly different task.
Change If you leave any Web Configurator screen with-
out clicking the Change button to submit the
changes to the Ethernet Bridge or GatewayPro,
all changes are lost.
Refresh Click the Refresh button to refresh the screen
image. This updates any information on the
screen that may have changed on the device.
SendClicking the Send button transmits device and I/O
parameters to the radio devices. The Send operation usually requires several second to complete.
Clicking the Update button sends information to
the Ethernet Bridge or GatewayPro or retrieves information depending on which checkboxes are selected: Change or Get/Send All. Updating information does not save configuration information permanently to the XML file.
RF Devices Tab
Use the RF Devices tab to configure the radio network devices and I/O points.
Select Models
The Select Models tab displays the list of devices for the radio network. Use this screen to define the wireless network devices.
1. Select the device from the drop-down list, always using device zero for the Gateway. Most device descriptions can apply to either
the Gateway or the Node.
2. Name the device.
3. Select the Change checkbox.
4. Click the Update button to send this information to the Ethernet Bridge.
Using the Change checkbox and Update buttons sends the only device name and model to the Ethernet Bridge/GatewayPro device. This
will not overwrite existing I/O parameter information.
After the devices are defined and named, retrieve any existing parameter configuration information from the DX80 devices and load these
settings into the GatewayPro or Ethernet Bridge:
1. Select the Get ALL checkbox for each device.
2. Click the Update button.
The Get ALL command will take a few minutes to complete. Click on the Check Status button to review the command's status.
Copying a Defined Device
When setting up a radio network that includes devices with the same configuration, set up one device and copy it using the Copy button
at the bottom of the screen. Copying one device’s setup to another device also copies the Configure Points information. To copy device
parameters, fill in the From and To boxes with the appropriate device number (listed on the left side of the table) and click the Copy
Submitting Parameters to the DX80 Devices
After defining the devices in the radio network, including the items from the Configure Points screen, the expanded Configure Points
screen, and the I/O Linking screen, check the Send ALL box for the devices and click the Update button on the Select Models screen.
This sends the I/O point configuration information to the DX80 devices. Once the Send ALL function has begun, click the Check Status
button at the bottom of the screen. A monitoring screen displays each device’s progress.
SureCross Web Configurator
Other Commands
Click the Check Status button to watch the status of a Get ALL or Send ALL command. Sending or retrieving information from the DX80 devices can take several minutes. Use the Check
Status button to verify the error status of the data transfer. When the list reads "Ready," the
command has finished.
Select the Get ALL checkbox and click the Update button to pull set-up parameters from the
DX80 devices. These parameters will be loaded
into the Web Configurator screens but will not be
automatically saved into the XML file. Before
modifying any existing radio network devices, always perform a Get ALL to update the Web
Configurator with accurate set-up information.
If there are more than 16 devices or rules/maps,
use the Prev and Next buttons to display the
next screen of information.
After defining and setting up the devices and I/O
point parameters, select the Send ALL checkbox
and click the Update button to send this information to the radio network devices.
Clicking the Update button sends information to
the Ethernet Bridge or GatewayPro or retrieves information depending on which checkboxes are
selected: Change or Get/Send All. Updating information does not save configuration information
permanently to the XML file.
Saving Changes to the XML File
To permanently save the changes to the XML file, go to the System > Setup > Config File page and click the Save button. Changes made
by clicking an Update button are temporary and only submitted to the Ethernet Bridge or GatewayPro, not the XML file.
Model List
Select from one of the following models to define your device.
None. No device is present
Discrete 4DI, 4DO. Discrete device with four discrete in and four discrete out.
Discrete 6DI, 6DO. Discrete device with six discrete in and six discrete out.
Discrete 8DI, 4DO. Discrete device with eight discrete in and four discrete out.
Discrete 4DI, 8DO. Discrete device with four discrete in and eight discrete out.
Mixed 2DI, 2DO, 2AI, 2AO. Device with two discrete in, two discrete out, two analog in, and two analog out. The term “mixed” refers to a
device with both discrete and analog I/O.
Mixed 4DI, 4DO, 2AI, 2AO. Device with four discrete in, four discrete out, two analog in, and two analog out.
Analog 4AI, 4AO. Device with four analog in and four analog out.
Flex 2DI, 2DO, 2AI. FlexPower™ Node with two discrete in, two discrete out, and two analog in.
Flex 2DI, 2DO, 4AI. FlexPower Node with two discrete in, two discrete out, and four analog in. This description also includes the Thermo-
After setting up the basic model for each device, configure the I/O points. There are two ways to access the I/O points configuration
1. Use the Configure Points tab; or
2. Click on the hyperlinked device number in the left column of the Select Models table to access the Expanded Configure Points
page (see the Expanded Configure Points section).
Refer to the device’s data sheet for factory default information.
Note: If you leave any Web Configurator screen without clicking the Change button to submit the changes to the Ethernet Bridge or
GatewayPro, all changes are lost.
Setting Up I/O Points
To set up an I/O point:
1. Select the I/O Enabled checkbox. Any active I/O point must be enabled or the I/O is ignored.
2. Select an I/O type from the I/O Selection drop-down list.
3. The Configure Points sample screen shows a Gateway defined with four discrete IN, four discrete OUT, two analog IN, and two
analog OUT points. Always refer to the device data sheet to determine which discrete and which analog I/O points are active for a
given device. Note, however, that the NPN and PNP settings for discrete I/O shown on the data sheet are only default configuration
settings and can be changed.
4. Define any applicable parameters, e.g. sample interval, report interval, hysteresis, threshold, or any other parameter displaying on
the main or expanded view screens.
5. After setting up all I/O points using either the Configure Points tab or the expanded Configure Points screen, click the Change
button to submit the changes to the Ethernet Bridge or GatewayPro.
6. To send all I/O data to the devices, use the Select Models screen by selecting the Send ALL checkbox and clicking the Update
button. To send the individual I/O point changes, use the expanded Configure Points screen and the Send button.
The following parameters are set on the Configure Points screen.
ChangeIf you leave any Web Configurator screen with-
out clicking the Change button to submit the
changes to the Ethernet Bridge or GatewayPro, all changes are lost.
DeltaThe delta parameter defines the change re-
quired between sample points of an analog input before the analog input reports a new value. To turn off this option, set the Delta value
to 0.
The default output conditions are a set of
checkboxes to establish device-based parameters and apply to all outputs on this device. After making changes to the flags, click the Send
Flags button to submit the changes to the device.
Auto-Recover. Selecting the Auto-Recover
option forces the Gateway to attempt to re-establish communications with out-of-sync nodes
after a polling error condition is indicated. The
Gateway polls the failing device and must successfully communicate with the failing node
Re-Link Count times before the error condition
is erased. This parameter is only used on the
Gateway. Without the auto-recover feature selected, the user must manually reset error conditions or the host system must reset the error
Gateway Link Failure. The Gateway detected
a communication problem with a Node. All
linked outputs of the failing device are set to
the default states.
If there are more than 16 devices or rules/maps,
use the Prev and Next buttons to display the next
screen of information.
Click the Refresh button to refresh the screen image. This updates any information on the screen
that may have changed on the device.
The report rate defines how often the Node communicates the I/O status to the Gateway. Change
of state reporting sets the system to report only
when the value crosses the threshold setting. For
FlexPower™ applications, setting the report rate
to a slower rate extends the battery life.
The re-link count is the number of completed polling messages the Gateway receives from a Node
before a lost RF link is considered re-established
and normal operation resumes.
ResetThe Reset button resets any error conditions dis-
played. Until the error message is reset, the device will not start any additional operations.
Sample Interval/
The sample interval, or rate, defines how often
the SureCross device samples the input. For battery-powered applications, setting a slower rate
extends the battery life.
Host Link Failure. A Modbus timeout forces
all device outputs to the default states. This
parameter applies to every device that sets
this flag.
Node Link Failure. A Node detected an RF
link problem and set its own outputs to the default states.
Out of Sync. When an out-of-sync condition is
detected, all Node outputs are set to the default value. This parameter applies only to the
Power Up. All device outputs are set to the default value on initial power-up.
Get InfoThe Get Info button retrieves factory informa-
Select the checkbox to enable the individual I/
O point. If the checkbox is not selected, that I/
O point is disabled, regardless of what other
parameters may be defined. For efficient power usage, do not enable I/O points that are not
I/O NameThe I/O name field is an optional text field used
to assign names to the individual I/O points for
easy reference. This name may appear in
many other screens relating to the I/O point.
Click on the I/O # hyperlink on the far left of the
screen to access an additional screen for I/O point
configuration. The expanded screen contains
more I/O point parameters than is displayed on
the primary page.
Selection or
Select the I/O type from the drop-down list. The
drop-down list includes all options available for the
entire DX80 line. Not all I/O types included in the
drop-down list are applicable for any given device.
Refer to the device data sheet to determine which
options are available for each device.
“Other” Type #: Occasionally some newly designed and released devices will use I/O types not
yet listed in the drop-down list for I/O Type. When
this happens, Banner Engineering applications
engineers will supply the “other” type number. Select Other from the I/O Type drop-down list and
enter the I/O type number supplied by Banner Engineering into this field.
Threshold and
The Send Flags and Get Flags buttons refer only to the Default Output Conditions flags, not the
I/O parameters.
Threshold and hysteresis work together to establish the ON and OFF points of an analog input. The threshold defines a trigger point or reporting threshold (ON point) for a sensor input.
The hysteresis value establishes how much below the active threshold (ON point) an analog input is required to be before the input is considered OFF. A typical hysteresis value is 10% to
20% of the unit’s range.
Polling Interval/
The max bad count refers to a user-established
maximum count of consecutive failed polling attempts before the Gateway considers the RF link
to have failed.
To monitor network health, the Gateway communicates with, or polls, each Node to determine if
the radio link is active. The polling rate defines
how often the Gateway communicates with each
Node. Polling is always initiated by the Gateway
and only verifies radio signal communications.
Expanded Configure Points
Most I/O point parameters are changed using the expanded view of the Configure Points tab.
In the example shown graphically, the input is
considered on at 15 mA. To consider the input
off at 13 mA, set the hysteresis to 2 mA. The input will be considered off when the value is 2
mA less than the threshold.
SureCross Web Configurator
To access this expanded view, which displays all parameters for the I/O point selected, click on the I/O number hyperlink from the Configure Points tab. Several parameters on the expanded view also appear in the standard Configure Points screen and can be modified from
either screen.
After making changes to the parameters screen:
1. Click the Change button to submit the changes to the Ethernet Bridge or GatewayPro.
2. Click the Send button to update the radio devices.
ChangeIf you leave any Web Configurator screen
without clicking the Change button to submit
the changes to the Ethernet Bridge or GatewayPro, all changes are lost.
GetClick the Get button to read all device and I/O
parameters from the DX80 device and load
them into the Web Configurator screens. This
does not save the parameters to the XML file.
Prev and
If there are more than 16 devices or rules/
maps, use the Prev and Next buttons to display the next screen of information.
RefreshClick the Refresh button to refresh the screen
image. This updates any information on the
screen that may have changed on the device.
ResetThe Reset button resets any error conditions
displayed. Until the error message is reset,
the device will not start any additional operations.
Changes to
the XML
To permanently save the changes to the
XML file, go to the System > Setup > Config
File page and click the Save button.
Changes made by clicking an Update button
are temporary and only submitted to the
Ethernet Bridge or GatewayPro, not the XML
SendClicking the Send button transmits device
and I/O parameters to the radio devices. The
Send operation usually requires several second to complete.
I/O Selection
Default output values are specific values written to output registers. For discrete outputs,
this is a 1 (on) or 0 (off) value. For analog outputs the value can be any valid register value.
I/O Enable
Select the checkbox to enable the individual I/O
point. If the checkbox is not selected, that I/O
point is disabled, regardless of what other parameters may be defined. For efficient power usage,
do not enable I/O points that are not used.
When a default condition occurs, these default
output values are written to the output register.
The I/O point retains the last value recorded instead of the default output value during selected default conditions.
Invert I/O Selecting this checkbox inverts the digital rep-
resentation of the I/O.
Sampling and Reporting
The report rate defines how often the Node communicates the I/O status to the Gateway. Change
of state reporting sets the system to report only
when the value crosses the threshold setting. For
FlexPower™ applications, setting the report rate to
a slower rate extends the battery life.
I/O Selection
Select the I/O type from the drop-down list. The
drop-down list includes all options available for
the entire DX80 line. Not all I/O types included in
the drop-down list are applicable for any given device. Refer to the device data sheet to determine
which options are available for each device.
“Other” Type #: Occasionally some newly designed and released devices will use I/O types
not yet listed in the drop-down list for I/O Type.
When this happens, Banner Engineering applications engineers will supply the “other” type number. Select Other from the I/O Type drop-down list
and enter the I/O type number supplied by Banner Engineering into this field.
The sample interval, or rate, defines how often the
SureCross device samples the input. For batterypowered applications, setting a slower rate extends the battery life.
Select from discrete or analog format reporting
types. Analog data requires sixteen bits while discrete data uses only one bit per I/O point. Selecting
double from the list uses two consecutive registers,
each consisting of sixteen bits.
Analog Signal Conditioning
Delta The delta parameter defines the change required be-
tween sample points of an analog input before the
analog input reports a new value. To turn off this option, set the Delta value to 0.
Digitial Signal Conditioning
For discrete inputs, the sample high parameter
defines the number of consecutive samples the
input signal must be high before a signal is considered active. Sample low defines the number
of consecutive samples the input signal must be
low before a signal is considered low. The sam-
Threshold and
Threshold and hysteresis work together to establish the ON and OFF points of an analog input. The threshold defines a trigger point or reporting threshold (ON point) for a sensor input.
The hysteresis value establishes how much below the active threshold (ON point) an analog input is required to be before the input is consid-
crete I/O)ple high and sample low parameters are used
to create a filter to avoid unwanted input transi-
ered OFF. A typical hysteresis value is 10% to
20% of the unit’s range.
tions. The default value is 0, which disables this
feature. The value range is 1 through 255.
The pulse width determines the length of time,
in seconds, that a digital output is active (1) before returning to zero. Select 0 to disable this
In the example shown graphically, the input is
considered on at 15 mA. To consider the input
off at 13 mA, set the hysteresis to 2 mA. The in-
put will be considered off when the value is 2
mA less than the threshold.
Units Defined
The units parameter defines the range and/or type of data value associated with an input or output.
Selecting Units from within any configuration tool changes the units definition of several parameters, including threshold, hysteresis, and
delta. For example, if the units are 0-20 mA, the threshold, hysteresis, and delta values are entered as milliampere values. Selecting
Temp C changes the threshold, hysteresis, and delta units to degrees Celsius.
Signed values range from −32768 to +32767 and allow for the measurement of negative values. Signed values are typically used for
measuring temperatures. Signed values are stored as two's complement values.
Unsigned values range from 0 to 65535 and are used to measure values that do not go below zero, such as 4 to 20 mA, distance, or a
Input Units
0RawDisplays the raw A/D conversion data with data ranges from 0 to 65535. This units type is typical-
ly used only for factory calibration.
LCD: Raw A/D hex value
14 to 20 mAAnalog unit. Modbus register contents are scaled such that 0 represents 4 mA and 65535 repre-
sents 20 mA.
LCD: 4.00mA–20.00mA
20 to 20 mADefault analog input unit. Modbus register contents are scaled such that 0 represents 0 mA and
65535 represents 20 mA.
LCD: 0.00mA–20.00mA
3Discrete (ON/OFF)Default discrete input unit.
40 to 10V (Volts)Analog input using 0 to 10V instead of current. Modbus register contents are scaled such that 0
6Temp °CCelsius, high resolution. Analog input for temperature devices such as thermocouples, RTD, and
thermistors. In high resolution mode, temperature = (Modbus register value) ÷ 20.
LCD: 0000.0C
7Temp °FFahrenheit, high resolution. Analog input for temperature devices such as thermocouples, RTD,
and thermistors. In high resolution mode, temperature = (Modbus register value) ÷ 20.
LCD: 0000.0F
8Temp °C (Low Res) Celsuis, low resolution. To measure a greater temperature range, use the low resolution unit. In
low resolution mode, temperature = (Modbus register value) ÷ 2.
LCD: 0000.0C
9Temp °F (Low Res) Fahrenheit, low resolution. To measure a greater temperature range, use the low resolution unit.
In low resolution mode, temperature = (Modbus register value) ÷ 2.
LCD: 0000.0F
Counter, 32-bit
Counter, 16-bit
The 32-bit counter value records counts up to 4.29 billion.
LCD: 0000 0000
The 16-bit counter value records counts up to 65535.
LCD: 0000
Output Units
0RawDisplays the raw A/D conversion data with data ranges from 0 to 65535. This units type is typical-
ly used only for factory calibration.
LCD: Raw A/D hex value
14 to 20 mAAnalog unit. Modbus register contents are scaled such that 0 represents 4 mA and 65535 repre-
sents 20 mA.
LCD: 4.00mA–20.00mA
20 to 20 mADefault analog input unit. Modbus register contents are scaled such that 0 represents 0 mA and
65535 represents 20 mA.
LCD: 0.00mA–20.00mA
3Discrete (ON/OFF)Default discrete unit.
40 to 10V (Volts)Analog unit using 0 to 10V instead of current. Modbus register contents are scaled such that 0
represents 0V and 65535 represents 10V.
LCD: 0.00V–10.00V
5Signed Analog, 0 to
For a signed value, such as temperature, that is to be converted to a voltage out value. Use null
to set the start point and span to define the range. The null value is the starting temperature to be
associated with 0V. The span is the entire temperature range that is to be associated with 0 to
For a signed value, such as temperature, that is to be converted to a mA out value. Use null to
set the start point and span to define the range. The null value is the starting temperature to be
associated with 0 mA. The span is the entire temperature range that is to be associated with 0 to
20 mA.
LCD: 0.00mA–20.00mA
For unsigned values, such as a counter, that is to be converted to a mA out value. Use the null to
set the start point and span to define the range. The null value is the distance to be associated
with 0 mA. The span is the entire distance range that is to be associated with 0 to 20 mA.
LCD: 0.00mA–20.00mA
In older models, this units type is for degree Celsius conversions only. Use null to set the start
point and span to define the range. The null value is the starting temperature to be associated
with 4 mA. The span is the entire temperature range that is to be associated with 4 to 20 mA. For
newer firmware models, type codes 8 and 9 are treated the same.
LCD: 4.00mA–20.00mA
In older models, this units type is for degree Fahrenheit conversions only. Use null to set the start
point and span to define the range. The null value is the starting temperature to be associated
with 4 mA. The span is the entire temperature range that is to be associated with 4 to 20 mA. For
newer firmware models, type codes 8 and 9 are treated the same.
LCD: 4.00mA–20.00mA
For an unsigned value, such as 0 to 20 mA, that is to be converted to a voltage out value. Use the
null to set the start point and span to define the range. The null value is the distance to be associated with 0V. The span is the entire distance range that is to be associated with 0 to 10V.
LCD: 0.00V–10.00V
11Counter, 16-bitThe 16-bit counter value records counts up to 65535.
LCD: 0000
12Unsigned Analog, 4
to 20 mA
For an unsigned value, such as 0 to 10V, that is to be converted to a mA out value. Use the null
to set the start point and span to define the range. The null value is the distance to be associated
with 4 mA. The span is the entire distance range that is to be associated with 4 to 20 mA.
LCD: 4.00mA–20.00mA
Battery Powered Sensor Options
Sensor Power Supply
Select a power supply for the sensor device. Select Supply 1 through 4 to indicate the external device is powered from one of the Node’s
supplied switch power connectors.
External. The sensor is powered from outside the Node.
The Supply Output Voltage sets the voltage required for the sensor device. This parameter is only applicable when using the supplied
switch power option.
Supply Warmup
Supply Warmup defines the length of time the switch power should be turned on before examining the sensor’s input.
I/O Linking
Each device input point can be linked or connected to any output point in the system. An output link defined as zero for the device and
zero for the output point is not connected. Valid output points on all devices are nine through fourteen; valid devices are one through
fifteen with zero reserved for the Gateway (or GatewayPro).
In the sample screen shown, the Gateway input points can be mapped to any Node’s outputs. Manually enter the device number in the
Destination Device # box, then enter the I/O point number for that destination device.
After making changes to this screen:
1. Click on the Change button to send the changes to the DX83 Ethernet Bridge or the GatewayPro
2. Click on the Send button to send these changes to the device.
ChangeIf you leave any Web Configurator screen with-
out clicking the Change button to submit the
changes to the Ethernet Bridge or GatewayPro,
all changes are lost.
GetClick the Get button to read all device and I/O
parameters from the DX80 device and load
them into the Web Configurator screens. This
does not save the parameters to the XML file.
Setting the Packed flag communicates discrete
output point information more efficiently. Instead
of sending one message for each output
change, discrete values are packed into one
message sent to the destination device. The
packing data reduces the wireless device traffic
and improves the timing in critical applications
when multiple inputs from a single device are
connected to outputs on one other device.
The Packed flag only affects the output point
messages, the input message communication is
defined by each device I/O point. If a device I/O
point Report Type parameter is defined as discrete, the input reporting messages for this
point are packed into one wireless message.
For greatest efficiency, all discrete inputs
should be defined as a discrete Report Type.
RefreshClick the Refresh button to refresh the
screen image. This updates any information
on the screen that may have changed on the
ResetThe Reset button resets any error conditions
displayed. Until the error message is reset,
the device will not start any additional operations.
Changes to
the XML
To permanently save the changes to the
XML file, go to the System > Setup > Config
File page and click the Save button.
Changes made by clicking an Update button
are temporary and only submitted to the
Ethernet Bridge or GatewayPro, not the XML
SendClicking the Send button transmits device
and I/O parameters to the radio devices. The
Send operation usually requires several second to complete.
If there are more than 16 devices or rules/maps,
use the Prev and Next buttons to display the
next screen of information.
The Scaling screen is used for converting data.
Raw data is multiplied by the Scale and added to the Offset to produce the data appearing in the floating point register associated with
the I/O point. The floating point registers start at register 1001.
For example, thermocouple inputs are multiplied by 20 before being written to the Modbus register. To convert this register value back to
a temperature reading use the Scaling screen.
The Offset value can be used to account for errors introduced into the sensor system, such as errors introduced because of wiring
lengths in a thermocouple input system.
Other Commands
Prev and
If there are more than 16 devices or rules/
maps, use the Prev and Next buttons to display
the next screen of information.
Clicking the Update button sends information to the
Ethernet Bridge or GatewayPro or retrieves information depending on which checkboxes are selected: Change or Get/Send All. Updating information
does not save configuration information permanently to the XML file.
Remote I/O
The Remote I/O configuration page defines up to 32 external communication registers when the DX80 Gateway is defined as a Modbus
RTU Master.
This table is used only when the Gateway is a Modbus RTU master and it is communicating with Modbus slave devices, typically DX85
Expanded Remote I/O devices.
After power-up, the DX80 Gateway is a slave device (to the Ethernet Bridge) for the time defined in the Master Timeout field, defined in
seconds with a 90 second minimum. During this time, the operating mode can be changed using the browser interface. To change the
1. Click one of the radio buttons to select how the DX80 Gateway functions.
• Select Modbus/TCP Client/Server mode (default) when you are connecting a DX80 to an external PLC or similar equipment.
• Select Modbus RTU Master mode if the DX80 Gateway is to be a Modbus master device communicating to other slave devices using
a Modbus RS485 serial connection. The Gateway enters master mode after the Master Timeout period has elapsed.
• Select Modbus RTU Slave if the DX80 GatewayPro or a Ethernet Bridge and Gateway pair is operating as a slave on a Modbus serial
2. Set the Master Timeout field, then click the Change Mode button. When the timeout expires, the DX80 Gateway begins to operate as
selected. The Master Timeout determines how long the DX80 Gateway waits before changing modes.
3. After making changes, click on the Change button to send the changes to the DX83 Ethernet Bridge or the GatewayPro and then click
on the Send button to send these changes to the device.
Saving Changes to the XML File
To permanently save the changes to the XML file, go to the System > Setup > Config File page and click the Save button. Changes made
by clicking an Update button are temporary and only submitted to the Ethernet Bridge or GatewayPro, not the XML file.
Other Commands
Change If you leave any Web Configurator screen with-
out clicking the Change button to submit the
Reset The Reset button resets any error conditions dis-
played. Until the error message is reset, the device
will not start any additional operations.
changes to the Ethernet Bridge or GatewayPro,
all changes are lost.
GetClick the Get button to read all device and I/O
parameters from the DX80 device and load them
into the Web Configurator screens. This does not
save the parameters to the XML file.
Refresh Click the Refresh button to refresh the screen
image. This updates any information on the
screen that may have changed on the device.
DX80 Modes
DX80 is Modbus/
SlaveMasterMasterDefault mode. The Gateway is a Modbus slave device and the EtherTCP Client/Server
DX80 is Modbus
MasterMasterIgnoredThe Ethernet Bridge can only communicate with a slave device. In
RTU Master
SendClicking the Send button transmits device and I/O
parameters to the radio devices. The Send operation usually requires several second to complete.
net Bridge is the master device.
this mode, any communications sent to the Bridge from the Web
Configurator is ignored. To resume communications, cycle power to
the Gateway. When power is cycled, the Ethernet Bridge begins
again as a master device until the timeout lapses.
DX80 is Modbus
RTU Slave
SlaveSlaveIgnoredSimilar to the default mode, but a device other than the Ethernet
Bridge acts as the Modbus master device. The Ethernet Bridge still
communicates with the Gateway and can read and write to registers,
but another device is the master device.
DX80 is a Modbus/TCP Client/Server (default)
The default configuration is DX80 is Modbus/TCP Client/Server. The DX83 Ethernet Bridge is the Modbus master device and only
communicates with the device configured as Slave ID 1: the Gateway.
When a DX80 Gateway is set up as a Modbus RTU master device, the communication between the DX83 Ethernet Bridge (used to
configure the network) and the Gateway is ignored. The Gateway acts as the Modbus RTU master device for the system, which may
include other slave Gateways or DX85 Remote I/O slave devices. All communication must go through the master device.
The master table entries define the register-to-register communication for remote I/O points. Each line represents a register/point connection between the master device and a Modbus slave device with up to 32 table entries possible. For each table entry, specify the local
Modbus register, action to perform, type of external point, external register number, external slave number, and a Modbus timeout value
for that register access. Active threshold and hysteresis are optional parameters that may be applied to registers.
After making changes:
1. Click on the Change button to send the changes to the DX83 Ethernet Bridge or the GatewayPro.
2. Click on the Send button to send these changes to the radio devices.
3. To save the changes to the XML file, go to the System > Setup > Config File page and click the Save button.
This sample network shows a DX80 Gateway as the Modbus RTU Master device. Once the Gateway is set as the master, communication is ignored between the Ethernet Bridge (normally the master) and the Gateway.
ActionSelect an action from the following: None, Reads
From, or Writes To. Select None to perform no
action, Reads From reads the parameter from
the remote register and copies the contents into
the local register, and Writes To writes the data
from the local register to the remote register.
GetClick the Get button to read all device and I/O
parameters from the DX80 device and load them
into the Web Configurator screens. This does not
save the parameters to the XML file.
The Local Register entry is the from register in
the I/O mapping. I/O points are linked from the
local register to the remote register.
Each map entry is defined with a map number,
one through 32. The master table entries define
the register-to-register communication for remote
I/O points. Each line represents a register/point
connection to another Modbus slave device. Up
to 32 table entries are possible.
The poll timeout refers to the time limit, in milliseconds, to communicate with a specific slave
device. When this time limited is exceeded, the
system begins communicating with the next device in the table. The Poll Timeout setting prevents the system from stopping when a slave device is not responding.
ResetThe Reset button resets any error conditions
displayed. Until the error message is reset, the
device will not start any additional operations.
SlaveIDThe slave ID is an identifying number used for
devices within a Modbus system. By default,
Gateways are set to Modbus Slave ID 1. When
using more than one Modbus slave, set each
slave to a unique ID number.
Threshold and
Threshold and hysteresis work together to establish the ON and OFF points of an analog input. The threshold defines a trigger point or reporting threshold (ON point) for a sensor input.
The hysteresis value establishes how much below the active threshold (ON point) an analog input is required to be before the input is considered OFF. A typical hysteresis value is 10% to
20% of the unit’s range.
Click the Refresh button to refresh the screen image. This updates any information on the screen
that may have changed on the device.
The Remote Register entry is the to register in
the I/O mapping. I/O points are linked from the
local register to the remote register.
In the example shown graphically, the input is
considered on at 15 mA. To consider the input
off at 13 mA, set the hysteresis to 2 mA. The input will be considered off when the value is 2
mA less than the threshold.
Select a type from the following drop-down list:
none, coil (output), discrete input, input register,
or holding register. DX80 device registers are all
holding registers. Banner Engineering’s SureCross™ slave devices use only input registers
and holding registers. When using slave devices
from other manufacturers, please refer to the
manufacturer’s documentation to determine what
I/O types they use.
Coil (output). 1xxxx - Other slave devices, write
only, 1 bit
Holding Register. 4xxxx - SureCross slave devices, read/write, 16 bit
Selecting None for remote type negates the rule
though it remains in the list until deleted. Unused
rules at the end of the list always show None as
the remote type.
DX80 is Modbus RTU Slave
The third option, DX80 is Modbus RTU Slave, sets up a Gateway and Ethernet Bridge or GatewayPro as a slave device. This selection
stops the communication between the Ethernet interface and the DX80 Gateway.
DX80 is Modbus RTU Slave mode was created for special configurations of GatewayPro or Ethernet Bridge devices. Contact Banner
Wireless Support for more information.
Network Tab
Use the Network main tab to configure the communications outside the radio network.
Modbus Data Submenu
The Ethernet processor in a GatewayPro or Ethernet Bridge can serve as a Modbus master device. The tables configured under the
Network page define the Master communication settings for Modbus RTU and Modbus/TCP clients and servers. Use the Modbus Data
submenu to view Modbus register data defined under the Modbus RTU set-up page.
RTU Registers
The RTU Registers screen displays the Modbus register contents for RTU slave devices defined under the Modbus RTU set-up page.
To change the register data:
1. Enter a new register data value
2. Select the Update checkbox.
3. Click the Update button to send the new data to the device.
Hex checkbox
Prev and
Select the Hex checkbox to view the data in
hexidecimal form (not recommended for
floating point values).
If there are more than 16 devices or rules/
maps, use the Prev and Next buttons to display the next screen of information.
Unit + and
UpdateClicking the Update button sends information
Scrolls through the list of RTU slave devices.
to the Ethernet Bridge or GatewayPro or retrieves information depending on which
checkboxes are selected: Change or Get/
Send All. Updating information does not save