Thank you for purchasing the Axis NPS 530/532 Network Print Server.
Our goal in developing this product is to enable you to connect your
printe rs anywhere in you r ne two rk , all owing all network users a ccess to
shared printer resources.
Axis Communications, founded in 1984, is one of the world’s fastest
growing companies in the printer interface and network print server
market. The head qu a r ter s are located i n Lun d , Sw ed en, with s u b sid iaries
in Bo s ton, To kyo, and Hon g Ko ng .
Axis Co mmun ication s has a distr ibut o r net wo rk opera t ing in more than
60 count ri es worl d- wide , marketin g three pr od uct line s:
Network CDROM Servers
CD-ROM servers provide a flexible and cost-efficient solution for sharing
CD-RO M s across th e networ k. The y ar e avai lab l e in Ethernet and Token
Ring ver s ions, with or without buil t in d rive opt ion .
Network Print
Th ese int elligent Ethe r net a n d Tok en Ring pr in t s ervers sup port a wide
range of LAN protocols. The Axis NPS 530, 532, 550, AXIS 150 and
152 are Ethernet print servers, and the Axis NPS 630, 632 and 650 are
Token Ring print servers.
IBM Ma i nfra me
and S/3x – AS/
400 Print e r
These products include a wide range of plug-in interfaces and free
standi ng pro d uc ts such as the Co b ra+ an d the AFP IPD S-to-PostScript
conve rt er .
This manual will guide you through a simple step-by-step installation and
confi g u ration procedure. It is divi ded into fou r sec tions :
IntroductionThe NPS 530/532 print server, how it works, where to use it, and its
main features.
Getting startedHow to connect your NPS 530/532 to your printer, and how to install it
in your network.
SetupHow to s et up your NPS 530/532 for the NetWare, Windows, OS/2,
Unix and Macintosh environments.
Advanced optionsAn overview of unique NPS 530/532 functions that allows you to tailor
your printer resources for specific needs.
The manual applies to the NPS 530/532 with firmware release 5.00 and
subse qu ent releases un til otherwi s e noti fied. Plea se re fer to th e Axi s NPS
Print S e rve r Te c hnical R efere nc e fo r furth e r in form a t ion of fun c tions a n d
Every care has been taken in the preparation of this manual; if you detect
any inaccuracies or omissions, please inform us at the address on the back
cove r. Axis Com municat i ons AB cann ot be held re s po nsi b le fo r an y
technical or typographic al errors and r eserves the righ t to mak e ch an ges to
the produ ct and manual s without prior noti ce.
2Axis NPS 530/532 User’s Manual
Emission notices
This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and if not installed and used
in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause interference to radio communications. It has
been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A computing device pursuant to Subpart
B of Part 15 of FCC rules, which are designed to provide reasonable protection against such
interference when operated in a commercial environment. Operation of this equipment in a
residential area is likely to cause interference in which case the user at his own expense will be required
to take whatever measures may be required to correct the interference. Shielded cables should be used
with this unit to ensure compliance with the Class A limits.
This digital equipment fulfils the requirements for radiated emission according to limit B of
EN55022/1987, and the requirements for immunity according to EN50082-1/1992 residential,
commercial, and light industry. (Compliance is not valid for unshielded twisted-pair (UTP) cabling.)
Trademark acknowledgements
Unix, Novell, NetWare, Microsoft, Windows, LAN Server, LAN
Mana ger , IBM , OS/ 2, AI X , MVS, Su nOS, Ultr ix, Hewlett-Pa ckard, and
Lexmark are registe re d trademar ks of the respecti ve holde rs.
Axis NPS 530/532 User’s Manual3
Table of contents
Table of contents
How It Wor ks7
Where To Use it7
Main Features9
Getting started10
Pr in te r In s t a lla tion12
Net work Insta llation13
Setup for Ne tWare14
Print Server Mode (Automati c)17
Print Server Mode (Parameter Controlled)18
Prin t S erver M ode (Fil e Ser v e r C ontr oll ed)20
Remote Printer Mode24
Verif y t he Communicat ion28
Setup for Windows29
Windows 3.130
Windows for Workgroups31
Windows 9533
Windows NT35
Windows NT - LPD printing37
Setup for OS /238
Activate the NetBEUI Protocol39
Ins tal l the Axis P r int U til it y for OS/239
Install the NPS 530/53240
Create a Print Queue41
Sharing Print Queues42
Verif y t he Communicat ion43
Setup for Unix systems44
Prepare your system45
4Axis NPS 530/532 User’s Manual
Table of contents
Set up your NPS 530/53246
Set up and attach a print queue50
Print methods52
Setup for Macintosh53
Choose a Printer54
Verif y t he Communicat ion55
Advanced Options56
Logical Print er s57
Chara c ter S et Con version59
Strin gs Bef or e and After Pri nt Jo b s60
Strin g Su bs titu tions61
PostScript Functions62
Hex Dump Mode64
Telnet L o gi n65
Accou nti ng66
Status Logging67
Lo c ally Admin istra ted Addr ess68
The parameter list70
NetWare, Windows, OS/270
Unix (TCP/IP)71
Apple EtherTalk71
Factor y De fault Setting s72
The Config File73
Internal printou ts78
Pro tocol Suppor t Upgra des79
Te chni cal sp ecificat ions83
How to contact Axis85
Axis NPS 530/532 User’s Manual5
Section 1: Introduction
Section 1
The Axis NPS 530 and 532 are plug-in network print servers for the
Et h ernet enviro nment . Th ere is n o func tion a l d iff erenc e b etw een them;
it’s only th e network conn ector that dif fers .
The NPS 530/532 connects your printer directly to your Ethernet
network, no matte r if you a re using a PC or PS/2 system. The mu l tip le
protocol support makes it possible to print under NetWare and Microsoft
and IB M net w orks s i multaneously.
In addition, protocol upgrades for TCP/IP and Apple EtherTalk are
available as software keys from your dealer. Once upgraded , your NPS
530/532 supports printing from PC, PS/2, Macintosh and Unix systems
simu ltaneousl y and wit ho ut user inte rvention.
The NPS 530/532 plugs directly to the parallel port of any standard
printer. It combines a high degree of user-friendliness in both installation
procedures and print management with an equally high degree of
flexibility thanks to its powerful built-in functions.
The Axis NPS 530/532 Network Print Server
6Axis NPS 530/532 User’s Manual
How It Works
Where To Use it
Section 1: Introduction
Ethernet network print data is transmitted as packets using a high-speed
protocol very different from the standards used by serial or parallel printers.
Each packet contains information about the sender, the receiver, how to
unpack the packet, and the data itself.
The NPS 530/532 acts as a node in the Ethernet network, with its own unique
address. It receives the packets addressed to it, unpacks them, and converts the
print data to a format suitable for standard printers.
The only difference between the NPS 530 and 532 is the physical network
attachment. The NPS 530 is attached by twisted-pair (10baseT) Ethernet
cabling, while the NPS 532 is attached by thin-wire (10base2).
It is physically attached to the network by Ethernet cabling. The print data is
sent to the printer using a high-speed parallel port.
The NPS 530/532 can communicate
with PC, PS/2, and optionally Unix
and Macintosh systems. It supports
two different network protocols:
NetWare and Microsoft and IBM
networks, and two additional protocols
as upgrade options: TCP/IP and Apple
EtherTalk. Since the NPS 530/532 can
handle these protocols
simultaneously, it’s the ideal printer
NPS 530
server solution for a mixed
Axis NPS 530/532 User’s Manual7
Section 1: Introduction
NetWareThe NPS 530/532 has two different modes in the NetWare environment
WindowsThe NPS 530/532 is set up using the supplied Axis Print Utility for
OS/2The NPS 530/532 is integrated to the OS/2 Spooler using the supplied
– Print Server Mode and Remote Printer Mode.
In Print Server Mode, the NPS 530/532 emulates a NetWare Print
Server. At power-on it will log in to each file server in the network to find
ou t whic h p r in t q u eues are to be s ervic ed. U p to 16 file s ervers and u p to
96 pri nt queues are sup ported.
In Remote Printer Mode, the NPS 530/532 appears as a NetWare
Remote Printe r. At po wer- on it will log in and attach to up to eight
specified Ne tW are print ser ver s .
Windows. You may print thro ug h a serv er (client-server), or directly (peer-
to-peer). The supported platforms are Windows for Workgroups,
Windows 95 and Windows NT.
Axis Print Utility for OS/2. The pr inters att ached to the NPS 530/532 will
appear as connected directly to the file server, and may be used by any PC
running LAN Server or LAN Manager on your network.
Unix systemsThe NPS 530/532 can operate as an integrated part of your system. The
printers connected to the NPS 530/532 will appear as if they were
conne cte d d irectly to th e h ost pr int er spoo ler.
You have several protocols and print methods to choose from. The
method you should select depends on your requirement s, and what
system you are running. Five print methods are supported in TCP/IP:
LPD, FTP, PROS A (named pipe) PROS B (filter) and Reverse Telnet.
Any host supporting the TCP/IP suite of protocols is supported by the
NPS 530/532.
MacintoshThe NPS 530/532 will appear as a LaserWriter printer connected to your
Ap pleTalk net wor k. Once sel ected from the Chooser in th e Ap p le men u ,
it can be used as any other LaserWriter.
8Axis NPS 530/532 User’s Manual
Section 1: Introduction
Main Features
ReliabilityThe Axis NPS 530/532 hardware provides high performance and
reliability combined with low power consumption. It is based on the Axis
ETRAX chip with an integrated 32 bit RISC CPU and Ethernet
FlexibilityIt supports NetWare, Microsoft and IBM networks,and optionally TCP/
IP and Apple Ethe rT a lk simul t ane ou s ly . Fiv e diffe re n t pri n t met ho ds are
supported for Unix systems.
SpeedThe sustained throughput exceeds 150 kbytes per second. High-speed
Centronics communication such as Hewlett-Packard Fast Mode is
Easy to InstallUse PC ONSOLE for NetWare Installation, Axis Print Utilit y for
Windows and OS/2, the supplied axinstall script for Unix systems, and
the Chooser for Macintosh.
Lo gical P rint ersThis u ni q ue Ax is concep t allows y ou to perform auto ASCII to PostScrip t
conversions, use different character sets, or select multiple bins and form
sizes on the same printer.
Accou n tingThe accounting function lets you keep track of the last ten print jobs.
SecurityYou may set up passwords for all users, restricting both log in and printer
Axis NPS 530/532 User’s Manual9
Section 2: Getting started
Section 2
Getting started
Unpack and in sp ect all parts for dam age. C ont act your dealer i f
anything is missi ng . All packing materials are rec ycla ble.
The standard
• NPS 530 Print Server; part no. 0039-1 or
NPS 532 Print Server; part no. 0039-2
• NPS 530/532 User's Manual; part no. 13588
• NPS 530/532 Quick Installation Guide; part no. 13593
• Warranty registration form; part no. 13510
• 3.5" dis k wi th N PS Installation Util ities for
NetWare, Windows and OS/2; part no. 13493
• Power Supply Europe (NPS 530 only); part no. 13599 or
• Power Supply Europe (NPS 532 only); part no. 13267 or
• Power Supply UK; part no. 13268 or
• Power Supply Australia; part no. 13269 or
• Power Supply USA; part no. 13270
• Self-adhesive Velcro ribbons; part no. 13282 and 13283
• BNC T-adapter (NPS 532 only); part no.12839
• Printer cable extension; part no. 13522
• NPS Print Server Technical Refe rence and
Adobe Acrobat Reader; see Appendix E.
10Axis NPS 530/532 User’s Manual
Section 2: Getting started
TEST Button
POWER Indicator
PACKET Indicator
Printer Connector
ETHERNET Connector
External Power
Supply Connector
The NPS 530 side panels
TEST Button
POWER Indicator
PACKET Indicator
Printer Connector
ETHERNET Connector
External Power
Supply Connector
The NPS 530 side panels
Axis NPS 530/532 User’s Manual11
Section 2: Getting started
Printer Installation
Before you begin:
Make sure th a t the exte rn al p ower su pply is ma rk ed with th e corre c t
mains voltage.
Attach the NPS 530/532 to your printer’s parallel port and make a test
print out:
1. Switch off the printer.
2. Attach the NPS 530/532 to the printer, eit her directly to the parallel
pri nter port, or usi ng th e optio na l vel cr o ri bb ons an d pri nte r cable
3. Connect the external power supply. Th e P ACKETin dicator will flash
during power-o n and self-test. When the indicator stops flashing and
remains unlit, the NPS 530/532 is ready for use.
4. Switch on the printer.
5. Press and hold the test button until the PACKET indicator starts to
flash, the n re lease the butto n to p ri nt a tes t p age.
The test page shows the sof tware revision and the basic setup of your
NPS 530/532.
Note:The NPS 530/532 supports high-speed Centronics communication such
as He wl ett-P ackard Fa st M ode. Thi s fu n ction is dis ab le d by defau lt, since
some printers support standard Centronics only. To activate high-speed
Centronics, change the Output Menu parameter L1_CENTR to
HISPEED a s outlined in Appendix A.
12Axis NPS 530/532 User’s Manual
Network Installation
Section 2: Getting started
Before you begin:
Note:Each NPS print server is preconfigured with a unique Node Address
• Ma ke sure that your network is ready to accept a new node.
• Any network configuration should always involve the network
1. Record the serial number of your NPS 530/532. Yo u will need this
number for the setup.
2. NPS 530 only: Connect your NPS 530 to the network using a
twisted-pair (10baseT) Ethernet cable.
3. NPS 532 only: Connect your NPS 532 to the network using a thin-
wire (10base2) Ethernet cable.
(identical to the serial number). Yo u can change this to a Locally Administrated Address, see page 68.
The installation is now completed. Proceed with the setup sections for
NetWare, Windows, OS/2, Unix and/or Macintosh.
Axis NPS 530/532 User’s Manual13
Section 3: Setup for NetWare
Section 3
Setup for NetWare
The NPS 530/532 can run in either Print Server Mod e, Remote Printer
Mode or both si mu l t aneously. The basic configu r a tion is done using the
PCONSOLE software suppl ied from Novell , and if you choose a setup
other than the automatic print server mode, also with AXCFG supplied
with the NPS 530/532.
The over view on the foll ow ing pages exp lains the adva n t ages and
limitations of each mode. Select the mode that best fits your needs, then
carry out the configuration as described later in this section.
Before you begin:
• Make sure that the NPS 530/532 is powered on and attached to the
networ k.
•You will need root privileges on the system.
• Have the serial number found on the back of the NPS 530/532
• Any networ k configura ti on sho u ld alw a ys inv olve th e network
• If you use NetWare 4.0 or later, you must set up your file server for
bindery emulation by specifying the Bindery Context parameter. See
your Nov e l l d o cu ment at ion for d eta ils.
Befor e configu ri ng your NetWar e s ys tem, yo u ma y w a nt to config ure the
NPS 530/532 (e.g. logical printer definitions). This is done using the
AXCFG software on the disk supplied with the NPS 530/532.
On the disk you will find a text file called, cont ai ning ins tall at ion
instructions for AXCFG in the Novell environment.
14Axis NPS 530/532 User’s Manual
Section 3: Setup for NetWare
Print Server ModeAn NPS 530/532 in print server mode emulates a Novell print server (a
workstation running PSERVER). This is the recommended mode for
medium-sized to larg e netwo rk s .
There ar e three different way s to se t up th e print server mo d e, d epending
on how you want the NPS 530/532 to log in to the servers at power-up,
and how you want to manage printer and queue configurations:
Automatic Log-InThe NPS 530/532 will automatically detect and log in to all NetWare
servers on the network at power-on. See page 17 for setup procedures.
High performance (typically 150 kbytes/s).
Easy to set up – no NPS 530/532 configuration
required for automatic mode.
Requires a NetWare user licence for each
NPS 530/532.
The NPS 530/532 power-up takes a long
time on large networks
Controlled Log-In
The NPS 530/532 will log in to only those NetWare servers specified by
the NPS 530/532 configuration. See page 18 for setup procedures.
High performance (typically 150 kbytes/s).
Avoids the prolonged NPS power-up time
caused by the automatic file server login.
You can link a queue to a logical printer with-
out having to use the !n queue name extension.
An unavailable file server will not affect the
access of the remaining speci fied serv ers.
Requires a NetWare user licence for each
NPS 530/532.
Requires configuration of the NPS 530/532.
Difficult to manage print queues on larger
Axis NPS 530/532 User’s Manual15
Section 3: Setup for NetWare
File Server
Controlled Log-In
Remote Printer
The NPS 530/532 will first log in to the Configuration File Server, and
then to any additional NetWare servers found in the file server
configuration. See page 20 for setup procedures.
High performance (typically 150 kbytes/s).
Avoids the prolonged NPS power-up time
caused by the automatic file server login.
Simplifies the queue and printer set-up and
maintenance, especially on larger networks.
You can link a queue to a logical printer with-
out having to use the !n queue name extension.
Requires a NetWare user licence for each
NPS 530/532.
Requires configuration of the NPS 530/532.
If the configuration file server is unavailable,
then none of the queues will be serviced.
An NPS 530/532 in remote pr inter mode emulates a worksta tion runn ing
RPRINTER or NPRINTER (the Novell remote printer software). It is
attached to a NetWare print server, that is either located on the file server
(PSERVER. NLM), or a dedicated workstat ion runn ing PSERVE R.EXE.
This mode is only recommended for small networks where the number of
NetWar e user licenc es is a majo r issue.
The setup procedure involves adding a printer, linking the printer to one
or more print queues, and fi na lly spe cifying wh ich NetWa r e p r int serv er s
the NPS 530/532 shall attach to. The first two steps are carried out in
PCONSOL E, and the last step is done in AXCFG (supplied with the
NPS 530/532). See page 24 for setup procedures.
Allows up to 8 printers per NetWare user
Lower performance – 20 - 40 kbytes/s for
NLM, and 70 kbytes/s for EXE.
Requires configuration of the NPS 530/532.
Higher network load .
16Axis NPS 530/532 User’s Manual
Section 3: Setup for NetWare
Print Server Mode (Automatic)
The setup procedure involves adding a print server and linking it to one
or more pri nt queues. Both st eps are car ried out in PC ON SOLE.
Add a Print ServerFollow th es e s tep s to ad d a prin t s er ver to you r Net W a re envi ro nm ent:
1. L og in to a file se rver from a c li ent w orksta t ion.
2. Sta r t PCON SO L E.
3. NetWare 4.xx o nly : Press <F4> to switch to Bindery M ode.
4. Select Print Server Informatio n (3.xx) or Print S e rv ers (4.xx).
5. Press <Insert> to add a new Print Server.
6. Enter the Print Server Name: AXIS<nnnnnn>
nnnnnn> are the last six digits of the NPS 530/532 serial number.
(see notes below)
7. Press Escape to return to the Main Menu.
Repeat this procedure for each file se rver using the NPS 530/532.
Notes:1. I f the serial number of your NPS 530/532 is 00408C110086
the default name is AXIS110086
. The serial number is found on the
label at the back of the NPS 530/532.
2. Y o u may c hange the def a ult name usi ng AXCF G , th e Axis Confi g ura tion Software. This must be done before running PCONSOLE.
3. The print server name is case insensitive in print server mode. Both
AXIS110086 and Axis110086 are valid default print server names.
, the n
Axis NPS 530/532 User’s Manual17
Section 3: Setup for NetWare
Link a Print
Queue to the
Print Server
The next step is to link a print queue to the print server:
1. Start PCONSOLE according to steps 1-3 on the previous page.
2. S elec t Pr int Queue Inf ormat ion (3.xx) or Print Queues (4.xx). If you
plan to use an exi s tin g que ue , th en skip to step 5.
3. Press <Insert> to add a new queue.
4. Type a queue name, and press <Enter>.
5. S elect the queue that you want the NPS 530/ 532 to service. The
Print Queue Information menu appears.
6. S elect Queue Serv ers (3.xx) or Print Servers (4.xx).
7. Press <Insert> to display the Queue Server Candida tes list.
8. Select AXIS<nnnnn n> .
9. Press <Escape> repeated ly to return to the main me nu .
Repeat this procedure for every queue you want the NPS 530/532 to
service. The NPS 530/532 supports up to 96 print queues, defined on up
to 16 file servers.
Print Server Mode (Parameter Controlled)
This is similar to the automatic print server mode, but the NPS 530/532
will not automatically log in to all file servers and scan for queues to
service. Instead, the file servers and print queues are specified by a set of
parameters in the NPS 530/532 configuration. This is the recommended
method for medium-sized networks.
18Axis NPS 530/532 User’s Manual
The NetWare configuration is identical to the one described for
automa tic print ser ver mo de . Fol lo w th e instr u ctions in “Add a Print Server” (p age 17) an d “Link a Print Queue to the Print Server” (page 18) to
add a print server and assign queues to it.
Section 3: Setup for NetWare
NPS 530/ 532
Th e conf ig u rat ion invo l ves specif yin g which N e tWa r e fil e s erve r s a nd
print queues the NPS 530/532 shall attach to. This is done using
AXCFG, the Axis NPS configuration software on the disk supplied with
the NPS 530/532. Follow the instructions in the file on the disk
to insta l l th e so ft war e, then proce ed as f ollows:
1. Start AXCFG, and select NetWare.
2. Se lect N o at the ‘L ook for old print servers’ prompt unless you are
configuring an NPS 530/532 with software revision prior to 4.20.
3. Choose Sele ct A ll Net w ork s, then selec t your NPS 530/532.
4. Type root and pass at the lo gi n prompt.
5. S elect NETWARE MENU.
6. S e lect LOG IN1.
7. Type the name of the NetWare file server, the print queue, and the
logica l p ri nter nu mb e r . U s e th e file se rv er a n d p ri nt queue nam e from
the NetWare configuration above, and one of the logical printer numbers 1–8.
8. To specify more print queu es, select LOGIN2 th rough LOGIN 16 in
consecutive order. Repeat step 7 for each print queue.
9. Select Save, then select Cancel unt il AX CFG clos es down .
Axis NPS 530/532 User’s Manual19
Section 3: Setup for NetWare
Print Server Mode (File Server Controlled)
This method uses a NetWare file server (the Configuration File Server) to
hold the print queue information. The NPS 530/532 will not
automatically log in to all file servers and scan for queues to service.
Instead, the file servers and print queues are specified on the
configuration file server. This is the recommended method for large
networks, since it simplifi es the mainte nance of a larg e number of prin t
queues .
Config uratio n
The NetWare configuration is different from the automatic and
parameter controlled modes. Instead of setting up queues on several file
serve rs, all queues are set up and main ta ined on the con figurat ion fil e
ser ver. The co nf ig u rati on p rocedure de pends on which NetWar e ver s ion
you ar e using.
20Axis NPS 530/532 User’s Manual
Section 3: Setup for NetWare
NetWare 3.xx:1. Log in as supervisor to the NetWare server, and start PCONSOLE.
2. Select Change Current File Server, then se lect th e fi le server at w hich
you want to keep the queue and printer configurations. Make a note
of the configuration file server name, you will need it during the NPS
530/532 configuration.
3. Select Pr in t Server I nform at io n, then add the new print server
AXIS<nnnnnn>. See “Add a Print Server” (page 17) for details.
4. Select AXIS<nnnnnn>.
5. Select Pr int Server Co nf igurati on , and then File Servers to be Serv-iced.
6. Press <Insert> to see the list of Available File Servers. Add all file
servers you want the NPS 53 0/532 to log in to , then press <Esc> to ge t
back to the Print Server Information Menu.
7. Select Printer Configuration. A list of 16 printers ma rk ed Not
Installed appears. The printers numbered 1–8 correspond directly to
the NPS 530/532 logical printers PR1–PR8. The remaining eight
printers are not used by the NPS 530/532.
8. Select the second printer (number 1). The pr in ter is by default nam ed
‘Printer 1’. The printer names are not used by the NPS 530/532.
9. Select Queues Serviced By Printer, then select Prin ter 1.
10.Press <Insert> to see the list of Av ai la ble Que ues, then select the
queues you want the printer to service. Repeat steps 9 – 10 if you
have installed more than one printer.
Axis NPS 530/532 User’s Manual21
Section 3: Setup for NetWare
NetWare 4.xx:1. Log in as supervisor to the NetWare server, and start PCONSOLE.
2. Press <F4> to switch to Bind e r y M od e .
3. Select Change Current NetWare Server, then select the file server at
which you want to keep the queue and printer configurations . Make
a note of th e confi gu ration f il e s erver name, you will ne ed it du ri ng the
NPS 530/532 configuration.
4. Select Pri nt Servers, then add the new print server AXIS<nnnnnn>.
See “Add a Print Server” (page 17) for details.
5. Select AXIS<nnnnnn>.
6. Select Serviced NetW are Serv ers.
7. Press <Insert> to see the list of Available N e tW are Ser ver s. Add all
file servers you want the NPS 530/532 to log in to, then press <Esc>
to get back to the Print Server Information menu.
8. Select Printers. An empty list of Define d Pr inter s appears. Printers are
numbered from 0 to 255 in the order that they are defined. The printers numbered 1–8 correspond directly to the NPS 530/532 logical
printers PR1–PR8. No other printer numbers are used by the NPS
9. Press <Insert> to define printer number 0. Name it ‘DUMMY’,
‘UNUSE D ’ or similar to indi ca te that this pri nter is not used .
10.Press <Insert> to define printer number 1. Name it ‘PRINTER_1’
or whichever name you prefer. The printer names are not used by
the NPS 530/ 532.
11.Select printer number 1. The printer is by default named ‘Printer 1’.
12.Select Print Queues Assigned and press <Insert> to see the list of
Available Print Queues .
13.Select the queues you want printer number 1 to service. Repeat steps
10 – 13 for each additional printer number you want to define.
22Axis NPS 530/532 User’s Manual
Section 3: Setup for NetWare
NPS 530/ 532
The c onfigur at ion involve s s p ecifying the co n figur a tion fil e s erver . This is
done using AXCFG, the Axis NPS installation software on the disk
supplied with the NPS 530/532. Follow the instructions in the
file on the disk to install the software, then proceed as follows:
1. Start AXCFG, and select NetWare.
2. Se lect N o at the ‘L ook for old print servers’ prompt unless you a re
configuring an NPS 530/532 with software revision prior to 4.20.
3. Choose Sele ct A ll Net w ork s, then selec t your NPS 530/532.
4. Type root and pass at the lo gi n prompt.
5. S elect NETWARE MENU.
6. S e lect CONFSERV.
7. Type the name of the NetWare file server dedicated as the configuration file server, then select OK.
Example: Use KILROY as configuration file server
8. Select Save, then se lect Cancel unt il AX CFG clos es down .
Axis NPS 530/532 User’s Manual23
Section 3: Setup for NetWare
Remote Printer Mode
The configuration for remote printer mode comprises the following steps:
1. Add a Print Server
2. Create a Print Queue
3. Link a Remote Printer to the Print Queue
4. Co nfi gure the NPS 530/ 532
Add a Print ServerThe NetWare print server software is either installed on a file server
(PSERVER.NLM), or a dedicated workstation (PSERVER.EXE). If you
don’t already have a Novell print server installe d, please ref er to the
No vel l d ocumen tatio n for install a ti on pr oc edu res.
Create a Print
Link a Remote
Printer to the
Print Queue
Print queues are created in the same way as for print server mode. If you
do not need any new queues, skip to “Link a Remote Printer...” below.
1. Lo g in to a file se rver from a c li ent workstatio n.
2. Start PCONSOLE.
3. Select Prin t Queue Inf ormatio n (3.xx) or Print Queues (4.xx).
4. Press <Insert> to add a new queue.
5. Type a queue name, and press <Enter>. Select a print queue volume
(4.xx only). Re p eat s tep s 4 – 5 for each queue you want to create.
6. Press <Esc> to return to the Main Menu.
The procedures are slightly different depending on which NetWare
version you are using. In either case, begin with starting PCONSOLE
according to steps 1–3 in “ Create a Print Queue” above if you have not
already done so.
24Axis NPS 530/532 User’s Manual
Section 3: Setup for NetWare
NetWare 3.xx:1. Select Print Server Inform atio n from the PCONSOLE Main Menu.
2. Select the NetWare Print Server to which you want to link your
NPS 530/532.
3. Select Print S e rver Confi g ur ation , and then Printer Configuration.
4. Select the first free slot in the Confi g ur ed Pr inters list.
5. Make a note of the NetWare print server name and the Printer
number; you will need it later during the configuration.
6. Chan ge Nam e to AXIS<nnnnnn>!n
nnnnnn> are the last six digits of t he NPS 530/532 serial nu mber.
(see notes below)
7. Chan ge Ty pe to Remote Other/Unknown.
8. Pre s s <Esc>, and select Yes at the Save Changes promp t .
9. S elect Queues Serviced by Printer in the Print Server Configuration
10.Select AXIS<nnnnnn>!n in the Defined Printers list.
11.Press <Insert>, then select the queue you want to use from the Available Queues list. Repeat this step if you want m ore than one queu e.
12.Press <Esc> to get back to the Main Menu, then exit PCONSOLE.
Repeat this procedure for each file server and print server using the NPS
Notes:1. I f the serial number of your NPS 530/532 is 00408C110086
the default name is AXIS110086
. The serial number is found on the
label at the back of the NPS 530/532.
, the n
2. Y o u may c hange the def a ult name usi ng AXCF G , th e Axis Confi g ura tion Software. This must be done before running PCONSOLE.
3. You may define up to eight rem ote printers, each a ttach ed to its ow n
NPS 530/532 logical printer. Each remote printer must have a unique
name distinguished by the !n extension.
Axis NPS 530/532 User’s Manual25
Section 3: Setup for NetWare
NetWare 4.xx:1. Select Pr i nt Ser ve r s from the PCONSOLE Main Menu.
2. Select the NetWare Print Server to which you want to link your
NPS 530/532.
3. Select Printers.
4. Press <Insert> to add a remote printer to the Defined Printers list.
5. Type
nnnnnn> are the last six digits of the NPS 530/532 serial number,
at t he Printer : prompt.
(see notes below)
and n is the logical printer number 1–8.
6. S elec t AXIS<nnnnnn>!n.
Important: Always use printer numbers 1 and higher; the NPS 530/
532 will not detect any remote printers with printer number 0.
7. Make a note of the NetWare print server name and the Printer
number; you will need it later during the configuration.
8. S e lect Printer type: , and change to
9. Select Print Queues Assigned, then press <Insert>
10.Press <Insert>, then select the queue you want to use from the Available Print Queues list. Repeat this step if you want more than one
11.Pre s s <F10> t o save the ch an ges, then press <Esc>.
12.Press <Esc> to get back to the Main Menu, then exit PCONSOLE.
Repeat this procedure for each file server and print server using the NPS
Notes:1. I f the serial number of your NPS 530/532 is 00408C110086
the default name is AXIS110086
. The serial number is found on the
, the n
label at the back of the NPS 530/532.
2. Y o u may c hange the def a ult name usi ng AXCF G , th e Axis Confi g ura tion Software. This must be done before running PCONSOLE.
3. You may define up to eight rem ote printers, each a ttach ed to its ow n
NPS 530/532 logical printer. Each remote printer must have a unique
name distinguished by the !n extension.
26Axis NPS 530/532 User’s Manual
Section 3: Setup for NetWare
Configure the
NPS 530/532
The configuration involves specifying which NetWare print servers and
printer numbers the NPS 530/532 shall attach to. This is done using
AXCFG, the A xis N P S insta ll ation software on th e d is k suppl ied with the
NPS 530/532. Follow the instructions in the file on the disk to
install the software, then proceed as follows:
1. Start AXCFG, and select NetWare.
2. Se lect N o at the ‘L ook for old print servers’ prompt .
3. Choose Sele ct A ll Net wor k s, then selec t your NPS 530/ 532.
4. Type root and pass at the lo gi n prompt.
5. S elect NETWARE MENU.
6. S e lect RP RINT1.
7. Type the name of the NetWare print server and the printer number
(4.xx: Use printer numbers 1 and higher). Use the name and number
from the NetWare configuration earlier.
Example: Use printer 0 at BILBO_NLM as remote print e r
8. To specify more print servers, select RPRINT2 through RPRINT8
in consecutive order. Repeat step 7 for each print server.
9. Select Save, then select Cancel un til AX CFG clos es down .
Axis NPS 530/532 User’s Manual27
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