Avtec EcoArch 4000, EcoArch EA4-DDLLL-30 Brochure

The Avtec EcoArch 4000 Series
Model Number Hood Section Dimensions Application CFM/Ft
The Most Energy Efficient Ventilation System.
The Avtec EcoArch combines both an economical and environmentally safe solution for the need for high-quality, cost­eective ventilation performance in today’s foodservice kitchens.
The EcoArch ventilation system addresses the growing need to reduce the amount of conditioned air from a kitchen space. The combination of the patent pending arch top and the front mounted high velocity exhaust slot reduces the amount of exhausted CFM by 45% compared to traditional CFM rates. This translates into an annual
electric and gas savings of up to 40%.
Now that’s maximizing your energy and cost savings!
 DD = Depth in inches, LLL=Length in inches, 30=Height in inches. Example: EA4-54120-30 stands for a 54” deep x 120” long x 30” high unit.  For hood lengths longer than 192”, multiple sections can be grouped together.  Minimum CFM may vary based on cooking equipment application.
Available length of 48” to 192”
x 30” high
Available length of 48” to 192”
x 30” high
600˚F 150
400˚F 130
Up to 40% Annual Energy Savings Using Exclusive Design Features
Exclusive Aerodynamic Arch – Dramatically reduces the amount of turbulence
within the canopy reservoir. About 70% of the contaminated air is exhausted immediately out of the reservoir.
High Velocity Exhaust Slot – The higher rate of speed at the slot in addition to its location at the top of the canopy eectively removes the contaminated air working in conjunction with the arch top.
Easier and Safer Removal of Filter Medium
Unlike tradition rear lter locations, EcoArch exhaust plenum and lters are located in the front of the hood eliminating the need to climb on top of cooking equipment for daily removal and cleaning.
Sample Energy Savings
150 cfm/ft (EcoArch) vs. 250 cfm/ft (traditional unit)
12’ Hood, 400°F, Gas & Electric, Based on 2006 Utility Rates
Location cfm/ft Annual Gas Annual Electric Total Energy Annually Savings %
New York, NY 250 $5425 $1364 $6789
New York, NY 150 $3255 $828 $4083
Total Savings $2170 $536 $2706 40%
Atlanta, GA 250 $3728 $943 $4671
Atlanta, GA 150 $2237 $571 $2808
Total Savings $1491 $371 $1863 40%