Installation Manual 1/5/98

Table of Contents
Required Installation Tools .......................2
Important Information.......................... 2
Wiring Diagram.............................. 3
11 Pin Con nec tor.............................. 4
2 Pin Con nec tor .............................. 4
Installation Procedures..........................5
Con trol Unit................................ 5
An tenna .................................. 5
Wir eloom.................................. 5
Valet Switch ................................5
LED In di ca tor...............................6
Ig ni tion In put................................6
Chan nel 2 Ac ces sory Out put........................6
Park ing Light Out put............................ 6
In te rior Light Trig ger ...........................7
Op tional In te rior Light Il lu mi na tion Out put................ 7
Starter Dis able Out put ........................... 7
Door Lock/Un lock Out puts ........................ 8
Hood/Trunk Pin Switch ..........................8
Si ren .................................... 8
Power and Ground Con nec tions...................... 8
Door Lock Diagrams.......................... 9-11
Programming Alarm System Features.................12
Pro gram ming Ta ble for Alarm Fea tures ................. 12
Programming Your Re mote Con trols ................. 13
Pro gram ming Ta ble for Re mote Con trols ................ 13
Installation Manual 1/5/98

Required Installation Tools
Wire Strippers
Electric Drill & Bits
Phillips Screw Driver
Convoluted Tubing *
Solder Gun *
Wire Crimpers
Shrink Tube or Electrical Tape
* Op tional
Important Information
1.Test all circuits with a voltmeter.
2. Make all wiring connections with butt connectors. DO NOT twist wires
or use "scotch-lok" connectors.
3. Route RED, RED/WHITE and BLACK wires from the control unit
directly to the battery.
4. Keep extensions as short as possible. Use same gauge wires for short
extensions and larger gauge wires for longer extensions.
5. Before installing, discuss the placement of the LED indicator and valet
switch with the vehicle owner. DO NOT disconnect the battery cables.
6.Make all connections by removing the lug from the cable clamp
without detaching clamp.
7. Turn off dome light or remove dome light fuse to prevent battery drain.
This de vice com plies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Any changes or
modi fi ca tions made to the sys tem with out the ex press ap proval of
Avi tal Tech nolo gies, Inc. could void the user's author ity to op er ate this
equip ment.
Installation Manual 1/5/98

Wiring Diagram
Installation Manual 1/5/98

11 Pin Con nec tor
Wire color De scrip tion
Red/Black Parking Light Output
Red Battery (+)
Gray (-) Armed Output for Optional Starter Disable Relay
Black Battery (-)
Violet Siren (-) Output
Tan Hood/Trunk (-) Input
White/Black Interior Light Illumination (-) Output/Requires Optional Relay
Dark Blue Channel 2 (-) Accessory Output
White Door Trigger Input (+) or (-)
Pink Ignition Switched +12 Volt Input
Red/White Parking Light Polarity Select (+) (-)
2 Pin Con nec tor
Wire color De scrip tion
Blue/White (-) Door Lock Output
Green/White (-) Door Unlock Output
Installation Manual 1/5/98