Every effort was made to ensur e that the in forma tion in this do cume nt
was complete and accurate at the time of printing. However,
information is subject to change.
Avaya Inc. provides a limited warranty on this product. Refer to your
sales agreement to establish the terms of the limited warranty. In
addition, Avaya’s standard warranty language as well as information
regarding support for this product, while under warranty, is available
through the following Web site: http://www.avaya.com/support
Preventing Toll Fraud
“Toll fraud” is the unauthorized use of your telecommunications
system by an unauthorized party (for example, a person who is not a
corporate employee, agent, subcontracto r, or is not working on your
company's behalf). Be aw a re t h at the re ma y be a risk of toll fraud
associated with your system and that, if toll fraud occurs, it can result
in substantial additional charges for your telecommunications
Avaya Fraud Intervention
If you suspect that you are being victimized by toll fraud and you need
technical assistance or support, in the United States and Canada, call
the Technical Service Center's Toll Fraud Intervention Hotline at
Avaya is not responsible for any modifications, additions or deletions
to the original published versi on of this documentation unless such
modifications, additions or de leti ons w e re pe rformed by Avaya.
Customer and/or End User agree to indemnify and hold harmle ss
Avaya, Avaya's agents, servants and employees against all claims,
lawsuits, demands and judgments arising out of, or in connection with,
subsequent modifications, additions or deletions to this documentation
to the extent made by the Custome r or End User.
How to Get Help
For additional support telephone numbers, go to the Avaya support
Web site: http://www.avaya.com/support
• Within the United States, click the Escalation Management link.
Then click the approp ria t e li nk for the type of support you need.
• Outside the Unit ed States, click th e Escalation Management link.
Then click the International Services link that includes telephone
numbers for the internationa l Centers of Excellence.
Providing Telecommunications Security
Telecommunications security (of voice, data, and/or video
communications) is the prevention of any type of intrusion to (that is,
either unauthorized or m al ic io us access to or use of) your company's
telecommunications equipment by some party.
Your company's “t elecommunicatio n s equipment” includes both this
Avaya product and any other voice/data/video equipment that could be
accessed via this Avaya product (that is, “networked equipment”).
An “outside party” is an yone who is not a corporate employee, agent,
subcontractor, or is not working on your company's behalf. Whereas, a
“malicious party” is anyone (in cl udi ng someone who may be
otherwise authorized) who accesses your telecommunications
equipment with eit her malicious or mischievous i n te nt .
. If you are:
Such intrusions may be either to/throu gh synchronous (timemultiplexed and/or circ uit-based), or asynchronous (character-,
message-, or packet-based) equipment, or interfaces for reasons of:
• Utilization (of capabilities special to the accessed equipment)
• Theft (such as, of intellec t ual property, financial assets, or toll
facility access)
• Eavesdropping (privacy invasions to humans)
• Mischief (troubling, but apparently innocuous, tampering)
• Harm (such as harmful tampering , da ta loss or alteration,
regardless of motive or intent)
Be aware that there may be a ri sk of unauthorized intrusions
associated with your syste m a nd/ or it s net w orked equipment. Also
realize tha t, if such an intru s ion should occ u r, it could result in a
variety of losses to your company (including but not limit ed to,
human/data privacy, intellectual property, material assets, financial
resources, labor costs, and/or legal costs).
Responsibility for Your Company’s Telecommunications Security
The final responsibility for securi ng both this system and its
networked equipmen t re sts wit h you - Avaya’s customer system
administrator, your telecommunications pe e rs, a nd your managers.
Base the fulfillment of your responsibility on acquired knowledge and
resources from a variety of sources incl udi ng but not limited to:
• Installation docu ments
• System administration documents
• Security documents
• Hardware-/so ft w ar e-based security t ool s
• Shared information between you and your peers
• Telecommunications security experts
To prevent intrusions to your telecommunications equipment, you and
your peers should carefully pro gra m a nd c onfi gure:
• Your Avaya-provided telecommunications systems and their
• Your Avaya-provided software applications, as well as their
underlying hardw ar e/software platforms an d int erfaces
• Any other equipment networked to your Avaya products
TCP/IP Facilities
Customers may experience difference s in product performance,
reliability and security depending upon network configurations/design
and topologies, even when the product performs as warranted.
Standards Compliance
Avaya Inc. is not responsible for any radio or television interference
caused by unauthorize d modifications of this equipment or the
substitution or attachment of connecting cables and equipment othe r
than those specified by Avaya Inc. The correction of interference
caused by such unauth orized mo dificati ons, subs tituti on or atta chment
will be the responsi bili ty o f the u ser. Pursuan t to Part 15 of the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC) Rules, the user is cautioned that
changes or modifications not expressly approved by Avaya Inc. could
void the user’s authority to operate this equipment.
Product Safety Standards
This product complies with and conforms to the following
international Product Safety standards as applicable:
Safety of Information Technology Equipment , IEC 60950, 3rd
Edition, or IEC 60950-1 , 1st Edi ti on, including all relevant na tional
deviations as listed in Compliance with IEC for Electrical Equipment
Safety of Information Technology Equipment , CAN/CSA-C22.2
No. 60950-00 / UL 60950, 3rd Edition, or CAN/CSA-C22.2 No .
60950-1-03 / UL 60950-1.
Safety Requirements for Custom e r Equipment, ACA Technical
Standard (TS) 001 - 1997.
One or more of the following Mexican national standards, as
applicable: NOM 001 SCFI 19 93, N O M SCFI 016 1993, NOM 019
SCFI 1998.
The equipment described in this document may contain Class 1
LASER Device(s). These devices comply with the following
• EN 60825-1, Edition 1. 1, 1998-01
• 21 CFR 1040.10 and CFR 1040.11.
The LASER devices used in Avaya equipment typically operate within
the following parameters :
Luokan 1 Laserlaite
Klass 1 Laser Apparat
Use of controls or adjustmen ts or pe rformance of procedures oth er
than those specified herein may result in hazardous radiation
exposures. Contact your Avaya representative for more laser product
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EM C ) Standards
This product complies w it h and conforms to the following
international EMC standa rds and all relevant national deviati ons:
Limits and Methods of Measurement of Radio Interference of
Information Technology Equipment, CISPR 22: 1997 and
Information Technology Equipment – Immunity Cha ra ct er istic s –
Limits and Methods of Measurement, CISPR 24:1997 and
EN55024:1998, including:
• Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) IEC 61 000-4-2
• Radiated Immunity IEC 61000-4-3
• Electrical Fast Transient IEC 61000-4-4
• Lightning Effects IEC 61000-4-5
• Conducted Immunity IE C 61000-4-6
• Mains Frequency Magnetic Field IEC 61000-4-8
• Voltage Dips and Variations IEC 61000-4-11
Power Line Emissions, IEC 61000-3-2: Electromagnetic compatibility
(EMC) – Part 3-2: Limits – Limits for harmonic current emissions.
Power Line Emissions, IEC 61000-3-3: Electromagnetic compatibility
(EMC) – Part 3-3: Limits – Limitation of voltage changes, voltage
fluctuations and flicker in public low-voltage suppl y system s.
Federal Communications Commission Statement
Part 15:
Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with
the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the
FCC Rules. The s e limits are designed to provide reasonable
protection against h a r m ful interference when the equipment is
operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates,
uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed
and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause
harmful interferenc e to radio communications . Op eration of this
equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful
interference in w h ic h case the user will be req u ired to c o rrect the
interference at his own expense.
Part 68: Answer-Supervision Signaling
Allowing this equipm ent to be operated in a man ner that does not
provide proper answer-supervision sig na ling is in violation of Part 68
rules. This equipment returns answer-supervision signals to the public
switched network when:
• answered by the called station,
• answered by the attendant, or
• routed to a recorde d an n ou ncement that can be admin i stered by
the customer premises equipment (CPE) user.
This equipment returns an sw er-supervision signals on all direct
inward dialed (DID) ca lls fo rwarded back to the public switched
telephone network. Permissi bl e exceptions are:
• A call is unanswered.
• A busy tone is received.
• A reorder tone is receive d .
Avaya attests that this registered equipment is capabl e of providing
users access to int erstate providers of operato r services th rough the us e
of access codes. Modification of this equipment by call aggregators to
block access dialing codes is a violation of the Telephone Operator
Consumers Act of 1990.
REN Number
For MCC1, SCC1, CMC1, G600, and G 650 M e d ia Gat eways:
This equipment complie s with Part 68 of the FCC rules. On either the
rear or inside the front cover of this equipment is a label that contains,
among other information, the FCC registration number, and ringer
equivalence numb er (R EN ) for this equipment. If requested, this
information must be provided to the telephone company.
For G350 and G700 Media Gateways:
This equipment complie s with Part 68 of th e F C C rules and the
requirements adopted by the ACTA. On the rear of this equipment is a
label that contains, among other information, a product i de nti fi er in
the format US:AAAEQ##TXXXX. The digits represented by ## are
the ringer equivalence number (REN) without a decim al p oin t (fo r
example, 03 is a REN of 0.3). If requested, this number must be
provided to the tel ephone company.
For all media gateways:
The REN is used to determine the qua ntity of devices that may be
connected to the telephone line. Excessive RENs on the telephone line
may result in devices not ringing in response to an incoming call. In
most, but not all areas, the sum of RE Ns should not exceed 5.0. To be
certain of the num ber of devices that may be connected to a line, as
determined by the total RENs, contact the local telephone company.
REN is not required for some t ype s of ana l og or digital facilities.
Means of Connection
Connection of this equipment to the telephone network is shown in the
following tables.
For MCC1, SCC1, CMC1, G600, and G 650 M e d ia Gat eways:
Manufacturer’s Port
A.S. Code
Off premises stationOL13C9.0FRJ2GX,
DID trunk02RV2-T0.0BRJ2GX,
CO trunk02GS20.3ARJ21X
Tie trunkTL3 1M9.0FRJ2G X
Basic Rate Int e r face0 2I S 56.0F, 6.0YRJ49C
1.544 digital interface04DU9-BN6.0FRJ48C,
04DU9-IKN 6.0FRJ48C,
04DU9-ISN 6.0FRJ48C,
120A4 channel servic e unit04DU9-DN6. 0YRJ48C
For G350 and G700 Media G ate w ays:
Manufactur er’s Port
Ground Start CO trunk02GS21.0ARJ11C
DID trunk02RV2-TAS.0RJ11C
Loop Start CO trunk02LS20.5ARJ11C
1.544 digital interface04DU9-BN6.0YRJ48C
Basic Rate Interface02IS56.0FRJ49C
For all media gateways:
If the terminal equipment (for examp le , the media server or me dia
gateway) causes harm to the tel e phone network, the telephone
company will notify you in advance that temporar y di scontinuance of
service may be require d. But if advance notice is not practical, the
telephone company will notify the customer as soon as possible. Also,
you will be advised of your right to file a complaint with the FCC if
you believe it is necessary.
The telephone company may make changes in its facilities, equipment,
operations or procedures tha t co uld affect the operation of the
equipment. If this hap p e ns, t he telephone company will provide
advance notice in order for you to ma ke nec essa ry m odifications to
maintain uninterrupted service.
If trouble is experienced w i th t his equipment, for repair or warrant y
information, plea s e contact the Technical Service Center at
1-800-242- 2121 or contact your local Avaya representative. If the
equipment is causing ha rm to the telephone network, the telephone
company may request tha t you disconnect the equipment until the
problem is re s olved.
A plug and jack used to connect this equipment to the premises wiring
and telephone network must comply with the applicable FCC Part 68
rules and requirements adopted by the ACTA. A compliant telephone
cord and modular plug is provided with this product . It is designed to
be connected to a co mp atible modular jack th at is also compliant . I t is
recommended that repairs be performed by Avaya certified
The equipment cannot be use d on public coin phone service provided
by the telephone com pany. Connection to party line service is subject
to state tariffs. Contact the state public utility commission, public
service commission or corporation commission for information.
This equipmen t, if it uses a telephone receiver, is hearing aid
Canadian Department of Communications (DOC) Interfe rence
This Class A digital appar at us complies with Canadian ICE S -003.
Cet appareil numérique de la classe A est conforme à la norme
NMB-003 du Canada.
This equipment meets t he applicable Industry Canada Terminal
Equipment Technical Specifications. This is confirmed by the
registration number. The abbreviation, IC, be fore the registration
number signifies that registration was perform e d based on a
Declaration of Conformi ty i ndicating that Industry Canada tec hni cal
specifications were met. It does not imply that Industry Canada
approved the equipment.
Installation and Repairs
Before installing this equipment, users should ensure that it is
permissible to be connected to the facilities of the local
telecommunications company. The equipment must also be installed
using an acceptable method of connection. The customer shou ld be
aware that compliance with the above conditions may not prevent
degradation of service in some situations.
Repairs to certified equipment should be coordinated by a
representative designated by the suppl ier. Any repairs or alterations
made by the user to this equipment, or equipment malfunctions, may
give the telecommunicat ions company cause to request the use r to
disconnect the equip me nt.
Declarations of Conformity
United States FCC Part 68 Supplier ’s Declaration of Conform ity
Avaya Inc. in the United States of America hereby certifies that th e
equipment describe d in thi s document and bearing a TIA TS B-168
label identi f ication number complies with the FCC’s Rules and
Regulations 47 CFR Part 68, an d the A dm inistrative Council on
Terminal Attachments (ACTA) adopted technical criteria.
Avaya further asserts that Avaya handset-equipped terminal
equipment described in this document complies wi th Pa ragraph
68.316 of the FCC Rules and Regu lati ons de fi ning Hearing Aid
Compatibil ity and is deeme d compatible with hearing aids.
Copies of SDoCs signed by the Responsible Par ty in the U. S. ca n be
obtained by contacting your local sales representative a nd a re
available on the following Web site: http://www.avaya.com/support
All A vay a me dia s erv ers an d me dia ga te way s are compl ia nt wi th FCC
Part 68, but many have been registered with the FCC before the SDoC
process was available. A list of all Avaya registered products may be
found at: http://www.part68.org
as manufacturer.
European Union Declarations of Conformity
Avaya Inc. declares that the equipment spec ified in this docum ent
bearing the “CE” (Conformité Europeénne) mark conforms to the
European Union Radio and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment
Directive (1999/5/EC), including the Electromagnetic Compatibility
Directive (89/336/EEC) and Low Voltage Directive (73/23/EEC) .
Copies of these Declarations of Conformity (DoCs) can be obtained
by contacting your local sale s representative and are avai la bl e on the
following Web site: http://www.avaya.com/support
This is a Class A product based on the standard of the Voluntary
Control Council for Interfe rence by Information Technology
Equipmen t ( V CCI). If this equipment is us ed in a domestic
environment, radio disturbance may occur, in which case, the user
may be required to take co rrective actions.
To order copies of this and other documents:
Call:Avaya Publications Center
Voice 1.800.457.1235 or 1.207.866.6701
FAX 1.800.457.1764 or 1.207.626.7269
Write:Globalware Solutio ns
200 Ward Hill Avenue
Haverhill, MA 01835 USA
Attention: Avaya Account Management
For the most current versions of documentation, go to the Avaya
support Web site: http://www.avaya.com/support
Keys 11
User input 11
System output and field names 12
• Downloading this book and updates from the Web 12
Downloading this documentation12
• Safety labels and security alert labels13
• Related resources13
• Technical assistance 14
Within the US14
• Trademarks14
• Sending us comments14
1Introduction 15
• Pre-installation information 16
Before you go on site16
Downloading license and Avaya authentication files 17
Copying files to the laptop 17
Before you start the installation18
• Equipment specifications 18
• Required hardware20
• Documentation 21
• Connecting to the customer’s network 22
Installing and Configuring the Avaya S8700 or S8710 Media Server5
June 2004
• Connecting the USB modems 24
Connecting to collocated servers24
Connecting to separated servers24
• High level overview of installation process 25
Installing and cabling the media server complex25
Installing Avaya Communication Manager25
Configuring the media server25
Translating the IPSIs25
Installing and cabling the media gateways25
Completing the installation administration26
Testing the complete installation26
2Configuring the hardware in the rack 27
• Configuring the SNMP modules in the UPS 28
Single control network 30
Duplicated control network 30
Setting selected traps (alarming) 30
• Configuring the SNMP subagent in the Avaya Ethernet switch (if used) 31
• Configuring the media server 33
Clearing the ARP cache on the laptop 33
Powering up the media server 34
Accessing the media server 34
Setting up Telnet 34
Installing Avaya Communication Manager 35
Using the Installation Wizard 36
Verifying media server connection to the customer’s LAN (if provided) 38
Configuring the modem 39
Testing the media server LEDs 40
Disconnecting from the media server 40
• Configuring second media server 41
3Translating the IPSIs 43
• Starting terminal emulation 43
• Inputing translation s 44
• Resetting the media server 44
• Adding media gateways 44
• Administering the IPSIs 45
Adding IPSI information 45
6Installing and Configuring the Avaya S8700 or S8710 Media Server
June 2004
Enabling IPSI duplication (duplicated control network only)47
Setting alarm activation level 48
Installing the translation file 48
4Connecting to the IPSIs 49
• Programming the IPSI circuit packs 50
Using DHCP addressing 50
Using static addressing 51
• Verifying that IPSIs are translated 54
• Verifying connectivity to media server 55
• Upgrading IPSI firmware version (if necessary) 55
• Enabling control of IPSIs 55
• Verifying license status 56
• Reusing a TN2312AP/BP circuit pack56
5Completing the installation administration 57
• Verifying translations 57
• Setting daylight savings time rules 58
• Setting locations (if necessary) 59
• Verifying date and time 59
• Resolving alarms 60
• Enabling and disabling Ethernet switch ports 60
• Backing up files to the compact flash media (S8710 only) 61
• Backing up files to the PCMCIA flashcard (S8700 only) 63
• Telneting to media server 65
• Enabling alarms65
To INADS via modem 65
To INADS via SNMP 65
To INADS on second server65
• Registering the system 66
6Installing the media gateways 67
7Testing the media server installation 69
• Testing the TN2312BP IPSI circuit pack 69
• Testing the license file 70
Installing and Configuring the Avaya S8700 or S8710 Media Server7
June 2004
• LED indicators 71
S8700 Media Server LEDs 71
Testing the media server LEDs 72
Interpreting the test results73
LEDs on the back of the media server73
S8710 Media Server LEDs 74
Avaya Ethernet switch LEDs 76
Uninterruptible power supply LEDs 77
AAccessing the media server 81
• Connecting to the media server directly 81
• Connecting to the media server
remotely over the network 84
• Connecting to the media server
remotely over a modem 84
Setting up a dial-up connection84
Dialing up to the media server85
Finding the active media server IP address85
• Accessing the Maintenance Web Interface 85
• Using the command line interface 86
• Network configuration87
• Browser settings88
Connecting directly to the media server88
Connecting remotely through the netwo r k88
BTroubleshooting an installation 89
• Installing the media server hardware89
• Configuring the media server hardware90
• Installing the license and Avaya authentication files91
Index 93
8Installing and Configuring the Avaya S8700 or S8710 Media Server
June 2004
About This Documentation
This documentation, Inst all i ng and Con f igur i ng the Avaya S8700 or S8710 Media Server (03-300145),
provides procedures for installing Avaya Communication Manager on and configuring an S8700 or
S8710 Media Server and other control network components.
This documentation is for the following people tasked with installing and configuring the media server
•Trained field installation and maintenance personnel
•Technical support personnel
•Authorized Business Par tn ers
About This Documentation
Using this documentation
Use this documentation as a guide to install and configure the S8700 or S8710 Media Server. For
information about a p artic ular tas k, use t he ind ex or table o f contents to locate the pa ge numb er where the
information is described.
For an overview of the installation process, see High level overview of installation process on page 25
Read the Pre-installation information on page 16
completed before beginnin g the pro cedu res described in this document. One s tep you norm a lly comp lete
before going to the customer site is getting the license and Avaya authentication files from the Remote
Feature Activation (RFA) Web site.
For technical specifications on the hardware, see Table 2, Avaya S8710 Media Server features and
specifications, on page 19.
For the physical installation and cabling of the hardware, see the Quick Start for Hardwar e Installation: Avaya S8700 or S8710 Media Server (555-245-703). Use the remaining sections of the document in the
sequence they are presented. If certain components are not to be installed, skip the procedures for those
components. You install and configure the media server components using information in the following
•Configuring the SNMP modules in the UPS on page 28
•Configuring the SNMP subagent in the Avaya Ethernet switch (if used) on page 31
•Configuring the media server on page 33
first. This section lists all the tasks that must be
•Configuring second media server on page 41
•Translating the IPSIs on page 43
Installing and Configuring the Avaya S8700 or S8710 Media Server9
June 2004
About This Documentation
T o complete the installation, you install the media gateways, using sections in Installing the Avaya G650
Media Gateway (03-300144).
Connect the system to the customer’s network using information in Connecting to the IPSIs
Complete the installation using information in the f ollowing sections:
•Completing the installation administration on page 57
•Testing the media server installation on page 69
•Accessing the media server on page 81
If problems occur during the installation, use Troubleshooting an installation
This section describes the conventions that we use in this book.
We show commands and screens from the newest Avaya Communication Manager and refer to the most
current documentation.
on page 49.
on page 89 to try to resolve
Physical dimensions
All physical dimensions are in English units followed by metric units in parentheses. Wire gauge
measurements are in AWG followed by the diameter in millimeters in parentheses.
We use the following terminology in this documentation:
•Configuration is a general term that encompasses all references to an Avaya media server with
media gateways running Avaya Communication Manager.
•Cabinet refers to a stack of medi a gateways (such as the G650) that are TDM-cabled togethe r . It is
the same as a port network. It can also refer to the MCC1 (multi-carrier cabinet).
•UUCSS refers to a circuit pack address in cabinet-carrier-slot order.
This section describes the typographical conventions fo r co mmand s, keys, user input, system output, and
field names.
10Installing and Configuring the Avaya S8700 or S8710 Media Server
June 2004
Commands are in boldsans serif type.
change-switch-time-zone and press Enter.
About This Documentation
Command variables are in
change machine machine_name, where machine_name is the name of the call delivery
Command options are in
copybcf [-F34].
bold sans serif italic type.
bold sans serif type inside square brackets.
The names of keys are in bold type.
Use the Down Arrow key to scroll through the fields.
When you must press and hold a key and then press a second or third key, we separate the names of the
keys are separated with a plus sign (+).
Press ALT+D.
When you must press two or more keys in seq uence, we separ ate the names of the k eys are separate d with
a space.
Press Escape J.
When you must press a function key, we provide the function of the key in parentheses after the name of
the key.
Press F3 (Save).
User input
User input is in bold type, whether you must type the input, select the in put f rom a menu, or clic k a
button or similar element on a screen or a Web page.
•Type exit, andthen press Enter.
•On the File menu,click Save.
•On the Network Gateway page, click Configure > Hardware.
Installing and Configuring the Avaya S8700 or S8710 Media Server11
June 2004
About This Documentation
Downloading this book and updates from the Web
System output and field names
System output on the screen is in monospaced typ e .
•The system displays the following message:
The installation is in progress.
Field names on the screen are in boldsans ser if type.
•Type y in the Message Transfer? field.
Downloading this book and updates from the Web
You can download the latest version of this document from the Avaya Support Web site
your personal computer.
). You must have access to the Inter net and a copy of Adobe Reader ins talled on
Avaya makes every effort to ensure that the information in this book is complete and accurate. However,
information can change after we publish this documentation. Therefore, the Avaya Support Web site
might also contain new product information and updates to the information in this book. You can also
download these updates from the Avaya Support Web site.
Downloading this documentation
To download the latest version of this documentation:
1Access the Avaya Support Web site at http://support.avaya.com.
2Type the documentation number in the Search Support box in the upper left and click Go.
The system displays the Product Documentation Search Results page.
3Or click Product Documentation.
4From the menu on the left, select Communications Systems.
5Scroll down to find the product and latest release number.
6Click the release number to view the list of titles.
7Click on the title that you want.
8Click one of the following options:
•PDF Format to download the book in regular PDF format
•ZIP Format to download the book in zipped PDF format
12Installing and Configuring the Avaya S8700 or S8710 Media Server
June 2004
Safety labels and security alert labels
Observe all caution, warning, and danger statements to help prevent loss of service, equipment damage,
personal injury, and security problems. This documentation uses the following safety labels and security
alert labels:
A caution statement calls attention to a situation that can result in harm to software, loss of
data, or an interruption in service.
A warning statement calls attention to a situation that can result in harm to hardware or equipment,
including ESD damage to electronic components.
A danger statement calls attention to a situation that can result in harm to personnel.
About This Documentation
Safety labels and security alert labels
A security alert calls attention to a situation that can increase the potential for
unauthorized access to a media server or use of a telecommunications system.
Related resources
For providing physical installation and connection information, see Quick Start for Hardware
Installation: Avaya S8700 or S8710 Media Server (555-245-703).
Additional information on installing some adjunct and peripheral equipment that the media server
supports is contained in Adding New Hardware—S8500, S8700, and S8710 Media Servers (555-233-
For all documents associated with the S8700 or S8710 Media Server, including those described above,
see Documentation fo r Avaya Communication Manaager, Media Gateways and Servers CD ( 03-300151).
Installing and Configuring the Avaya S8700 or S8710 Media Server13
June 2004
About This Documentation
Technical assistance
Technical assistance
Avaya provides the following resources for technical assistance.
Within the US
For help with:
•Feature administration and system applications, call the Avaya Helpline at
•Maintenance and repair, call the Avaya National Customer Care Support Line at
•Toll fraud, call Avaya Toll Fraud Intervention at 1-800-643-2353
For all international resources, contact your local Avaya authorized dealer for additional help.
All trademarks identified by the ® or TM are registered trademarks or trademarks, respectively, of Avaya
Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Sending us comments
Avaya welcomes your comments about this book. To reach us by
•Mail, send your comments to
Avaya Inc.
Product Documentation Group
Room B3-H13
1300 W. 120 Ave.
Westminster, CO 80234 USA
•E-mail, send your comments to:
•Fax, send your comments to:
Make sure that you mention the name and number of this book, Installing and Configuring the Avaya S8700 or S8710 Media Server (03-300145).
14Installing and Configuring the Avaya S8700 or S8710 Media Server
June 2004
These procedures are for installing Avaya Communication Manager and configuring a new Av aya S8700
or S8710 Media Server and associated components in either a Multi-Connect or an IP-Connect
configuration. The installation procedures for both models are basically the same; where they differ is
As part of the procedures for configuring the various pieces of hardware, you use two administration
interfaces: the Maintenance Web Interface and a command line interface using either telnet or a terminal
emulation program such as Avaya Native Configuration Manager. You also use the Avaya Installation
Wizard to configure the media servers.
There are no requirements to install the media servers before the media gateways; however, the license
file only allows 30 minutes to "see" the administered and connected IP Server Interface circuit packs.
The following information is included in this installation procedure:
•Pre-installation information on page 16
— Equipment specifications on page 18
— Required hardware
on page 20
•Connecting to the customer’s network on page 22
•Connecting the USB modems on page 24
•High level overview of installation process on page 25
•Configuring the hardware in the rack on page 27
— Configuring the SNMP modules in the UPS on page 28
— Configuring the SNMP subagent in the Avaya Ethernet switch (if used) on page 31
— Configuring the media server on page 33
— Configuring second media server
on page 41
•Translating the IPSIs on page 43
•Connecting to the IPSIs on page 49
•Completing the installation administration on page 57
•Installing the media gateways on page 67
•Testing the media server installation on page 69
•Accessing the media server on page 81
•Troubleshooting an installation on page 89
Installing and Configuring the Avaya S8700 or S8710 Media Server15
June 2004
1 Introduction
Pre-installation information
Pre-installation information
Before you go on site
Before going on site, make sure the customer has a local area network set up and running and a network
administrator available the day of the installation. Before beginning the software installatio n and media
server configuration, make sure you have the filled-out Electronic Preinstallation Worksheet (EPW) on
the services laptop. See the Avaya Installation Wizard Web site (http://support.avaya.com/avayaiw
the blank form.
In addition, the pre-installation team should have done the following tasks. If they were not all done, do
not continue with the installation.
•Verify that the s ervices laptop has the right hardware and software. See Connecting to the media
server directly on page 81 for the list of computer hardware and software specifications.
•Verify that you have current translations av ailabl e for downl oad vi a ProVision.
•Verify that you have a filled-out Electronic Preinstallation Worksheet (EPW). The EPW provides
— IP addresses
) for
—Product ID
— Avaya services telephone number for remote access over modem
— Avaya services IP address for alarms through the network
•Verify that you have the current software update (patch), if required, and license and Avaya
authentication files on your services laptop.
•Verify that you have the current firmware available. Firmware for the IPSIs, C-LAN, MedPro,
and VAL circuit packs are on the software CD, but check the A vaya Suppo rt Web site
), Download Software and Firmware, for the latest software and
•Verify that you have all the login IDs and passwords to acces s the S87 00 or S8710 Media Servers
and server complex components. This includes the unique service password for that customer’s
T o obtain the password for a specific media server, call ASG Conversant (1.800.248.1234 or
1.720.444.5557). You must have the IL, FL, or product ID to get the password.
To log in through the services port as craft after you install the Avaya authentication file, use this
password, which does not require an ASG challenge or response.
16Installing and Configuring the Avaya S8700 or S8710 Media Server
June 2004
Pre-installation info rma tio n
Downloading license and Avaya
authentication files
Use the Remote Feature Activation (RFA) to obtain the license and Avaya authentication files. RFA is a
W eb -based application, av ailable to Avaya employees and authorized Business Partners, that enables you
to create and deploy license files for all product platforms. The RFA Web site is at http://rfa.avaya.com
For specific information on RFA and how to generate license and A v aya authentication files, go to the the
RFA Information page available on the RFA Web site.
T o access the RFA application, you must take the RFA online training and pass the online
To generate a license file, you need the following information:
•Your personal Sin gle Sign-On (SSO) for the RFA Web site authentication login.
•SAP order number
•Required customer information
•Serial number of one TN2312BP Inter net Protocol Server Interface (I PSI) circuit pack d esignated
the reference IPSI.
•Intranet access to the RFA Web page with Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher.
Before arriving on site, download the license and Avaya authentication files to the services laptop. The
license and Avaya authentication files are installed during the installation process.
Once the A v aya authentication files are installed, A vaya ser vices logins to the media server are protected
by a challenge/response system called Access Security Gateway (ASG). The ASG challenge/response
protocol confirms the validity of each user, reducing the opportunity for unauthorized access.
When finished installing the Avaya authentication file, Avaya Communication Manager has a password
for the craft login. This password is unique to the customer’s server. You can use the password the next
time you log in as craft, provided you access the media server throug h the ser vices port. You do not need
an ASG challenge/response to log in this way, even though every other means of craft access still require
an ASG challenge/response. The revised password is recorded by RFA and is obtained from ASG
Conversant at 1-800-248-1234 or 1-720-444-5557.
Copying files to the laptop
In addition to the license and Avaya authentication files, you must copy o ther required files to the l apt op .
This includes, the filled-out Electronic Preinstallation Wo rksheet (EPW); any software updates; current
firmware, and ART script.
To get a filled-out EPW, go to the project manager or customer. To get a blank EPW, go to the Avaya
Installation Wizard Web site (http://support.avaya.com/avayaiw
). Have the customer fill it out.
To get the software update (patch), go to the Avaya Support Web site (http://avaya.com/support
select Software & Firmware Downloads to identify and copy the required software update.
To get the latest firmware for the programmable circuit packs, go to the Avaya Support Web site at
Installing and Configuring the Avaya S8700 or S8710 Media Server17
June 2004
and select Software & Firmware Downloads to identify and copy the latest
) and
1 Introduction
Equipment specifications
Before you start the installation
The pre-installation team should have don e the fo llowing t asks. If they were not all done, d o not con tinue
with the installation.
•Verify that the ope n, customer-s upplied, EIA-310D (or equ ivalent) standard 19-inch (48-
centimeter) equipment racks are properly ins talled and s olidly secured . Mak e s ure that the sc rews
that come with the racks are there. The S8700 Media Server requires a 2-post rack. The S8710
Media Server requires a 4-post rack . If us ing a rack cabinet, make sure it has adequate v entilation.
•Verify that the rail kit to support the S8710 Media Serv er are available fo r installation.
•Verify that the rail kits, required to suppor t the ver y heavy UPSs, are installed on the rack or
available for installation. For information on installing the rails, refer to the docu mentation that
comes with the rail kits.
•Verify that the equipment rack(s) is(are) grounded per local code. See Job Ai d: Appr o ved Gr ounds
•Verify that the customer provides AC power to the rack from a nonswitched outlet.
•Verify that cabling for the TN2312BP Internet Protocol Server Interface (IPSI) circuit packs is
labeled and run from the control hardware rack to the port networks or that appropriate
connectivity is provided.
•Verify that you have all the equipment on site. See T abl e 3, Lis t of r equi red hard w are, on page 2 0
for the list of required hardware.
Equipment specifications
The media server control network components consist of two media servers, one or two Ethernet
switch(es), and two UPSs. See Table 1, Control network components specifications,
Table 1: Control network components specifications
Media Server
Ethernet Switch:
700 VA
1500 VA
3.5h x 17d x 17w
3.4h x 26d x 17.5w
3.5h x 14d x 19w
3.5h x 18d x 19w
3.5h x 19d x 17w
3.5h x 24d x 17w
9h x 43d x 43w
8.6h x 66d x 45w22
9h x 35d x 48w
9h x 45d x 48w
9h x 48d x 43w
9h x 30d x 43w
on page 18.
Weight (lb/kg)English (in.)Metric (cm)Us (height in rack)
The internal room temperature must not exceed 104° F (40° C).
18Installing and Configuring the Avaya S8700 or S8710 Media Server
June 2004
Equipment specifications
Table 2, Avaya S8710 Media Server features and specifications,
on page 19 outlines the fe atures and
specifications of the Avaya S8710 Media Server.
Some values are shown at maximum configuration. Avaya values are slightly lower then
the maximum.
T able 2: Avaya S8710 Media Server features and specifications 1 of 2
Serial connector
iLO connector (unused)
Keyboard connector
Mouse connector
3 USB connectors
Video connector
VHDCI SCSI connector
Environment: Air
Ambient operating: 50° to 95° F (10° to 35° C)
Maximum wet bulb: 82.4° F (28° C
NOTE: All temperature ratings shown are for sea level. An altitude
derating of 1.8° F per 1000 ft to 10,000 ft (1° C per 300 m) is
applicable. No direct sunlight allowed.
Installing and Configuring the Avaya S8700 or S8710 Media Server19
June 2004
1 Introduction
Required hardware
T able 2: Avaya S8710 Media Server features and specifications 2 of 2
Environment: HumidityOperating: 10% to 90%
Nonoperati ng: 5% to 85%
NOTE: Storage maximum humidity of 95% is based on a maximum
temperature of 113° F (45 °C). Altitude maximum for storage
corresponds to a pressure minimum of 70 KPa.
Electrical InputRated input voltage: 100 to 240 VAC
Rated input frequency: 50 to 60 Hz
Rated input current: 6 A (110 V) to 3 A (220 V)
Rated input power: 600 W
BTUs per hour: 2050
Power supply outputRated steady-state power: 400 W
Maximum peak power: 400 W
Required hardware
Before beginning the process, make sure you have the hardware listed in Table 3, List of required
hardware, on page 20 on hand.
Table 3: List of required hardware 1 of 2
408427656SNMP Network Interface Adapter for UPS (if
Avaya S8700 Media Server
Avaya S8710 Media Server
Powerware 9125 uninterruptible power supply
(UPS) (if Avaya-provided)
– US & Canada
– International
– Japan
Rail kits for mounting UPSs in rack
700169121External V.90 56K USB modem with cable (if
20Installing and Configuring the Avaya S8700 or S8710 Media Server
June 2004
Table 3: List of required hardware 2 of 2
700181050Formatted 128-MB PCMCIA PCCARD
flashdisk (S8700 only)
700290448Compact 4-slot flash drive (S8710 only)2YesYes
700290430128-MB compact flash media (S8710 only)2YesYes
700287964Avaya Communication Manager CD for Linux
700335797Documentation for Avaya Communication
Manager, Media Gateways and Servers CD (03-
Green CAT5 Ethernet cables
700169998Blue CAT5 Ethernet crossconnect cable for
– 5-meter ( 16 feet)
– 25-meter (82 feet)
– 50-meter (164 feet)
Red CAT5 Ethernet cables (if duplicated control
– 5-meter ( 16 feet)
– 25-meter (82 feet)
– 50-meter (164 feet)
2Yes Yes
1Yes Yes
700170053Black CAT5 Ethernet crossconnect cable for
Yellow single-mode fiber optic cable with SC
connectors (S8700 only)
Yellow single-mode fiber optic cable with LC
connectors (S8710 only)
laptop computer
We recommend that you have the following documents on hand for the installation. These are included
on the Documentation for Avaya Communication Manager, Media Gateways and Servers CD (03-
•Quick Start for Hardware Installation: Avaya S8700 or S8710 Media Server (555-245-703)—a
quick reference guide providing physical installation and connection information.
•Filled out ElectronicPreinstallation Worksheet (EPW)—an Excel spreadsheet providing the
customer’s network information needed to use the Avaya Installation Wizard to configure the
control network components. Get from the A vaya project manager, Avaya software technician, or
customer network administrator. A blank one is available at the AIW Web site
Installing and Configuring the Avaya S8700 or S8710 Media Server21
June 2004
1 Introduction
Connecting to the customer’s network
•Installing and Configuring the Avaya S8700 or S8710 Media Server (03-300145)—this
document, providing inf ormation on c onfiguring t he control net work components, testing, and
•The following job aids are also available on the Documentat i on for Avaya Communicat ion
Manager, Media Gateway s and Servers CD (03-300151):
•Job Aid: Approved Grounds (555-245-772)—job aid providing acceptable methods of
grounding equipment.
•Job Aid: Server and CSS Separation—Avaya S8700 or S8710 Media Server (555-245-
766)—job aid providing information on and connectivity diagrams when the duplicated
S8700 or S8710 Media Servers are in separate locations.
•Upgrading Software and Firmware—Avaya S8700 or S8710 Media Server (555-245-115)—part
of the library providing information on upgrading Avaya
firmware on various components and circuit packs.
Communication Manager and the
•Administrator’s Guide for the Avaya Communication Manager (555-233-506)—end-user
documentation that includes information on administering trunks and telephones.
•Administrat ion fo r Net wo rk Connect i vi ty for the Avaya Communication Manager (555-233-
124)—documentation providing information on network connectivity.
•Maintenance Alarms for Avaya Communication Manager 2.1, Media Gateways and Servers (03-
300190)—provides information on how to troubleshoot and replace various components.
•Maintenance Commands for Avaya Communication Manager 2.1, Media Gateways and Servers
(03-300191)—provides information on how to use command interfaces, command syntax, and
output from maintenance-related commands.
•Maintenance Procedures for Avaya Communication Manager 2.1, Media Gateways and Servers
(03-300192)—provides information on how to use alarms, error codes, and tests to diagnose and
repair problems.
Connecting to the customer’s network
The media servers connect directly to the customer’s network. The following section provides
information on connecting the media server to the customer’s network.
In a typical configuration, you connect to the network through a port on the back of the Avaya S8700 or
S8710 Media Server, using a stand ard CAT5 cable with RJ45 connectors on each end. T ypically, for an IP
Connect configuration, you connect through port 1 (Eth0). For a Multi-Connect configuration, you
connect through port 5 (Eth4). See Figure 1, CAT5 cable connected to a port on the back of the Avaya
S8700 Media Server, on page 23 or Figure 2, CAT5 cable connected to a port on the back of the Avaya
S8710 Media Server, on page 23, connected to back of S8710 Media Server.
The other end of the cable connects to an Ethernet switch (router), hub, or token ring.
22Installing and Configuring the Avaya S8700 or S8710 Media Server
June 2004
Connecting to the customer’s network
Figure 1: CAT5 cable connected to a port on the back of the Avaya S8700 Media Server
cadlnetw KLC 051602
DAI - 1
Figure notes
1To network (nondedicated control network)
2To network (dedicated control network)
Figure 2: CAT5 cable connected to a port on the back of the Avaya S8710 Media Server
100 MGz
100 MGz
133 MGz
cadsnet2 KLC 043004
Figure notes
1To network (nondedicated control network)
2To network (dedicated control network)
Installing and Configuring the Avaya S8700 or S8710 Media Server23
June 2004
1 Introduction
Connecting the USB modems
Connecting the USB modems
If you have not connected the modems yet, do so now.
Once you cable the modems to the media servers, do not unplug the modem USB cable on the
active server. If the modem must be replaced, replace it when the media server is in standby mode.
USB and serial modems cannot connect to rotary lines. A Touch Tone line is required.
When you configure the media server, you set the modem options. No options are set on the modems
Connecting to collocated servers
Both servers share one telephone line. To connect to collocated servers:
1Install two RJ 11 jack outlets wired to a single 1MB ( M easured Business) telephone line.
2Connect the RJ11 jacks, one to each media server , using the m odular telephone cor d supplied with
the modem.
3Connect one modem, using the USB cable supplied with the modem, to media server 1.
4Connect the other modem, using the USB cable, to media server 2.
Connecting to separated servers
Each server has a dedicated telephone line. To connect to separated servers:
1Install one RJ11 jack outlet wired to a single 1MB telephone line for a media server in each
2Connect the RJ11 jack to each media server, using the modular telephone cord supplied with the
3Connect each modem, using the USB cable, to the media server at each location.
For more information on media servers in two locations, see Job Aid: Server and CSS
Separation—Avaya S8700 or S8710 Media Server (555-245-766).
24Installing and Configuring the Avaya S8700 or S8710 Media Server
June 2004
High level overview of installation process
High level overview of installation process
The installation process is completed in stages. Some stages can be completed in parallel, and others
require that certain tasks be accomplished before the stages can be completed. The order that the
particular stages are completed depends on local practice and the personnel available. The high level
stages are listed below.
Installing and cabling the media server
You can complete this stage before, in parallel with, or after installing the media gateways. See the Quick
Start for Hardware Installation: Avaya S8700 or S8710 Media Server (555-245-703)
Installing Avaya Communication Manager
The media server is shipped with a blank hard drive. The operating system, directories, and files needed
for the media server are installed from a bootable CD containing the operating system and Avaya
Communication Manager. This stage is usually done immediately after installing the media server
Configuring the media server
Use the A vaya Installation W izard to configure the media server. You must have the filled-out Electronic
Preinstallation Worksheet (EPW) that provides the customer’s network information needed for
configuring the network components. As part of the Wizard, you install the license and Avaya
authentication files. This stage is done after installing the software.
Translating the IPSIs
This stage is done after the media servers are configured. Once the license file is installed (as part of the
A vaya Installation W izard), y ou have 30 minutes to complete this step before the license file looks for the
reference IPSI.
Installing and cabling the media gateways
You can do this stage before, in parallel with, or after installing and configuring the media server
complex. The media gateways must be installed and powered up to effectively complete many of the
other stages. The IPSI circuit packs can only be programmed in a powered up media gateway.
Installing and Configuring the Avaya S8700 or S8710 Media Server25
June 2004
High level overview of installation process
Completing the installation administration
This stage finishes the installation. Clearing alarms, enabling alarm reporting, backing up the server files,
and registering the configuration. This stage always comes at the end of the complete installation.
Testing the complete installation
This stage verifies the complete configuration operation and is the last task.
26Installing and Configuring the Avaya S8700 or S8710 Media Server
June 2004
2Configuring the hardware in the rack
Once the control network equipment is installed and connected, you must configure the SNMP Modules
in each UPS (if Avaya supplied), the SNMP Subagent in the Avaya Ethernet switch (if Avaya supplied),
and the two media servers. The first two are to allow that equipment to send alarms (traps) to the media
Configure the SNMP agents first, then install Avaya Communication Manager on and configure the first
media server and verify its operation before you install Avaya Communication Manager on and configure
the second media server.
This section covers the following tasks:
•Configuring the SNMP modules in the UPS on page 28
•Configuring the SNMP subagent in the Avaya Ethernet switch (if used) on page 31
•Configuring the media server on page 33
•Configuring second media server on page 41
2Configuring the hardware in the rack
Installing and Configuring the Avaya S8700 or S8710 Media Server27
June 2004
Configuring the SNMP modules in the UPS
Configuring the SNMP modules in the UPS
These instruction apply only if using a new, Avaya-supplied uninterruptible power supply
(UPS) with a simple network management protocol (SNMP) module. Do not use these
procedures to set traps on a non-Avaya-provided UPS.
Because the SNMP module is manufactured by a third party, we do not know which
brand, model, or firmware load the factory is shipping. Therefore, we can not provide
specific instructions in this document on how to connect to and configure the SNMP
module. Refer to the documentation that comes with the SNMP module.
Make sure the CAT5 straight-through cables are connected from the UPSs’ SNMP modules to the next
available port on the customer’s network. For a connectivity guide, see Quick Start Hardware Installation: Avaya S8700 or S8710 Media Server (555-245-703). Make sure you are plugged into the
correct port on the SNMP module.
The SNMP module in each UPS must be administered so it reports alarms to the appropriate media ser ver
when the hardware experiences problems. The module reports the loss of commercial power and the
depletion of battery resources.
The SNMP module requires a unique IP address, which can be a customer-provided one or the Avayaprovided de fault one. At a minimum, the following items need to be configured:
•IP address (1 for each UPS)
•Default gateway IP address (1 only)
•Subnet mask
•Community name strings (get, set, trap)
For the SNMP module to properly report alarms, the IP address for the UPS must also be
configured in the media server.
It is critical that each UPS report SNMP traps to the media server it is powering. For example,
media server 1 should be plu gged int o UP S 1, an d UPS 1 must be confi gured to report SNMP traps
to the media server 1 actual IP address (not the Active Server address). The same required
relationship holds true for media server 2 and UPS 2. This is important because if the UPS detects
loss of commercial power and/or depletion of battery resources, it will send a trap to allow the
media server to lower the media server’s state of health to cause an interchange. If the UPS sends
the trap to the wrong server trap receiver address, that media server will interchange to the media
server that is plugged into the failing UPS.
See Setting selected traps (alarming)
on page 30 for information on which traps to set.
See the local configuration section of the User’s Guide that comes with the SNMP module for the default
password and the configur ation commands.
28Installing and Configuring the Avaya S8700 or S8710 Media Server
June 2004
Configuring the SNMP modules in the UPS
To administer the SNMP modules:
1Make sure the UPS is plugged into a nonswitched electrical outlet.
2Connect the services laptop computer (RS-232 serial port) to the DB-9 connector on the back of
the SNMP module for UPS 1 using the DB-9 to DB-9 serial cable supplied with the SNMP
Avaya Terminal Emulation and HyperTerminal are supported terminal emulation
3On the services laptop open a VT-100 terminal emulation session.
4Administer the terminal emulation port settings:
•9600 baud
•No parity
•8 data bits
•1 stop bit
•No flow control
5Follow the inst ructions in the User’s Guide.
6Set the following parameters:
•IP address and subnet mask of the UPS
•For UPS1, the defaults are,
•For UPS2, the defaults are,
•IP address of the trap receiver. (Do not use the Active Server IP address.)
•For UPS1, this is the IP address of media server 1 (default is
•For UPS2, this is the IP address of media server 2 (default is
•Default Gateway address of the UPS is
If a Network Management System (NMS) is going to monitor the UPS, coordinate the
assignment of community names with the network administrator. If an NMS is not going
to monitor the UPS, set the community names to unique string values.
•SNMP community string for Get, Set, and Trap.
The Get and Set, community name strings are generally configured with default values of
Public and Private, respectively. These community name strings function as passwords
for their respective SNMP operation. It is always a good idea to change these community
name strings to something other than the default values. If a NMS is in operation on the
network, whatever these values are changed to must be coordinated with its administrator.
If the defaults are left administered this could create a serious security issue. For
example, the default Set community name string, with its widely known value of Private,
could be used to shut down power to the UPS loads via an SNMP message.
7When completed, disconnect the services laptop computer from the UPS.
Installing and Configuring the Avaya S8700 or S8710 Media Server29
June 2004
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