Avaya Remote Supervisor Adapter User Manual

The Avaya Remote Supervisor Adapter
User’s Guide
(for use with Avaya S8500 Media Server)
Issue 3
June 2004
Copyright 2004, Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved
Every effort was made to ensure that the information in this document was complete and accurate at the time of printing. However, information is subject to change.
Avaya Inc. provides a limited warranty on this product. Refer to your sales agreement to esta blish the terms of the limit ed w a rranty. In addition, Avaya’s standard warranty language as well as information r eg ardi ng support for this product, while under warranty, is available through the following Web site: http://www.avaya.com/suppo rt
Preventing Toll Fraud
“Toll fraud” is the unauthorized use of your telecommunications system by an unauthorized party (for example, a person who is not a corpora te employee, agent, subcontractor, or is not working on your co mpany's behalf). Be aware that there may be a risk of toll fraud associated with your system and that, if toll frau d o ccur s , it c an result in substantial add itional charges for your telecommunications services.
Avaya Fraud Intervention
If you suspect that you are being victimiz e d by toll fraud and you need technical assistance or support, in the United States and Canada, call the Technical Service Center's Toll Fraud Intervention Hotline at 1-800-643-2353.
Avaya is not responsible for any modifications, additions or deletions to the original published version of th is doc umentation unless such modifications, additi ons or de le tions were performed by Avaya. Customer and/or End User agree to indemnify and hold harmless Avaya, Avaya's agents, servant s and employees against all claims, la w s uits, demands and judgments arising out of, or in connection with, subsequent modifications, additions or deletions to this doc umentation to the extent made by the Customer or End User.
How to Get Help
For additional support telephone num be rs , go to the Avaya support Web site: http://www.avaya.com/support
. If you are:
• Within the United States, click the Escalation Management link. Then click the approp ria t e li nk for the type of support you need.
• Outside the Unit ed States, click the Escalation Management link. Then click the International Services link that includes telephone numbers for the internationa l Centers of Excellence.
Providing Telecommunications Security
Telecommunications security (of voice, data, and/ or vide o communications) is the prevention of any type of intrusion to (that is, either unauthorized or malicious access to or use of) your company’ s telecommunications equipment by some party.
Y our company's “telecommunications equipment” includes both this Avaya product and any other voice/data/ vide o e quipment that could be accessed via this Avaya product (that is, “networked equipment” ) .
An “outside party” is anyone who is not a corporate em pl oye e, ag en t, subcontractor, or is not working on your company's beha lf. Whereas, a “malicious party” is anyone (includ ing someone who may be otherwise authorized) who accesses your telecommunications equipment with either malicious or mischievous intent.
Such intrusions may be either to/through synchronous (time-multiplexed and/or circuit-based), or asynchronous (character-, message-, or packet­based) equipment, or interfaces for reasons of:
• Utilization (of capabilities special to the accessed equipment)
• Theft (such as, of intellec t ual property, financial assets, or toll facility access)
• Eavesdropping (privacy invasions to humans)
• Mischief (troubling, but apparently innocuous, tampering)
• Harm (such as harmful tampering , da ta loss or alteration, regardless of motive or intent)
Be aware that there may be a risk of unauthorized intrusions associated with your system and/or its networked equipment. Also realize that, if such an intrusion should occur, it could result in a variety of losses to your company (including but not limite d to, human/data privacy, intellectual property, material assets, financial resource s, la bor co sts, and/or legal costs).
Responsibility for Your Company’s Telecommunications Security
The final responsibility for se cu ri ng bot h this system and its networked equipment rests with you - Avaya’s customer system administrator, your telecommunications peers, and your managers. Base the fulfillment of your responsibility on acquired knowle dge an d resou rce s f ro m a varie ty of sources including but not li mited to:
• Installation docu ments
• System administration documents
• Security documents
• Hardware-/so ft w ar e-based security tools
• Shared information between you and your peers
• Telecommunications security experts
To prevent intrusions to your telecommunications equipment, you and your peers should carefully program and configur e :
• Your Avaya-provided telecommunications systems and their interfaces
• Your Avaya-provided software applications, as well as their underlying hardw ar e/software platforms and interfaces
• Any other equipment networked to your Avaya products
TCP/IP Facilities
Customers may experien ce differe n c e s in pr oduc t pe r f or ma nce, reliability and security depending upon network confi gur a tions/design and topologies, even when the product performs as warranted.
Standards Compliance
Avaya Inc. is not responsible for any radio or television interference caused by unauthorized modification s of this e quipment or the substitution or attachment of connecting cables and equipment other than those specified by Avaya Inc. The correction of interference caused by such unauthorized modifications, substitution or attachment will be the responsibility of the user. Pursuant to Part 15 of the Federal Communicati ons Commission (FCC) Rules, the user is cautione d tha t c ha nges or modifications not expressly approved by Avaya Inc. could void the user’s authority to operate this equipment.
Product Safety Standards
This product complies w ith and conforms to the follow ing international Product Safety standards as applicable:
Safety of Information Technology Equipment, IEC 60950, 3rd Edit ion, or IEC 60950-1, 1st Edition, including all relevant national deviations as listed in Complianc e wi th I E C for Electrical Equipment (IECEE) CB- 96A.
Safety of Information Technology Equipment, CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 60950-00 / UL 60950, 3rd Edition, or CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 60950-1-03 / UL 60950-1.
Safety Requirements for Customer Equipment, ACA Technical Standard (TS) 001 - 1997.
One or more of the following Mexican nati ona l sta n dards, as applicable: NOM 001 SCFI 1993, NOM SCFI 016 1993, NOM 019 SCFI 1998.
The equipment described in this docum ent may con ta in C la ss 1 LAS ER Device(s). These devices comp l y with th e following standards:
• EN 60825-1, Edition 1. 1, 1998-01
• 21 CFR 1040.10 and CFR 1040.11.
The LASER devices used in Avaya equipment typically operate within the following parameters:
Typical Center Wavelength Maximum Output Power
830 nm - 860 nm -1.5 dBm 1270 nm - 1360 nm -3.0 dBm 1540 nm - 1570 nm 5.0 dBm
Luokan 1 Laserlaite Klass 1 Laser Apparat Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than
those specified herein may result in hazardous radiation exposures. Contact your Avaya representative for more laser product inform at ion.
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EM C ) Standards
This product complie s w ith and conforms to the follo w ing international EMC standards and all relevan t national deviations:
Limits and Methods of Measurem ent of R ad io In te rf ere nc e of In fo rm a tion Technology Equipment, CISPR 22:1997 and EN55022:1998.
Information Technology Equipment – Immunity Charact eristics – Limits and Methods of Measurement, CIS PR 2 4:1997 and EN55024:1998, including:
• Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) IEC 61 000-4-2
• Radiated Immunity IEC 61000-4-3
• Electrical Fast Transient IEC 61000-4-4
• Lightning Effects IEC 61000-4-5
• Conducted Immunity IE C 61000-4-6
• Mains Frequency Magnetic Field IEC 61000-4-8
• Voltage Dips and Variations IEC 61000-4-11
Power Line Emissions, IEC 61000-3-2: Electr omagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 3-2: Limits – Limits for harmonic current emissi ons.
Power Line Emissions, IEC 61000-3-3: Electr omagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 3-3: Limits – Limitation of voltage changes, voltage fluctuations and flicker in public low-voltage supply systems.
Federal Communications Commission Statement
Part 15: Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the
limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonabl e protec tion against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio freque ncy energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radi o communi ca tions. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be r equired to correct th e interference at his own ex pense.
Part 68: Answer-Supervision Signaling
Allowing this equipment to be operated in a manner that does not provide proper answer-supervision signaling is in violation of Part 68 rules. This equipment returns a nsw e r-supervision signals to the public switched network when:
• answered by the called station,
• answered by the attendant, or
• routed to a recorde d an n ou ncement that can be administ ered by the customer premises equipment (CPE) user.
This equipment returns answer-superv isi on signals on all direct inward dialed (DID) calls forwar de d back to the public switched telephone network. Permissible exceptions are:
• A call is unanswered.
• A busy tone is received.
• A reorder tone is receive d .
Avaya attests that this registered equipment is cap able of providing users access to interstate providers of operator services through the use of access codes. Modification of this equipment by call aggregators to block access dialing codes is a violation of the Telephone Operator Consumers Act of
REN Number For MCC1, SCC1, CMC1, G600, and G 650 M e d ia Gat eways:
This equipment complies with Part 68 of the FCC rules. On either the rear or inside the front cover of this equipment is a label that contains, among other information, the FCC registration number, and ringer equivalence number (REN) for this equipment. If requested, this information must be provided to the telephone comp an y.
For G350 and G700 Media Gateways:
This equipment complies with Part 68 of the FCC rules and the requirements adopted by the ACTA. On the rear of this equipment is a label that contains, among other information, a product identifier in the format US:AAAEQ##TXXXX. The digits represented by ## are the ringer equivalence number (REN) without a decimal point (for example , 03 is a REN of 0.3). If requested, this number mu st be pro vide d to the telephone company.
For all media gateways:
The REN is used to determine the quantity of de vic e s tha t may be connected to the telephone line. Excessive RENs on the telephone line may result in devices not ringing in response to an incoming call. In most, but not all areas, the sum of RENs should not exceed 5.0. To be certain of the number of devices that may be connecte d to a line , as det erm ine d by the total RENs, contact the local tele phone company.
REN is not required for some types of anal og or digital facilities.
Means of Connection
Connection of this equipme nt to the telephone network is show n in the following tables.
For MCC1, SCC1, CMC1, G600, and G 650 M e d ia Gat eways: Manufacturer’s Port
Off premises station OL13C 9.0F RJ2GX,
DID trunk 02RV2-T 0.0B RJ2GX,
CO trunk 02GS2 0.3A RJ21X
Tie trunk TL31M 9.0F RJ2GX Basic Rate Interface 02IS5 6.0F, 6.0Y RJ49C
1.544 digital interface 04DU9-BN 6.0F R J48C,
120A4 channel service unit 04DU9-DN 6.0Y RJ48C
A.S. Code
02LS2 0.3A RJ21X
04DU9-IKN 6.0F RJ48C,
04DU9-ISN 6.0F RJ48C,
Network Jacks
RJ21X, RJ11C
For G350 and G700 Media G ate w ays: Manufactur er’s Port
Ground Start CO trunk 02GS2 1.0A RJ11C DID trunk 02R V2-T AS.0 RJ11C Loop Start CO trunk 02LS2 0.5A RJ11C
1.544 digital interface 04DU9-BN 6.0Y RJ48C
Basic Rate Interface 02IS5 6.0F RJ49C
A.S. Code
04DU9-DN 6.0Y RJ48C 04DU9-IKN 6.0Y RJ48C 04DU9-ISN 6.0Y RJ48C
Network Jacks
For all media gateways:
If the terminal equipment (for example, the media server or media gateway) causes harm to the telephone network, the telephone com pa ny will notify you in advance that temporary discontinuance of service may be required. But if advance notice is not practical, the telephone company will notify the customer as soon as possible. Also, you will be advised of your right to file a complai nt w ith the FCC if you belie ve it is ne ce ssary.
The telephone company may make changes in its facilities, equipment, operations or procedures that could affect the ope rat ion of the equipment. If this happens, the telephone company will provide advance notice in order for you to make necessary modifications to maintain uninterrupted service.
If trouble is experienced with thi s equ ipm en t, for repair or warranty information, please contact the Technical Service Center at 1-800-242- 2121 or contact your local Avaya representative. If the equipment is causing harm to the te le phone network, the telephone company may request that you disconnect the equipment until the problem is resolved.
A plug and jack used to connect this equipment to the premises wiring and telephone network must comply with the applicable FCC Part 68 rules and requirements ado pted by the ACTA. A compliant telephone cord and modular plug is provided with this product. It is designed to be connected to a compatible modular jack that is also compliant. It is recommended that repairs be performed by Avaya certified t ech n ic ian s .
The equipment cannot be used on public coin phone service provided by the telephone company. Connection to party line service is subject to state tariffs. Contact the state public utility commission, public se r vic e commission or corporation commission for info rm a tion.
This equipment, if it uses a telephone receiver, is hearing aid compatible.
Canadian Department of Communications (DOC) Interfe rence Information
This Class A digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003. Cet appareil numérique de la classe A est conf or me à la norme
NMB-003 du Canada. This equipment meets the applicable Industry Canada Terminal Equipment
Technical Specifications. This is confirmed by the registration number. The abbreviation, IC, before the r egi stration number signifies that regi stration was performed based on a Declaration of Conformity indicating that Industry Canada technical specifications were met. It does not imply that Industry Canada approved the equipment.
Installation and Repairs
Before installing th is equipment, users should e nsur e that it is permissible to be connected to the facilities of the local telecommunications company. The equipment must also be installe d usi ng an acceptable method of connection. The customer should be aware that compliance with t he ab ove conditions may not prevent degr a d a tion of service in some situations.
Repairs to certified equipment should be coordinated by a representative designated by the supplier. Any repairs or alterations made by the user to this equipment, or equipment ma lf unc tions, may give the telecommunications company cause to request the user to disconnect the equipment.
Declarations of Conformity
United States FCC Part 68 Supplier’s Declaration of Conformity (SDoC) Avaya Inc. in the United States of America hereby certifies that the
equipment described in this doc um e nt a nd bearing a TIA TSB-168 label identification number complies with the FCC’s Rules and Regulations 47 CFR Part 68, and the Administrative Council on Terminal Attachments (ACTA) adopted technical criteria.
Avaya further asserts that Avaya handset-equipped terminal equipment described in this document compl ie s with Paragraph 68.316 of the FCC Rules and Regulations defining Hea ring Aid Compatibility and is deemed compatible with hearing aids.
Copies of SDoCs signed by the Responsible Party in the U. S. can be obtained by contacting your local sales representative and are available on the following Web site: http://www.avaya.com/support
All A v ay a media servers and media g at eways are compliant with FCC Part 68, but many have been registered with the FCC before the SDoC process was available. A list of all Avaya registered products may be found a t:
by conducting a search using “Avaya” as
European Union Declarations of Conformity
Ava ya Inc. declares that the equipmen t sp ecified in this document beari ng the “CE” (Conformité Europeénne) mark conforms to the European Union Radio and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment Directive (1999/5/EC), including the Ele c tr omagnetic Compatibility Dir e c tive (89/336/EEC) and Low Voltage Directive (73/23/EEC).
Copies of these Declaration s of Conf or m ity (DoCs) can be obtained by contacting your local sales repre se n ta t ive and are available on the following Web site: http://www.avaya.com/support
This is a Class A product based on the standard of the Voluntary Control Council for Interference by Information Technology Equipment (VCCI). If this equipment is used in a domestic e nvir onment, radio disturbance m ay occur, in which case, the user may be required to take corrective actions.
To order copies of this and other documents:
Call: Avaya Publications Center
Write: Globalware Solutions
E-mail: totalware@gwsmail.com For the most current versions of documentation, go to the Avaya support
Web site: http://www.avaya.com/support
Voice 1.800.457.1235 or 1.207.866.6701 FAX 1.800.457.1764 or 1.207.626.7269
200 Ward Hill Avenue Haverhill, MA 01835 USA Attention: Avaya Account Management
About this book 9
•Overview 9
• Audience 9
• Downloading this book and updates from the Web 9 Downloading this book 9
• European Union standards 10
• Standards compliance 10
• Conventions 11 General 11 Physical dimensions 11 Typography 11
Commands 11
Keys 11 User input 12 System output and field names 12
• Safety labels and security alert labels 12
• Safety precautions 13
• Trademarks 16
• Trademarks and Servic e Mar ks 16
• Technical assistance 18 Within the United States 18 International 18
• Sending us comments 18
Using the Avaya Remote Supervisor Adapter 19
•Overview 19
• Web browser requirements 19
• Connecting and logging in to the RSA 20
• ASM navigation 21 ASM navigation pane layout 21
•ASM control 24 Viewing the configuration summary 24 System settings 24
Setting system information 25
Avaya Remote Supervisor Adapter User Guide 5 June 2004
Setting ASM information 25 Setting server time-outs 26 Setting ASM date and time 27
• Login profiles 28 Creating a login profile 28 Setting the global login settings 30
•Alerts 31 Configuring a remote alert recipient 32 Adding a remote alert recipient 32 Alert fowarding 33 Configuring global remote alert settings 34 Customizing monitored alerts 35
Critical alerts 36 Warning alerts 37 System alerts 39 Monitored Local Events 40
Serial port 41
Configuring the serial port 42 Assigning advanced modem settings 42
Network interfaces 43
Configuring an Ethernet connection 43 Setting a static IP configuration 44 Setting an advanced Ethernet setup 45 Configuring PPP access over a serial port 46
Network protocols 47
Enabling SNMP agents and traps 48 Enabling DNS 49 SMTP 49
Accessing the configuration window 50
Backing up the ASM configuration 50
Restoring and modifying the ASM configuration 51 Restoring ASM defaults 52 Restoring the Avaya defaults 53 Restarting the RSA 55 Logging off the RSA 55
• Monitoring the S8500 using the RSA 56
6 Avaya Remote Supervisor Adapter User Guide
June 2004
• Viewing system health summary 57 Environmentals 57 Temperature thresholds 57 Voltage thresholds 59 Fan speed 60
• The event log 61 Viewing the event log 61 Clearing the event log 62 Saving the event log 62
• Vital product data 63 Viewing vital product data 63
Component level VPD 64 Component activity log 64 POST/BIOS VPD 64 ASM VPD 65
Determine the latest firmware version on the RSA 65 Determining the latest available firmware version 66
• Performing RSA tasks 67 Server power and restart activity 68 Accessing server power and restart control 69 Updating RSA or BIOS firmware 70 Accessing remote ASM 71
• Text-based interfaces 71 Telneting into the Remote Supervisor Adapter 72 Using the modem 73
Glossary 75
Index 79
Avaya Remote Supervisor Adapter User Guide 7 June 2004
8 Avaya Remote Supervisor Adapter User Guide
June 2004
About this book
This book, Avaya Remote Supervisor Adapter User Guide, 555-245-702, provides procedures to administer your Remote Supervisor Adapter (RSA) on the Avaya S8500 Media Server.
This book is for the customer administrator or other personnel who are responsible for configuration of the RSA.
About this book
Downloading this book and updates from the Web
You can download the latest version of this book from the Avaya Web site. You must have access to the Internet, and a copy of Acrobat Reader must be installed on your personal computer.
Avaya makes every effort to ensure that the information in this book is complete and accurate. However, information can change after we publish this book. Therefore, the A vaya Web site might also contain new product information and updates to the information in this book. You also can download these updates from the Avaya Web sit.
Downloading this book
To download the latest version of this book:
1 Access the Avaya Web site at http://support.avaya.com. 2 At the top center of the page, click Product Documentation.
The system displays the Welcome to Production Documentation page.
3 In the upper-left corner, type the 9-digit book number in the Search Support field, and then click
The system displays the Product Documentation Search Results page.
4 Scroll down to find the latest issue number, and then click the book title that is to the right of the
latest issue number.
5 On the next page, scroll down and click one of the following options:
PDF Format to download the book in regular PDF format.
ZIP Format to download the book in zipped PDF format.
Avaya Remote Supervisor Adapter User Guide 9 June 2004
About this book
European Union standards
European Union standards
Avaya declares that the DEFINITY equipment specified in this document bearing the "CE" mark conforms to the European Union Electromagnetic Compatibility Directives.
The "CE" (Conformité Européenne) mark indicates confo rmance to the European Union Electrom agnetic Compatibility Directive (89/336/EEC), Low Voltage Directive (73/23/ECC), and Telecommunication Terminal Equipment (TTE) Directive (91/263/EEC) and with i-CTR3 Basic Rate Interface (BRI) and i­CTR4 Primary Rate Interface (PRI) as applicable.
Standards compliance
The equipment presented in this document complies with the following (as appropriate) :
ITU-T (Formerly CCITT)
National ISDN-1
National ISDN-2
FCC Part 15 and Part 68
Australia AS3548 (AS/NZ3548)
Australia AS3260
IEC 825
UL 1459
UL 1950
CSA C222 Number 225
10 Avaya Remote Supervisor Adapter User Guide
June 2004
This section describes the conventions that we use in this book.
We show commands and screens from the newest Avaya system and see the most current books. You must substitute the appropriate commands for your system and see the books that yo u have av ailab le.
Physical dimensions
All physical dimensions in this book are in English units followed by metric units in parentheses.
Wire gauge measurements are in AWG followed by the diameter in millimeters in parentheses.
About this book
This section describes the typographical conventions for co mmand s, keys, user input, system outpu t, and field names.
Commands are in bold typ e . Example Type change-switch-time-zone and press Enter.
Command variables are in bold italic type when they are part of what you mus t t ype, an d in plain
italic type when they are not part of what you must type.
Example Type ch ma machine_name, where machine_name is the name of the call delivery machine.
Command options are in bold type inside square brackets.
Example At the DOS prompt, type copybcf [-F34].
The names of keys are in bold sans serif type.
Example Use the Down Arrow key to scroll through the fields.
When you must press and hold a key and then press a second or third key, we separate the names
of the keys are separated with a plus sign (+). Example Press ALT+D.
Avaya Remote Supervisor Adapter User Guide 11 June 2004
About this book
Safety labels and security alert labels
When you must press two or more keys in sequence, we separate the names of the keys are
separated with a space. Example Press Escape J.
When you must press a function key, we provide the function of the key in parentheses after the
name of the ke y. Example Press F3 (Save).
User input
User input is in bold type, whether you mu st type the input, select t he input from a menu, or click a button or similar element on a screen or a Web page.
—Type exit, and then press Enter. —On the File menu, click Save. — On the Network Gateway page, click Configure > Hardware.
System output and field names
System output and field names on the screen are in monospaced type.
— The system displays the following message:
The installation is in progress.
—Type y in the Message Transfer? field.
Safety labels and security alert labels
Observe all caution, warning, and danger statements to help prevent loss of service, equipment damage, personal injury, and security problems. This book uses the following safety labels and security alert labels:
A caution statement calls attention to a situation that can result in harm to software, loss of data, or an interruption in service.
A warning statement calls attention to a situation that can result in harm to hardware or equipment.
Use an ESD warning to call attention to situations that can result in ESD damage to electronic components.
12 Avaya Remote Supervisor Adapter User Guide
June 2004
A danger statement calls attention to a situation that can result in harm to personnel.
A security alert calls attention to a situation that can increase the potential for unauthorized use of a telecommunications system.
Safety precautions
Electrical current from power, telephone, and communication cables is hazardous.
To avoid a shock hazard:
Do not connect or disconnect any cables or perform installation, maintenance, or reconfiguration of this product during an electrical storm.
About this book
Safety precautions
Connect all power cords to a properly wired and grounded electrical outlet.
Connect to properly wired outlets any equipment that will be attached to this product.
When possible, use one hand only to connect or disconnect signal cables.
Never turn on any equipment when there is evidence of fire, water, or structural damage.
Disconnect the attached power cords, telecommunications systems, networks, and modems before you open the device covers, unless instructed otherwise in the installation and configuration procedures.
Connect and disconnect cables as described in Table 1,
disconnecting cables, on page 13 when installing, moving, or opening covers on this
product or attached devices.
Table 1: Connecting and disconnecting cables
To connect: To disconnect:
1 Turn everything off. 1 Turn everything off. 2 Attach all cables to devices. 2 Remove power cords from outle t.
Connecting and
3 Attach signal cables to connectors. 3 Remove signal cables from connectors. 4 Attach power cords to outlet. 4 Remove all cables from devices. 5 Turn device ON.
Avaya Remote Supervisor Adapter User Guide 13 June 2004
About this book
Safety pr ecautions
Some laser products contain an embedded Class 3A or Class 3B laser d iode. No te the following:
Laser radiation when open. Do not stare into the beam, do not view directly with optical instruments, and avoid direct exposure to the beam.
When laser products (such as CD-ROMs, DVD drives, fiber optic devices, or transmitters) are installed, note the following:
Do not remove the covers. Removing the covers of the laser product could result in exposure to hazardous laser radiation. There are no serviceable parts inside the device.
Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than those specified herein might result in hazardous radiation exposure.
Use safe practices when lifting.
For items heavier than 37 lb (18 kg), two people are required. For items heavier than 70.5 lb (32 kg), three people are required. For items heavier than 121.2 lb (55 kg), four people are required.
The power control button on the device and the power switch on the power supply do not turn off the electrical current supplied to the device. The device also might have more than one power cord. To remove all electrical current from the device, ensure that all power cords are disconnected from the power source.
If you install a strain-relief bracket option over the end of the power cord that is connec ted to the device, you must connect the other end of the power cord to an easily accessible power source .
14 Avaya Remote Supervisor Adapter User Guide
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About this book
Safety precautions
Never remove the cover on a power supply or any part that has the following label attached.
lbmswarn LAO 073003
Hazardous voltage, current, and energy levels are present inside any component that has this label attached. There are no serviceable parts inside these components. If you suspect a problem with one of these parts, contact a service technician.
Do not place any object weighing more than 180 lb (82 kg) on top of rack-mounted devices.
Overloading a branch circuit is potentially a fire hazard and a shock hazard under certain conditions. T o avoid these hazards, ensure that your system electrical requirements do not exceed branch circuit protection requirements. See the information that is provided with your RSA for electrical specifications.
Hazardous voltage, current, and energy levels might be present. Only a qualified service technician is authorized to remove the covers where the following label is attached.
lbmswarn LAO 073003
Make sure that the rack is secured properly to avoid tipping when the server unit is extended.
Some accessory or option board o utputs exceed Class 2 or limited power source limits and must be installed with appropriate interconnecting cabling in accordance with the national electric code.
Avaya Remote Supervisor Adapter User Guide 15 June 2004
About this book
To reduce the risk of electric shock or energy hazards:
This equipment must be installed by trained service personnel in a restricted-access location, as defined by the NEC and IEC 60950, Third Edition, The Standard for Safety of Information Technology Equipment.
Connect the equipment to a reliably grounded safety extra low voltage (SELV) source. An SELV source is a secondary circuit that is designed so that normal and single fault conditions do not cause the voltages to exceed a safe level (60 volts direct current).
The branch circuit overcurrent protection must be rated at a mi ni mum of 5 amperes to a maximum of 15 amperes.
Use 14 American Wire Gauge (AWG) or 2.5 mm2 copper conductor only, not exceeding three meters in length.
Torque the wiring-terminal screws to 12 inch-pounds (1.4 newton-meters).
The power-control bu tto n on the devi ce do es not turn off the electrical current supplied to the device. The device might also have more than one connection to dc power. To remove all electrical current from the device, ensure that all connections to dc power are disconnected at the dc power input terminals.
All trademarks identified by the ® or TM are registered trademarks or trademarks, respectively, of Avaya Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Trademarks and Service Marks
The following are trademarks or registered trademarks of Avaya:
16 Avaya Remote Supervisor Adapter User Guide
June 2004
About this book
Trademarks and Service Marks
The following are trademarks or registered trademarks of Lucent Technologies:
5ESS™, 4ESS™
The following are trademarks or registered trademarks of AT&T:
The following are trademarks or registered trademarks of other companies:
(registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated)
(registered trademark of Ascend, Inc.)
(registered trademark of Audichron Company)
(registered trademark of the Microsoft Corporation)
(registered trademark of IBM Systems)
(registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation)
(registered trademark of Telecommunications Service)
(registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation)
(trademark of the Dracon Division of the Harris Corporation)
(registered trademark of PictureTel Corporation)
(registered trademark of Intel Corporation)
(trademark of the Novell Corporation)
Zydacron (registration pending for Zydacron Corporation)
Avaya Remote Supervisor Adapter User Guide 17 June 2004
About this book
Technical assistance
Technical assistance
Avaya provides the following resources for technical assistance.
Within the United States
For help with:
Feature administration and system applications, call the Avaya DEFINITY Helpline at
Maintenance and repair, call the Avaya National Customer Care Support Line at
Toll fraud, call Avaya Toll Fraud Intervention at 1-800-643-2353
For all international resources, contact your local Avaya authorized dealer for additional help.
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18 Avaya Remote Supervisor Adapter User Guide
June 2004
Using the Avaya Remote Supervisor Adapter
Using the Avaya Remote Supervisor Adapter
The Avaya Remote Supervisor Adapter (RSA) is installed in PCI-X slot 1 of the S8500 Media Server. Administration of the RSA is accomplished through the Advanced System Management (ASM) Web interface using a browser.
The following are highlights of the features of the RSA:
Monitors the health of the Avaya S8500 Media Server
Timed stamped event logs
Remote access via LAN or serial modem
Point-to-point protocol (PPP) support
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) support
Notification and alerts sent via SNMP, modem, e-mail, or numeric pager
Domain Name System (DNS) and Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) support
Ability to remotely power on or off the S8500 Media Server
Remote firmware upgrades
Web based access using the Advanced System Management Interface
Web browser requirements
You can use the following Web browsers to remotely access the RSA:
Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4.0 (or later) with Service Pack 1
Netscape Navigator version 4.72 or later. Netscape Navigator version 6.x is not supported
When using the ASM W e b Interface, monitor resolu tion should be s et to 800 x 600 pixels and 256 colors, and double-byte character set (DBCS) languages are not supported.
The values in all windows are examples. Yo ur settings will be different.
Disable the Sun Java Virtual machine.
Avaya Remote Supervisor Adapter User Guide 19 June 2004
Using the Avaya Remote Supervisor Adapter
Connecting and logging in to the RSA
Connecting and logging in to the RSA
To access the RSA remotely using the ASM Web interface, you must log in to the adapter.
To connect and log in to the RSA:
1 Connect the services laptop to the Ethernet port on the RSA using a crossover cable. 2 Open an internet browser window. 3 In the Address field, type and press Enter.
The Enter Netw or k Pa ss word window appears.
4 Type the default login craft and default password passw0rd (with a zero).
The RSA welcome window appears.
20 Avaya Remote Supervisor Adapter User Guide
June 2004
5 In the Inactive ses sion timeout val ue field, select no timeout. The no timeout value allows 60
minutes of use before disconnecting.
6 Click Continue to start the session.
If the session times out unexpectedly, click Start New Session and Refresh.
Executing the defaults. Avaya defaults can be restored manually using the information found in the Avaya RSA Defaults sectio n or by res tor in g the Av aya default file. The Avaya default file can be found at http://support.avaya.com Linux Servers and Gateways. For instructions on restoring the default file, see
and modifying the ASM configuration.
ASM navigation
Using the Avaya Remote Supervisor Adapter
ASM navigation
Restore ASM Defaults option in the navigation pane removes the Avaya
or on the Communication Manager 2.0 CD for
ASM navigation pane layout
The ASM screen is divided into a navigation pane and a display pane.
Avaya Remote Supervisor Adapter User Guide 21 June 2004
Using the Avaya Remote Supervisor Adapter
ASM navigation
Table 2, Available actions, on page 22 outlines the actions available in the navigation pane.
T able 2: Available actions 1 of 3
Link Action Description
System Health View health of the S8500
Media Server and the users logged into the RSA.
Event Log View S8500 event logs. Event logs contain S8500 information pertaining
Vital Product Data (VPD)
Power/Restart Remotely power on/off or
Firmware Update Update the firmware on
Access Remote ASM
System Settings View and configure
View the VPD for the S8500 server.
restart the S8500 Media Server.
the RSA.
Not used in the S8500 Media Server configuration.
system settings for the RSA.
View the power, temperature, voltage, and fan status of the S8500 Media Server. You also can view the users logged into the RSA.
to Power On Self Test (POST), remote access attempts, and dial-out events. Events are time stamped. Some of the events generate an alert if configured on the Alerts page.
When the server starts, the RSA collects system data, basic input/output system (BIOS) information, and the server component VPD, and stores it in nonvolatile memory.
The RSA provides full power on, power off, and restart capability for the S8500 Media Server.
The firmware on the RSA can be updated. The firmware update can be obtained from
This screen is divided into three sections:
ASM Information: S8500 Product ID, ID
number, contact, and location information.
Server Timeouts: Power off delay.
ASM Date and Time: Set the date, time,
GMT offset, and daylight savings time.
Login Profiles C onf igure the RSA login
22 Avaya Remote Supervisor Adapter User Guide
View, configure, or change individual login profiles. Up to 12 login profiles can be defined.
1 of 3
June 2004
Using the Avaya Remote Supervisor Adapter
T able 2: Available actions 2 of 3
Link Action Description
ASM navigation
Alerts View and configure local
events, alerts and define alert recipients.
Serial Port Configure the serial port
and modem settings.
Network Interfaces
Configure the network interfaces used with RSA.
This screen is divided into five sections:
Remote Alert Recipients: Define name,
notification method, number, PIN, e-mail address, and PPP login ID and password.
Alert Forwarding: Not used in the S8500
Media Server configuration.
Global Remote Alert Settings: Defines
the number of times an alert retries and the delay time between retries.
Monitored Alerts: Defines the type of
alerts within categories that will be sent to an remote alarm recipient.
Monitored Local Events: Defines the
type of monitored events that will be sent to a local alarm recipient.
Use to configure the serial port and modem settings. The serial port on the RSA must be dedicated to the RSA.
This screen is divided into two sections:
Ethernet: Define if Ethernet is ena ble d o r
disabled and if DHCP or static IP addressing will be used.
Network Protocols
Remote Control Keys
Configuration Fil e Backup, modify, and
Configure the network protocols used with the RSA.
Not used in the S8500 Media Server configuration.
restore ASM configuration.
PPP over Serial Port: Define if PPP will
be used over the serial port, local IP address, remote IP address, subnet mask, and authentication.
This screen is divided into three sections:
Simple Network Management Protocol
(SNMP): Enable or disable SNMP agents
and traps, set community names, host name or IP address.
Domain Name System (DNS): Enable or
disable DNS, set IP address of the DNS, and configure the host table.
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP):
Define the server host name or IP address.
Backup and restore the ASM configuration using the Configuration File selection.
2 of 3
Avaya Remote Supervisor Adapter User Guide 23 June 2004
Using the Avaya Remote Supervisor Adapter
ASM control
T able 2: Available actions 3 of 3
Link Action Description
Restore Defaults Restore the RSA to the
factory default configuration.
Restart ASM Restart the RS A boa rd. Use to restart the RSA board. Log Off Log off the RSA. Use to terminate your RSA connection.
ASM control
This section outlines the procedures needed to configure the ASM. Y ou use the links under ASM Control in the navigation pane to configure the RSA.
Viewing the configuration summary
Use to restore the RSA configuration information to factory defaults. When this option is selected:
Your current sess ion terminates.
Your login and pa ssword are lost.
All current configuration information is
All Av aya default settings are erased.
3 of 3
You may view the entire configuration of the RSA by clicking View Configuration Summary in the upper right hand corner of all entries under the AS M Co ntr o l heading except for the Configuration File, Restore Defaults, and Restart ASM windows.
System settings
From the System Settings window, you can:
Set ASM information
Set server timeouts
Set ASM date and time
24 Avaya Remote Supervisor Adapter User Guide
June 2004
Using the Avaya Remote Supervisor Adapter
Setting system inform ation
To set system information:
In the navigation pane, select System Settings under the ASM Control heading.
The System Settings window appears.
ASM control
The RSA is shipped with recommended Avaya defaults. With write permissions on your login ID, it is possible to change any default to customize your server. To save any changes made to this section, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save.
Setting ASM information
To set ASM information:
1 In the navigation pane, select System Settings under the ASM Control heading.
The System Settings window appears.
2 Name [default: 10000 00000]: This required field must contain the p roduct ID associated with the
S8500 Media Server in this location. Avaya Services uses the product ID to identify the RSA and associated S8500 Media Server.
3 ID Number [default: 100000000]: Type an ID number that will be used to identify the S8500
Media server. This information will be part of the SNMP trap.
4 Contact [default: no contact configured]: An optional field that contains the nam e of the per son
responsible for this server at this location. You can enter a maximum of 47 characters in this field.
5 Location [default: no location configured]: An optional field that contains the address of the
location where the server resides. You can enter a maximum of 47 characters in this field.
6 Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save.
Avaya Remote Supervisor Adapter User Guide 25 June 2004
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