Part No. 210676-E
September 2001
4401 Great America Parkway
Santa Clara, CA 95054
Release Notes for the
Business Policy Switch 2000
Software Version 1.2

Copyright © 2001 Nortel Networks
All rights reserved. September 2001.
The information in this document is subject to change without notice. The statements, configurations, technical
data, and recommendations in this document are believed to be accurate and reliable, but are presented without
express or implied warranty. Users must take full responsibility for their applications of any products specified in
this document. The information in this document is proprietary to Nortel Networks NA Inc.
The software described in this document is furnished under a license agreement and may be used only in
accordance with the terms of that license. The software license agreement is included in this document.
BayStack, Business Policy Switch 2000, Nortel Networks, and the Norte l Networks logo are trademarks of Nortel
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All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Statement of Conditions
In the interest of improv in g internal design, operationa l fun c tio n, a nd/or re lia bi lity, Norte l Netwo rks NA Inc. reserves
the right to make changes to the products described in this document without notice.
Nortel Networks NA Inc. does not assume any liability that may occur due to the use or application of the product(s)
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These release notes for the Nortel Networks* Business Policy Switch 2000
software version 1.2 provide information about software and operational issues
not included in the Bus ine ss Policy Switch 2000 (BPS 2000) software version 1.2
To obtain the software version 1.2, download the following files from the
Customer Support World Wide Web site:
• bps2k120_28.img (software fil e)
• bps2kdiag_110.bin (diagnostics file)
Note: When you are downloading with a mixed (or Hybrid) stack,
ensure that a BPS 2000 switch is Unit 1 and is the base unit.
To obtain the Java* Device Manager (DM) software to manage the BPS 2000,
download the following file from the Customer Support World Wide Web site:
These release notes provide information on version 1.2 and cover the following
• “Compa tibility with BayStack 450 switches,” next
• “New features and enhancements” on page 5
• “Resolved issues” on page 6
• “Known issues” on page 6
• “Known limitations” on page 9
• “Related publications” on page 11
• “How to get help” on page 12
Compatibility with BayStack 450 switches
The BPS 2000 software version 1.2 is compatible with BayStack* 450 software
versions 4.0 and 4.1.
Release Notes for the Business Policy Switch 2000 Software Version 1.2

4 Compatibility with BayStack 450 switches
You can stack the BPS 2000 up to 8 units high. There are two types of stacks:
• Pure BPS 2000 —This stack has only BPS 2000 switches. It is sometimes
referred to as a pur e sta ck. The st ack ope rati onal mod e f or th is ty pe of st ack is
Pure BPS 2000 Mode.
• Hybrid—This stack has a combination of BPS 2000 switches and BayStack
450 and/or BayStack 410 switches. It is sometimes referred to as a mixed
stack. The stack operational mode for this type of stack is Hybrid Mode.
All BPS 2000 switches in the stack must be running the identical version of
software, and all the BayStack switches must be running the identical version of
When you are working with a mixed stack, you must ensure that the
Interoperability Software Version Numbers (ISVN) are iden tical. That is, the
ISVN number for the BayStack 450 switch and BayStack 410 switch must have
the same ISVN as th e BPS 2000. I f th e ISVNs a re no t the same , the stack does not
operate. The ISVNs and the accompanying software release are:
• ISVN 1
— BayStack 410 or Bay Stack 450—version 3.1
— BPS 2000—versions 1.0 and 1.0.1
• ISVN 2
— BayStack 10 or BayStack 450—versions 4.0 and 4.1
— BPS 2000—versions 1.1, 1.1.1, and 1.2
In sum, the stacking software compatibility requirements are as follows:
• Pure BPS 2000 stack—All units must be running the same software version.
• Pure BayStack 450 stack—All units must be running the same software
• Hybrid stack:
— All BPS 2000 units must be running the same software version.
— All BayStack 410 units must be running the same software version.
— All BayStack 450 units must be running the same software version.
— All software versions must have the identical ISVN.