Sourced in Canada
While the information in this document is believed to be accurate and reliable, except as otherwise expressly agreed
KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. The information and/or products described in this document are subject
to change without notice.
Nortel, Nortel (Logo), the Globemark, SL-1, Meridian 1, and Succession are trademarks of Nortel Networks.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
New in this release13
Features 13
Other 13
Subject 14
How to get help17
Getting help from the Nortel Web site17
Getting help over the telephone from a Nortel Solutions Center17
Getting help from a specialist by using an Express Routing Code17
Getting help through a Nortel distributor or reseller18
Contents 19
Introduction 19
Interworking 21
Applicable systems21
System requirements22
System configurations22
Software delivery24
Required packages25
Fax/Modem pass through25
Voice Gateway Media Cards27
Virtual superloops, Virtual TNs, and physical TNs44
Licenses 44
Zones 46
Administration 46
Revision history13
Structure 15
Digital Signaling Processor daughterboards20
Modem traffic26
Media Card 32S 36
Reliable User Datagram Protocol42
Secure Real-time Transport Protocol 43
Unique TN Types for existing IP Phones56
Automatic IP Phone TN conversion (Flexible Registration)57
Manual IP Phone TN conversion 58
Active Call Failover for IP Phones 58
DSP peg counter for CS 1000E systems81
Enhanced UNIStim Firmware Download for IP Phones81
Firmware download using UNIStim FTP 110
NAT Traversal feature 117
Corporate Directory 134
Personal Directory, Callers List, and Redial List135
IP Call Recording 135
pbxLink connection failure detection144
LD 117 STAT SERV 146
IP Phone support149
IP Phone 2001 151
IP Phone 2002 151
IP Phone 2004 152
IP Phone 1210 154
IP Phone 1220 155
IP Phone 1230 156
IP Phone 1200 Series Key Expansion Module157
IP Phone 2007 158
IP Audio Conference Phone 2033159
IP Softphone 2050 160
Expansion Module for IP Softphone 2050 160
WLAN Handsets 2210/2211/2212161
WLAN Handsets 6120/6140162
IP Phone 1110 162
IP Phone 1120E 163
IP Phone 1140E 164
IP Phone 1150E 165
Expansion Module for IP Phone 1100 Series 166
Element Manager support 167
Call Statistics collection 168
Programmable line/DN feature keys (self-labeled) 177
Private Zone configuration178
Run-time configuration changes181
Network wide Virtual Office182
Bandwidth Management for Network wide Virtual Office 185
Requirements 186
Branch Office and Media Gateway 1000B 186
802.1Q support 187
Data Path Capture tool 190
IP Phone firmware 191
Graceful Disable 191
Hardware watchdog timer192
Codecs 193
Set type checking and blocking 194
Enhanced Redundancy for IP Line nodes195
Personal Directory, Callers List, and Redial List199
Contents 199
Introduction 199
Personal Directory201
Callers List202
Redial List204
IP Phone Application Server configuration and administration205
IP Phone Application Server database maintenance 208
Call Server configuration 212
Password administration213
Configuring the Leader and Follower on the MC 32S251
Initial configuration of IP Line data251
Configure the Expansion Module for IP Phone 1100 Series265
Configure the IP Phone 1200 Series Key Expansion Module 267
Node election rules 271
Configuration of IP Telephony nodes using Element Manager273
Contents 273
Introduction 273
Configure IP Line data using Element Manager 274
Change the login banner 279
Transfer node configuration from Element Manager to the Voice Gateway Media
Cards 301
Upgrade the Voice Gateway Media Card software and IP Phone firmware307
Download the current loadware and IP Phone firmware 309
Assemble and install an IP Phone319
Change the default IPL CLI Shell password 319
Configure the IP Phone Installer Passwords 319
Import node configuration from an existing node320
IP Line administration323
Contents 323
Introduction 323
IP Line feature administration324
Password security328
IP configuration commands344
TLAN network interface configuration commands345
Display the number of DSPs 346
Display IP Telephony node properties346
Packet loss monitor 349
Transfer files using the CLI350
Download the IP Line error log352
Reset the Operational Measurements file 352
IP Line administration using Element Manager353
Contents 353
Introduction 353
Element Manager administration procedures353
View Traffic reports363
Backup and restore data 387
Update IP Telephony node properties390
Update other node properties409
Telnet to a Voice Gateway Media Card using Virtual Terminal 409
Check the Voice Gateway Channels411
Setting the IP Phone Installer Password 412
Contents 417
Introduction 417
TM administration procedures417
Back up and restore TM data432
Add an IP Telephony node in TM by retrieving an existing node432
IP Line CLI access using Telnet or local RS-232 maintenance port 435
Voice Gateway Media Card maintenance437
Contents 437
Introduction 437
Faceplate maintenance display codes437
System error messages 441
IP Line and IP Phone maintenance and diagnostics 446
IP Line CLI commands 455
Lamp Audit and Keep Alive functions483
Voice Gateway Media Card self-tests487
Troubleshoot a software load failure 487
Troubleshoot an IP Phone installation490
Maintenance telephone491
Replace the Media Card CompactFlash 491
Voice Gateway Media Card maintenance using Element
Contents 493
Introduction 493
Replace a Voice Gateway Media Card493
Add another Voice Gateway Media Card499
Access CLI commands from Element Manager 501
Access the CLI from Element Manager 513
Convert IP Trunk Cards to Voice Gateway Media Cards515
Contents 515
Introduction 515
Before you begin516
Convert the IP Trunk cards 516
Add the converted cards to an IP Telephony node517
Appendix A NAT router requirements for NAT Traversal
Appendix D Subnet Mask Conversion from CIDR to Dotted
Decimal Format545
Introduction 545
Appendix E Download IP Line files from Nortel Web site547
Contents 547
Introduction 547
Download files from Nortel Web site547
Appendix F Moving Voice Gateway Media Cards between
Contents 549
Introduction 549
Reconfiguring the Voice Gateway Media Card549
Node has Leader configured 550
Node has no Leader configured 555
Upgrading the software562
Procedure 1Accessing Ethernet Diagnostics in Element Manager100
Procedure 2Accessing the uftpTurboMode command 105
Procedure 3Accessing the uftpTurboModeShow command106
Procedure 4Accessing uftpTurboModeTimeoutSet command107
Procedure 5Accessing uftpAutoUpgradeTimeoutSet command108
Procedure 6Accessing the call log options203
Procedure 7Configuring the IP Phone Application Server on a separate
Signaling Server207
Procedure 8Backing up the IP Phone Application Server database server
manually 209
Procedure 9Performing a full database recovery210
Procedure 10Performing a selective database recovery211
Procedure 11Preinstallation and configuration steps230
Procedure 12Installing the ITG-P 24-port line card239
Procedure 13Installing the CompactFlash card on the Media Card 241
Procedure 14Installing the Media Card 242
Procedure 15Replacing the existing I/O Panel Filter Connector244
Procedure 16Installing the NTMF94EA ELAN, TLAN, serial interface
cable 248
Procedure 17Installing the Shielded 50-pin to Serial/ELAN/TLAN Adapter
onto the Media Card 250
Procedure 18Configuring the ELAN network interface IP address for the
active ELNK 252
Procedure 19Viewing Element Manager for Zone Configuration255
Procedure 20Using Element Manager to configure Voice Gateway
channels 257
Procedure 21Configuring a virtual Superloop in Element Manager260
Procedure 22Turning off browser caching in Internet Explorer275
Procedure 23Launching Element Manager277
ProcedureChanging the Element Manger logon banner279
Procedure 24Adding an IP Telephony node manually 280
Procedure 25Configuring SNMP trap destinations284
Procedure 26Configuring DSP Profile data 285
Procedure 27Configuring QoS289
Procedure 28Configuring the Call Server ELAN network interface IP address
(Active ELNK), TLAN voice port, and routes291
Procedure 29Configuring access to the file server 295
Procedure 30Setting the loss plan for the UK 297
Procedure 31Adding a card and configuring Voice Gateway Media Card
Procedure 32Submitting and transferring the node information 300
Procedure 33Configuring the Leader IP address for a second or subsequent
node 302
Procedure 34Transmitting node properties to Leader304
Procedure 35Configuring the Follower cards306
Procedure 36Uploading loadware and firmware files310
Procedure 37Upgrading the card loadware311
Procedure 38Rebooting the Voice Gateway Media Card312
Procedure 39Re-enabling the Voice Gateway Media Card 313
Procedure 40Upgrading the IP Phone firmware 314
Procedure 41Importing node files 320
Procedure 42Configuring the Administrative IP Phone Installer
Password 339
Procedure 43Configuring the temporary IP Phone Installer Password 342
Procedure 44Resetting the user name and password to default343
Procedure 45Retrieving the current OM file from the Voice Gateway Media
Card using Element Manager354
Procedure 46Viewing IP Line log files 386
Procedure 47Backing up the Call Server data 388
Procedure 48Restoring the Call Server data 390
Procedure 49Updating the IP Telephony node properties 391
Procedure 50Adding a Voice Gateway Media Card to the node392
Procedure 51Deleting a follower Voice Gateway Media Card from the
node 397
Procedure 52Deleting the Leader Voice Gateway Media Card399
Procedure 53Changing the IP addresses of an IP Telephony node in Element
Manager 400
Procedure 54Restarting a Voice Gateway Media Card at the CLI 407
Procedure 55Restarting a Voice Gateway Media Card in Element
Manager 408
Procedure 56Changing the IP address of the Leader card409
Procedure 57Accessing a Voice Gateway Media Card using Telnet 410
Procedure 58Checking the Voice Gateway Channels412
Procedure 59Setting the administrative and temporary IP Phone Installer
Passwords 412
Procedure 60Scheduling Reports 419
Procedure 61Generating reports421
Procedure 62Opening an Operational Measurement (OM) report422
Procedure 63Retrieving the current OM file from the Voice Gateway Media
Card using TM 423
Procedure 64Viewing IP Line info and error log432
Procedure 65Adding a node by retrieving an existing node 433
Procedure 66Accessing a Voice Gateway Media Card using Telnet 436
Procedure 67Troubleshooting an IP Phone installation 490
Procedure 68Removing the CompactFlash491
Procedure 69Replacing a Follower Voice Gateway Media Card494
Procedure 70Replacing a Leader Voice Gateway Media Card496
Procedure 71Add another Voice Gateway Media Card to the system 499
ProcedureAccessing CLI commands for the Media Card 32S506
Procedure 72Converting IP Trunk card to Voice Gateway Media Cards 516
Procedure 73Adding the converted Voice Gateway Media Cards into an
existing IP Telephony node518
Procedure 74Importing all converted Voice Gateway Media Cards into a new
IP Telephony node 520
Procedure 75Preventing ground loops 534
Procedure 76Removing an NT8D81BA cable539
Procedure 77Installing an NTCW84JA filter and NT8D81AA cable539
Procedure 78Converting a subnet mask from CIDR format to dotted decimal
format 545
Procedure 79Reconfiguring a Voice Gateway Media Card running CS 1000
Release 4.5 or later (Follower on original system)552
Procedure 80Reconfiguring a Voice Gateway Media Card running CS 1000
Release 4.5 or later (Leader in original system) 553
Procedure 81Reconfiguring a Voice Gateway Media Card running CS 1000
Release 4.0 or earlier (Leader or Follower) 554
Procedure 82Reconfiguring the ITG-P 24-port card running CS 1000
Release 4.5 or later (Leader or Follower) 556
Procedure 83Reconfiguring an ITG-P 24-port card running CS 1000 Release
4.0 (Leader or Follower) 557
Procedure 84Reconfiguring the Media Cards running CS 1000 Release 4.5
Standard 02.02. This document is up-issued to support
Communication Server 1000 Release 5.5. This document
contains an update to technical content.
Standard 02.01. This document is up-issued to support
Communication Server 1000 Release 5.5.
Standard 01.03. This document is up-issued to support
Communication Server 1000 Release 5.0. This document
is reflects updated technical content: removal of G729AB
codec support for the IP Audio Conference Phone 2033,
corrected command e2dsetshow, and added a statement to
IP Peer calls section.
Nortel Communication Server 1000
IP Line Fundamentals
NN43100-500 02.02 Standard
Release 5.5 4 February 2008
14 New in this release
June 2007
May 2007
December 2006
July 2006Standard 9.00. This document is up-issued to support CS
May 2006
April 2006
January 2006
August 2005Standard 5.00. This document is up-issued following the
Standard 01.02. This document is up-issued to support
Communication Server 1000 Release 5.0. This document
includes an update to the IP Phone firmware upgrade
Standard 01.01. This document is issued to support
Communication Server 1000 Release 5.0. This document is
renamed IP Line Fundamentals (NN43100-500) and contains
information previously contained in the following legacy
document, now retired: (553-3001-365).
Standard 10.00. This document is up-issued to support CS
1000 Release 4.5.
1000 Release 4.5.
Standard 8.00. This document is up-issued to reflect changes
to the IPL> CLI default user name and password.
Standard 7.00. This document is up-issued to reflect changes
in technical content.
Standard 6.00. This document is up-issued to reflect changes
in technical content.
removal of regulatory data.
August 2005
September 2004
May 2004
October 2003
Standard 4.00. This document is up-issued to support Nortel
Communication Server 1000 Release 4.5.
Standard 3.00. This document is up-issued to support Nortel
Networks Communication Server 1000 Release 4.0.
Standard 2.00. This document is up-issued to support the
Nortel Networks Mobile Voice Client 2050 (MVC 2050).
Standard 1.00. This document is a new NTP for Succession
3.0. It was created to support a restructuring of the
Documentation Library. This document contains information
previously contained in the following legacy document, now
IP Line: Description, Installation and Operation
This document:
describes the physical and functional characteristics of the IP Line
application for Nortel Communication Server (CS) 1000 Release 5.5
system and describes its use on Signaling Servers and Voice Gateway
Media Cards.
explains how to engineer, install, configure, administer, and maintain an
IP Telephony node that contains Voice Gateway Media Cards.
This document has separate chapters that are applicable only to either
Telephony Manager (TM) 3.1 or Element Manager.
The configuration, administration, and maintenance sections are divided
into two chapters. For example, a generic configuration chapter deals
with tasks related to the installation and configuration of IP Line. This
chapter is followed by the configuration chapter for Element Manager. The
administration and maintenance chapters have the same format.
Note on legacy products and releases
This NTP contains information about systems, components, and features
that are compatible with Nortel Communication Server 1000 Release 5.5
software. For more information about legacy products and releases, click
the Technical Documentation link under Support & Training on the Nortel
home page: w
Related information
The following documents are referenced in this document:
Subject 15
Converging the Data Network with VoIP Fundamentals (NN43001-260)
•Transmission Parameters Reference (NN43001-282)
Signaling Server Installation and Commissioning (NN43001-312)
Branch Office Installation and Commissioning (NN43001-314)
Telephony Manager 3.1 System Administration (NN43050-601)
WLAN IP Telephony Installation and Commissioning (NN43001-504)
IP Phone 2004 User Guide (NN43117-102)
IP Phone 2007 User Guide (NN43118-100)
IP Audio Conference Phone 2033 User Guide (NN43111-100)
IP Softphone 2050 User Guide (NN43119-101)
Mobile Voice Client 2050 User Guide (NN43119-103)
IP Phone 1110 User Guide (NN43110-101)
IP Phone 1120E User Guide (NN43112-103)
IP Phone 1140E User Guide (NN43113-106)
IP Phone 1150E User Guide (NN43114-100)
IP Phone Key Expansion Module User Guide (NN43119-102)
Expansion Module for IP Phone 1100 Series User Guide (NN43130-101)
IP Phone 1210 User Guide (NN43140-101)
IP Phone 1220 User Guide (NN43141-101)
IP Phone 1230 User Guide (NN43142-101)
•IP Phone 1200 Series Key Expansion Module User Guide
This chapter explains how to get help for Nortel products and services.
Getting help from the Nortel Web site
The best way to get technical support for Nortel products is from the Nortel
Technical Support Web site:
This site provides quick access to software, documentation, bulletins, and
tools to address issues with Nortel products. From this site, you can:
download software, documentation, and product bulletins
search the Technical Support Web site and the Nortel Knowledge Base
for answers to technical issues
sign up for automatic notification of new software and documentation
for Nortel equipment
open and manage technical support cases
Getting help over the telephone from a Nortel Solutions Center
If you do not find the information you require on the Nortel Technical Support
Web site, and you have a Nortel support contract, you can also get help
over the telephone from a Nortel Solutions Center.
In North America, call 1-800-4NORTEL (1-800-466-7835).
Outside North America, go to the following Web site to obtain the telephone
number for your region:
Getting help from a specialist by using an Express Routing Code
To access some Nortel Technical Solutions Centers, you can use an Express
Routing Code (ERC) to quickly route your call to a specialist in your Nortel
product or service. To locate the ERC for your product or service, go to:
Getting help through a Nortel distributor or reseller
If you purchased a service contract for your Nortel product from a distributor
or authorized reseller, contact the technical support staff for that distributor
or reseller.
"Virtual superloops, Virtual TNs, and physical TNs" (page 44)
"Licenses" (page 44)
"Zones" (page 46)
"Administration" (page 46)
Communication Server (CS) 1000 Release 5.5 requires the IP Line
The IP Line application provides an interface that connects IP Phones to a
CS 1000 Call Server.
CS 1000 Release 5.5 requires a Signaling Server to operate. You must
upgrade your Meridian 1 system, if your system is IP enabled to include a
Signaling Server, which in turn becomes a CS 1000M system. CS 1000
Release 5.5 is supported on an analog/digital (TDM) only system without
a Signaling Server if the system is not IP enabled. For information about
upgrading your system, see Communication Server 1000M and Meridian 1
Small System Planning and Engineering (NN43011-220) or Communication
Server 1000M and Meridian 1 Large System Planning and Engineering
The IP Line version of software must match the Call Server version.
Digital Signaling Processor (DSP) daughterboards on the Media Gateway
Controller (MGC) provide DSP resources for connecting IP and Time
Divisional Multiplexing (TDM) devices together in a CS 1000E Media
Gateway (MG 1000E) system. The following DSP daughterboards are
•32 port daughterboard
96 port daughterboard
These daughterboards provide an optional solution to installing the
Voice Gateway Media Cards within the CS 1000E Media Gateway (MG
1000E) chassis. However, Voice Gateway Media Cards are still supported
within an MG 1000E with a Media Gateway Controller (MGC) and DSP
daughterboards. The MGC is only used in a Media Gateway chassis or an
Option 11C cabinet.
For further information about DSP resources residing on the MGC that are
configured with DSP daughterboards, see Communication Server 1000E
Installation and Commissioning (NN43041-310).
Voice Gateway Media Cards
If a Media Card 32-port card, a Media Card 32S, or an ITG-P 24-port card is
running IP Line software, it is known as a Voice Gateway Media Card.
In this document, Media Card 32-port card and Media Card 32S card are
referred to as Media Card 32-port cards, unless explicitly stated.
DHCP server
A Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server can be used to
provide the required information so that the IP Phone network connection
can connect to the Signaling Server or Line Terminal Proxy Server (LTPS).
For more information about DHCP, see Converging the Data Network
with VoIP Fundamentals (NN43001-260) and IP Phones Fundamentals
The IP Phone uses the IP network to communicate with the LTPS and the
optional DHCP server. Figure 1 "System architecture" (page 21) shows a
diagram of the system architecture.
Figure 1
System architecture
Applicable systems21
Applicable systems
The CS 1000 system supports the Media Card 32-port line card, Media
Card 32S card, and ITG-Pentium 24-port line card.
The following remote service products do not support the Media Card
32-port line card, Media Card 32S card, and ITG-Pentium 24-port line card:
Carrier Remote
Mini-carrier Remote
Fiber Remote
Fiber Remote Multi-IPE
System requirements
CS 1000 Release 5.5 software is the minimum system software for IP Line.
Element Manager and Telephony Manager 3.1
In CS 1000 Release 5.5, Element Manager is the primary interface for Voice
Gateway Media Cards and IP Line.
Telephony Manager (TM) 3.1 is used only to obtain Operational
Measurement (OM) reports. TM 3.1 is the minimum required version.
CS 1000 systems
Element Manager is used as the configuration, administration, and
maintenance interface for IP Line on a CS 1000 system.
If you are trying to use TM 3.1 to perform an action available through
Element Manager, then TM 3.1 launches Element Manager automatically.
Corporate Directory
TM 3.1 is necessary for creation of the Corporate Directory database.
SNMP and alarms
Element Manager does not provide an SNMP alarm browser. Nortel
recommends you use TM 3.1 Alarm Manager when SNMP alarm collection
is required.
System configurations
Although IP Line can be used in different system configurations and its use
can vary in those configurations, there are two basic system configurations
supported in CS 1000 Release 5.5. See Table 1 "Possible system
CS 1000 systems have a Signaling Server in their network configuration.
The Signaling Server is a server that provides signaling interfaces to the
IP network. The Signaling Server central processor drives the signaling for
IP Phones and IP Peer networking.
In IP Line, the LTPS executes on the Signaling Server, and the voice
gateway executes on the Voice Gateway Media Cards. All IP Phones
register with the Signaling Server. The Voice Gateway Media Cards only
provide access to the voice gateway.
The Signaling Server is the node leader and, by default, acts as a Master
for the node.
System configurations23
Signaling Servers
The following Signaling Servers are available for CS 1000 Release 5.0:
Common Processor Pentium Mobile (CP PM)
For further information about Signaling Server hardware platforms, see
Signaling Server Installation and Commissioning (NN43001-312).
In a CS 1000 system, the Signaling Servers can be used in Leader/Follower
and Primary/Alternate/Failsafe combinations.
In CS 1000 Release 5.5, the Signaling Servers support the following
Signaling Server redundancySignaling Server redundancy ensures that
telephony services can withstand single hardware and network failures.
Several Signaling Servers can load share when the system contains multiple
Signaling Servers or Voice Gateway Media Cards. One Signaling Server is a
Leader Signaling Server that acts as the primary, or master, Terminal Proxy
Server (TPS). The other Signaling Server is a Follower Signaling Server
that acts as the backup, or secondary redundant TPS. There are several
methods of redundancy for a Signaling Server. See Table 2 "Methods of
Signaling Server redundancy" (page 24).
Table 2
Methods of Signaling Server redundancy
With a Signaling Server to share the load
Without a Signaling Server to share the load
A Signaling Server, which shares the load, can be configured in a normal
If the primary Signaling Server fails, the Signaling Server, which shares the load,
takes over and all IP Phones register with this Signaling Server.
If the Signaling Server, which shares the load, fails, one of the Voice Gateway Media
Cards is elected to be the node Master.
The IP Phones then register to the Voice Gateway Media Cards.
If there is no Signaling Server to share the load, and the primary Signaling Server
fails, one of the Voice Gateway Media Cards is elected to be the node Master.
The IP Phones then register to the Voice Gateway Media Cards.
Software delivery
IP Line supports software delivery through the following formats:
1. CompactFlash
2. Signaling Server CD-ROM
You must download the file of Product Category: VoIP & Multimedia
Communications, Product Name: IP-Enabled & Pure IP Networks, Product
Name: Signaling Server and IP Peer Networking, Content type: Release.
Obtain the precise Release, Status, and Title of the file from your next
level of support. See w
The IP Phones require the software packages listed in Table 3 "Required
packages" (page 25).
Table 3
Required packages
PackagePackage number
Fax/Modem pass through 25
M2000 Digital Sets (DSET)
Aries Digital Sets (ARIE)
To configure IP Line in groups five to seven on Option 81C CP PII or CS 1000M
MG, the Fiber Network (FIBN) software package 365 is required.
Fax/Modem pass through
The Fax/Modem pass through feature provides a modem pass through
allowed (MPTA) class of service (CLS) for an analog phone TN. MPTA CLS
dedicates an analog phone TN to a modem or a Fax machine terminal. A
connection that initiates from the dedicated TN, and/or calls that terminate
at the dedicated TN through a Digital Signal Processor (DSP), use a G711
NO VAD codec on the Call Server.
Modem Pass through is a specific configuration of a G.711 VoIPchannel that
improves modem performance compared to standard VoIP configuration.
Auto switch to Voice Band Data (VBD) is a feature of the DSP; the DSP
monitors the data stream to distinguish between voice and data calls. The
DSP reconfigures to modem pass through mode when it determines the
call is a modem call.
For modem calls between CS 1000 systems connected by analog and digital
trunks, you must configure MPTA CLS on the Call Server of each CS 1000
system for analog units connected to modems. MPTA CLS configuration is
necessary because the call setup negotiation is not done end to end as it is
for virtual trunks. If the analog unit on one Call Server uses MPTA CLS and
the analog unit on the other Call Server uses modem pass through denied
(MPTD) CLS, the modem call fails.
MPT CLS is supported by the G.711 codec only; MPT CLS includes no other
codecs. The packet interval for G.711 codec is set to 20 msecs in MPT.
The maximum speed supported for modem and fax is 33.6 Kbps. This limit
is imposed by the analog line card.
Nortel has conducted extensive but not exhaustive tests of modem-to-modem
calls, data transfers, and file transfers between a CS 1000E and MG 1000E, using
Virtual Trunks and PRI tandem trunks. While all tests have been successful,
Nortel cannot guarantee that all modem brands will operate properly over all
G.711 Voice over IP (VoIP) networks. Before deploying modems, test the modem
brand within the network to verify reliable operation. Contact your system supplier
or your Nortel representative for more information.
Voice Gateway Media Cards
Voice Gateway Media Card is a term used to encompass the Media Card
32-port card, ITG-P 24-port line card, and the Media Card 32S card. These
cards plug into an Intelligent Peripheral Equipment (IPE) shelf in the CS
1000M systems and into a Media Gateway 1000E and Media Gateway
1000E Expander in the CS 1000E system.
The ITG-P 24-port line card occupies two slots, while the Media Card
32-port and the Media Card 32S card occupy one slot.
The Media Card 32S card provides the following features:
Voice Gateway Media Cards27
Table 6
Card comparison
Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (SRTP)
two Digital Signal Processors (DSP), based on an ARM processor
channel density of 32 ports
cost improvement over existing Media Cards
The Media Card 32-port card provides the following features:
32-port card packet processing power is greater than that of the ITG-P
24-port line card
•increases the channel density from 24 to 32 ports (for the 32-port
reduces the slot count from a dual IPE slot to a single IPE slot
supports up to 128 IP Phones in failover scenarios
Table 6 "Card comparison " (page 27) provides a comparison of the ITG-P
24-port line card, Media Card 32-port card, and the MC 32S card.
Contains two ARM
processors, one that
runs VxWorks and one
that runs the Mindspeed
DSP8 x TI54094 x TI542132 DSP channels
provided on a second
Telogy version
8.1 High Density
version (8 ports for
DSP code is provided
by Mindspeed.
each DSP)
Number of IP Phones
that can register on
each LTPS
The IP Phones register to the Signaling Server. If the Signaling Server fails, the IP Phones register
to the Voice Gateway Media Card. A Signaling Server can register a maximum of 5000 IP Phones.
Image file name
prefixes shown by
/C: driveOn board Flash 2 x 4Mb Plug-in CompactFlash
32 Mb
UpgradeTwo images filesOne image file (no
In a CS 1000 system, the ELAN (Embedded LAN) subnet isolates critical
telephony signaling between the Call Server and the other components. The
ELAN subnet is also known as the Embedded LAN subnet. The TLAN (Telephony
LAN) subnet carries telephony, voice, and signaling traffic. The TLAN subnet, also
known as the Voice LAN subnet, connects to the customer network.
Voice Gateway Media Cards have an ELAN network interface (10BaseT)
and a TLAN network interface (10/100BaseT) on the I/O panel.
There is an RS-232 Maintenance Port connection on the faceplates of both
the ITG-P 24-port card and the Media Cards. The ITG-P 24-port card has
an alternative connection to the same serial port on the I/O backplane.
Do not connect maintenance terminals to both the faceplate and
the I/O panel serial maintenance port connections at the same
The Virtual TN (VTN) feature allows each Voice Gateway Media Card to
support more IP Phones than there are physical bearer channels. There
are 24 bearer channels on each ITG-P card and 32 channels on each
Media Card.
Both cards support a 4:1 concentration of registered IP Phones (IP Phone
2001, IP Phone 2002, IP Phone 2004, IP Phone 2007, IP Audio Conference
Phone 2033, IP Softphone 2050, Mobile Voice Client [MVC] 2050, IP Phone
1110, IP Phone 1120E, IP Phone 1140E, IP Phone 1150E, IP Phone 1210,
IP Phone 1220, IP Phone 1230, WLAN Handset 2210, WLAN Handset
2211, WLAN Handset 2212, WLAN Handset 6120, WLAN Handset 6140 to
gateway channels. The ITG-P supports 96 registered IP Phones. The Media
Cards supports 128 registered IP Phones (when the card has 32 channels).
The IP Phones require the services of the bearer channels only when
they are busy on a call that requires a Time Division Multiplexing (TDM)
circuit such as an IP Phone-to-digital telephone/trunk/voice mail/conference.
When an IP Phone is idle or there is an IP-to-IP call, no gateway channel
is required.
When the total number of IP Phones that are registered or are attempting
to register reaches the limit (96 on the ITG-P or 128 on the Media Cards),
the Voice Gateway Media Card recognizes this, and no more IP Phones
are assigned to the card. Each Voice Gateway Media Card is restricted to
a total of 1200 call attempts per hour distributed across all the IP Phones
associated with the card.
Voice Gateway Media Card controls, indicators, and connectors
The following sections show the faceplates and describe the faceplate
components of the following Media Cards:
The components on the faceplate of the Media Card 32-port card are
described in the following sections.
Reset button
Use the Reset button on the faceplate to manually reset the Media Card.
This enables the card to be reset without cycling power to it. The Reset
button is used to reboot the card after a software upgrade or to clear a
fault condition.