Number: 15/2003 Date 19/05/2003
Issue : 1
Meridian DECT Product - Technical Support Update
The intention of this Newsflash is provide an update to issues described in the
previous DECT Newsflash issued in September 2002 (NF 37/2002 issue 2) and to
provide additional important information on the supportability of the Meridian DECT
This also brings to a close the EuroDAC DECT Task Force activity; ongoing there will
no longer be a weekly meeting for DECT issues.
C4010/4020 handsets
Latest version of the C4010/4020 handset firmware is 0.51K. The following issues
reported in the previous Newsflash are resolved with this software.
Issue Symptoms/Description
Handset desubscription Handset display shows ‘out of range’; the
only recovery in older firmware releases
was to re-subscribe the handset. This
issue was addressed in handset firmware
release 0.51i
Noise bursts experienced by the caller to
a DECT C4010/4020 set
C4010/4020 Handset switches itself on In some instances it has been found that
This problem is experienced not by the
DECT handset user, but at the far end of
the call. This issue was addressed in
handset firmware release 0.51G
C4010/4020 when left switched off can
then automatically switch themselves on.
This issue was addressed in handset
firmware release 0.51G
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C4010/4020 Handset Keypad Unlocks
It has been reported that in some
instances a C4010/4020 handset keypad
will unlock itself, if locked. This issue
was addressed in handset firmware
release 0.51H
*74 key combination causes ‘out of
This firmware prevents the key
combination *74 from causing the
handset to show ‘out of range’. The only
recovery in older firmware releases is to
remove/replace the batteries or press the
reset pin. This issue was addressed in
handset firmware release 0.51K
There are no known technical issues on handsets with 0.51K firmware. It is
recommended that any C4010/4020 handsets experiencing one of these faults must
be upgraded to the latest firmware. Only then if the fault is still not satisfactorily
resolved for your specific customer please raise a case with Nortel.
C4050 Handsets
Latest version of the C4050 handset firmware is;
Flash 11-03-24
EEPROM 25-11
This firmware version contains the following updates
• Resolves problem entering name and number in the Telephone Book when
French language is selected
• Optimises Mute Parameter to reduce loud noise whilst on a call
• Improved handoff algorithm to reduce noise and failed handoff especially in
reflective radio environments
• Repeat Location Registration to prevent handset lockup
• Improvements to Handsfree performance
• Delete unwanted time display
• Corrections to display text in some languages
It is recommended that any C4050 handsets experiencing faults must be upgraded to
the latest firmware. Only then if the fault is still not satisfactorily resolved for your
specific customer please raise a case with Nortel.
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