This document provides examples on configuring various items related to accessing the ERS
2500, 4500, and 5000 securely for management purposes. This document covers accessing the
switch using telnet, HTTP, SSL, SSH, and SNMP.
Tip – Highlights a configuration or technical tip.
Note – Highlights important information to the reader.
Warning – Highlights important information about an action that may result in equipment
damage, configuration or data loss.
Bold text indicates emphasis.
Italic text in a Courier New font indicates text the user must enter or select in a menu item, button
or command:
ERS5520-48T# show running-config
Output examples from Avaya devices are displayed in a Lucinda Console font:
ERS5520-48T# show running-config
! Embedded ASCII Configuration Generator Script
! Model = Ethernet Routing Switch 5520-24T-PWR
! Software version = v5.0.0.011
configure terminal
This section describes the text, image, and command conventions used in this document.
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If SSH is required, the secure version of the software must be installed on the switch.
For each switch model, there is a secure image and standard software image available.
All switches ship with the standard agent image installed.
1. Overview
On an ERS 2500, ERS 4500, or ERS 5000 series switch, there is no access security enabled by
default. This allows a user to access the switch either via the local serial port, HTTP (WEB), or via
Telnet without any user name or password protection. Password protection for Telnet, WEB, or
SSH (user name & password) can be added using local user names and passwords or
authenticating against an external RADIUS or TACACS+ server. In regards to SSH, password
authentication can be enable or disabled in addition to using SSH with public key authentication.
By default, SNMPv1/SNMPv2c is enabled using read and write community strings of public and
private. This can be changed if you wish to use community strings for authentication. Or for
added security, you may wish to disable SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c and only use SNMPv3.
For added security, a source IP manager control list can be added. This list can contain
anywhere from 1 to 50 source IPv4 and/or IPv6 addresses, up to 50 each, that are allowed
access to the switch. This control list in turn can be applied to any access method including
SNMP, SSH, Telnet, and/or WEB.
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By default all stackable switches will attempt to obtain an IP management address if one
has not been configured. The ERS 4500 and ERS 5000 support both bootp and DHCP,
while the ERS 2500 supports bootp.
Please note that the management VLAN must be created and assigned as a
management VLAN prior to adding an IP address either via the L2 or L3 method. Also, a
brouter port cannot be used as the management IP address.
The Ethernet Routing Switch provides 2 additional means to be able to configure a
management IP Address.
If you connect to the serial console port of a switch with a factory default configuration,
then the switch will automatically start the quickinstall command, which prompts you for
IP address configuration information.
Alternatively you can pre-stage the management IP address plus software and
configuration information if required using the staging function by including a file IP.cfg
in the root directory of a USB drive when you power on the switch.
2. Management IP Address
Before adding any type of remote access, we need to add an IP address to the switch and/or
stack. An IP address can be added in one of two ways. If the switch is strictly used as a Layer 2
switch, then an IP address can be added via the Layer 2 method using the CLI command ip address <switch|stack> <IP address> netmask <mask> default-gateway <default GW>.
Otherwise, if the switch is configured for Layer 3, it is recommended to add the switch address via
the VLAN interface level.
Layer 2 method assuming the Management VLAN is 200 using a standalone switch
o ERS-Stackable(config)#vlan create 200 name mgmt type port 1
o ERS-Stackable(config)# vlan mgmt 200
o ERS-Stackable(config)# ip address switch netmask
Layer 3 method assuming the Management VLAN is 200
o ERS-Stackable(config)#vlan create 200 name mgmt type port 1
o ERS-Stackable(config)# vlan mgmt 200
o ERS-Stackable(config)# interface vlan 200
o ERS-Stackable(config-if)# ip address
o ERS-Stackable(config-if)# exit
o ERS-Stackable(config)# ip routing
o ERS-Stackable(config)# ip route <destination ip> <destination mask> <next
hop ip> <1-65535>
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Enabling telnet password protection, either local user/password or against a RADIUS
server, also applies to WEB access.
For the standard image, the default password for the read-only user is user and secure
for the read-write user. For the secure software image, the default password for the
read-only user is userpasswd and securepswd for the read-write user. The default readonly user name is RO while the default read-write user name is RW. Please note, these
user names and passwords are only applicable once you enable local password
3. Local password protection
3.1 CLI/WEB Password Protection
By default, on the ERS 2500, ERS 4500, or ERS 5000 series switch, serial port and telnet/web
access is allowed without any password protection.
The following command displays the various password options available.
ERS-Stackable(config)# cli password ?
read-only Modify read-only password
read-write Modify read-write password
serial Enable/disable serial port password.
stack Modify stack passwords.
switch Modify switch (stand-alone) passwords.
telnet Enable/disable telnet and web password.
The following command displays the various telnet access options. The choices are local user
name & password protection, none, radius, or tacacs.
local Use local password.
none Disable password.
radius Use RADIUS password authentication.
tacacs Use TACACS+ AAA services
The following command displays the various local serial port access options. The choices are
local user name & password protection, none, radius, or tacacs
ERS-Stackable(config)# cli password serial ?
local Use local password.
none Disable password.
radius Use RADIUS password authentication.
tacacs Use TACACS+ AAA services
To add a user name, enter the following command when password security is disabled – please
see next section regarding Password Security.
The password must contain a minimum of 2 of each of
the following types of characters: lowercase letters,
capital letters, numbers, and special symbols such as
Password length
The password must consist of between 10 and 15
Log on attempts
The switch allows only a specified maximum number of
consecutive failed log on attempts. The number of
allowed retries is configurable. The default is three.
Password history
The switch can be configured to store up to 10 previously
used passwords. The passwords stored in the password
history until they pass out of the history table.
Password update verification
Any password change must be verified by typing the new
3.2 Password Security
Password security, if enabled, enhances password security for the switch or stack read-only
password and read-write passwords. By default, password security is disabled for the standard
software image and enabled for the secure software image. If password security is disabled,
there is no minimum restriction on number of characters required or are there any other
restrictions. If password security is enabled, then there are restrictions put into place where the
password must be between 10 and 15 characters containing at minimum 2 upper, 2 lowercase
characters, 2 numbers, and 2 special characters. Password security is enabled from the CLI
interface only.
To enable password security, enter the following command:
ERS-Stackable(config)# password security
To disable password security, enter the following command
ERS-Stackable(config)# no password security
When Password Security is disabled, upon enabling Password Security, you will be prompted
with the following text. Please note, all previous passwords will be cleared.
ERS-Stackable(config)# password security
% RO Switch password should have between 10 and 15 characters.
% Password should contain a minimum of 2 upper, 2 lowercase letters,
% 2 numbers and 2 special characters like !@#$%^&*().
% Please change the password
Enter RO Switch password: *************
% RW Switch password should have between 10 and 15 characters.
% Password should contain a minimum of 2 upper, 2 lowercase letters,
% 2 numbers and 2 special characters like !@#$%^&*().
% Please change the password
Enter RW Switch password: *************
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password twice.
Password aging time
Passwords expire after a specified period. The aging time
is configurable. The default is 180 days.
Password display masking
Any time a password is displayed or entered in NNCLI,
each character of the password is displayed as an
asterisk (*).
Password security factory default
By default, password security is enabled on the SSH
software image and disabled on the non-SSH software
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These settings can be stored for both switch standalone operation and stack mode
operation. It is recommended to make the same setting for both switch standalone and
stack operation otherwise if a unit changes operational mode (e.g. unit removed from a
stack, or a stack of 2 units and 1 unit fails) then a different setting might become active.
3.3 Telnet Password Protection using Local
To enable local telnet authentication on a standalone switch, enter the following command:
ERS-Stackable(config)# cli password telnet local
ERS-Stackable(config)# cli password switch telnet local
To enable local telnet authentication on a switch stack, enter the following command:
ERS-Stackable(config)# cli password stack telnet local
To verify the configuration, enter the following command:
You have the choice of using the default user names and passwords to access the switch, using
the default passwords and changing the user names, and/or changing the default user names
and passwords. The default user names are RO and RW for the read-only and read-write users
respectively. For the standard image the default password for RO is user and secure for RW. For
the secure software image, the default password for RO is userpasswd and securepasswd for
To change the default switch or stack CLI passwords, enter the following commands:
If you enable password security at this point, it will prompt you with the following:
ERS-Stackable(config)# password security
% RO Switch password should have between 10 and 15 characters.
% Password should contain a minimum of 2 upper, 2 lowercase letters,
% 2 numbers and 2 special characters like !@#$%^&*().
% Please change the password
Enter RO Switch password: **********
Confirm RO Switch password: **********
Enter RO Switch password: **********
Confirm RO Switch password: **********
3.4.2 Verify Operations
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ERS-STACKABLE: Step 1 – Add new user names and passwords
ERS-STACKABLE: Step 2 – Enable telnet local authentication
ERS-Stackable(config)# cli password stack telnet local
ERS-Stackable(config)# cli password switch telnet local
3.4.3 Local Password Configuration - Password Security Enabled
For this configuration example, we will configure the following
Change the default read-write user name from RW to admin
Change the default read-only user name from RO to tech
Assuming Password Security is enabled by default
o This applies to secure version as Password Security is enabled by default on
SSH switch server
o With Password Security enabled, the password should contain a minimum of 2
upper, 2 lowercase letters, 2 numbers and 2 special characters like !@#$%^&*().
For admin, use the password AdminUser@#1234
For tech, use the password TechUser@#1234
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4. IP Manager
The IP Manager feature allows you to limit access to the management features on the switch by
defining the IP addresses that are allowed access to the switch. You can define up to 50 IPv4 and
50 IPv6 addresses with masks that are allowed to access the switch. If IP Manager is enabled, no
other IP addresses are allowed. Access to Telnet, SNMP, SSH, and Web-based management
can be configured.
ERS-Stackable(config)# ipmgr ?
snmp Enable IP Manager control over SNMP traffic.
source-ip Set source IP address from which connections are allowed
ssh Enable IP Manager control over SSH sessions.
telnet Enable IP Manager control over TELNET sessions.
web Enable IP Manager control over WEB connections.
ERS-Stackable(config)# ipmgr source-ip ?
<1-50> Select which address/mask pair
<51-100> Select which ipv6 address/prefix
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ERS-STACKABLE: Step 1 – Add the IP address to the IP manager list and enable telnet
TELNET Access: Enabled
SNMP Access: Disabled
WEB Access: Disabled
SSH Access: Disabled
TELNET IP List Access Control: Enabled
SNMP IP List Access Control: Enabled
WEB IP List Access Control: Enabled
SSH IP List Access Control: Enabled
Allowed Source IP Address Allowed Source Mask
Assuming we wish to restrict Telnet/WEB access to users with IPv4 addresses from unicast IP
address and subnet, enter the following commands.
Ethernet Routing Switch Verify Operations
Avaya Inc. – External Distribution
5. Telnet Password Protection using
RADIUS Authentication
Users who access the Avaya switch or stack through Telnet, serial, or SSHv2 (password
authentication), can be authenticated against a RADIUS server. The ERS 5000, ERS 4500, and
ERS 2500 each support two different user access levels which are read-only and read-write with
support for up to two RADIUS servers. RADIUS attribute type 6, Service-Type, is used to
determine the access level. The following displays the complete list of RADIUS attribute values
for the RADIUS Service-Type attribute where value 6 (Administrative) is used for read-write
access and value 7 (NAS Prompt) is used for read-only access
For the ERS 4500, starting in release 5.4, ERS 5000 in release 6.2, or for the ERS
2500, starting in release 4.3, if using the use-radius setting when configuring the radiusreachability parameter, the switch will periodically send RADIUS requests using a user
name of avaya with a blank password. Hence, your RADIUS server must support blank
passwords. This is not the case with Avaya‟s Ignition Server which does not allow blank
passwords. If using Ignition Server, use the default setting of use-icmp.
Please note the radius reachability parameter is not available in the latest release
(6.1.2) of the ERS5000 series and will be added in release 6.2. By default, the switch
will periodically send RADIUS requests using a user name of nortel with a blank
password to determine RADIUS server reachability. Again, Avaya‟s Ignition Server does
not allow blank passwords, thus, RADIUS requests from an ERS5000 will be rejected.
To view the various RADIUS settings, enter the following command:
Up to two RADIUS servers can be configured. Staring in release 5.4 for the ERS4500 and 4.3 for
the ERS2500, the radiusreachability setting allows either ICMP packets or dummy RADIUS
requests to determine if the primary RADIUS server is reachable. By default, ICMP is enabled. If
you wish to use dummy RADIUS requests, the switch will generate a regular RADIUS requests
periodically with the username avaya and a blank password. Hence, it is recommended that you
setup an account with the user name avaya and a blank password on your RADIUS server to
avoid invalid RADIUS user login messages. The following command is used to configure the
reachability setting:
ERS-Stackable(config)# radius reachability ?
use-icmp Enable RADIUS server reachability using ICMP
use-radius Enable RADIUS server reachability using RADIUS requests
5.1 Password Fallback
The RADIUS password fallback feature allows the user to log on to the switch or stack by using
the local password if the RADIUS server is unavailable or unreachable for authentication.
RADIUS password fallback is disabled by default.
To enable RADIUS password fallback, please enter the following command
By default, if Layer 3 is enabled, the switch will use the outgoing interface IP address when
attempting access to the RADIUS server. If you have multiple outgoing interfaces that can reach
the RADIUS server, normally you will have to configure your RADIUS server with each of
interface IP addresses used on the switch. However, the radius use-management-ip command
can be issued to tell the switch to use the switch management IP address for all RADIUS
requests independent of the out-going interface.
To enable RADIUS Management IP, please enter the following command
ERS-Stackable(config)# radius use-management-ip
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