The Enterprise Edge VoIP Gateway reduces customers’ communication costs by
routing voice traffic over private Internet Protocol (IP) networks as part of the
Enterprise Edge product portfolio. Enterprise Edge uses IP telephony to link
multiple sites together using an existing corporate data network. The IP trunks are
an integral part of the telephony services. IP telephony is transparent to users.
Enterprise Edge provides IP telephony capability. IP telephony involves the
conversion of voice from its traditional telephony format (continuous analog or
digital signal) into a digital packet format that can be transported over an intranet.
IP telephony operates on an installed corporate IP network. IP telephony requires a
well managed intranet, rather than the internet. The private IP network facilities
must have under-utilized bandwidth on the private Wide Area Network (WAN)
backbone. The Engineering guidelines chapter of this guide contains information on
determining if your corporate IP network can support IP telephony. A keycode
controls the number of supported IP ports.
IP telephony uses a Web-based browser for configuration. See the Configuration
chapter of this guide for information on how to configure IP telephony.
VoIP Gateway supports ITU-H.323v2 gateway operation. VoIP Gateway uses
standard Digital Signal Processor (DSP) voice coding. See the Enterprise Edge Programming Operations Guide for information on DSP. VoIP Gateway supports
compression algorithms (codecs) such as G.711, G.723, and G.729. See Codec
types in the Engineering guidelines chapter for information on codecs.
VoIP Gateway monitors the data network and reroutes calls to the conventional
circuit-switched voice facilities if Quality of Service (QoS) over the data network
declines. This Fallback to Conventional Circuit-Switched Voice Facilities feature
allows the system and installer to determine the acceptable QoS over the data
network. The customer can configure QoS parameters according to their
requirements. See the Quality of service parameters and Configuration of fallback
to conventional circuit-switched facilities sections in the Configuration chapter for
information on configuring the QoS parameters. If the quality falls below the
expected level of QoS, the regular c ircuit-switched voi ce facilitie s route is selecte d
until the QoS returns to an acceptable level.
PO908509 Issue 01Enterprise Edge IP Telephony Configuration Manual
8 Overview
About this document
This guide provides information on the Enterprise Edge VoIP Gateway. This guide
is addressed to both telecom and datacom engineers who are going to design and
implement the network. It is assumed that the telecom engineer is familiar with
engineering the Enterprise Edge product portfolio, and obtaining system voice and
fax traffic statistics. It is assumed that the datacom engineer is familiar with the
intranet architecture, LAN implementation, tools for collecting and analyzing data
network statistics, and data network management systems. The terms installer and
administrator used in this document refer to the person in either the telecom or
datacom engineering role. This guide contains the following sections:
•Engineering guidelines
•Engineering checklist
System Functions
Enterprise Edge VoIP Gateway uses IP telephony to provide least cost routing of
voice traffic through a corporate intranet. VoIP Gateway provides the following:
•Basic calls with answer and disconnect supervision
•Direct Inward Dial (DID) and Direct Outward Dial (DOD)
•Calling name and number
•VoIP Gateway to M1-ITG capability
•ITU-H.323 v2 compatible gateway
•Economical bandwidth use through voice compression
•Economical bandwidth use through silence compression
•Quality of Service (QoS) monitoring of gateways
•Circuit-switched voice facilities fallback capability
The core telephony service offered through Enterprise Edge treats the Enterprise
Edge VoIP Gateway as a trunk. The IP trunk uses the trunking and routing
functionality of the Enterprise Edge product portfolio. The IP trunks are an integral
part of the Enterprise Edge product portfolio.
VoIP Gateway trunks are supervised trunks with answer and disconnect
supervision. The VoIP Gateway supports voice and fax calls. See the Engineering
guidelines chapter for more information about fax calls. VoIP Gateway does not
support modem calls.
Enterprise Edge IP Telephony Configuration ManualPO908509 Issue 01
The IP telephony gateway allows communication with other supported gateways
and H.323 v2 gateways through trunk calls. The IP telephony gateway supports
Direct Routed communication. The local gateway performs the address resolution.
The local gateway maintains the remote gateway table.
Dialing Plan Suppor t
Dialing plan configuration allows the customer to set up the routing tables to route
calls to appropriate destinations based on the dialed digits.
Routing codes and the destination code table allow the core telephony services on
the Enterprise Edge to decide which trunking facilities are used for calls and when
they are used.
Enterprise Edge has two main areas of configuration: the destination codes in the
core telephony services and the destination digits in the remote gateway
configuration table. The destination digits allow VoIP Gateway to route calls to the
appropriate intranet destination based on the leading dialed digits. The destination
code tables route calls to the appropriate trunks based on the leading dialed digits.
Overview 9
See the Configuration chapter for details on configuring destination digits and
destination codes.
The dialing plans for all VoIP Gateways connected to the corporate intranet need to
be coordinated so that calls can be made between gateways as required.
Enterprise Edge IP telephony and M1 networking
This example shows a private network composed of one central Meridian 1, and two
smaller sites with Enterprise Edge systems connected over IP trunks through a
corporate IP network. This could represent a large head office (with the Meridian
1) connected to several smaller branch offices.
In this network, only the head office has trunks connected to the public network.
The branch offices access the public network using IP trunks to the head office. This
configuration allows for cost savings by consolidating the public access trunks.
Users at all three locations access the public network by dialing ‘9’, followed by the
public number. For example, a user in the west end branch might dial 9-555-1212
(for a local call) or 9-1-613-555-1212 (for a long distance call). These public calls
are routed to the Meridian 1 by the Enterprise Edge routing table. Routing tables at
the Meridian 1 will then select an appropriate public facility for the call.
Private network calls are made by dialing a 4-digit private network DN. For
example, if a user in the west end branch wishes to call a user in the east end branch
within the private network, they dial 6221.
PO908509 Issue 01Enterprise Edge IP Telephony Configuration Manual
10 Overview
Figure 1 Enterprise Edge and M1 networking overview
Network # 2221
Received # 2221
Internal # 2221
Enterprise Edge
West end Branch
I.P. Address
Call Managers:
West end: 6
East end: 2
Meridian M1
DN: 4221
(public protocol)
I.P. Address
Network # 6221
Received # 6221
Internal # 6221
Enterprise Edge
East end Branch
I.P. Address
Note: The quality of the IP trunk connection is assessed during initial call setup,
and if the quality is poor, Enterprise Edge will try to find an alternate route to
complete the call (fallback) based on the programming definitions in the routing
table. For simplicity, this example does not show programming for fallback. In this
example, if the quality of the IP connection is considered too low during the call
setup phase, the call would fail. For an example of fallback programming, refer to
the section, “Toll bypass with VoIP Gateway” on page 12.
Note: Enterprise Edge VoIP Gateway requires a keycode. After entering the
keycode for Enterprise Edge IP Telephony, perform a warm reset by following the
procedure in the Maintenance section of the Enterprise Edge Programming Operations Guide.
In the table that follows, private network routing information is highlighted in gray.
Public network routing information is shown in white.
The gateways examine the dialed digits and route the call to the corresponding IP
West End office:
Trunk/Line DataLine 241Target line
Received #2221
Line AccessSet 2221L241:Ring only
Line pool accessLine pool A
To Head office (M1):
Enterprise Edge IP Telephony Configuration ManualPO908509 Issue 01
Service/Routing ServiceRoute001
UsePool A
External #(leave blank)
DN typePrivate
Destination Code4
Normal route001
To East End:
Service/Routing ServiceDestination Code6
Normal route001
To Public Network:
Service/Routing ServiceRoute002
Use Pool A
External #(leave blank)
DN typePublic
Destination Code9
Normal route002
Overview 11
East End office:
Trunk/Line DataLine 241Target line
Received #6221
Line AccessSet 6221L241:Ring only
Line pool accessLine pool A
To Head Office: (M1)
Service/Routing ServiceRoute001
UsePool A
External #(leave blank)
DN typePrivate
Destination Code4
Normal route001
To West End:
Service/Routing ServiceDestination Code2
Normal route001
To Public Network:
Service/Routing ServiceRoute002
UsePool A
PO908509 Issue 01Enterprise Edge IP Telephony Configuration Manual
12 Overview
In this example, outgoing public network calls dialed from a Enterprise Edge Voice
Soution set are passed to the Meridian M1, and the Meridian M1 i s responsibl e for
seizing a public trunk. For this reason, the ‘9’ prefix is left in the number passed to
the Meridian 1.
Note: Ensure that Line Pool A is used for IP trunks.
In order for the digit counting algorithm for outgoing IP calls to take into account
this extra digit, the Private Network Access Code must be set to ’9’ on each
Enterprise Edge system.
The Meridian M1 must recognize incoming 2xxx and 6xxx DID calls, and route the
call over IP trunks to either the East or West end offices.
External #(leave blank)
DN typePublic
Destination Code9
Normal route002
The Meridian M1 must recognize numbers starting with ‘9’ as public numbers,
whether the numbers are dialed by Meridian M1 users or by Enterprise Edge Voice
Toll bypass with VoIP Gateway
This example shows a private network composed of one Enterprise Edge in Toronto
and one Enterprise Edge in Ottawa, connected over IP trunks through a corporate
IP network.
In this network, each Enterprise Edge has a PRI trunk to the Central Office, and IP
trunks to the other Enterprise Edge. Calls from the Toronto system to the Ottawa
system and the Ottawa public network are made over IP trunks with fallback to the
PRI trunks when IP trunks are congested. This configuration allows for cost savings
by using the corporate IP network whenever possible, thereby bypassing toll
charges that would be incurred by using the public network.
Note: When a call gets rerouted over the PSTN due to congestion, the user may see
a prompt "Expensive route." The warning indicates that toll charges may be applied
to this call.
Users at both locations access the public network by dialing ’9’, followed by the
public number. For example, a user in Toronto might dial 9-555-1212 (for a local
call), or 9-1-613-555-1212 (for a long distance call to Ottawa). Local calls would
be sent directly to the Central Office over PRI trunks. Long distance calls to Ottawa
would be sent over IP trunks; the Ottawa system would tandem these calls to the
local Central Office over PRI trunks.
Enterprise Edge IP Telephony Configuration ManualPO908509 Issue 01
Overview 13
Private network calls are made by dialing a 4-digit private network DN. For
example, if a user in Toronto wants to call a user in Ottawa within the private
network, they dial 6221.
Note: Enterprise Edge VoIP Gateway requires a keycode. After entering the
keycode for Enterprise Edge IP Telephony, perform a warm reset by following the
procedure in the Maintenance section of the Enterprise Edge Programming Operations Guide.
Figure 2 Toll bypass overview
(public protocol)
Network # 6221
Received # 6221
Internal # 6221
Network # 2221
Received # 2221
Internal # 2221
(public protocol)
I.P. Network
Enterprise Edge
Toronto Branch
I.P. Address
The Gateway at the Toronto office examines the dialed digits and determines that it
should be routed to the IP address corresponding to the Ottawa office. The Ottawa
office receives the call, sees that the leading digit(s) match its Private Network
Access Code, and uses a destination code to route the call over its public trunks to
the PSTN.
This is a simplified example where only calls to the 613 Area Code are routed by
the Ottawa node. In a real world configuration, it would also be desirable to handle
Area Codes that are ‘close’, for example Montreal: 514.
In the table that follows, private network routing information is highlighted in gray.
Public network routing information is shown in white.
Toronto office:
Lines/Trunk/Line DataLine 241Target line
Received #2221
Terminals & sets/Line AccessSet 221L241:Ring only
Line pool accessLine pool A
Line pool PRI-A
PO908509 Issue 01Enterprise Edge IP Telephony Configuration Manual
14 Overview
Calls to Ottawa office:
Services/Routing ServiceRoute001
Services/Routing ServiceRoute002
Services/Routing ServiceDestination Code6
Calls to Ottawa Public Network:
Services/Routing ServiceRoute003
To Public Network:
Services/Routing ServiceDestination Code9161A
UsePool A
External #(leave blank)
DN typePrivate
UsePool PRI-A
External #(leave blank)
DN typePrivate
Schedule 4001
Normal route002
Use Pool A
External #(leave blank)
DN typePublic
Use Pool PRI-A
External #(leave blank)
DN typePublic
Destination Code91613
Normal route004
Schedule 4003
Normal route004
Destination Code916A
Normal route004
Destination Code91A
Normal route004
Destination Code9A
Normal route004
Enterprise Edge IP Telephony Configuration ManualPO908509 Issue 01
Overview 15
Ottawa office:
Trunk/Line DataLine 241Target line
Received #6221
Line AccessSet 6221L241:Ring only
Line pool accessLine pool A
Line pool PRI-A
To Toronto office:
Services/Routing ServiceRoute001
To Toronto Public Network:
Services/Routing ServiceRoute003
UsePool A
External #(leave blank)
DN typePublic
Services/Routing ServiceRoute004
UsePool PRI-A
External #(leave blank)
DN typePublic
Destination Code91416
Normal route004
Schedule 4003
To Public Network:
Services/Routing ServiceDestination Code9141A
Normal route004
Destination Code914A
Normal route004
PO908509 Issue 01Enterprise Edge IP Telephony Configuration Manual
16 Overview
The implications on the configuration on each node are:
•each node must have the Private Network Access Code set to the value 9.
•each node must have destination code(s) that match the Private Network Access
Destination Code91A
Normal route004
Destination Code9A
Normal route004
Code plus digits corresponding to calls terminating in the local PSTN. For
example, if the Private Network Access Code is ‘9’, the node in Ottawa would
require a destination code of ‘91613’. Similarly, Toronto would require the
following destination code: 91416.
Note: Ensure that Line Pool A is used for IP trunks.
•To allow for fallback to PRI trunks when the IP trunks are congested, you must
also program the following Routing service settings:
•Set the start and end times for Sched 4 to 1:00 so that IP calls can be made 24
hours a day.
•Program the Sched 4 Service setting to Auto and enable overflow routing by
changing the Overflow setting to Y (Yes).
•A control set must be defined for all sets on the system that make calls over IP
trunks. See the Enterprise Edge Programming Operations Guide for more
You must program Remote Packages so that the IP trunks in Pool A can access the
lines in Pool PRI-A in a toll bypass scenario. In other words, you must give package
01 access to pool PRI-A and you must assign package 01 to all IP trunks. For more
information, see the Enterprise Edge Programming Operations Guide.
Network Quality of Service
Enterprise Edge VoIP Gateway uses a method similar to ITU-T Recommendation
G.107, the E-Model, to determine the voice quality. This model evaluates the endto-end network transmission performance and outputs a scalar rating “R” for the
network transmission quality. The packet loss and latency of the end-to-end
network determine “R”. The model further correlates the network objective
measure “R”, with the subjective QoS metric for voice quality, MOS or the Mean
Opinion Score.
Enterprise Edge IP Telephony Configuration ManualPO908509 Issue 01
Overview 17
This model serves as an effective traffic shaping mechanism by invoking the
Fallback to Circuit-Switched Voice Facilit ies feature at call set up to avoid quality
of service degradation. New calls fall back when the configurable MOS values for
all codecs fall below the threshold.
The model accounts for compression characteristics of the codecs. Each codec
delivers a different MOS for the same network quality.
Network Monitoring
The VoIP Gateway network monitoring function measures the quality of service
between the local and all remote gateways on a continuous basis. The network
monitoring function exchanges UDP probe packets between all monitored
gateways to collect the network statistics for each remote location. All the packets
make a round trip from the Sender to Receiver and back to the Sender. From this
information, the latency and loss in the network for a particular location are
It may take about 3 mins before the VoIP Gateway monitoring function reacts to
marginal changes in the network condition. Fallback can be due to any of the
following reasons:
•Bad network conditions.
•The remote gateway is out of service.
•No network connection.
Note 1: Quality of Service monitoring is not supported for non-Enterprise Edge
product locations and must be disabled.
Note 2: The Quality of Service threshold is configurable per remote gateway.
Note 3: Fallback is triggered for all new originating calls if the QoS of any
monitored gateway falls below its threshold.
Note 4: The fallback decision is made only at the originating gateway using the QoS
thresholds monitored at the originating gateway for the destination gateway.
VoIP Gateway allows for manual configuration of QoS thresholds depending on the
customer trade-off between cost and voice quality. The Engineering guidelines
chapter provides the necessary guidelines to effectively weigh the trade-off and
determine the quality of service that can be supported for any given network.
Quality of service parameters
Quality of Service is largely dependent on end-to-end network performance and
available bandwidth. A number of parameters determine the VoIP Gateway QoS
over the data network.
PO908509 Issue 01Enterprise Edge IP Telephony Configuration Manual
18 Overview
Packet loss
Packet loss is the percentage of packets that do not arrive at their destination. Packet
loss is caused by transmission equipment problems, and high delay and congestion.
In a voice conversation, packet loss is heard as gaps in the conversation. Some
packet loss, less than 5%, may be acceptable without too much degradation in voice
quality. Sporadic loss of small packets may be more acceptable than infrequent loss
of large packets.
Packet delay
Packet delay is the time between when a packet is sent and when it is received. The
total packet delay time consists of fixed and variable delay. Variable delay is the
more manageable delay, since fixed delay is dependent on the network technology
itself. Variable delay is caused by the particular network routing of packets. The
gateway should be as close as possible to the network backbone (WAN) with a
minimum number of hops, to minimize packet delay and maximize voice quality.
Delay variation (jitter)
The amount of variation in packet delay is referred to as delay variations, or jitter.
Jitter affects the ability of the receiving gateway to assemble voice packets received
at irregular intervals into a continuous voice stream.
Fallback to circuit-switched voice facilities
If the measured Mean Opinion Score (MOS) for all codecs falls below the
configured threshold for any monitored gateway, the Fallback to Conventional
Circuit-switched services is triggered. This feature reroutes calls to alternate trunks
such as the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN). The feature reroutes calls
until the network QoS improves. When the QoS meets or exceeds the threshold,
calls route over the IP network.
The fallback feature can be disabled in the Local Gateway Configuration. If the
fallback feature is disabled, calls are sent over the IP telephony trunks regardless of
the QoS. The fallback feature is only in effect at call setup. A call in progress will
not fall back if the QoS degrades.
Network Performance Utilities
Two common network utilities, Ping and Traceroute, are described below. These
utilities provide a method to measure quality of service parameters. Other utilities
can be used to find more information about VoIP Gateway network performance.
Note 1: Since data network conditions can vary at different times, collect
performance data over at least a 24 hour time period.
Note 2: Performance utilities should be used to measure performance from each
gateway to every other gateway.
Enterprise Edge IP Telephony Configuration ManualPO908509 Issue 01
Overview 19
Ping (Packet InterNet Groper) sends an ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol)
echo request message to a host, expecting an ICMP echo reply to be returned. This
allows the round trip time to a particular host to be measured. By sending repeated
ICMP echo request messages, percent packet loss for a route can also be measured.
Traceroute uses the IP TTL (time-to-live) field to determine router hops to a
specific IP address. A router must not forward an IP packet with a TTL field of 0 or
1. It must instead throw away the packet and return to the originating IP address an
ICMP “time exceeded” message.
Traceroute uses this mechanism by sending an IP datagram with a TTL of 1 to the
specified destination host. The first router to handle the datagram will send back a
“time exceeded” message. This identifies the first router on the route. The
traceroute sends out a datagram with a TTL of 2.
This will cause the second router on the route to return a “time exceeded” m essage
and so on until all hops have been identified. The traceroute IP datagram will
have a UDP Port number unlikely to be in use at the destination (usually > 30,000).
This will cause the destination to return a “port unreachable” ICMP packet. This
identifies the destination host.
Traceroute can be used to measure round trip times to all hops along a route,
thereby identifying bottlenecks in the network.
The term codec refers to the voice coding and compression algorithm used by the
DSP on the telephony services and the MSPECs. See the Enterprise Edge Programming Operations Guide for additional information on DSP and MSPEC
The codec type used on a per VoIP Gateway call basis is determined at call setup.
The originating gateway will indicate to the remote gateway which codec types it
supports, starting with the preferred order of usage. The remote gateway, depending
on its capabilities, chooses one of the codec types and continues with the call. If
both ends cannot agree on a codec type, the call fails.
Therefore, it is important that all gateways in the intranet use the same codec types.
Each gateway needs to be configured with which possible codecs are available for
negotiation, as well as the preferred order of usage. Given that the trade-off is
quality versus bandwidth, the codecs configuration should reflect available
bandwidth on the network.
PO908509 Issue 01Enterprise Edge IP Telephony Configuration Manual
20 Overview
The supported codec types are configured in the Local gateway configuration
section. The G.711 codec provides the best audio quality but uses the greatest
amount of bandwidth. The G.729 and G.723.1 codecs use less bandwidth, but
reduce audio quality. The installer or administrator determines the best choice for
the user and the available bandwidth on the intranet. For example, if the WAN link
cannot support multiple 64 kbit/s calls, G.711 should not be configured as a
supported codec.
Enterprise Edge IP Telephony Configuration ManualPO908509 Issue 01
Overview 21
Enterprise Edge Solutions recommends the following order for codec selection:
•G.723.1 (6.3 kbit/s or 5.3 kbit/s)
The G.729 codec provides the best balance of quality audio plus bandwidth savings.
Enterprise Edge VoIP Gateway supports the following codecs:
This codec delivers “toll quality” audio at 64 kbit/s. This codec is optimal for
speech since it has the smallest delay, and is very resilient to channel errors.
However, it consumes the largest bandwidth. North America uses G.711 µ-LAW
and international markets use G.711 A-LAW.
The G.729 codec is the default and preferred codec for IP telephony. It provides
near toll quality with a low delay. This codec uses compression to 8 kbit/s.
Enterprise Edge VoIP Gateway supports G.729 with silence compression, per
Annex B.
The G.723.1 codec uses the smallest amount of bandwidth. This codec uses the
greatest compression, 5.3 kbit/s or 6.3 kbit/s.
The G.723.1 codec uses a different compression method than the G.729 codec. The
G.723.1 method uses more DSP resources. Each MSPEC supports only one
G.723.1 call. A G.711 call can run in the same MSPEC as a G.723.1 call. See the
Enterprise Edge Programming Operations Guide for additional information.
If the G.723.1 codec is the only possible codec for a call, a trunk may not be
available for the call if there are insufficient DSP resources available. All VoIP
Gateway facilities will appear to be in use, even though there are DSP resources
available for calls using other codec types.
Since most gateways support the G.711 codec, configure G.711 as a supported
codec. The G.711 codec does not compress audio or fax. The G.711 codec supports
two IP trunks on each MSPEC. See the Enterprise Edge Programming Operations Guide for additional information.
PO908509 Issue 01Enterprise Edge IP Telephony Configuration Manual
22 Overview
Silence compression
Silence compression is supported on G.723.1 and G.729, Annex B.
A key to VoIP Gateway’s success in business applications is minimizing WAN
bandwidth consumption. Beyond speech compression, the best bandwidth reducing
technology is silence compression, also known as silence suppression. Silence
compression technology recognizes the periods of silence in a conversation , and
stops sending IP speech packets during those periods. Telco studies show that in a
typical phone conversation, only about 36-40% of a full-duplex conversation is
active. When one person talks, the other listens (this is called half-duplex). And
there are significant periods of silence during speaker pauses between words and
By applying silence compression, full duplex bandwidth consumption is reduced by
the same amount, freeing up bandwidth for other voice/fax or data communications.
The following figure illustrates how silence compression allows two conversations
to fit in the bandwidth otherwise used by one. This 50% bandwidth reduction
develops over a 20-30 second period as the conversation switches from one
direction to another.
To provide a more natural sound, comfort noise is added at the destination gateway
during the silent periods to ca lls where silence compression is active. In some cases,
silence compression may cause a perceived degradation in audio quality. Silence
compression can be disabled. Disabling silence compression will increase
bandwidth consumption.
If VoIP Gateway serves as a tandem switch in a network where some circuitswitched trunk facilities have an excessively low audio level, silence compression,
if enabled, will degrade the quality of service by causing choppiness of speech.
Under these conditions, silence compression should be disabled.
Enterprise Edge IP Telephony Configuration ManualPO908509 Issue 01
Overview 23
Echo cancellation
When a two-wire telephone cable connects to a four-wire PBX interface or a telco
central office (CO) interface, a special electrical circuit called a hybrid is used to
convert between two wires and four wires. Although hybrid circuits are very
efficient in their conversion ability, a small percentage of telephony energy is not
converted but instead is reflected back to the caller. This is called echo.
PO908509 Issue 01Enterprise Edge IP Telephony Configuration Manual
24 Overview
If the caller is near the PBX or CO switch, the echo comes back so quickly it cannot
be discerned. However, if the delay is more than about 10 ms, the caller can hear an
echo. To prevent this, gateway vendors include special code in the DSPs that listens
for the echo signal and subtracts it from the listener’s audio signal. Echo
cancellation is especially important for gateway vendors because the IP network
delay can easily be 40−50 ms, so the echo from the far-end hybrid would be quite
pronounced at the near end. Far-end echo cancellation eliminates this.
Echo cancellation sometimes causes choppiness in conversation in a low audio
conversation. Although echo cancellation can be disabled, it is not recommended.
Non-linear processing
Non-linear processing (NLP) is part of echo cancellation. It improves echo
cancellation by further reducing residual echo. NLP mutes background noise during
periods of far-end silence and prevents comfort noise from being generated. Some
listeners find muted background noise annoying. NLP can be disabled to prevent
this, but with the trade-off of increased perceived echo.
Jitter buffer
A major contributor to reduced voice quality is IP network packet delay and
network jitter. Network delay describes the average length of time for a packet to
traverse a network. Network jitter describes the variability in arrival time of a
packet. Delay is like the average, jitter is like the standard deviation. Both are
important in determining voice quality.
To allow for variable packet arrival time and still produce a steady out-going stream
of speech, the far-end gateway does not play out the speech as soon as the first
packet arrives. Instead, it holds it for a certai n time in part of its me mory called the
jitter buffer, and then plays it out. The amount of this hold time is the measure of
the jitter buffer, e.g., a 50 ms hold time implies a 50 ms jitter buffer.
As the network delay (total time, including codec processing time) exceeds about
200 ms, the two speakers will increasingly adopt a half-duplex communications
mode, where one speaks, the other listens and pauses to make sure the speaker is
done. If the pauses are ill timed, they end up “stepping” on each other’s speech. This
is the problem that occurs when two people converse over a satellite telephony
connection. The result is a reduction in perceived voice quality.
When a voice packet is inordinately delayed and does not arrive at the far-end in
time to fit into the voice stream going out of the far-end gateway, it is discarded,
and the previous packet is replayed. If this happens too often, or twice in a row, the
listener will perceive reduced voice quality.
Enterprise Edge IP Telephony Configuration ManualPO908509 Issue 01
Overview 25
The jitter buffer hold time adds to the overall dela y, so if the network ha s high jitter,
the overall effect will be a long perceived delay in the voice stream. For example, a
network might have a moderately average delay of 50 ms and a variabilit y of 5 ms.
The network is said to have 5 ms of jitter, a low figure. The jitter buffer hold time
is only 5 ms, so the effective network total delay will only be 55 ms, still moderate.
On the other hand, if a network has a low average delay of 15 ms, but 10% of the
time the delay goes out to a long 100 ms, while 90% of t he time the delay is a brief
4 ms, the jitter buffer would have to be 100 ms and the total effective network delay
would be 115 ms, a long delay. Network jitter can be more important than average
delay in many VoIP Gateway applications.
VoIP Gateway voice calls use an adaptive jitter buffer that changes the hold time
over the duration of the call. The installer or administrator configures the maximum
hold time.
VoIP Gateway fax calls use a fixed jitter buffer that does not change the hold tim e
over the duration of the call. Fax calls are more sensitive to packet loss. In situations
of high jitter, increased delay (through the use of a deeper jitter buffer) is preferred.
To accommodate this, VoIP Gateway provides a separate jitter buffer setting for fax
Fax calls
The Enterprise Edge gateways support T.30 Group 3 fax calls. Fax calls
automatically use the G.711 codec and require the associated bandwidth.
As the gateway does not know in advance that a call will carry a fax transmission,
it first establishes a voice channel. The voice channel may use G.729 or G.723.1
audio compression. Upon detecting the answering fax machine’s CED tone, the
terminating gateway performs the following operations:
•Initiates the procedure to revert the speech path to a G.711, 64 Kbit/s clear
•Disables the adaptive jitter buffer feature.
•Sets the hold time for the jitter buffer to the value specified in the Local
The answering fax machine must produce its CED tone within 15 s of connection.
The terminating gateway turns off CED tone detection after 15 s to prevent false
tone detection during a voice call.
This method imposes the following restrictions:
•Interoperability with other IP gateways. A terminating gateway must support
Gateway settings to improve late IP packet tolerance.
CED fax tone detection, and initiate the procedure as described in previous
paragraphs. An originating gateway must support the H.323 Request Mode
procedure, but does not need to detect fax tones. The originating gateway must
additionally be capable of supporting the large G.711 packest used for fax
PO908509 Issue 01Enterprise Edge IP Telephony Configuration Manual
26 Overview
•In order for the gateways to revert to a G.711 clear channel, the terminating fax
machine must issue a CED tone upon answering the call. Manually initiated fax
transmissions, where the user at the terminating end first talks with the
originating user before setting the te rminating fa x to rece ive the docume nt, are
not supported.
•Fax machines tolerate a maximum round trip delay of 1200 ms. Media
processing in the the two gateways introduces a round trip delay of
approximately 300 ms, in addition to the delay caused by the jitter buffer. If a
250 ms jitter buffer is used, IP latency should never exceed
(1200 -(300+(2*250))) = 400 ms round trip delay, or approximately 200 ms one
Alarm Notification
Enterprise Edge uses the Unified Manager to capture information about its
operational status.
See the Maintenance chapter for additional information.
Enterprise Edge IP Telephony Configuration ManualPO908509 Issue 01
Engineering guidelines
The engineering guidelines address the design of an IP trunk network for Enterprise
Edge VoIP Gateway.The network contains the following:
•Enterprise Edge VoIP gateways
•Gateways attached to LANs
•Corporate intranet connecting the LANs
The guidelines assume that an installed corporate intranet connects the sites of the
IP gateways.
IP telephony compresses PCM voice and routes the packetized data over a private
internet, or intranet, to provide virtual analog TIE trunks between gateways.
Communications costs may be reduced as voice traffic is routed at low marginal
cost over existing private IP network facilities with available under-utilized
bandwidth on the private Wide Area Network (WAN) backbone.
This document provides guiding principles for properly designing a network of IP
gateways over the corporate intranet, describe how to qualify the corporate intranet
to support an IP network, and decide what required changes are needed in order to
preserve the quality of voice services as much as possible when migrating those
services from the PSTN. It addresses requirements for the successful integration
with the customer's existing local area network (LAN). By adhering to these
guidelines the designer should be able to engineer the IP so that the cost and quality
trade-off is at best imperceptible, and at worst within a calculated tolerance.
Enterprise Edge IP telephony
Enterprise Edge IP telephony is designed to work on an adequately provisioned,
stable LAN. Delay, delay variation or jitter, and packet lo ss must be minimized endto-end across the LAN and WAN. The installer must carefully determine the design
and configuration of the LAN and WAN that link the IP telephony system. If the
intranet becomes congested, new calls to the IP telephony will fall back to
traditional circuit-switched voice facilities so that the quality of service is not
degraded for new calls.
IP telephony operates on an installed corporate IP network. IP telephony operates
on a well managed intranet, rather than the internet.
PO908509 Issue 01Enterprise Edge IP Telephony Configuration Manual
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