While the information in this document is believed to be accurate and reliable, except as otherwise expressly
ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. The information and/or products described in this document are
subject to change without notice.
Nortel, the Nortel logo, Nortel Networks, DMS, and the Globemark are trademarks of Nortel Networks.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
New in this release7
Features 7
Other changes7
Nortel DECT Messenger Administrator Guide9
Preface 9
Nortel DECT Messenger overview10
Adding a DECT device to the Messenger system51
DECT Messenger Customer Engineer Manual57
Preface 58
DECT Messenger overview 60
DECT Messenger in a WAN or MAN network68
Licensing 69
Detailed module descriptions 73
About the manual 58
Guidelines for maintenance and administration of a server or specialized
This chapter contains information on the following topics:
“Nortel DECT Messenger overview” (page 10)
“What is Nortel DECT Messenger” (page 10)
“Modules overview” (page 12)
“eCONFIG basic concepts” (page 14)
“DECT Messenger concepts” (page 16)
•“eCONFIG” (page 18) eCONFIG Section
“Opening the eCONFIG” (page 18)
“eCONFIG main window” (page 20)
— “Managing devices” (page 23)
“Managing groups” (page 32)
“Managing group members” (page 39)
“Managing users” (page 45)
“Adding a DECT device to the Messenger system” (page 51)
This chapter contains an overview of Nortel DECT Messenger in general,
and information for users of the eCONFIG module specifically. It contains
important information on the underlying structure of the eCONFIG module,
and on creating, deleting, and making changes to Users, Devices, and
This chapter does not cover all of the menus and associated menu
items that are available in the eCONFIG module. Menus and associated
menu items that are not covered require detailed technical background
For information about the other menu parameters in the eCONFIG module,
or information for any of the other modules in Nortel DECT Messenger,
refer to
DECT Messenger Installation and Commissioning (NN43120-301).
Nortel DECT Messenger overview
DECT Messenger provides a software tool, the eCONFIG, for making
changes to the configuration. The eCONFIG is on either the same PC as
the DECT Messenger software, or on another PC in the TCP/IP network.
After you run eCONFIG on another PC, the number of items you can
change is limited.
What is Nortel DECT Messenger
DECT Messenger is a software platform that allows message generation,
message routing, and message protocol conversion. Figure 1 "Nortel
DECT Messenger" (page 10) shows the inputs and outputs of DECT
Figure 1
Nortel DECT Messenger
Message input
The following input can generate messages in DECT Messenger:
•ESPA 4.4.4 pager protocol: DECT Messenger can receive pager
messages from ESPA 4.4.4-compatible pager equipment.
•RS232/V.24 serial input: many protocols are supported as input for
generating a predefined message or a user defined message.
•DECT handset with E2 (Low Rate Messaging Services [LMRS])
•E-mail to the DECT Messenger server PC: send a message from
e-mail to a telephone set or SMS to cell phone or any other output on
DECT Messenger.
•Switches (push button, toggle): message alerts generated by alarm
contacts, door contacts, fire contacts, and so on.
•Analogue voltage/current levels: this form of message generation is
used to guard industrial equipment. For example, equipment output
messages can indicate pressure, temperature, and so on.
Web interface from which you generate messages manually.
•Programs you write that communicate (using TCP/IP socket) with
DECT Messenger: DECT Messenger provides a port on TCP/IP that is
open to receive input data from this type of unique program.
Message output
DECT Messenger supports the following output:
•DECT E2 messages (up to 160 characters)
Although DECT Messenger supports up to 160 characters, the DECT
equipment or the handset can limit this number to 128, or even 48,
characters. If the handset supports only 48 characters, the message is
broken into sections and sent in parts to the handset.
Messages sent to Ergoline or DECT extensions during ringing and after
a call is connected
Each device type can specify message length. Messages that are too
long to be displayed are broken into sections suitable for the display
SMS messages to cell phones
DECT Messenger can send SMS messages to cell phones. A modem
or a box that behaves like an actual cell phone with a Subscriber
Identity Module (SIM) card can be the interface to the cell phone
This option is mainly used as an alternative device. You can forward
the message to a cell phone if a message to a DECT handset is not
E-mail messages
DECT Messenger can send e-mail using Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
(SMTP) to any e-mail server.
•Digital output to control relays or similar equipment
In the event of an alarm, use the relay contacts to control equipment
such as lamps, door-contacts or hooters. Contacts are used as
alternative devices (overflow) in case a message is not confirmed.
•ESPA 4.4.4 pager protocol
DECT Messenger can send messages to paging equipment using the
ESPA 4.4.4 protocol.
DECT Messenger consists of separate modules. There are three main
groups of modules:
•Core software modules
•Input and output modules
•Security modules
The following sections provide an overview of the modules. Detailed
module descriptions are provided in DECT Messenger Installation andCommissioning (NN43120-301).
Kernel modules
There are two main modules that are used for the core software:
The eKERNEL is the core software in the system and must always
be present. eKERNEL is between the incoming and the outgoing
modules and must always be running. The system does not operate if
eKERNEL is absent or nonfunctional.
The eCONFIG module is used to set up and configure the system,
messages, and message flows. The eCONFIG is a user-friendly
variant of the eGRID.
Incoming and outgoing modules
There are nine modules (incoming and outgoing) that communicate with
the eKERNEL module. Incoming modules receive messages and outgoing
modules send messages. Each module has a specific incoming function,
outgoing function, or both. “Incoming and outgoing modules” (page
to cell phone SMS provider, or
to wide area paging system.
eLOCATIONLocation detection after a call is
made from a DECT handset.
levels and
digital levels
In addition
to the eCST
A module.
Security modules
The security modules are used (in addition to an operating system) to
provide extra security. Security provided is based on the module type. The
following gives a brief overview of the available security modules:
The eBACKUP module creates a backup of the configuration database
at regular intervals.
The eGUARDIAN module is used in conjunction with an input module
that receives data at regular intervals. The eGUARDIAN module
checks the data input at regular intervals. If the input is not received
within a specified time period, the eGUARDIAN module sends a
message indicating that an input is down.
The eWATCHDOG is a software module that works with the Watchdog
card. The eWATCHDOG sends a code to a V.24 interface (COM
port) on the DECT Messenger PC. This COM port is connected to a
Watchdog card that expects the code within certain time intervals. If
the code is not received within the time interval, the Watchdog card
assumes that the system is down and restarts the PC or activates an
alarm indication.
The eTM is a background module that automatically detects when
another DECT Messenger module is down and restarts it.
eCONFIG basic concepts
The system configuration is stored in a database. You use the eCONFIG
module to make changes to the configuration. This section explains how
the eCONFIG module uses the database.
You can use the eCONFIG on the local DECT Messenger server PC. You
can also install the eCONFIG on a remote PC to do remote configuration
maintenance. Database handling is different for local and remote
eCONFIG (local) on the DECT Messenger server PC
After the eCONFIG is installed on the DECT Messenger server PC,
the database is handled as shown in “eCONFIG (local) on the DECT
Messenger server PC” (page 14).
Figure 2
Database handling after eCONFIG is on local PC
After you open the eCONFIG for the first time, the eCONFIG makes a
copy of the operational configuration database in DECT Messenger. This
copy is stored in the eCONFIG. If you make configuration changes using
the eCONFIG, these changes are stored in the copy of the database in the
eCONFIG. To make these changes active, you must close down all the
DECT Messenger modules and then close the eCONFIG using the File >Exit menu. The operational database is deleted automatically, and the
database from the eCONFIG is saved into the DECT Messenger directory
and becomes the new operational database. After you restart the modules
that you closed down, the new configuration becomes active.
After you make changes in Users, Groups, or Devices, the changes are
saved in the eCONFIG database, as well as in the operational database,
and so are immediately activated.
Note 1:
If you make changes in the database copy that resides in
eCONFIG, ensure that no one else is making changes in the operational
database. If there are other pending changes, an error can occur after
you shut down the eCONFIG and try to write the database into the
DECT Messenger directory.
Note 2:
If there are monitored devices in the active configuration, and
one of these devices initiates a follow-me, the diversion information
is stored in the active database. Therefore, you cannot restore the
eCONFIG database, and all the changes that you make are lost (except
for the changes in Users, Groups, and Devices).
Restarting the eCONFIGAfter you restart the program, eCONFIG finds
a database in its directory. The eCONFIG asks you whether you want to
continue with this database, or retrieve a fresh copy from the operational
database. Nortel recommends that you make a fresh copy of the
operational database to ensure that there is no database inconsistency.
eCONFIG (remote) on remote PC (client) in the network
After the eCONFIG is installed on a remote PC (not the DECT Messenger
server PC) in the network, the database is handled as shown in Figure 3
"Database handling after eCONFIG is installed on a remote PC" (page 15).
Figure 3
Database handling after eCONFIG is installed on a remote PC
After you open the eCONFIG for the first time at the remote PC, a copy
is made of the configuration database of DECT Messenger. This copy
is stored on the remote PC where the eCONFIG is running. You cannot
make system configuration changes in this database, but you can make
changes in Users, Groups, and Devices.
After you make changes in Users, Groups, or Devices, these changes
are stored in the eCONFIG database on your PC. The changes are also
immediately stored in the operational database on the DECT Messenger
(server) PC and are, therefore, immediately active.
Note 1:
If there is more than one eCONFIG active at the same
time, on different PCs, the individual eCONFIG databases are not
updated/synchronized after a user makes a change in one eCONFIG.
Only the database in the eCONFIG module where the change is made
is updated, together with the operational database. Changes made in
Groups using the eWEB interface are not written into the databases
of the eCONFIG modules — these changes are only written into the
operational database.
Note 2:
The database is never saved to the server PC when you work
on a remote PC.
Restarting the eCONFIGAfter you restart the program, eCONFIG finds
a database in its directory. The eCONFIG asks you whether you want to
continue with this database, or retrieve a fresh copy from the operational
database. Nortel recommends that you make a fresh copy of the
operational database to ensure that there is no database inconsistency.
Database inconsistency can occur after other users make changes in the
database from another PC or at the server PC.
DECT Messenger concepts
DECT Messenger receives alarms (messages) from input modules.
Understanding how these incoming alarms are processed is an important
step towards understanding the eCONFIG menu structure.
Figure 4 "Alarm processing structure" (page 16) shows the relation among
the modules and how messages are processed.
Figure 4
Alarm processing structure
Alarms originate at an input program (input module). An incoming alarm
carries an alarm identifier and a group identifier. The alarm identifier must
match an identifier in the Alarm Properties functional block, which specifies
how the alarm is processed (priority, time intervals, and so on). The group
identifier determines the final destination. The incoming group identifier
must match a group identifier in the Groups functional block, which
contains one or more output destinations (that is, the group members).
The group members are the devices assigned to a Group.
Figure 5 "eCONFIG" (page 17) shows the main window of eCONFIG with
an example of an input module (the application programming interface
[eAPI]). The eAPI input module is found in eCONFIG in the
> eAPI menu. Select the instance of the module as it appears on yourscreen (in this example, the menu selection is Modules > eAPI > API area IBS 1). Each input module displays different properties.
Figure 5
The following explanations relate to the blocks in “eCONFIG” (page 18):
•Input Module
The Alarm carries two different identifiers from the input module to
the actual Kernel: the alarm identifier and the group identifier. The
identifier provides the message for the output device.
You can set or change the properties of an input module.
•Alarm Properties
The alarm identifier is used to determine how the alarm is processed.
Specifications are in the All Alarms menu (for more information, see
“eCONFIG main window” (page 20)). Examples of the alarm properties
are Priority, Repeat Interval Time, and so on.
Note: There are alarm identifiers predefined in the system
configuration. Therefore, it is not necessary to define all alarm
The group identifier that originates at the input module determines the
group to which the alarm must be sent. In “eCONFIG” (page 18), the
group identifier is 00001. The group identifier can be a group name
or any string of characters.
•Group Member -- Device
The group is composed of group members, and each group member
is an actual device (for example, an Ergoline, a DECT handset, or an
e-mail address). The output device can be a member of more than one
group. For example, a DECT handset with extension number 2000 can
be assigned to more than one group as a group member. In Figure 5
"eCONFIG" (page 17), Group 00001 has two devices (2000 and 1010).
Device 2000 uses the output program eDMSAPI, which means that
Device 2000 is a DECT handset using E2 messaging.
Output Module - Output Program
An output device makes use of an output module, also referred to as
an output program. You can specify settings in the output module to
process the output alarm.
Refer to the following sections for instructions on creating, deleting, and
changing parameters for Groups, Users, and Devices:
Opening the eCONFIG
•“Managing devices” (page 23)
“Managing groups” (page 32)
“Managing group members” (page 39)
“Managing users” (page 45)
This section contains the following topics related to the eCONFIG:
“Opening the eCONFIG” (page 18)
“eCONFIG” (page 18)
Procedure 1
Opening the eCONFIG
1Ensure that DECT Messenger is correctly installed and already
preconfigured by a technician.
2Ensure that the Kernel software is installed and running.
If you are on a remote PC (not the server PC), ensure that the
main server is booted. If you are using the server PC, an icon
appears in the Windows task bar to indicate that the eKERNEL
is running.
If other modules are also running, an icon is displayed for each
(for example, the eDMSAPI).
3Start the eCONFIG.
Double-click the eCONFIG icon on the PC desktop.
4Enter your login information.
The log in dialog box appears:
Log in with the username and password provided by your system
manager. If you are the system manager, and you have not
changed any usernames and passwords yet, log in with the
default login. The default login is admin (username), admin
Note: The eCONFIG asks you which database you want
to use. Ensure that you read the information on database
handling in “eCONFIG basic concepts” (page 14) before
You have two options for database selection:
•Click YES: the eCONFIG uses the database that is still
available in the eCONFIG module from a previous session.
This database can be an old database.
•Click NO: the eCONFIG makes a fresh copy of the
operational database from the DECT Messenger server.
Nortel recommends that you choose this option. It ensures
that you have a copy of the actual operational database. If
you work on a remote PC, you must select this option to
avoid conflicts with changes made from other locations by
other users.
6The eCONFIG main window opens.
Detailed information is provided in “eCONFIG main window”
(page 20).
eCONFIG main window
The main eCONFIG window is shown in “eCONFIG main window” (page
Note: The contents of the eCONFIG window are different for each
user or for each system configuration. “eCONFIG main window” (page
20) shows all the menu items that are possible.
The following menu items are available:
•Import/Export menu: provides the option to import configuration data
into tables in the configuration database, or to export configuration data
from the configuration database tables. The file type is .csv.
Note: Do not use the Import/Export menu items if you do not have
detailed configuration database knowledge. If you make mistakes, it
can corrupt your system.
License information: provides information about the current licenses
that are active in your DECT Messenger. You cannot make license
changes from this menu.
•Site Site 1: indicates the location of the eKERNEL (core) software.
There is typically only one eKERNEL in a system, so there is only one
site displayed. (In exceptional cases, there can be more than one site,
but only one eKERNEL (that is, one site) can be active at any given
•Areas: indicates the subdivisions in a site. Areas are used only if you
have a connection from your DECT Messenger to more than one
DECT Mobility Card (DMC) with DECT. For each connection from your
DECT Messenger to a DMC system or an IP DECT system, you must
specify a different area. Use a number to identify the area. The area
number is used in the various modules in DECT Messenger. Note that
in almost all installations you have only one area.
Modules: provides an overview of all the modules in the Messenger.
Note 1:
modules is displayed only if you have view/edit rights.
Note 2:
Clients provides information about the module TCP/IP connections.
You cannot make any configuration changes from this menu.
The list of modules can differ for each user. The list of
All TCP Clients menu item is not a module. All TCP
•All Alarms: provides a list of all alarm specifications available in
Therefore, to create a new alarm specification, you must use the
Module menu. From the All Alarms menu, you can make changes
only to existing alarm specifications.
All Users: defines all users. Note that there are two separate groups of
users: eCONFIG users and eWEB users. If you have sufficient rights,
you can change user settings and add new users from this menu.
Groups and devices: use this menu to make changes in group and
device characteristics. You cannot create new groups here because a
group is always uniquely linked to an input module. You can, however,
create new devices here because a device does not have a unique
relationship with only one group.
Holiday: use this menu to specify the public holidays. This information
is used for the group members. You enable the specified holidays in
the properties for each group member.
The alarm specification is linked to an input module.
Note: If you are using the eCONFIG on a remote PC, you cannot
make changes to property settings. You can change only Users,
Groups, and Devices.
The following sections provide information that explain the following DECT
Messenger tasks:
•creating a new device
•changing the parameters of an existing device
•editing device parameters
The following are examples of device types in DECT Messenger:
•DNR in the DMC
Directory Number (DN) in SIP DECT
•e-mail address
•cell phone number (for SMS)
•relay contacts
You must know the properties of each device type relative to the
equipment that hosts it (that is, device properties in the DMC, in the Mail
Server, and so on).
Note: Task procedures are in explained in the following sections. To
carry out these procedures, you must have sufficient user rights to
access all the menus that are used in these procedures. If you do not
have sufficient rights, you cannot see the menu options described, or
you see them but cannot make changes.
Creating a new device
Complete the following steps to create a new device.
Procedure 2
Creating a new device
1Access the eCONFIG Groups and Devices menu.
•Open eCONFIG.
•Expand the Groups and Devices menu by clicking the + to
the left of it.
2Add a new device.
•Right-click the All Devices parameter.
•Select New Device as shown in the following example:
•In the right panel, browse in the list of devices in DECT
Double-click the device that you want to edit. The Properties
window of the device opens:
4Change the parameters.
Click the name of the property you want to change. If you edit
the parameters, note the following:
•You cannot change the Output Program, the Site ID, the
Area ID, or the Device ID.
•Nortel recommends that you use the Browse option, when
present, to define a location, rather than typing an entry.
The parameters are described in “Device parameters” (page 27).
5Confirm your choices.
Click OK and follow the instructions on the screen, if applicable.
Deleting a device
To delete a device, follow “Changing device parameters” (page 25);at
Step 4, click the Delete button. DECT Messenger asks you to confirm the
action. After you confirm the action, the device is deleted immediately.
As in previous sections, you can specify the following parameters for a
•Output Program
This field specifies the output program that processes a request.
A device can be defined in more than one module. The indicated
application threads the message using the capabilities of the
infrastructure. The eDMSAPI can, for example, send E2 messages
(non-voice-call to extensions such as DECT C4050 and C4060). The
supported output programs are currently:
eASYNC for sending SMS to PROXIMUS, or KPN and PAGING to
— eDMSAPI for sending E2 messages to DECT handsets that
support E2 (LRMS).
— eESPA for sending messages to an ESPA 4.4.4 interface (pager
eIO for enabling/disabling discrete output contacts.
— eSMTP for sending e-mail to an e-mail provider.
Note 1:
typically 1) and an Area ID. If there is more than one entry of the
same output program, each one can have a different area. Select
the correct area.
Note 2:
create a new device. Always use the
output program. Figure 7 "Select Output Program browser window"
(page 28) shows the browser window.
The output program is associated with a Site ID (which is
Selecting the output program is only possible when you
2nd slot on Main Cabinet on CS1000M, handset is
subscribed with index 01
7th slot of shelf 0 on CS1000E, handset is
subscribed with index 123
14th slot of shelf 1 on CS1000E, handset is
subscribed with index 03
Device ID
•Output program facility
The indicated application threads the message using the capabilities
of the output device. The display of extensions can differ in character
length, and so on. Therefore, DECT Messenger must know to which
device type the message is being sent (for example, C4050 or 4060
for eDMSAPI).
Use the Browse button to select the correct output program facility.
The Description field is used to enter a description of the device. The
description is used to show information about the devices in the web
interface (for example, DECT: John Peterson).
The pincode is used to confirm messages using the eDMSAPI (IC).
Confirmation means that an active alarm on the device is reset from