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Downloading Documentation
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Contact Avaya Support
Avaya provides a telephone number for you to use to report problems
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Japan VCCI statement
The following applies to server models 1006r, 1005r, 703t, 201i, and
This is a Class A product based on the standard of the Voluntary Control
Council for Interference by Information Technology Equipment (VCCI).
If this equipment is used in a domestic environment, radio disturbance
may occur, in which case, the user may be required to take corrective
2 Avaya CallPilot® 201i Server Hardware InstallationDecember 2010
Getting help from a distributor or reseller..........................................................................................................9
Getting technical support from the Avaya Web site........................................................................................10
Chapter 2: About the 201i server...........................................................................................11
In this chapter..................................................................................................................................................11
201i server description....................................................................................................................................11
Multi I/O cable description...............................................................................................................................22
10Base-T Ethernet hub or switch....................................................................................................................27
Monitor, keyboard, and mouse........................................................................................................................27
Chapter 3: Preparing for installation.....................................................................................29
In this chapter..................................................................................................................................................29
Before you begin.............................................................................................................................................29
To inspect the 201i server for shipping damage..............................................................................................33
What to do if components are missing or damaged........................................................................................34
What is next?..................................................................................................................................................34
Switch and network requirements...................................................................................................................34
Meridian 1 or Communication Server 1000 slot requirements........................................................................34
Avaya CallPilot® 201i Server Hardware InstallationDecember 2010 3
Meridian 1 I/O panel connections....................................................................................................................35
Avaya server subnet and ELAN subnet requirements....................................................................................36
What is next?..................................................................................................................................................36
Chapter 4: Installing the 201i server in a large Meridian 1 system.....................................37
in this chapter..................................................................................................................................................37
Backplane (tip and ring) cable.........................................................................................................................38
What is next?..................................................................................................................................................43
Installing the 201i server in the large Meridian 1 switch..................................................................................43
What is next?..................................................................................................................................................44
Removing the backplane (tip and ring) cables................................................................................................44
Before you begin.............................................................................................................................................45
What is next?..................................................................................................................................................47
Installing the NTRH3501 backplane cable......................................................................................................48
Backplane (tip and ring) cable.........................................................................................................................48
Before you begin.............................................................................................................................................49
What is next?..................................................................................................................................................50
Installing the SCSI cables for Meridian 1........................................................................................................51
Cables you need.............................................................................................................................................51
What the completed installation looks like......................................................................................................52
Before you begin.............................................................................................................................................53
What is next?..................................................................................................................................................55
Chapter 5: Installing the 201i server in an Option 11C or Option 11C Mini........................57
In this chapter..................................................................................................................................................57
Installing the 201i server in the Option 11C or Option 11C Mini switch...........................................................57
What is next?..................................................................................................................................................60
In this section..................................................................................................................................................60
Installing the intermediate SCSI cable for Option 11C....................................................................................60
What the completed installation looks like......................................................................................................61
Before you begin.............................................................................................................................................62
What is next?..................................................................................................................................................64
Section B: Installing Option 11C Mini cables...................................................................................................65
In this section..................................................................................................................................................65
4 Avaya CallPilot® 201i Server Hardware InstallationDecember 2010
Installing the NTRH3502 SCSI cable for Option 11C Mini..............................................................................65
What the completed installation looks like......................................................................................................65
Before you begin.............................................................................................................................................66
What is next?..................................................................................................................................................70
Installing cables on the back of the Option 11C Mini cabinet..........................................................................71
What is next?..................................................................................................................................................73
Chapter 6: Installing the 201i server in the Avaya Communication Server 1000 system
In this chapter..................................................................................................................................................75
Communication Server 1000 description........................................................................................................75
Back panel connectors....................................................................................................................................77
Communication Server 1000 software............................................................................................................79
What is next?..................................................................................................................................................82
Installing the 201i server.................................................................................................................................82
Before you begin.............................................................................................................................................83
What is next?..................................................................................................................................................84
Installing the NTRH3502 SCSI cable for Communication Server 1000..........................................................85
CD-ROM and tape drive cabling diagram.......................................................................................................85
Before you begin.............................................................................................................................................86
What is next?..................................................................................................................................................88
Replacing the Media Gateway or Media Gateway Expansion cover..............................................................88
To replace the inside front cover plate............................................................................................................88
What is next?..................................................................................................................................................90
Connecting cables to the Communication Server 1000 system......................................................................91
What is next?..................................................................................................................................................93
In this chapter..................................................................................................................................................95
Avaya CallPilot® 201i Server Hardware InstallationDecember 2010 5
To set the CD-ROM drive SCSI ID..................................................................................................................98
To set the CD-ROM drive DIP switches..........................................................................................................99
What is next?................................................................................................................................................100
Setting the tape drive SCSI ID......................................................................................................................100
To set the tape drive SCSI ID........................................................................................................................100
Meridian 1.....................................................................................................................................................102
Communication Server 1000.........................................................................................................................103
To set device termination..............................................................................................................................104
What is next?................................................................................................................................................105
Chapter 8: Connecting peripheral devices to the 201i server...........................................107
In this chapter................................................................................................................................................107
CD-ROM and tape drives..............................................................................................................................108
Monitor, keyboard, and mouse......................................................................................................................108
201i server faceplate and peripheral device connectors...............................................................................109
Starting the 201i server.................................................................................................................................110
Before you begin...........................................................................................................................................110
Installing the MPCs........................................................................................................................................110
What is next?.................................................................................................................................................112
Installing the monitor, keyboard, and mouse.................................................................................................113
What is next?.................................................................................................................................................114
Connecting the CD-ROM and tape drives.....................................................................................................114
Before you begin...........................................................................................................................................115
Selecting the procedure for your switch........................................................................................................115
To connect the CD-ROM and tape drives to the 201i server (Meridian 1).....................................................116
What is next?................................................................................................................................................121
Connecting the 201i server to the switch, ELAN subnet , and Avaya server subnet....................................121
What is next?................................................................................................................................................123
Connecting the modem.................................................................................................................................124
What is next?................................................................................................................................................126
Completing the installation............................................................................................................................126
6 Avaya CallPilot® 201i Server Hardware InstallationDecember 2010
To complete the installation and start the 201i server...................................................................................126
What is next?................................................................................................................................................127
Avaya CallPilot® 201i Server Hardware InstallationDecember 2010 7
8 Avaya CallPilot® 201i Server Hardware InstallationDecember 2010
Chapter 1: Customer service
Visit the Avaya Web site to access the complete range of services and support that Avaya provides. Go
to www.avaya.com or go to one of the pages listed in the following sections.
Getting technical documentation on page 9
• Getting product training on page 9
• Getting help from a distributor or reseller on page 9
Getting technical support from the Avaya Web site on page 10
Getting technical documentation
To download and print selected technical publications and release notes directly from the
Internet, go to
Getting product training
Ongoing product training is available. For more information or to register, you can access the
Web site at www.avaya.com/support. From this Web site, you can locate the Training contacts
link on the left-hand navigation pane.
Getting help from a distributor or reseller
If you purchased a service contract for your Avaya product from a distributor or authorized
reseller, contact the technical support staff for that distributor or reseller for assistance.
Avaya CallPilot® 201i Server Hardware InstallationDecember 2010 9
Customer service
Getting technical support from the Avaya Web site
The easiest and most effective way to get technical support for Avaya products is from the
Avaya Technical Support Web site at www.avaya.com/support.
10 Avaya CallPilot® 201i Server Hardware InstallationDecember 2010
Chapter 2: About the 201i server
In this chapter
201i server description on page 11
Network connectivity on page 19
Peripheral connectivity on page 24
201i server description
The 201i server is a flexible multimedia telephony server designed to integrate with Avaya
Meridian 1* and Communication Server* 1000 products.
The 201i server occupies two slots of a Meridian 1 shelf or Communication Server 1000 Media
Gateway or Media Gateway Expansion. When the server is locked into position, its connectors
attach to the backplane, which provides power and communications links.
Customer Documentation Map
The following diagram shows the overall organization and content of the CallPilot
documentation suite.
Table 1: CallPilot Customer Documentation Map
Avaya CallPilot® Fundamentals Guide (NN44200-100)
Avaya CallPilot® Library Listing (NN44200-117)
Avaya CallPilot® 201i Server Hardware InstallationDecember 2010 11
About the 201i server
Planning and Engineering
Installation and Configuration
Avaya CallPilot® Planning and Engineering Guide (NN44200-200)
Avaya CallPilot® Multimedia Messaging User Guide (NN44200-106)
Avaya CallPilot® Speech Activated Messaging User Guide
Avaya CallPilot® Desktop Messaging User Guide for Microsoft Outlook
Avaya CallPilot® Desktop Messaging User Guide for Lotus Notes
Avaya CallPilot® Desktop Messaging User Guide for Novell Groupwise
Avaya CallPilot® Desktop Messaging User Guide for Internet Clients
Avaya CallPilot® Desktop Messaging User Guide for My CallPilot
Avaya CallPilot® Voice Forms Transcriber User Guide (NN44200-110)
The Map was created to facilitate navigation through the suite by showing the main task groups
and the documents contained in each category. It appears near the beginning of each guide,
showing that guide's location within the suite.
Primary components
The 201i server motherboard houses the interfaces needed:
• to communicate with the Meridian 1 switch or Communication Server 1000 system.
• to facilitate data communications on Ethernet networks.
Two Ethernet controllers on the 201i server motherboard provide Ethernet capability. These
controllers provide the network interfaces for both the ELAN subnet and the Avaya server
subnet. The connections to these subnets are established by using the multi I/O cable
described on
Multi I/O cable description on page 22.
The secondary backplane connector connects the 201i server to the second slot on the shelf,
thereby providing access to the voice channels provided by that slot.
14 Avaya CallPilot® 201i Server Hardware InstallationDecember 2010
The 201i server is shipped ready for installation into an Option 11C or Option 11C Mini switch
or Communication Server 1000 system. Before you install the 201i server in a larger
Meridian 1 switch (for example, Option 51C), you must move the secondary backplane
(DS30X) connector to the correct position. For more information, see Repositioning the
secondary backplane connector on page 39.
The following diagram shows the 201i server components:.
The following diagram shows the 201i server faceplate. The faceplate provides LEDs, MPC
card slots, and connectors for peripheral devices:
Avaya CallPilot® 201i Server Hardware InstallationDecember 2010 15
About the 201i server
The following table describes each faceplate feature:
Faceplate featureDescription
Mouse connectorThe mouse connector is a standard PS/2 connector and is hot-
Lock latchesLock latches at the top and bottom of the faceplate secure the
server to the backplane of the Meridian 1 switch or the
backplane of the Communication Server 1000 Media Gateway
or Media Gateway Expansion.
Keyboard connectorThe keyboard connector is a standard PS/2 connector and is
Infrared portFor future use.
Monitor connectorThe monitor connector is a standard, high-density, 15-pin
female connector.
16 Avaya CallPilot® 201i Server Hardware InstallationDecember 2010
Faceplate featureDescription
Power status LEDThe LED indicates two server states:
• the completion of self-test diagnostics
• when it is safe to remove the server from the Meridian 1 switch
or Communication Server 1000 Media Gateway or Media
Gateway Expansion
MPC card status LEDsThere is an LED for each MPC card slot. The following list
describes each LED status:
• Off: The MPC card is not receiving power. It is safe to remove
the card.
• On: The MPC card is in use. It is not safe to remove the card.
• Off, then on: The MPC card has been recognized by the 201i
server software and has been powered up.
• On, then off: The MPC card has been successfully powered
down. It is safe to remove the card.
For instructions on powering up or powering down the MPC
card, see "Starting and stopping components" in the
CallPilot* <server model> Server Maintenance and
Diagnostics guide for your server.
MPC card ejector buttons There is one ejector button for each MPC card slot. When you
insert the card, the associated ejector button pops out.
Press the button to eject the card from its slot.
MPC card slotsMPCs house DSP units and are used for multimedia telephony
processing. You can install up to four MPCs on the 201i server.
The 201i is shipped with two MPC-8 cards installed. All slots are
The MPCs are numbered as follows:
• top row of slots: MPC cards 4 and 5
• bottom row of slots: MPC cards 2 and 3
MPC 1 is embedded on the motherboard.
Hexadecimal (HEX)
SCSI connectorThis connector connects SCSI devices to the 201i server (for
The four-digit LED-based display provides feedback on the
current status of the server, including fault conditions.
example, a CD-ROM or tape drive).
Press the button latches to lock or unlock a cable from the
Avaya CallPilot® 201i Server Hardware InstallationDecember 2010 17
About the 201i server
Faceplate featureDescription
Network and drive activity
LEDs (labeled as E, C, I,
and S)
Reset buttonThe reset button allows you to manually restart the 201i server
The E and C LEDs indicate the presence of network activity for
both the ELAN and CLAN interfaces (respectively). When they
are lit, they indicate that the interfaces are properly attached to
their respective hubs. When the LEDs are blinking, there is
network activity.
When the I and S LEDs are lit, it means that the IDE hard drive
and SCSI device are being accessed.
without disconnecting it from the backplane.
Before you press the reset button, you must shut down the
operating system. Press the reset button while the operating
system is running only when you cannot shut down the
operating system normally.
Environmental specifications
Recommended temperature15°C (59°F) to 30°C (86°F)
Absolute temperature10°C (50°F) to 45°C (113°F)
Long-term storage temperature-20°C (-4°F) to 60°C (140°F)
Short-term storage temperature-40°C (-40°F) to 70°C (158°F) (less than 72 hours)
Change rate temperatureLess than 1°C (34°F) per 3 minutes
Relative humidity
Recommended relative humidity
Absolute RH20% to 80% RH (noncondensing)
Long-term storage RH5% to 95% RH [at -40°C (-40°F) to 70°C (158°F)
20% to 55% RH (noncondensing)
respectively] (noncondensing)
18 Avaya CallPilot® 201i Server Hardware InstallationDecember 2010
Network connectivity
This section shows how Avaya CallPilot® and the Meridian 1 or Communication Server 1000
system are integrated into your network. It also describes what is required in the network for
correct Avaya CallPilot operation.
To secure the CallPilot server from unauthorized access, ensure that the CallPilot network
is inside your organization's firewall.
Network connectivity
Sample network setup: Meridian 1 switch
The following diagram shows how the 201i server is integrated into your network with the
following Meridian 1 switches:
• large systems, such as Option 51C
• Option 11C
• Option 11C Mini
Avaya CallPilot® 201i Server Hardware InstallationDecember 2010 19
About the 201i server
Sample network setup: Communication Server 1000
The following diagram shows an example of how the 201i server can be integrated with the
Communication Server 1000 system in your network:
20 Avaya CallPilot® 201i Server Hardware InstallationDecember 2010
CallPilot Avaya server subnet and ELAN subnet setup
Figure 1: Communication Server 1000 system network integration example
In the illustration on Figure 1: Communication Server 1000 system network integration
example on page 21, the telephony LAN (TLAN) provides IP connectivity between the
Communication Server 1000 system and the i2004 Internet telephones. The connection
between the Call Server and Media Gateway can be point-to-point, or it can be through the
LAN, if the system is installed in a distributed data network.
For information about the Communication Server 1000 system and i2004 Internet telephone
bandwidth and network requirements, refer to the Communication Server 1000 Planning and
Installation Guide
For a description of each Communication Server 1000 system component, see
Communication Server 1000 description on page 75.
CallPilot Avaya server subnet and ELAN subnet setup
The 201i server supports the following network protocols:
• CLAN: 10/100Base-T Ethernet
A built-in Ethernet controller on the 201i server motherboard provides Ethernet
connectivity to the Avaya server subnet. The Avaya server subnet provides data
connectivity between desktop and web messaging clients, administrative PCs, and the
CallPilot server.
• ELAN: 10Base-T Ethernet
Avaya CallPilot® 201i Server Hardware InstallationDecember 2010 21
About the 201i server
A built-in Ethernet controller on the 201i server motherboard provides Ethernet
connectivity to the ELAN subnet. The ELAN subnet carries call processing traffic between
the CallPilot server and the Meridian 1 switch or Communication Server 1000 system.
For more information about the ELAN subnet, see the CallPilot Installation and
Configuration Task List.
You use the 201i server multi I/O cable to establish the connections to the ELAN subnet and
the Avaya server subnet. For more information, see Multi I/O cable description on page 22.
Network requirements
Appropriate networking equipment must be available for both the Avaya server subnet and
ELAN subnet.
The Avaya server subnet and ELAN subnet must be properly configured for correct CallPilot
operation. To ensure correct configuration, Avaya recommends that you consult a network
For important considerations about using the ELAN subnet in your network, see the CallPilot
Installation and Configuration Task List.
Multi I/O cable description
The multi I/O cable contains four connectors, and is approximately 3 m (10 ft) in length. See
the following diagram:
22 Avaya CallPilot® 201i Server Hardware InstallationDecember 2010
Multi I/O cable description
The following table identifies the purpose of each connector on the NTRH0912 multi I/O cable.
Labels on the RJ-45 cables distinguish the CLAN and ELAN connectors.
Connector typePurpose
50-pin amphenolThis connector establishes the connection between the Meridian
1 or Communication Server 1000 Media Gateway or Media
Gateway Expansion backplane, ELAN and CLAN Ethernet hubs
or switches, and modem.
10Base-T (RJ-45)This connector provides a 10 Mbit/s Ethernet connection
between the 201i server and the Meridian 1 switch or
Communication Server 1000 system. This connection allows the
exchange of call control information between the server and the
Meridian 1 switch or Communication Server 1000 system.
For more information about the ELAN subnet, see the CallPilot
Installation and Configuration Task List.
10/100Base-T (RJ-45)This connector provides a network connection for
Avaya CallPilot® 201i Server Hardware InstallationDecember 2010 23
About the 201i server
Connector typePurpose
• user desktop computers, to enable use of the unified
messaging and fax messaging features
• LAN-based server administration
If you need Ethernet 100Base-T operation at 100 Mbit/s on
large Meridian 1 systems (such as Option 51), you must install
the NTRH3501 backplane (tip and ring) cable. For more
information, see Installing the 201i server in a large Meridian
1 system on page 37.
RS-232 COM1 (male
This connector provides the connection to an external modem.
The modem allows administrators and technical support
personnel to administer the 201i server from a remote location.
Peripheral connectivity
Peripheral equipment is attached to the 201i server on the server faceplate.
Faceplate connections
Connections made to the faceplate (with the exceptions noted below) are temporary only,
because you must remove the cabinet cover to make these connections. The system does
not meet specifications for radiated EMI if you remove the cabinet cover.
The following peripheral devices connect to the 201i server faceplate:
• monitor (SVGA)
• keyboard
• mouse
• MPC card (permanent connection)
• SCSI cable (permanent connection)
24 Avaya CallPilot® 201i Server Hardware InstallationDecember 2010
Monitor, keyboard, and mouse
You must connect a monitor, keyboard, and mouse to run the Configuration Wizard or to install
the operating system on the 201i server as part of a recovery process.
All three peripheral components are hot-pluggable.
MPC-8 card
The MPC-8 card looks like a Type II PC card, and supports the multimedia telephony services
on the 201i server. Four specially-designed card slots are available for the MPC-8. All are
located on the 201i server faceplate.
You cannot insert MPC-8 cards in Type II PC card slots, or Type II PC cards into MPC-8
card slots. They are not compatible.
Monitor, keyboard, and mouse
SCSI connections
The SCSI connection is the only permanent faceplate connection. A low-profile right-angle
connector on the SCSI cable allows the cable to be attached with the cabinet covers on. For
more information about how the 201i server and SCSI device connections are achieved, see:
• large Meridian 1 systems (for example, Option 51C):
Meridian 1 on page 51.
• Option 11C or Option 11C Mini: Installing the NTRH3502 SCSI cable for Option 11C
Mini on page 65.
• Communication Server 1000:
Server 1000 on page 85.
Installing the SCSI cables for
Installing the NTRH3502 SCSI cable for Communication
Avaya CallPilot® 201i Server Hardware InstallationDecember 2010 25
About the 201i server
Supported peripheral devices
CD-ROM drive (NTRH9037)
An external CD-ROM drive is used to install and upgrade the server. The drive connects to the
server with an intermediate SCSI cable that connects to the SCSI connector on the faceplate.
Because the CD-ROM drive is an external device, it requires an AC power source.
Set the SCSI ID for the CD-ROM drive to 3. If you are connecting more than one SCSI device to
the server (such as a tape drive), you must daisy chain those devices.
The CD-ROM drive is not hot-pluggable. You must power off the server to connect or
disconnect the drive.
Tape drive (NTRH9038)
An external SCSI tape drive is used to back up and restore data. The device connects to the
server by an intermediate SCSI cable that connects to the SCSI connector on the faceplate.
Since the tape drive is an external device, it requires an AC power source.
Set the SCSI ID for the tape drive to 5. If you are connecting more than one SCSI device to
the server (such as a CD-ROM drive), you must daisy chain those devices.
The tape drive is not hot-pluggable. You must power off the server to connect or disconnect
the drive.
An external modem provides remote access to the 201i server. The modem connects to the
RS-232 COM1 connector on the multi I/O cable.
Since the modem is an external device, it requires its own AC power source.
26 Avaya CallPilot® 201i Server Hardware InstallationDecember 2010
The supported modem is the 56 Kbps modem (NTRH9078).
10Base-T Ethernet hub or switch
The 10Base-T Ethernet hub provides the ELAN subnet connection between the 201i server
and the Meridian 1 switch or Communication Server 1000 system.
Since the hub or switch is an external device, it requires an AC power source.
Monitor, keyboard, and mouse
• 15 in. monitor: NTRH9011 or N0038380 LCD monitor
Since the monitor is an external device, it requires an AC power source.
10Base-T Ethernet hub or switch
• Keyboard: NTRH9013
• Mouse: NTRH9014
The mouse connector on the 201i faceplate is a PS/2 connector. If you plan to use a USB
mouse with USB-to-PS/2 converter, you must also use the Avaya-supplied 101 mm (4-in)
PS/2 extension cable (A0855616). Without the extension cable, the monitor connector
partially blocks the mouse connector.
Avaya CallPilot® 201i Server Hardware InstallationDecember 2010 27
About the 201i server
28 Avaya CallPilot® 201i Server Hardware InstallationDecember 2010
Chapter 3: Preparing for installation
In this chapter
Installation overview on page 29
Unpacking and inspecting the 201i server on page 32
Switch and network requirements on page 34
Installation overview
This section provides a high-level overview of the requirements and procedure for installing
the 201i server.
Before you begin
Ensure that proper power and grounding are available for all the power outlets serving the
Avaya CallPilot® server and its associated peripherals. Power for these devices must be wired
and fused independently of all other receptacles and referenced to the same ground as the
PBX system.
A qualified electrician must implement the single-point ground reference as required between
the power outlets of the Avaya CallPilot server and the power outlets of the switch.
Provide a sufficient number of properly grounded power outlets or power bars for all equipment.
For more information, refer to Chapter 2, "Grounding and power requirements", in the CallPilot
Planning and Engineering Guide.
Avaya CallPilot® 201i Server Hardware InstallationDecember 2010 29
Preparing for installation
Installation checklist
The following checklist identifies the steps required to install the 201i server and peripheral
devices. For more details, see Connecting peripheral devices to the 201i server on page
Risk of personal injury and hardware failure
The power outlets used by the CallPilot server and its peripheral devices must be connected
to the same ground reference as the one used by the Meridian 1 switch or Communication
Server 1000 system with MGate cards (NTRB18CA) connected to the CallPilot server. If this
requirement is not met, power transients can cause personal injury and hardware failure.
1Ensure that you have reviewed the "Installing CallPilot" section
in the CallPilot Installation and Configuration Task List and
completed stage 1 of the "Installation checklist."
This includes the following tasks:
Unpack the server, and ensure you have all the items you
need (see Unpacking and inspecting the 201i server on
page 32).
Complete the following checklists that are provided in the
CallPilot Installation and Configuration Task List:
- "CallPilot software media and documentation checklist"
- "CallPilot server hardware checklist"
Inspect the server for any damage that might have occurred
during shipping (see Unpacking and inspecting the 201i
server on page 32).
2Familiarize yourself with the Switch and network
requirements on page 34 of this guide.
3If you are installing the 201i server into a Meridian 1 tiered
system, do the following:
• Change the location of the secondary backplane (DS30X)
connector on the 201i server (see Repositioning the
secondary backplane connector on page 39).
• Replace the existing backplane (tip and ring) cable on the
Meridian 1 with the one supplied with the 201i server
(NTRH3501) (see pages Removing the backplane (tip and
ring) cables on page 44-What is next? on page 50).
4Install the intermediate SCSI cable. This cable connects the
external CD-ROM or tape drive.
• For Meridian 1, you require two cables to complete the
connection between the 201i server and the SCSI device:
30 Avaya CallPilot® 201i Server Hardware InstallationDecember 2010
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