While reasonable efforts were made to ensure that the information in this
document was complete and accurate at the time of printing, Avaya Inc.
can assume no liability for any errors. Changes and corrections to the
information in this document may be incorporated in future releases.
Preventing toll fraud
"Toll fraud" is the unauthorized use of your telecommunications system
by an unauthorized party (for example, anyone who is not a corporate
employee, agent, subcontractor, or person working on your company's
behalf). Be aware that there may be a risk of toll fraud associated with
your system and that, if toll fraud occurs, it can result in substantial
additional charges for your telecommunications services.
Avaya fraud intervention
If you suspect that you are being victimized by toll fraud and you need
technical assistance or support, call Technical Service Center Toll Fraud
Intervention Hotline at +1-800-643-2353 for the United States and
Canada. For additional support telephone numbers, see the Avaya Web
Select Support, then select Escalation Lists. This Web site includes
telephone numbers for escalation within the United States. For escalation
telephone numbers outside the United States, select Global Escalation
Providing telecommunications security
Telecommunications security (of voice, data, and video communications)
is the prevention of any type of intrusion to (that is, either unauthorized or
malicious access to or use of) your company's telecommunications
equipment by some party.
Your company's "telecommunications equipment" includes both this
Avaya product and any other voice/data/video equipment that could be
accessed via this Avaya product (that is, "networked equipment").
An "outside party" is anyone who is not a corporate employee, agent,
subcontractor, or person working on your company's behalf. Whereas, a
"malicious party" is anyone (including someone who may be otherwise
authorized) who accesses your telecommunications equipment with
either malicious or mischievous intent.
Such intrusions may be either to/through synchronous (time-multiplexed
and/or circuit-based) or asynchronous (character-, message-, or
packet-based) equipment or interfaces for reasons of:
•Use (of capabilities special to the accessed equipment)
•Theft (such as, of intellectual property, financial assets, or
toll-facility access)
•Eavesdropping (privacy invasions to humans)
•Mischief (troubling, but apparently innocuous, tampering)
•Harm (such as harmful tampering, data loss or alteration,
regardless of motive or intent)
Be aware that there may be a risk of unauthorized intrusions associated
with your system and/or its networked equipment. Also realize that, if
such an intrusion should occur, it could result in a variety of losses to your
company (including, but not limited to, human and data privacy,
intellectual property, material assets, financial resources, labor costs, and
legal costs).
Your responsibility for your company's telecommunications
The final responsibility for securing both this system and its networked
equipment rests with you, an Avaya customer's system administrator,
your telecommunications peers, and your managers. Base the fulfillment
of your responsibility on acquired knowledge and resources from a
variety of sources, including, but not limited to:
•Installation documents
•System administration documents
•Security documents
•Hardware-/software-based security tools
•Shared information between you and your peers
•Telecommunications security experts
To prevent intrusions to your telecommunications equipment, you and
your peers should carefully program and configure:
•Your Avaya-provided telecommunications systems and their
•Your Avaya-provided software applications, as well as their
underlying hardware/software platforms and interfaces
•Any other equipment networked to your Avaya products.
Warra nty
Avaya Inc. provides a limited warranty on this product. Refer to your
sales agreement to establish the terms of the limited warranty. In
addition, Avaya’s standard warranty language, as well as information
regarding support for this product, while under warranty, is available
through the following Web site:
Link disclaimer
Avaya Inc. is not responsible for the contents or reliability of any linked
Web sites and does not necessarily endorse the products, services, or
information described or offered within them. We cannot guarantee that
these links will work all of the time and we have no control over the
availability of the linked pages.
Avaya is a trademark of Avaya Inc.
All trademarks identified by the
trademarks, respectively, of Avaya Inc. All other trademarks are the
property of their respective owners.
or ™ are registered trademarks or
Avaya support
Avaya provides a telephone number for you to use to report problems or
to ask questions about your contact center. The support telephone
number is 1-800-242-2121 in the United States. For additional support
telephone numbers, see the Avaya Web site:
Select Support, then select Escalation Lists. This Web site includes
telephone numbers for escalation within the United States. For escalation
telephone numbers outside the United States, select Global Escalation
To comment on this document, send e-mail to crminfodev@avaya.com
This document was written by the CRM Information Development group.
Avaya Call Management System (CMS) Release 12 Sun Enterprise 3500 Computer CMS
Upgrade Express (CUE) is written for technicians who are upgrading an Enterprise 3500
computer from CMS R3V6, R3V8, R3V9, R3V11, or R12 to CMS R12.
Note:CUE cannot be used to upgrade a Sun SPARCserver, Ultra 5, or
Enterprise 3000 computer to R12. You must follow the procedures found in
Avaya CMS Release 3 Version 11 Platform Upgrade and Data Migration to
upgrade to CMS R12.
Related documents
The following table lists sources for additional information about the Enterprise 3500
computer. To order any of these documents, call the Publications Center
at 1-800-457-1235 (United States and Canada) or +1-207-866-6701 (outside the United
States and Canada).
Avaya CMS Sun Enterprise 3500 Computer Hardware Installation, Maintenance,
and Troubleshooting
Avaya CMS Sun Enterprise 3500 Computer Connectivity Diagram585-215-877
Issue 1.0 December 20035
If you need assistance with a problem, use the support information and help lines
presented below.
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
For solutions to common problems, customers and Avaya technicians can access
technical support FAQs at:
Select Support > Call Center/CRM and select the product for which you need support.
Please check this information before you call in a trouble ticket. Doing so could save you
time and money.
Customer support for the United States
Customers can report problems and generate trouble tickets by calling:
The customer is prompted to identify the type of problem (that is, Automatic Call
Distribution, hardware, or Avaya CMS) and is then connected to the appropriate service
Technician support for the United States
Avaya technicians can receive help by calling:
Customer and technician support outside the United States
For customer and technician support outside the United States, see the Avaya Web site:
Select Support > Escalation Lists. For escalation telephone numbers outside the United
States, select Global Escalation List.
Before you begin a CUE upgrade, use the following checklist of topics to prepare for the
Verifying that the customer has prepared their system for an upgrade
Required documentation
Remote support
Trouble escalation
Switch compatibility
Hardware additions
Software considerations
Customization issues
Disk mirroring
Parts list
Checking for printer requests and large mail files
Checking for ACD 1
Checking for a symbolic link between /etc/hosts and /etc/inet/hosts
on page 11
on page 8
on page 8
on page 11
on page 8
on page 9
on page 9
on page 10
on page 10
on page 12
on page 13
on page 8
on page 14
Issue 1.0 December 20037
Preparing for the upgrade
Verifying that the customer has prepared their
system for an upgrade
Before a CUE upgrade begins, maintenance backups and a CMSADM backup must be
done by the customer. If the customer has not done these backups, the upgrade cannot
begin. Refer the customer to Avaya Call Management System (CMS) Release 12 CMS Upgrade Express (CUE) Customer Requirements. Verify that the backups have been done
as described in the Customer Requirements document before you begin the upgrade.
Required documentation
The site technician must have a copy of these instructions before beginning the upgrade.
Remote support
All upgrade procedures are done at the customer site. However, when the upgrade is
being supported by remote personnel, such as CMS Provisioning, the system commands
used in this document should be done by the remote personnel so that they can monitor
the progress of the upgrade. Run the commands from the local console only when
instructed to do so, or when there is no remote support.
Trouble escalation
If problems occur during the upgrade procedure:
1. Escalate the problem through normal channels.
2. Inspect the upgrade log file that is located at /var/log/cvuelog.
3. If the problem persists, shut down the system, reinstall the customer’s old disk
configuration, and bring the system back up under the old CMS load.
CMS R12 does not support R7 and earlier switches. When upgrading to CMS R12, the
switch must be at least R8 or later. If the current switch is administered in CMS as R7 or
earlier, the upgrade extract tool will recognize this incompatibility and require you to select
a newer switch model before the upgrade can continue.
CMS R12 does not support X.25 switch links. The upgrade extract tool will recognize this
incompatibility and require you to enter a host name or IP address and TCP port before the
upgrade can continue. Determine the host name or IP address and TCP port before you
begin the upgrade.
Note:If the host name or IP address and TCP port information is not known during
the CUE upgrade, you can enter fictitious information to get through the
upgrade, but the switch links will not become active until you go back and
update the switch setup information with accurate information.
Switch compatibility
Hardware additions
Avoid hardware additions whenever possible during an upgrade. For example, if the
customer wants to increase the amount of RAM that is in the computer, add it only after
verifying that the upgrade was successful. Install the RAM as described in the
maintenance and troubleshooting document for the computer.
Issue 1.0 December 20039
Preparing for the upgrade
Software considerations
In addition to the standard set of software installed during a CUE upgrade, the customer
may also purchase the latest version of the Informix SQL software. You must confirm
whether the customer has purchased this software so you can properly answer questions
during the extract process. See the SAP order to verify this information.
The customer may also purchase the latest version of the Open Database Connectivity
(ODBC) software. You must confirm whether the customer has purchased this software so
you can properly answer questions during the extract process. See the SAP order to verify
this information.
Whether or not the customer has purchased Visual Vectors server software, it will be
installed during the upgrade. Any existing layout files will be saved during the upgrade.
Customization issues
If the customer’s CMS computer has third-party software or customization that was added
to the standard set of CMS-related software, such as pseudo-ACDs, those software
packages and customizations are not preserved by the upgrade process. The customer or
PSO must collect, reinstall, recompile, and reconfigure any non-standard CMS software
after the upgrade is completed and approved.
The customer data copied during the upgrade procedure includes information such as the
● License information
● User login IDs and passwords
● System name and IP address
● Serial printer administration
● CMS administration, setup, and authorizations
For a complete list of the files copied during the upgrade, see the /var/log/cvuelog file
after the upgrade is complete. A copy of the old system’s /etc/vfstab file is saved in the cvuelog file.
The CUE process can be used to automatically add disk mirroring to a nonmirrored
system. However, the CUE upgrade kit used with the procedures in this document cannot
be used to add mirroring to the system.
If the customer has purchased additional disk drives for the purpose of adding mirroring
independent of the CUE process, you must first upgrade the computer using the CUE
nonmirrored upgrade process before you manually add mirroring to the system.
Important:During the CUE upgrade, do not insert any disks that were not part of the
CUE kit.
After you have completed the CUE nonmirrored upgrade process, use the instructions
given in CMS R12 Software Installation, Maintenance, and Troubleshooting, 585-215-117,
to add mirroring to the system.
Disk mirroring
Parts list
The following parts are delivered to the customer’s site:
● One boot disk drive (labeled “Boot Disk - Slot 0”)
● Optionally, up to three blank formatted data disk drives which will become the additional
data disk drives
● The following blank tapes (only one is used for the upgrade):
● Upgrade tool CD-ROM
● Blank labels that are used to label the old disk drive configuration
● A complete set of system software on CD-ROM, including:
The quantity of optional data disks depends on how many the customer ordered.
- One 170-meter, 8-millimeter, Mammoth blank tape
- One DDS4, 20/40-GB, 4-millimeter blank tape
- R12 CMS
- R12 Supplemental Services
- Solaris 9 Upgrade
- Informix IDS
Issue 1.0 December 200311
Preparing for the upgrade
- Informix ILS
- Informix SQL (optional)
- Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) (optional)
- Hardware Drivers
- Visual Vectors Server
- Call Center 2.0 and CMS R12 Documentation Library
Important:The release numbers on the upgrade tool CD-ROM and the CMS software
CD-ROM must match the release numbers that are labeled on the new boot
disk drives. If the release numbers do not match, escalate through normal
channels. The following table shows an example of how the CD-ROMs and
disks are labeled.
Upgrade tool CD-ROMCMS CD-ROMBoot disk drives
For r3v12ad.d
Load: r3v12ad.dComcode XXXXXXXXX
R12 - Issue 1.0
For CMS r3v12ad.d
Use CUE v12cue1d.1
Boot Disk
Checking for printer requests and large mail files
The upgrade extract process first copies the files that are being migrated to the
/var/tmp/new directory for the new system, then copies the files to tape. If the system
does not have enough disk space to create this first copy to /var/tmp/new, the system
may run out of space and the extract will fail.
Before you continue with the upgrade, check the following directories for old print requests
and large, unneeded mail files that may be taking up space:
The upgrade tool cannot upgrade a system where ACD 1 is not administered.
To determine if the system does not have ACD 1 administered:
1. Log on to CMS.
2. Select System Setup > Switch Setup > List All to display a list of the administered
ACDs. This list will show if ACD 1 is not administered.
3. To add temporary ACD 1:
a. Enter:
b. Select the number that corresponds to the acd_create option.
This adds the first unassigned ACD, which will be ACD 1.
c. Enter the switch name and switch model, enable vectoring, enable disconnect
supervision, and enter 1 for the local port and enter 1 for the remote port.
Checking for ACD 1
d. When you select a link device, use either TCP/IP with an invalid IP address, or use
X.25 and select one of the loopback links. Since the ACD is deleted after the
upgrade, it is acceptable to assign an invalid IP address or loopback link.
e. For the remaining options, use the defaults or minimum values.
Issue 1.0 December 200313
Preparing for the upgrade
Checking for a symbolic link between /etc/hosts and
If the CUE extract process detects a unique /etc/hosts file and a unique
/etc/inet/hosts file, the process cannot merge the differences between the two
"hosts" files. The /etc/hosts file must be a symbolic link to /etc/inet/hosts.
To determine if the /etc/hosts file is a symbolic link to the /etc/inet/hosts file:
1. Enter:
ls -l /etc/hosts
A message similar to the following should be displayed:
lrwxrwxrwx1 rootroot12 Feb 232002 /etc/hosts -> ./inet/hosts
2. Do one of the following:
● If a symbolic link for /etc/hosts to ./inet/hosts is displayed (similar to what is
shown above), continue with Extracting the customer’s administration and
options on page 17.
● If the system does not display a symbolic link for /etc/hosts to ./inet/hosts
and the system is operating properly, continue with Step 3.
3. Enter:
ifconfig -a
A message similar to the following is displayed:
hme0: flags=1000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 1500 index 2
Checking for a symbolic link between /etc/hosts and /etc/inet/hosts
5. Compare the host network information from the /etc/hosts file to the output of the
network information displayed with the ifconfig command. If the host IP addresses
match (as highlighted in the above examples), the /etc/hosts file is probably the
correct hosts file. However, since multiple administrators may have independently
modified either file, both files could contain important information.
After the CUE copy process, you will need to ensure that the /etc/hosts file and
symbolic link are restored to their proper state. Inform the customer that two
independent hosts files exist on the original system. Let the customer know that both
files will be preserved, but that the customer is responsible for merging any relevant
information into the /etc/inet/hosts file after the upgrade.
The /etc/hosts file from the original system will be preserved as
/manual_merge/etc/hosts on the new system. The /etc/inet/hosts file from
the original system will be preserved as /etc/inet/hosts on the new system.
Instructions for moving the /etc/inet/hosts file to /etc/inet/hosts.orig are
provided later in this document.
Extracting the customer’s administration and
To minimize the time that the system is out of service during the upgrade, you can extract
the customer’s administration and options while the system is operating, but do not allow
the customer to make any administration changes once the extract process begins.
Important:If the upgrade is being supported by remote personnel, such as CMS
Provisioning, stop here and contact the provisioning group. When the
upgrade is being supported by remote personnel, the system commands in
this section are for use by remote personnel to monitor the progress of the
upgrade. Run the commands from the local console only when instructed to
do so, or when there is no remote support.
To extract the customer’s administration and options:
1. For the tape being used with the upgrade, check for the following:
● Make sure that you are using the correct tape.
● Make sure that the tape is not write-protected.
2. Label the blank tape “Upgrade Extract,” and insert the tape into the tape drive.
Important:If the system has more than one tape drive, the upgrade program defaults to
the tape drive that has a tape installed and that has the lowest SCSI ID. To
help prevent using the wrong tape drive, remove the tapes from any other
tape drives.
3. Note the original position of the key switch. You must return the key switch to this
original position later during the upgrade.
Issue 1.0 December 200317
Extracting the customer’s administration and options
4. If the key switch is in the “Locked” or “Diagnostics” position, move the key switch to the
vertical “On” position. See the following figure.
5. Log on as root.
6. Enter:
cd /
7. Load the upgrade tool CD-ROM.
The File Manager window may open. Click the cursor in an XTERM window.
8. After waiting about 15 seconds, enter mount to verify that the CD-ROM is detected.
A list of devices and file systems that are currently mounted is displayed. The final line
should show something similar to the following:
/cdrom/r12cue on /vol/dev/dsk/cNt6d0/r12cue read only/XX/XX/XX on
<time stamp>
9. Enter the following commands:
cd /cdrom/cdrom0
The extract process begins. A message similar to the following is displayed:
Using /var/tmp/new as temporary directory.
Current CMS Version is : r3vNNxx.x
Checking for valid platform (get_server_platform)
10. The extract process first verifies whether the platform you are upgrading is supported
by CMS R12. One of the following occurs:
● If the platform is supported for CUE upgrades, the following message is displayed
and the process continues with Step 11.
Your system is a(n) Platform_Type. This platform is
supported by CMS R12.
● If the platform is not supported, a message similar to the following is displayed. You
cannot continue with the CUE upgrade:
Your system is <a(n) Platform_Type or not supported>. This platform
is no longer supported by CMS R12. Please read the message that
follows ...
You have chosen to upgrade to CMS R12 from a CMS platform no longer
supported by CMS R12. Please consult the Avaya CMS R3V11 Platform
Upgrade and Data Migration manual for instructions on migrating data
from unsupported CMS platforms.
Exiting CMS Upgrade Express ...
11. The extract process then verifies whether the CMS load you are upgrading from can
be upgraded to CMS R12 using CUE. One of the following occurs:
● If the CMS load is supported for CUE upgrades, the following message is displayed
and the process continues with Step 12.
Continuing with CMS Upgrade Express ...
● If the CMS load is not supported, a message similar to the following is displayed and
you cannot continue with the CUE upgrade:
You have chosen to upgrade to CMS R12 from a CMS version no longer
supported by CUE.Please consult the Avaya CMS R3V11 Platform
Upgrade and Data Migration manual for instructions on migrating
data from unsupported CMS versions.
Exiting CMS Upgrade Express ...
Issue 1.0 December 200319
Extracting the customer’s administration and options
12. The following message about supported tape drives is displayed:
##### WARNING #####
Only the following tape drives will be supported in CMS R12:
You must use a supported tape drive to continue with the CUE
Please enter (q) to quit, any other key to continue:
13. Do one of the following:
● If the tape drive you are using is not supported, press q. Restart the extract process
after installing a supported tape drive.
● If the tape drive you are using is supported, press Enter to continue.
Tip:If you want to track the progress of the extract from a different XTERM
window, or from a remote or local terminal, use the following command:
tail -f /var/tmp/new/var/log/cvuelog
14. The extract process next checks the tape and the tape drive to determine if the tape is
defective, write-protected, or not compatible with the tape drive. The following
message is displayed:
Testing tape on /dev/rmt/N..
15. One of the following occurs:
● If the tape and tape drive are operational, no error messages are displayed and the
extract continues with Step 16.
● If the tape or tape drive are not operational, messages similar to the following are
tar: /dev/rmt/N: Permission denied
Tape test failed!! Could not write and then read a file
from the tape at /dev/rmt/N.
Check the following items for possible problems:
Verify the tape is not write-protected
Verify the correct type of tape is in the tape drive
Verify the tape is not defective
/cvue_extract[982]:TAPETESTFAILED:not found
Make sure the tape is not write-protected and is the correct tape for the tape drive.
Try cleaning the tape drive or using a different tape and start over with Step 1.
17. The extract process next checks to see if ACD 1 is administered. One of the following
● If error messages are not displayed, ACD 1 is administered, and the extract
continues with Step 18.
● If the following error messages are displayed, ACD 1 is not administered, and you
must temporarily add ACD 1:
ACD 1 is currently administered as a skipped ACD.
CUE cannot upgrade when ACD 1 is a skipped ACD.
Please run cmsadm, add a temporary ACD 1, then run
“./cvue_extract” again.
To add temporary ACD 1:
i. Enter:
ii. Select the number that corresponds to the acd_create option.
This adds the first unassigned ACD, which will be ACD 1.
iii. Enter the switch name and switch model, enable vectoring, enable disconnect
supervision, and enter 1 for the local port and enter 1 for the remote port.
iv. When you select a link device, use either TCP/IP with an invalid IP address, or
use X.25 and select one of the loopback links. Since the ACD is deleted after the
upgrade, it is acceptable to assign an invalid IP address or loopback link.
v. For the remaining options, use the defaults or minimum values.
vi. Return to Step 9 and start the extract process again.
Issue 1.0 December 200321
Extracting the customer’s administration and options
18. CMS R12 supports switch releases R8 and later, so the switches (ACDs) may need to
be upgraded when the CMS is upgraded to R12. The extract process checks each
ACD to see if any of them are administered with a switch model of R7 or earlier. One of
the following occurs:
● If all of the ACDs are supported by R12, the extract continues with Step 20.
● If any ACD is administered using an unsupported switch model, the following
messages are displayed and the extract continues with Step 19:
The switch release Definity-<release> administered for <acd_name>
(ACD <acd number>) is no longer supported.
Select the model of switch for this ACD:
1) Definity-R8
2) Definity-R9/R10
3) MultiVantage R1
4) Communication Mgr R2
Enter choice (1-4, or q to quit):
19. Enter the upgraded switch model for the ACD. One of the following occurs:
● If another ACD is administered using an unsupported switch model, the extract
returns to Step 18.
● If no other ACDs are administered using an unsupported switch model, the extract
continues with Step 20.
20. CMS R12 supports switch links that use TCP/IP only (CMS R12 does not support X.25
links), so the switch link may need to be upgraded when the CMS is upgraded to R12.
The extract process next checks to see if any ACD switch links use X.25. One of the
following occurs:
● If no ACDs use X.25 for the switch link, the extract continues with Step 26.
● If any ACD uses an X.25 switch link, the following messages are displayed and the
extract continues with Step 21:
Check switch connections (check_x25_con)
CMS R12 no longer supports X.25 as a valid switch connection.
ACD <acd_name> (ACD <acd number>) is linked via X.25 but now
requires a TCP/IP connection. Please provide TCP/IP information
in the prompts that follow:
Enter switch host name or IP Address or q to quit: