Replacement Product
Business Ethernet Switch
50FE-24T PWR
Ethernet Routing Switch
50GE-12T PWR
Business Ethernet Switch
50GE-24T PWR
Ethernet Routing Switch
End of Sale Notice
Notification Date: 21-June-2010
Effective Date: 21-June-2010
Subject: Business Ethernet Switch 50-12T PWR
Theatre/Region: Global
Effective 21-June-2010 the Business Ethernet Switch 50-12T PWR model of the Business
Ethernet Switch 50 series is no longer for sale and moves to the Manufacturer Support lifecycle of
End of Sales due to stock depletion.
Discontinued Order Codes and Migration Strategy
Discontinued Codes
Migration Strategy
It is recommended that customers seeking to purchase the BES50F E-12T PWR switch now
purchase the BES50FE-24T PWR or Ethernet Routing Switch 2526T-PWR switch, effective
Customers should review their purchase of BES50 products and plan to purchase the appropriate
replacement Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch product, the ERS2500 series switches:
Business Ethernet Switch
Business Ethernet Switch
NOTE: The seventh '?' character of the switch order code must be replaced with the proper code
(A thru F) for product nationalization power cord type.
NT5S00A?E6 Ethernet Routing Switch
NT5S00M?E6 Ethernet Routing Switch

End of Sale Date (last day to order new systems)
End of Manufacturer Support for HARDWARE *
Targeted End of Services Support**
* Per Avaya Product Lifecycle Policy
**Avaya Services may revise the Target End of Services Support date based on the availability of quality repair parts
and/or technical support expertise. Customers should always consult any available product Services Support
Notices for final information on product supportability.
Service and Warranty
Avaya will continue to honor previousl y executed enhanced warrant y, post-warranty and service
contracts in accordance with the terms of those agreem ents. Avaya is not responsible for any
support or maintenance commitments made by Business Partners or other service providers.
Additional informat ion conc erning A va ya Services c an be found on t he
Web site
Services Offer Inf orm ation
Additional Information
Avaya website:
Avaya End-of-Sale Notices:
Avaya Product Lifecycle Policy:
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