Avaya Business Communications Manager - Contact Center User Manual

Reporting for Contact Center – Reports Explained
Contact Center
Document Number: NN40040-601 Document Status: Standard Document Version: 02.01 Date: September 2009
Copyright © 2008-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.
The information in this document is subject to change without notice. The statements, configurations, technical data, and recommendations in this document are believed to be accurate and reliable, but are presented without express or implied warranty. Users must take full responsibility for their applications of any products specified in this document. The information in this document is proprietary to Nortel Networks.
*Nortel, Nortel (Logo), the Globemark, and This is the way, This is Nortel (Design mark) are trademarks of Nortel Networks.
*Microsoft, MS, MS-DOS, Windows, and Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Table of Contents
List of Figures.....................................................................................5
List of Tables......................................................................................7
How to Use this Guide .......................................................................9
How this Guide is Organized..................................................................................9
How to get Help......................................................................................................9
Getting Help from the Nortel Web site ..............................................................9
Getting Help over the phone from a Nortel Solutions Center..........................10
Getting Help through a Nortel distributor or reseller .......................................10
Table of Contents 3
Introduction ......................................................................................
Fundamental Concepts........................................................................................11
Legacy Reports...............................................................................................11
In-Progress Calls.............................................................................................11
Report Periods ................................................................................................12
Skillset Selection.............................................................................................12
Public Switched Telephone Network Call (PSTN) and Multimedia Calls........12
Direct Calls......................................................................................................13
Indirect Calls....................................................................................................13
Calls and Transactions....................................................................................13
Transactions and Direct and Indirect Calls .....................................................13
Contact Center Transactions ..........................................................................13
Non-Contact Center Transactions...................................................................13
Report Concepts...................................................................................................14
Report Headers...............................................................................................14
Report Viewer menu bar and toolbar..............................................................14
Reports Explained............................................................................
Explanation of Terms Used within Reporting for Contact Center ........................30
Report Definitions............................................................................................30
Agent Definitions.............................................................................................35
Agent Activity by Agent ...................................................................................37
Agent Activity by Agent (Legacy)....................................................................44
Agent Audit by Agent.......................................................................................50
Agent Audit by Agent (Legacy) .......................................................................53
Agent Average by Agent .................................................................................56
Agent Average by Agent (Legacy)..................................................................63
Agent Capacity by Skillset...............................................................................70
Agent Profile by Agent.....................................................................................73
Agent Profile by Agent (Legacy) .....................................................................80
Call Breakdown by Agent................................................................................86
Abandoned Calls by Skillset............................................................................90
Reporting for Contact Center – Reports Explained
4 Table of Contents
Abandoned CLID/DNIS...................................................................................93
Answered Calls by Skillset..............................................................................96
Answered CLID/DNIS....................................................................................100
Call Average by Skillset.................................................................................103
Call Profile.....................................................................................................106
Incoming Call by Skillset ...............................................................................111
Summary report.............................................................................................117
Activity Code by Agent..................................................................................127
Activity Code by Pegs ...................................................................................130
Activity Code by Skillset................................................................................133
Help Request by Supervisor .........................................................................136
Supervisor Monitor by Agent.........................................................................139
System Configuration....................................................................................142
Unanswered Help Request by Agent............................................................144
Call Audit.......................................................................................................146
List of Figures 5

List of Figures

Figure 1: Example report header.................................................................................................................................14
Figure 2: Report Viewer menu bar and toolbar...........................................................................................................15
Figure 3: Raw Data report page...................................................................................................................................16
Figure 4: Save HTML Document dialog box..............................................................................................................17
Figure 5: Text Import Wizard – Step 1........................................................................................................................18
Figure 6: Text Import Wizard – Step 2........................................................................................................................19
Figure 7: Text Import Wizard – Step 3........................................................................................................................19
Figure 8: Microsoft Excel view of imported CSV report data.....................................................................................20
Figure 9: Report Explained Help Index page..............................................................................................................21
Figure 10: Page navigation controls............................................................................................................................22
Figure 11: Zoom control list box.................................................................................................................................22
Figure 12: Find Text controls......................................................................................................................................23
Figure 13: Report searched message box ....................................................................................................................23
Figure 14: Export Report select format list box...........................................................................................................23
Figure 15: Export Report link......................................................................................................................................24
Figure 16: File Download dialog box..........................................................................................................................24
Figure 17: Report Export Save As dialog box.............................................................................................................25
Figure 18: Download complete dialog box..................................................................................................................26
Figure 19: Exported report in Adobe PDF...................................................................................................................26
Figure 20: Print dialog box..........................................................................................................................................27
Figure 21: Agent Activity by Agent............................................................................................................................37
Figure 22: Agent Activity by Agent (Legacy).............................................................................................................44
Figure 23: Agent Audit by Agent................................................................................................................................50
Figure 24: Agent Audit by Agent (Legacy).................................................................................................................53
Figure 25: Agent Average by Agent............................................................................................................................56
Figure 26: Agent Average by Agent (Legacy) ............................................................................................................63
Figure 27: Agent Capacity by Skillset.........................................................................................................................70
Figure 28: Agent Profile by Agent ..............................................................................................................................73
Figure 29: Agent Profile by Agent (Legacy)...............................................................................................................80
Figure 30: Call Breakdown by Agent..........................................................................................................................86
Figure 31: Abandoned Calls by Skillset......................................................................................................................90
Figure 32: Abandoned Calls by Skillset graph............................................................................................................91
Figure 33: Abandoned CLID/DNIS.............................................................................................................................93
Figure 34: Answered Calls by Skillset ........................................................................................................................96
Figure 35: Answered Calls by Skillset graph ..............................................................................................................98
Figure 36: Answered CLID/DNIS.............................................................................................................................100
Figure 37: Call Average by Skillset...........................................................................................................................103
Figure 38: Call Profile...............................................................................................................................................106
Figure 39: Call Profile graph.....................................................................................................................................107
Figure 40: Incoming Call by Skillset.........................................................................................................................111
Figure 41: Incoming Call by Skillset graph...............................................................................................................112
Figure 42: Summary report........................................................................................................................................117
Figure 43: Summary report graph – Presented Calls.................................................................................................118
Figure 44: Summary report graph – Presented Calls Answered................................................................................119
Figure 45: Summary report graph – Presented Calls Abandoned..............................................................................120
Figure 46: Summary report graph – Presented Calls Handled in Another Skillset....................................................121
Figure 47: Summary report graph – Service Level %...............................................................................................122
Figure 48: Activity Code by Agent............................................................................................................................127
Figure 49: Activity Code by Pegs..............................................................................................................................130
Figure 50: Activity Code by Skillset .........................................................................................................................133
Figure 51: Help Request by Supervisor.....................................................................................................................136
Figure 52: Supervisor Monitor by Agent...................................................................................................................139
Figure 53: System Configuration...............................................................................................................................142
Reporting for Contact Center – Reports Explained
6 List of Figures
Figure 54: Unanswered Help Request by Agent........................................................................................................144
Figure 55: Call Audit.................................................................................................................................................146
Figure 56: Call Audit report check box.....................................................................................................................147
Figure 57: Call Audit Search by Call Criteria page...................................................................................................148
Figure 58: Call Audit Search Results page................................................................................................................149

List of Tables

Table 1: Abbreviations for Formula Descriptions.......................................................................................................30
Reporting for Contact Center – Reports Explained
8 List of Tables

How to Use this Guide



This guide is designed to explain reports and the statistics they contain related to various call treatments and sequences of actions relating to calls.

How this Guide is Organized

The Reporting for Contact Center – Reports Explained guide is organized as follows:
How to Use this Guide Provides a brief overview of the organization of this guide. Introduction Gives a background of the reports contained in the
Reporting for Contact Center application.
Reports Explained Describes each report, with examples of suggested usage,
frequently asked questions, a description of the fields within the report, and the formulas used to derive the values displayed in the fields.
References Lists documents referenced in the body of this guide. Index Provides a cross-reference of topics in this guide.

How to get Help

This section explains how to get help for Nortel products and services.

Getting Help from the Nortel Web site

The best source of support for Nortel products is the Nortel Support Web site:
This site enables customers to:
Download software and related tools
Download technical documents, release notes, and product bulletins
Sign up for automatic notification of new software and documentation
Search the Support Web site and Nortel Knowledge Base
Open and manage technical support cases
Reporting for Contact Center – Reports Explained
10 How to Use this Guide

Getting Help over the phone from a Nortel Solutions Center

If you have a Nortel support contract and cannot find the information you require on the Nortel Support Web site, you can get help over the phone from a Nortel Solutions Center. In North America, call 1-800-4NORTEL (1-800-466-7835). Outside North America, go to the following Web site and look up the phone number that applies to your region:
When you speak to the phone agent, you can reference an Express Routing Code (ERC) to route your call more quickly to the appropriate support specialist. To locate the ERC for your product or service, go to:

Getting Help through a Nortel distributor or reseller

If you purchased a service contract for your Nortel product from a distributor or authorized reseller, you can contact the technical support staff for that distributor or reseller.



Fundamental Concepts

This chapter details the concepts fundamental to understanding the background of the reports in the Reporting for Contact Center application.

Legacy Reports

There are four legacy reports to view historical data prior to an upgrade from Reporting for Contact Center 2.4 (RCC 2.4). These reports are as follows:
Agent Activity by Agent (Legacy)
Agent Audit by Agent (Legacy)
Agent Average by Agent (Legacy)
Agent Profile by Agent (Legacy)
The legacy reports are scaled down versions of the Agent Activity by Agent, Agent Average by Agent, and the Agent Profile by Agent report to use the data available. The basic logic of the legacy reports will remain the same; the difference will be in the removal of the following report fields:
Not Available
All Calls Held
You will not be able to directly select the Legacy reports, they will be generated automatically. Should you try to generate an Agent Activity by Agent, Agent Audit by Agent, Agent Average by Agent or Agent Profile by Agent report and the report period is before the upgrade from RCC
2.4, you will be presented with a Legacy report. For example, if the upgrade occurred on 12 February 2008 and the Agent Average by Agent report is generated for 1st January 2008 to 31st January the Agent Average by Agent (Legacy) report will be generated. Should the time period span the upgrade date, that is, 1st February 2008 to 29th February 2008, two reports will be generated: one Legacy report up to 12th February, and one report from 13th February to the 29th February. Any time period after the upgrade will simply generate the normal Agent Average by Agent report.

In-Progress Calls

The reports display only information about calls that are completed at the time the report is requested. That is, in-progress calls do not feature in any of the reports. That means any calls that arrive in the system will only be counted in the reports if the report period selected encompasses the entire duration of the call, that is, the call must enter the system after the From Date and From Time and end before the End Date and End Time of the report.
Reporting for Contact Center – Reports Explained
For example, a call arrives at 07:55 to the Skillset queue and remains for 6 minutes before it is answered by an agent at 08:01. The agent has 4 minutes of talk time before ending the call at 08:05. If you generate a report from 08:00 to 12:00 no part of this call will be shown in the report (that is, it will not be shown as a presented call and an answered transaction). To see this call you will have to generate that report for the entire period of the call which would be 07:55 to 08:05.
This applies to the following reports:
Agent Activity by Agent
Agent Activity by Agent (Legacy)
Agent Average by Agent
Agent Average by Agent (Legacy)
Agent Profile by Agent
Agent Profile by Agent (Legacy)
Abandoned Calls by Skillset
Abandoned CLID/DNIS
Answered Calls by Skillset
Answered CLID/DNIS
Call Average by Skillset
Call Profile
Incoming Call by Skillset

Report Periods

Manually generated reports can be produced for any elapsed period of time, up to a year in length. For example, a report that covers the period from 12:00 p.m. Tuesday to 16:15 p.m. Thursday can be produced.
The pre-defined limitation on the time frame a manually generated report can include is a maximum of one year. The exception to this is the Agent Audit by Agent report which has a report period limitation of 24 hours.
Scheduled reports are limited to fixed durations: daily, weekly, or monthly.

Skillset Selection

Many reports allow the User to report on any combination of the Skillsets they are assigned.
They can report on a single Skillset, a combination of their assigned Skillsets, or all of their assigned Skillsets.

Public Switched Telephone Network Call (PSTN) and Multimedia Calls

Reporting for Contact Center reports on both normal PSTN voice calls and calls conducted through the Nortel Multimedia Contact Center.
Introduction 13

Direct Calls

Direct Calls are calls answered by the Skillset through the Lines Administration table in the CallPilot Manager. In layman terms, direct calls are th e number of calls a Contact Center handles. That is, a single call into the Contact Center generates a single Direct Call.

Indirect Calls

Every time a direct call is transferred between Skillsets, the call is counted as an Indirect Call. Therefore, a call to a Contact Center generates a single Direct Call and zero or more Indirect Calls.
Indirect Calls are those moved to a Skillset by means of the Move to Skillset Call Routing step or manually transferred to the Skillset Control Directory Number (CDN).

Calls and Transactions

The separate phases of call transfers are known as Transactions. A call can be transferred back and forth between Skillsets and Agents. A call can produce any number of Transactions.
For example, an incoming call into Skillset 1 that Agent 1 answers and retains until complete is a single transaction.
However, if Agent 1 transfers the call to Agent 2 or Skillset 2, then the call requires two transactions. This is the case whether Agent 2 is in the same Skillset as Agent 1 or in a different Skillset.
Tracking the separate transactions of a call results in a more accurate and understandable representation of the activity within a Contact Center.

Transactions and Direct and Indirect Calls

If an incoming Contact Center call requires a series of transactions within one CDN, the second and subsequent transactions do not affect the Direct and Indirect Call totals because these transactions are not new Incoming Calls.

Contact Center Transactions

A Contact Center Transaction belongs to a call that does not arrive directly at an Agent’s phone through Direct Inward Dialing (DID), Auto Attendant (AA), or Custom Call Routing (CCR) but rather through a Call that originated as a Contact Center Call.

Non-Contact Center Transactions

A non-Contact Center Transaction belongs to a call that arrives directly at an Agent’s phone through DID, AA, or CCR, for example.
Reporting for Contact Center – Reports Explained

Report Concepts

This part of the chapter provides information on the format of the reports and their usage.

Report Headers

Each report contains an information header that consists of some or all of the following:
Company Name Report Title Report Period: The start time and date and an end time and date of a report. Report Created: The time and date that the report was created Data Timestamp: The time and date the Contact Center generated the report data Skillsets: The Skillsets included in the report Agents: The Agents included in the report No. of Agents: The number of Agents included in the report
See Figure 1: Example report header.
Figure 1: Example report header

Report Viewer menu bar and toolbar

Screen-generated reports are displayed in the report viewer window. The report viewer has a menu bar and toolbar, as shown in Figure 2: Report Viewer menu bar
and toolbar. The menu bar and toolbar allow you to:
View a report as raw data Open the Reports Explained Help for a report
Introduction 15
Navigate through a multi-page report Zoom in or out of a report Perform a search within a report Export a report Print a report
Figure 2: Report Viewer menu bar and toolbar
View Raw Data (CSV)
Click the View Raw Data (CSV) link to open a new window containing all of the report data in comma separated view (CSV) format.
Figure 3: Raw Data report page shows an example of the
Agent Audit by Agent report in CSV format.
Reporting for Contact Center – Reports Explained
Figure 3: Raw Data report page
To save the raw report data click on the Save as File button at the bottom of the Raw Data report page. A Save HTML Document dialog box opens up as shown in Figure 4: Save HTML Document dialog box.
Introduction 17
Figure 4: Save HTML Document dialog box
Save the raw report data as a .txt file to a location of your choice. The raw report data in CSV format can be imported to Microsoft Excel by the following steps:
1. From Microsoft Excel open the saved raw report data .txt file. A Text Import Wizard
dialog box will open up, see
Figure 5: Text Import Wizard – Step 1.
Reporting for Contact Center – Reports Explained
Figure 5: Text Import Wizard – Step 1
2. From the Original data type options, select Delimited as the format of the saved raw
report data.
3. Click Next to display Step 2 of the Text Import Wizard.
Introduction 19
Figure 6: Text Import Wizard – Step 2
4. From the Delimiters options, select Comma as the delimiter of the raw report data.
5. Click Next to display Step 3 of the Text Import Wizard.
Figure 7: Text Import Wizard – Step 3
Reporting for Contact Center – Reports Explained
6. Each column of data can be manipulated by selecting a Column data format option or
leaving them as General.
7. Click Finish to complete the report data export to Microsoft Excel. The imported raw
report data in CSV format can be viewed and saved as a Microsoft Excel worksheet. See Figure 8: Microsoft Excel view of imported CSV report data.
Figure 8: Microsoft Excel view of imported CSV report data
Reports Explained Help
Click the Reports Explained – [Help] link to open a new window for the Online Help for that particular report.
The Online Help provides a summary, the logic, the report fields and formulas, and any FAQs on the report.
Introduction 21
Each Reports Explained – [Help] window displays a link in the top right-hand corner of the window, called Reports Explained – Help Index. Click this to view the Reports Explained Help Index page, see Figure 9: Report Explained Help Index page.
Figure 9: Report Explained Help Index page
The Reports Explained Help Index page allows the user to navigate to any other report explanation, as well as 3 sections to explain the usage of the Reports Explained Help, as follows:
Fundamental Concepts – This page provides the concepts fundamental to understanding
the background of the reports in the Reporting for Contact Center application.
Report Concepts – This page provides information on the format of the reports and their
Reporting for Contact Center – Reports Explained
Report Abbreviations and Terms – This page provides a breakdown to the report
explanations, an abbreviations table of data items used for the report field formulas, and report and agent definitions.
To navigate through a multi-page report use the navigation buttons on either side of the Current Page box, or manually enter a page number and press Enter. See Figure 10: Page navigation controls.
Figure 10: Page navigation controls
Note: All the page navigation buttons, including the Current Page box, will be disabled if the
report viewer is displaying a one page report.
From the Zoom list box select the preferred zoom level to view the report in. See Figure 11: Zoom control list box.
Figure 11: Zoom control list box
Find Text
To locate a string or phrase within the report perform the following:
1. In the Find Text box enter your search text, as shown in Figure 12: Find Text controls.
Introduction 23
Figure 12: Find Text controls
2. Click Find. The search text will be highlighted within the report.
3. Click Next to search for other instances of the search text. If all instances of your search
text in the report have been found a message box will be displayed informing you of this. See Figure 13: Report searched message box.
Figure 13: Report searched message box
Click OK.
4. You can restart the search from the beginning of the report again by clicking Find, or
enter a new search text in the Find Text box.
Note: Use Find Text to look for a specific Agent in a large Agent Activity by Agent report, or to locate a particular Calling Line Identification (CLID) in the Abandoned CLID/DNIS report, for example.
To export a report in Report Viewer perform the following:
1. From the Export Reports list box select Adobe (PDF) file or Excel format. See Figure
14: Export Report select format list box.
Figure 14: Export Report select format list box
Reporting for Contact Center – Reports Explained
2. Click Export, as shown in Figure 15: Export Report link, to start exporting the report.
Figure 15: Export Report link
3. The File Download dialog box will open. See Figure 16: File Download dialog box.
Click Open to open the file and go to step 6. Alternatively, click Save to save the file to a location of your choice and continue to step 4.
Figure 16: File Download dialog box
4. The Save As dialog box opens, see Figure 17: Report Export Save As dialog box. Select
the location to save the report to and click Save.
Introduction 25
Figure 17: Report Export Save As dialog bo x
5. When the report is being exported the Download complete dialog box will be displayed,
see Figure 18: Download complete dialog box. Click Open to view the exported report in the file format selected in Step 1.
Reporting for Contact Center – Reports Explained
Figure 18: Download complete dialog box
6. The exported report will open up in a new window. The following example, Figure 19:
Exported report in Adobe PDF, shows an exported report in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF).
Figure 19: Exported report in Adobe PDF
Introduction 27
To print the report displayed in the report viewer window perform the following:
1. Click the Print icon to open the Print dialog box, as shown in Figure 20: Print dialog
Figure 20: Print dialog box
2. This dialog box allows you to select a printer from the list of available printers. This is
the printer that will generate the report.
3. By clicking Properties you can specify settings, such as paper options, orientation, and
4. You can choose to print the whole report, or a range of pages and you can specify the
number of copies to print.
5. Click Preview to preview the report before it is printed.
6. Click OK to print the report as required.
Reporting for Contact Center – Reports Explained

Reports Explained



This chapter describes each report, frequently asked questions, a description of the fields within the report, and the formulas used to derive the values displayed in the fields. The chapter also includes examples of call reports. For each report, the following information is provided:
Provides a brief description of the intent of the report.
Provides a short description of the content logic of a report.
Provides Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and answers about the report.
Report Field
Provides a description of each of the fields in the report.
Table 1: Abbreviations for Formula Descriptions shows the abbreviations used in the formula descriptions.
Where applicable, the formula that is used to derive the information is included.
Reporting for Contact Center – Reports Explained
Reports Explained
Presented Calls Answered AnC CC Transactions Answered AnCT CC Transactions Answered by Agent AnCTA CC Transactions Answered by Voicemail AnCTVM CC Transactions Answered by Operator AnCTO CC Transactions Answered by Overflow Agent AnCTOA CC Transactions Answered by Non Agent AnCTNA CC Transactions Handled in Another Skillset AnCTAS Presented Calls Answered before the Primary Alert AnCLP Presented Calls Answered after the Primary Alert (before secondary) AnCGP Presented Calls Answered after Secondary Alert AnCS Presented Calls Handled in another Skillset AnCOS Presented Calls that Left Skillset Via Overflow LSSOT Presented Calls that Left Skillset Via Routing Table LSSRT Presented Calls Abandoned AbC Outgoing Calls Out Activity Code Pegs ACP Indirect Calls PreI Direct Calls PreD Presented Calls Pre Presented Calls Unstaffed UsC Presented Calls Disconnected Dis
Data Item Name Abbreviation
Table 1: Abbreviations for Formula Descriptions

Explanation of Terms Used within Reporting for Contact Center

This section describes terms used in Reporting for Contact Center reports or terms common in Contact Centers.

Report Definitions

This part of the section describes all the definitions used within the reports in Reporting for Contact Center.
Abandoned Call
An abandoned call is a Contact Center call that was terminated by the caller before they were connected to an agent or other endpoint like voicemail or operator for example.
Abandoned Time Bins
A series of six user-defined time intervals is used in the statistical analysis of Abandoned Calls. Nortel Reporting for Contact Center provides a report on the numbers and percentages of incoming calls abandoned within each of the intervals specified in the Abandoned Time Bins. A seventh Time Bin is also used, to gather information about all calls that are abandoned after the interval specified by the sixth user-defined Abandoned Time Bin.
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