PEC Code: 5335-030
COM Code: 408184562
Lucent Technologies
Bell Labs Innovations
UL Listed (UUMW) Flush-Mounted
Loudspeaker Enclosure for Use in Return
Air Ceiling Plenum Spaces
NOTE: Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., Category UUMW Material and construction permits use where ceiling
plenum is part of the air handling system.
A listed assembly requires that the enclosed loudspeaker is not exposed within the air handling plenum. Wiring,
and/or conduit enclosure entry fittings, and installation must comply with local codes. Many local codes require a separate enclosure assembly "tie-off" wire to be secured to the top of the ceiling cavity.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
- Ceiling tile hole: Cut an 8½" square hole using the support bridge as a template.
- Bend up the four horseshoe tabs on the support bridge.
- Position the support bridge on the tile and bend the eight locator tabs into the tile opening.
- Install the UL Listed metallic enclosure entry fitting to the knockout to accommodate quarter-inch
(plenum) cable, plenum whip, or plenum cable.
Step 5
- Install the enclosure to the bridge by orienting the four enclosure slots over the four horseshoe tabs of
the bridge.
Step 6
Step 7
- With pliers, twist the four horseshoe tabs on the bridge one-half turn, securing the enclosure to the bridge.
- Install the Speaker/Baffle assembly with the four supplied screws. (See illustration below).
Speaker/Baffle Assembly
Note: Four slots provided on each
enclosure to mate with four twist tabs on
support bridge eliminates need for screws.
Note: All cable splices and connections
to Speaker Transformer pigtails must be
made inside of Listed enclosure.
Compound knockouts provided for metallic UL Listed fittings for ½"
and ¾" plenum rated cable and plenum whip flex conduit.
Note: Use 22 AWG Shield, twisted pair
on all wire runs Com Code: 401882956.
Pec Code: 2734-SPK
Issue 1, October 1999
Specifications subject to change without notice.
© 1999 Bogen Communications Inc. All rights reserved.
Part No. 54-2029-01 Printed in USA 9910
Select Code: 701-000-103