Software Name: BCM Cartridges Library for BCM50 Release 6.0
Element Manager is a client-based management application designed to manage multiple
devices in the SMB Portfolio: BCM50 and SRG50
Management functions for a specific device (family) are provided by "plug-in
applications" which are part of the Business Element Manager. BCM-specific plug-in
applications are called cartridges. Through cartridges, which contain all the specifics for a
given version of a given device, Business Element Manager provides access to all
management functions pertaining to that device.
If Business Element Manager connects to a device that requires updated management
environment, the appropriate cartridge will be “pushed” from the device to user’s
computer in order to update the Business Element Manager.
This cartridge library provides a collection of BCM cartridges for fast and easy
installation to user’s computer.
Applicable H/W Platforms: Business Communications Manager 50 and
Survivable Remote Gateway 50
Applicable S/W Platforms: BCM50/SRG 6.0
Download instructions:
1) Locate Business Element Manager installation directory on your computer. The
latest default installation location is:
C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\.bcm\BEM\bin
2) Transfer cartridges to the following folder in the Business Element Manager
installation directory: \bin\registry\cartridges. Please note that cartridges are
.zip files and should not be unzipped in the cartridge directory.
Dependencies: the latest version of the Element Manager must be installed to ensure
support of all BCM parameters and applications.
Limitations: None
Operating System Supported:
Windows XP Professional SP3
Windows Vista Business, Ultimate, Enterprise SP2 32/64 bit
Windows Server 2003 Standard and Enterprise SP2
Windows 7 Professional, Ultimate and Enterprise 32/64 bit
Windows XP Professional SP2
Windows 2000 Professional SP4

System Requirements:
256Megs RAM Minimum
512Megs RAM Recommended
100Megs Available Disk Space
Notes: None