Avaya Bay Networks User Manual

Bay Networksâ Router Software Release Policy
With the release of BayRS Version 12.10, Bay Networks is introducing a new methodology for releasing Bay Networks routing software.
The goals of the new BayRS Release Policy are to:
capabilities at your discretion. Deliver new versions of BayRS on a consistent and predictable schedule.
Improve access to BayRS to enable more effective planning for major network software
upgrades. Make it easy for you to determine which software releases contain new functionality and
which consolidate software fixes.
The BayRS development process is now channeled into two separate, but parallel, development streams after a new Major Release:
One development path will ensure that stability is maintained with the then current Major
Release. A separate development path will provide new functionality beyond that found in the then
current Major Release.
Figure 1 provides a conceptual view of these two development paths:
Maintenance Release
Figure 1
BayRS Parallel Development Pro cess
Fixes ONLY
Feature Release
Fixes and Functionali ty
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There are now four distinct types of BayRS releases:
Ø A Major Release
(12.00, 13.00, etc.) Designated by a change in the number to the left of the decimal point. Provides a roll-up of all new features, functionality, and fixes or significant software architecture changes and enhancements introduced through the combination of Maintenance, Feature, and Revision Releases made since the most recent Major Release. No new features or functionality are introduced.
Ø A Maintenance Release
(12.01, 12.02, etc.) Designated by a change in the second number to the right of the decimal point. Provides a collection of software bug fixes for the then current Major Release. No new software or hardware features or functionality for either software or hardware is introduced beyond that already contained in the then current Major Release.
Ø A Feature Release (12.10, 12.20, etc.)
Designated by a change in the first number to the right of the decimal point. Provides new features and functions for software and/or hardware, and software bug fixes from corresponding Maintenance Releases.
Ø A Revision Release
(12.01 (Rev.4), etc.) Designated by a second decimal point followed by a number. A software bug fix or collection of software bug fixes integrated with any then currently supported Major Release, Feature Release, or Maintenance Release.
Major Releases
A Major Release of BayRS will occur approximately every 12 months and provide a stable and mature suite of features and functionality introduced since the prior Major Release, which you can integrate into your existing network with little or no disruption to your network operations.
A Major Release brings the two separate development streams into a single software baseline. It integrates the features and functionality found in the prior Major Release and the Feature Releases introduced since the then current Major Release, as well as any software bug fixes made by Maintenance and Revision Releases subsequent to the introduction of the then current Major Release. Therefore, a new Major Release will be equivalent, with respect to features, functions, and bug fixes, to the most recent Feature and Maintenance Releases.
To provide for a continuous and predictable stream of new software features and functionality, a new Feature Release will occur approximately at the time of a new Major Release. This Feature Release will introduce incremental features and functionality beyond that included in its then corresponding Major Release.
Under this new BayRS Release Policy, each Major Release will remain on the Bay Networks Price List for two years. Whenever a new Major Release occurs, the older of the two Major Releases then on the Bay Networks Price List will be removed.
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