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bottom of the page, and select Contact Avaya Support.
Other changes...........................................................................................................................................
Chapter 3: Introducing the VPN Gateway.........................................................................
User Rights and Group Membership.........................................................................................................
Adding a New User...................................................................................................................................
Adding Users through RADIUS........................................................................................................
Changing a Users Group Assignment......................................................................................................
Changing a Users Password.....................................................................................................................
Changing Your Own Password........................................................................................................
Changing Another Users Password.................................................................................................
Deleting a User.........................................................................................................................................
Chapter 8: Certificates and Client Authentication...........................................................
Generating and Submitting a CSR Using the CLI.....................................................................................
Adding Certificates to the AVG.................................................................................................................
Chapter 10: The Command Line Interface........................................................................
Connecting to the VPN Gateway..............................................................................................................
Establishing a Console Connection..................................................................................................
Establishing a Telnet Connection.....................................................................................................
Establishing a Connection Using SSH (Secure Shell).....................................................................
Accessing the AVG Cluster.......................................................................................................................
CLI vs. Setup.............................................................................................................................................
Command Line History and Editing..........................................................................................................
The Avaya VPN Gateway User Guide describes how to perform basic configuration and maintenance of
the Avaya VPN Gateway (AVG).
Who Should Use This Book
The Avaya VPN Gateway User Guide is intended for network installers and system
administrators engaged in configuring and maintaining a network. It assumes that you are
familiar with Ethernet concepts and IP addressing.
Related documentation
For full
software, see the following manuals:
documentation on installing and using the many features available in the VPN Gateway
• Avaya VPN Gateway Command Reference (NN46120-103). Describes each command
in detail. The commands are listed for each menu, according to the order they appear in
the Command Line Interface (CLI).
• Avaya VPN Gateway Application Guide for SSL Acceleration (NN46120-100). Provides
examples on how to configure Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Acceleration through the
• Avaya VPN Gateway CLI Application Guide (NN46120-101). Provides examples on how
to configure VPN deployment through the CLI.
• Avaya VPN Gateway BBI Application Guide (NN46120-102). Provides examples on how
to configure VPN deployment through the Browser-Based Interface (BBI).
• Avaya VPN Gateway User Guide (NN46120-104). Describes the initial setup procedure,
upgrades, operator user management, certificate management, troubleshooting and
other general operations that apply to both SSL Acceleration and VPN.
• Avaya VPN Gateway Administrator Guide (NN46120-105). VPN management guide
intended for end-customers in a Secure Service Partitioning configuration.
• Avaya VPN Gateway Configuration - Secure Portable Office Client (NN46120-301). Gives
the feature list and provides general information about Secure Portable Office (SPO)
based VPN client.
• Avaya VPN Gateway VMware Getting Started Guide (NN46120–302). Describes how to
install, configure, and deploy the Avaya VPN Gateway VMware appliances.
User GuideApril 2013 13
• Avaya VPN Gateway Release Notes (NN46120-400). Lists new features available in
version and provides up-to-date product information.
• Avaya VPN Gateway Troubleshooting Guide (NN46120-700). Describes the
prerequisites and various tools used to troubleshoot the Avaya VPN Gateway (AVG).
The preceding manuals are available for download (see Customer service on page 16).
Product Names
The software described in this manual runs on several different hardware models. Whenever
the generic
the following hardware models are implied:
• Avaya VPN Gateway 3050–VM (AVG 3050–VM)
• Avaya VPN Gateway 3070–VM (AVG 3070–VM)
• Avaya VPN Gateway 3090–VM (AVG 3090–VM)
Similarly, all references to the old product name – iSD-SSL or iSD – in commands or screen
outputs should be interpreted as applying to the preceding hardware models.
terms Avaya VPN Gateway, VPN gateway or AVG are used in the documentation,
Manufacturing of the Avaya SSL Accelerator (formerly Alteon SSL Accelerator) has been
How This Book Is Organized
The chapters in this book are organized as follows:
Users Guide
Introducing the VPN Gateway on page 21 provides an overview of the major features of the
VPN Gateway, including its physical layout and the basic concepts of its operation.
Introducing the ASA 310-FIPS on page 31
with HSM cards, as well as information about the available security modes and the concept of
iKey authentication.
Initial Setup on page 37 describes how to install the AVG in a new cluster, and how to add
AVG to an existing cluster. The chapter also provides information about the concept of AVG
clusters, as well as the usage and configuration of ports and networks within a cluster. A section
describing how to reinstall the software is also included.
provides information about the ASA 310 equipped
14 User GuideApril 2013
Comments? infodev@avaya.com
Upgrading the AVG Software on page 69 describes how to upgrade the AVG software for a
minor release upgrade, and a major release upgrade, as well as upgrading from software
versions earlier than to version 3.0.7.
Managing Users and Groups on page 75 describes the management of users, groups, and
passwords. The chapter also explains how the Administrator user role can be fully separated
from the Certificate Administrator user role.
Certificates and Client Authentication on page 87 describes how to generate and prepare
keys and certificates for use with the AVG.
The Command Line Interface on page 123 describes how to connect to the AVG and access
the information and configuration menus.
Troubleshooting the AVG on page 131 provides suggestions for troubleshooting basic
problems. Information about performing system diagnostics on the AVG is also included, as
well as some operations related to the ASA 310-FIPS model.
How This Book Is Organized
The appendices provide a list of ciphers supported in this product.
The SNMP Agent on page 163 provides information about the SNMP agent on the AVG, and
which MIBs (Management Information Bases) are supported.
Syslog Messages on page 171, contains a list of all syslog messages that can be sent to a
syslog server that is added to the AVG system configuration.
License Information on page 213 provides licensing information for the software used in this
HSM Security Policy on page 219 provides detailed information about the security policy of
the CryptoSwift® HSM card that comes installed in the ASA 310-FIPS.
Definition of Key Codes on page 239 provides information about how to compile a keycode
definition file to be used with the Terminal applet available on the Telnet/SSH tab (located
under the Portal's Advanced tab).
SSH host keys on page 243 provides information about the purpose of SSH host keys and
how they are used to protect the connection between the SSH client and the VPN Gateway.
Adding User Preferences Attribute to Active Directory on page 245 provides step-by-step
to support storage of Portal bookmarks in Active Directory.
Using the Port Forwarder API on page 255 provides instructions on how to perform the tasks
through the Avaya VPN Gateway (AVG) without the user having to start any applets from the
on how to add the User Preferences attribute to Active Directory. This is required
when using the Port Forwarder API. The Port Forwarder API is used to provide tunnels
User GuideApril 2013 15
Customer service
Visit the Avaya Web site to access the complete range of services and support that Avaya
provides. Go to http://www.avaya.com or go to one of the pages listed in the following
• Getting technical documentation on page 16
• Getting product training on page 16
• Getting help from a distributor or reseller on page 16
• Getting technical support from the Avaya Web site on page 16
Getting product training
Ongoing product
Web site at
contacts link on the left-hand navigation pane.
training is available. For more information or to register, you can access the
http://www.avaya.com/support. From this Web site, you can locate the Training
Getting help from a distributor or reseller
If you purchased a service contract for your Avaya product from a distributor or authorized
reseller, contact the technical support staff for that distributor or reseller for assistance.
Getting technical documentation
To download and print selected technical publications and release notes directly from the
Internet, go to http://www.avaya.com/support.
Getting technical support from the Avaya Web site
The easiest and most effective way to get technical support for Avaya products is from the
Avaya Technical Support Web site at
16 User GuideApril 2013
Comments? infodev@avaya.com
Chapter 2: New in this release
The following sections detail what’s new in Avaya VPN Gateway User Guide, (NN46120-104) Release
See the following sections for information about feature changes:
IPsec Two Factor authentication for Avaya VPN Gateway
Release 9.0 adds a two factor authentication method for authentication between servers and
clients. When assigning authentication servers, you have the option to specify a second
authentication server to use after the first one succeeds.
IPsec Two Factor authentication adds more robust security by using client certificate
authentication as first factor to represent "what user-has" and using other authentication
methods as second factor, "what user-knows".
Configuring a new certificate authentication server automatically supports IPsec Two Factor
authentication. IPsec Two Factor authentication supports only certificate authentication as
primary servers and local, RADIUS or LDAP as secondary servers.
IPsec Two Factor authentication is added to the User Authentication methods list, see User
Authentication on page 23.
Android L2TP/IPsec support
Avaya VPN Gateway Release 9.0 adds support for clients connecting via L2TP/IPsec from
Android devices. Android versions 2.x, 3.x, and 4.x are supported and an additional license
key is not required.
For supported Android versions, refer to the compatibility matrix, AVG 9.0 Release Notes
User GuideApril 2013 17
New in this release
AES 256 support for IPsec
Avaya VPN Gateway Release 9.0 adds AES 256 support for IPsec.
Java RDP upgrade support
Release 9.0
A new optional field was added for WTS links, KeyMap URL, a URL path that points to a custom
key code definition file.
upgrades JavaRDP client for better support of the latest Windows Terminal server.
Net Direct Mac OS X support
Release 9.0 supports Net Direct on Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion).
Secure Portable Office (SPO) support
Release 9.0 adds Ceedo support on all Windows 64 bit platforms in virtualized mode.
Beginning with Release 9.0, you can download one of the two versions of SPO:
• Avaya Basic– contains basic software with Avaya 2050 IP Softphone and JRE 7.
Avaya Contact Center (ACC)– contains all the applications and software of Avaya Basic
with the addition of Avaya Contact Center Express Desktop 5.0 and Avaya One-X
Both SPO version (Basic and ACC) use security restrictions on Ceedo environment. Next host
resources are blocked inside Ceedo:
• Access to network shares and drives
• Access to printing
• Drag and drop
• Clipboard access
For more information on the Release 9.0 support, refer to Configuration — Secure PortableOffice Client Avaya VPN Gateway (NN46120-301).
For more information on SPO 9.0 features, refer to
page 29
18 User GuideApril 2013
Secure Portable Office (SPO) client on
Comments? infodev@avaya.com
Other changes
See the following sections for information about changes that are not feature-related:
• Please note, while the Avaya Endpoint Access Control Agent (formerly Tunnel Guard) can
be configured through both the BBI and CLI, the CLI configuration is performed under the
former Tunnel Guard context.
Other changes
User GuideApril 2013 19
New in this release
20 User GuideApril 2013
Comments? infodev@avaya.com
Chapter 3: Introducing the VPN Gateway
The Avaya VPN Gateway (AVG) software includes two major functionality groups:
• SSL Acceleration
These features can be used separately or be combined. The Avaya VPN Gateway User Guide covers the
basic tasks that need to be completed irrespective of which feature you wish to deploy.
SSL Acceleration
The VPN Gateway can function as a peripheral Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) offload platform
that attaches
Gateway can also operate in standalone mode without being connected to a switch.)
The VPN Gateway performs a TCP three-way handshake with the client through the
Application Switch and performs all the SSL encryption and decryption for the session.
Combined with the load balancing features of the Application Switch, the VPN Gateway
offloads SSL encryption/decryption functions from back-end servers.
to an Application Switch or a comparable switch from another vendor. (The VPN
For examples on how to configure the VPN Gateway for SSL Acceleration, see the Avaya
Application Guide for SSL Acceleration.
For more information about the basic operations of the VPN Gateway, see the "Public Key
Infrastructure and SSL" chapter in the Avaya Application Guide for SSL Acceleration.
files, intranet web pages) through a secure connection. What information should be accessible
to the remote user after login is determined by access rules (ACLs).
The intranet's resources can be accessed in clientless mode, transparent mode or both:
feature supports remote access to intranet or extranet resources (applications, mail,
• From any computer connected to the Internet (clientless mode). The remote user
connects to the VPN Gateway through a secure SSL connection through the web browser.
When successfully authenticated, the user can access services and resources on the
intranet from a Web Portal provided by the VPN Gateway. Clientless mode also enables
User GuideApril 2013 21
Introducing the VPN Gateway
download of the Net Direct client, a simple and secure method for accessing intranet
resources through the remote user's native applications.
• From a
SSL VPN client installed (transparent mode).
For examples on how to configure the VPN Gateway for VPN deployment, see the AvayaApplication Guide for VPN.
computer with the Avaya VPN client (formerly Contivity VPN client) or the Avaya
Software Features
This section describes software features in Avaya VPN Gateway.
Web Portal
• Web Portal interface for remote users accessing the VPN Gateway in clientless mode,
that is, through the browser.
Corporate resources available to users as preconfigured group links or accessible
through the Portal tabs.
• Support for native Telnet and SSH (including X11 forwarding) access to intranet servers
through terminal Java applet (available on the Portal's Advanced tab).
• Support for handling plugins, Flash and Java applets using HTTP proxy Java applet
(available on the Portal's Advanced tab).
• Support for application tunneling (port forwarding) through SOCKS encapsulated in SSL
(available on the Portal's Advanced tab).
• API provided for developing a custom application that automatically logs in the user to
the desired VPN and executes a previously configured port forwarder link
• Support for customizing the Web Portal, for example, color, logo, language and company
• Three user views available (novice, medium and advanced) to limit access to Portal
• Support for automatic redirection of requests to another URL (Portal pass-through).
• Support for Portal bookmarks.
• Ability to specify domains for which single sign-on is allowed.
• Net Direct client (SSL). VPN client temporarily downloaded from the Portal and removed
when the user exits the session. On Windows, Net Direct is also available as an installable
client (setup.exe file).
22 User GuideApril 2013
Comments? infodev@avaya.com
Transparent Mode Access
Software Features
Access to
is accomplished using Windows VPN clients installed on the client PCs. In this mode, remote
users will experience network access as if sitting within the local area network. The following
VPN clients are available:
• Avaya SSL VPN client (TDI and LSP version).
• Avaya VPN client (formerly the Contivity VPN client). Not supported on the ASA 310, ASA
• Net Direct installable client.
intranet resources in transparent mode, that is, without going through the Web Portal,
310-FIPS and ASA 410 hardware models.
Bandwidth Management
Bandwidth Management (BWM) enables administrators to allocate a portion of the available
bandwidth for specific users or groups. The bandwidth policies take lower and upper bound.
The lower bound (soft limit) is guaranteed and the upper bound (hard limit) is available
according to
and IPsec Passthrough. For more information about configuration, see Avaya VPN GatewayCLI Application Guide, (NN46120-101)
the requirement. The BWM provides bandwidth policy management for user traffic
User Authentication
User authentication is supported using the following methods:
• RADIUS (including Challenge/Response)
LDAP (including Microsoft Active Directory)
• NTLM (Windows NT Domain, including Microsoft Active Directory)
• Secure Computing SafeWord (RADIUS)
• Netegrity SiteMinder
• RSA SecurID (native or through RADIUS)
• RSA ClearTrust
• ActivCard (RADIUS)
• Novell NDS/eDirectory (LDAP)
• Client certificate authentication
• Local database authentication
User GuideApril 2013
Introducing the VPN Gateway
• SSL Secondary authentication
• IPsec Two Factor authentication
User Authorization
User authorization is controlled through the user's group membership. Two different
authorization profile types are supported:
• The base profile defines a group member's access rights to networks, services and
The extended profile (optional) also defines a group member's access rights depending
on conditions related to the user's connection, for example, source network,
authentication method, access method, client certificate installed and/or Tunnel Guard
checks passed.
Client Security
• Avaya Endpoint Access Control Agent. Feature for checking the security aspects of the
remote PC client, that is, installed antivirus software, DLLs, executables and so on.
WholeSecurity support. Lets you enable a scan of the client PC before the remote user
is allowed to log in to the VPN.
• User session auto-logoff.
• Cache and browser history automatically cleared (only for Internet Explorer).
Accounting and Auditing
Support for logging user session start and stop messages to a syslog or RADIUS
accounting server. The messages can include VPN ID, user name, gateway address,
session ID, session time and cause of termination.
Support for logging CLI and Web User Interface operations (for example, login, logout
and executed operation) to a syslog or RADIUS accounting server.
24 User GuideApril 2013
Comments? infodev@avaya.com
Software Features
• Supports creating
and management traffic.
• Support for clustering over multiple subnets.
• Supports assigning two physical network ports to one interface, to create a port failover
(high availability) solution where one VPN Gateway is attached to two Application
multiple interfaces within a cluster, for example, to separate client traffic
Secure Service Partitioning
The AVG software provides the ability to partition a cluster of VPN Gateways into separate
VPNs. This
on a shared Remote Access Services (RAS) platform. Requires a license.
• Supports hosting of up to 250 public termination points for end-customer SSL and IPsec
• Secure VPN binding. Each VPN is bound to a private IP interface. VLAN tagging can be
used when private IP address spaces overlap.
• Private network authentication. Existing authentication servers within the customer's
private network can be used.
gives service providers (ISPs) the possibility to host multiple VPN end-customers
• Access control. Unique access rules can be specified for each user group in the various
• Private network name resolution. If desired, private network DNS servers can be mapped
to the VPN.
• Split administration. VPN Portal management is enabled for each VPN customer through
a web interface, without exposing global administration access.
• High availability. The Secure Service Partitioning solution is compatible with the AVG
cluster's high availability solutions.
Branch Office Tunnels
peer-to-peer branch office tunnels can be configured for each virtual private network (VPN).
software provides the ability to configure IPsec-based branch office tunnels. Several
User GuideApril 2013 25
Introducing the VPN Gateway
The following number of branch office tunnels can be configured per hardware model:
• AVG 3050-VM: 500
• AVG 3070-VM: 1000
• AVG 3090-VM: 3000
For example, a cluster of two AVG 3070–VMs support 2000 branch office tunnels.
Portal Guard
Feature used
so on. The VPN Gateway will not only handle the SSL processing but also see to it that all
existing web links are rewritten to HTTPS. This eliminates the need to rewrite each link
manually. Requires a license.
to "convert" an existing HTTP site to generate HTTPS links, secure cookies and
SSL Acceleration
The AVG software also includes features for SSL acceleration. Note that these features in
some cases require interoperation with an Application Switch.
• Supports accelerated
backend servers.
• Supports load balancing of encrypted and unencrypted traffic for up to 256 backend
servers, with health checking and persistent client connections.
• Ability to create multiple clusters of VPN Gateways, each capable of serving its own group
of real servers.
• Supports rewriting of client requests.
• Ability to transmit additional information to the backend servers.
• Supports end-to-end encryption.
SSL processing by offloading SSL encryption and decryption from
• Compatible with all Application Switches, Avaya Web Switches and comparable switches
from other vendors.
SSL Acceleration is covered in the Avaya Application Guide for SSL Acceleration.
Scalability and Redundancy
• Support for 256 VPN Gateways per cluster
Support for 256 virtual SSL servers
26 User GuideApril 2013
Comments? infodev@avaya.com
• Provides dynamic plug and play – VPN Gateways can be added to or removed from a
cluster dynamically without disrupting network traffic
• Provides a single system image (SSI) – all VPN Gateways in a given cluster are
configured as a single system
• High level of redundancy in the master/slave cluster design; even if three master VPN
Gateways in a cluster would fail, additional slave AVGs will still be operational and can
accept configuration changes
Certificate and Key Management
• Server and client authentication
Generation and revocation of client certificates
• Automatic retrieval of certificate revocation lists (CRLs)
• Validation of private keys and certificates
• Generation of certificate signing requests (CSRs)
Software Features
• Generation of self-signed certificates
Public Key Infrastructure
• RSA pair key generation
Server certificate enrollment
• Server key and certificate import/export
• Key and certificate renewal
Supported Key and Certificate Formats
• PKCS12
• KEY(MS IIS4.0)
User GuideApril 2013
Introducing the VPN Gateway
Supported Handshake Protocols
• SSL versions 2.0, 3.0
TLS version 1.0
Hash Algorithms
• Message Digest 5 (MD5)
Cipher Suites
All ciphers covered by SSL version 2.0, 3.0 and TLS version 1.0, except the IDEA and
FORTEZZA ciphers. Also see Supported Ciphers on page 157.
• Web User Interface (HTTP or HTTPS).
Command Line Interface (CLI) access through Telnet/SSH or serial port.
• SNMP version 1, version 2c and version 3.
• RADIUS authentication of CLI/BBI administrator users (including console access).
• Statistics can
as for specific VPN Gateways, SSL servers and VPNs.
• Support for histograms, for example, to measure transactions per second (TPS) and
Virtual Desktop
Symantec On-Demand
based applications and services. Virtual Desktop is a Java application that provides protection
against lost or theft of sensitive information. Files created while in the virtual desktop are
be viewed per access method (SSL or IPsec) for the whole cluster as well
Agent (SODA) provides a Virtual Desktop environment to secure Web-
28 User GuideApril 2013
Comments? infodev@avaya.com
encrypted as they are saved to a hard drive or removable media. Integrating Virtual Desktop
with AVG will provide a secure environment for end users while accessing confidential
Secure Portable Office (SPO) client
The SPO client provides VPN access from portable storage such as USB flash memory and
The SPO client provides enhanced mobility, portability, and security compared to traditional
VPN access methods. You can deploy and manage the SPO client from the AVG server to
simplify SPO client maintenance and updates.
Software Features
SPO Release
Secure Portable Office Client Release 9.0, in virtual mode, supports the following software in
Windows 32–bit and 64–bit platforms.
• Software released with Avaya Contact Center:
• Oracle Java Runtime Environment 1.7
• Avaya 2050 IP Softphone 4.2
• Avaya customized Ceedo 4.x
• Net Direct x64 bit support for Release 9.0
• Microsoft IE9
• Mozilla Firefox 7.x
For more information about Secure Portal Office Client, see Configuration - Secure PortableClient Guide.
9.0 in virtual mode supports the following software in Windows 32 bit and 64 bit
- Microsoft Data Access 2.8
- Jet Database Endine 4.0
- Microsoft.Net Framework 3.5
- Avaya Contact Center Express Desktop 5.0
- Avaya One-X Agent 2.0
User GuideApril 2013 29
Introducing the VPN Gateway
30 User GuideApril 2013
Comments? infodev@avaya.com
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