Avaya ATM Half-Bridge User Manual

BayRS Version 14.00 Part No. 308611-14.00 Rev 00
September 1999 4401 Great America Parkway
Santa Clara, CA 95054

Configuring ATM Half-Bridge Services

Copyright © 1999 Nortel Networks
All rights reserved. Printed in the USA. September 1999. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. The statements, configurations, technical data,
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308611-14.00 Rev 00
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Should you have any questions concerning this Agreement, contact Nortel Networks, 4401 Great America Par kwa y, P.O. Box 58185, Santa Clara, California 95054-8185.
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Before You Begin .............................................................................................................xiii
Text Conventions .............................................................................................................xiv
Acronyms ........................... .......................... .......................... ......................... .................xvi
Hard-Copy Technical Manuals . ....... ...... ....... ............................................. ...... ....... ........xviii
How to Get Help ............................................................................................................xviii
Chapter 1 ATM Half-Bridge Overview
What Is ATM Half Bridge? ..............................................................................................1-1
How the AHB Router Works ...........................................................................................1-4
Forwarding Inbound Packets from CPE Hosts .........................................................1-4
Forwarding Outbound Packets to CPE Hosts ..........................................................1-5
Using DHCP to Dynamically Assign IP Addresses ..................................................1-5
Dynamically Learning New Bridge Table Entries .....................................................1-7
Unsecure Learning Method ...............................................................................1-8
Secure Learning Method ...................................................................................1-8
Maintaining the AHB Bridge Table ...........................................................................1-9
Adding Bridge Table Entries ..............................................................................1-9
Removing Bridge Table Entries .......................................................................1-10
Replacing Bridge Table Entr ies ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... .......................................1-10
Using Source-Based Routing .................................................................................1-10
Responding to Proxy ARP Requests .....................................................................1-11
Using Inbound Packet Filtering ..............................................................................1-12
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Chapter 2 Starting AHB Services
Network Planning Considerations ..................................................................................2-1
AHB Configuration Requirements ..................................................................................2-1
Preparing a Configuration File .................................................................................2-2
Configuring an IP Interface on the Router ................................................................2-3
Configuring Circuitless IP on the Router ..................................................................2-4
Configuring AHB Services ..............................................................................................2-5
Creating an ATM Interface ........................................................................................2-6
Adding an LLC/SNAP PVC Service Record ............................................................2-6
Adding AHB to the LLC/SNAP Service Record .......................................................2-7
Adding PVCs to the LLC/SNAP PVC Service Record .............................................2-9
Configuring a DHCP/BootP Relay Agent ......................................................................2-10
Creating a BootP Relay Agent Forwarding Interfaces ............................................2-10
Configuring BootP Preferred Servers .....................................................................2-12
Specifying the Relay Agent IP Address ...........................................................2-12
Specifying the Target Server IP Address .........................................................2-13
Chapter 3 Customizing AHB Services
Modifying the AHB Configuration ...................................................................................3-1
Enabling and Disabling AHB ....................................................................................3-1
Setting the Auto Learn Method ................................................................................3-2
Configuring a Local AHB Init File .............................................................................3-3
Sample Init File ..................................................................................................3-3
Specifying an Alternate Init File ...............................................................................3-5
Specifying the Debug Level ......................................................................................3-6
Enabling and Disabling Inbound Packet Filtering .....................................................3-7
Modifying AHB Circuits ...................................................................................................3-8
Enabling and Disabling an AHB Circuit ....................................................................3-8
Specifying the Subnet Mask for the Learned Host ...................................................3-9
Enabling and Disabling Proxy ARP on a Circuit .....................................................3-10
Configuring Traffic Filters for Source-Based Routing ....................................................3-10
Deleting AHB from the Router ......................................................................................3-11
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Appendix A AHB, BootP/DHCP, IP, and ATM Parameter Descriptions
AHB Global Parameters ................................................................................................ A-2
AHB Circuit Parameters ................................................................................................. A-6
BootP Relay Agent Interface Table Parameters ............................................................. A-8
BootP Address Parameters ......................................................................................... A-10
BootP Relay Agent Preferred Server Table Parameters .............................................. A-12
BootP Preferred Server Configuration Parameters ...................................................... A-14
IP Configuration Parameters .................................... ............................................. ...... A-15
ATM Interface Parameter Descriptions ..................... ...... ....... ...... ................................ A-17
ATM Service Record Parameter Descriptions ............................................................. A-19
ATM Virtual Channel Link Parameter Descriptions ...................................................... A-23
Appendix B Understanding ATM Concepts
ATM General Information ............................................................................................... B-1
ATM Cells ................................................................................................................ B-1
Cell Headers ..................................................................................................... B-1
ATM Data Transmission ........................................................................................... B-3
Permanent Virtual Connections .............................................................................. B-5
Service Records and Virtual Circuits ............................................................................. B-5
Data Encapsulation ....................................................................................................... B-5
Assigning a Data Encapsulation Type for a PVC .................................................... B-6
PVC Access Methods .................................................................................................... B-6
Multiple PVCs .......................................................................................................... B-7
One PVC ................................................................................................................. B-8
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Figure 1-1. DSL Network with an AHB Router ...........................................................1-3
Figure 1-2. How CPE Hosts Identify a DCHP Server .................................................1-6
Figure 1-3. How CPE Hosts Request and Receive IP Addresses from
the DHCP Server .....................................................................................1-7
Figure A-1. Edit ATM Half-Bridge Global Parameters Window .................................. A-2
Figure A-2. ATM Half-Bridge Circuit List .................................................................... A-6
Figure A-3. BOOTP Relay Agent Interface Table Window ......................................... A-8
Figure A-4. BOOTP Addresses Window .................................................................. A-10
Figure A-5. BOOTP Relay Agent Preferred Server Table Window .......................... A-12
Figure A-6. BOOTP Preferred Server Configuration Window .................................. A-14
Figure A-7. Interface Attributes Window Sequence ................................................. A-17
Figure A-8. Service Attributes Window Sequence (PVCs) ...................................... A-20
Figure B-1. ATM Cell .................................................................................................. B-2
Figure B-2. ATM Transmission Components .............................................................. B-4
Figure B-3. Multiple PVCs per Service Record ......................................................... B-7
Figure B-4. One PVC per Service Record ................................................................. B-9
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Table 1-1. Sample AHB Bridge Table .......................................................................1-9
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This guide describes asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) Half-Bridge services and what you do to start and customize ATM Half-Bridge se rvices on a Nortel Networks

Before You Begi n

Before using this guide, you must complete the following procedures. For a new router:
Install the router (see the installation guide that came with your router).


Connect the router to the network and create a pilot configuration file (see
Make sure that you are runni ng the lates t versio n of Nortel Netw orks BayRS Site Manager software. For information about upgrading BayRS and Site Manager, see the upgrading guide for your version of BayRS.
308611-14.00 Rev 00
Quick-Starti ng Router s , Conf igur ing BaySt ac k Remote Acc ess , or Connecting ASN Routers to a Network).
Configuring ATM Half-Bridge Services

Text Con ventions

This guide uses the following text conventions:
bold text
Indicates command names and options and text that you need to enter.
Example: Enter Example: Use the
show ip {alerts | routes
italic text Indicates file and directory names, new terms, book
titles, and variables in command syntax descriptions. Where a variable is two or mor e words, the words are connected by an underscore.
Example: If the command syntax is:
show at
is one variable and you substitute one value
for it.
screen text Indicates system output, for example, prompts and
system messages. Example:
Set Trap Monitor Filters
separator ( > ) Shows menu paths.
Example: Protocols > I P ide nti fies the IP option on the Protocols menu.
vertical line (
) Separates choices for command keywords and
arguments. Enter only one of the choices. Do not type the vertical line when enteri ng the command.
Example: If the command syntax is:
show ip {alerts | routes show ip alerts
, you enter either:
show ip routes
, but not both.
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This manual uses the follow i ng acr onyms:
AAL ATM adaptation layer ADSL asymmetric digital subscriber line AHB ATM Half Bridge ARE ATM Routing Engine ARP Address Resolution Protocol ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode ATU-C ADSL terminal unit, central ATU-R ADSL terminal unit, remote AUI Attachment Unit Interface BootP Bootstrap Protocol BRI Basic Rate Interface CO central office CCITT International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol DSL Digital Subscriber Line CPE customer premise equipment DSLAM DSL access multiplexer DTE data terminal equipment GUI graphical user interface HDLC high-level data li nk control ILI Intelligent Link Interface IP Internet P rotocol ISDN Integrated S ervices Digital Network ISO International Organizat ion for Stand ardization ISP internet service provider
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Committee (now ITU-T)
Configuring ATM Half-Bridge Services
ITU-T International Telecommunications
LAN local area network MAC media access control MAU media access unit MIB management information base MTU Maximum Transmis sion Unit OSI Open Systems Interconnection PDU protocol data unit PVC permanent virtual circuit RIP Routing Information Protocol SAP service access point SDU service data unit SNAP Subnetwork Access Protocol STAT status
Union-Telecommunications (formerly CCITT)
SVC switched virtual circuit TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol UTP unshielded twisted-pair VC virtual circuit VCI virtual connection id entifier VCL virtual channel link VPI virtual path identifier WAN wide area network
308611-14.00 Rev 00

Hard-Copy Technical Manuals

You can print selected technical manuals and release notes free, directly from the Internet. Go to support.baynetworks.com/library/tpubs/. Find the product for which you need documentation. Then locate the specific category and model or version for your hardw are or soft ware product . Usi ng Adobe Ac robat Re ader, you can open the manuals and releas e notes, search for the sections you ne ed, and print them on most standard printers. You can download Acrobat Reader free from the Adobe Systems Web site, www.adobe.com.
You can purchase selected documentation sets, CDs, and technical publications through the collateral catalog. The catalog is located on the World Wide Web at
support.baynetworks.com/catalog.html and is divided into sections arranged
The “CD ROMs” section lists available CDs.
The “Guides/Books” section lists books on technical topics.
The “Technical Manuals” section lists available printed documentation sets.

How to Get Help

If you purchased a service contract for your Nortel Networks product from a distributor or authorized reseller, contact the technical support staff for that distributor or reseller for assistance.
If you purchased a Nort el Net wor ks s ervice pr ogram, c ontact one of the f ollowing Nortel Networks Technical Solutions Centers:
Technical Solutions Center Telephone Number
Billerica, MA 800-2LANWAN (800-252-6926) Santa Clara, CA 800-2LANWAN (800-252-6926) Valbonne, France 33-4-92-96-69-68 Sydney, Australia 61-2-9927-8800 Tokyo, Japan 81-3-5402-7041
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Chapter 1
ATM Half-Bridge Overview
This chapter provides an overview of basic ATM Half-Bridge concepts and the specific ways Nortel Networks implements these concepts on BLN routers.
This chapter assumes that you understand ATM concepts and terminology. For a brief overview of ATM, see Appendix B. For detailed information about ATM, refer to Configuring ATM Services.
and BCN®
This chapter contains information about the following topics:
Topic Page
What Is ATM Half Bridge? 1-1 How the AHB Router Works 1-4

What Is ATM Half Bridge?

ATM Half Bridge (AHB) is a protocol operating on BLN and BCN routers that connect remote hosts ( PCs and w orks tati ons) at tached to an IP route d net work vi a digital subscrib er line (DSL) devices (modems). The modems send and receiv e I P packets over ATM PVCs using RFC 1483 SNAP/LLC encapsulation. AHB converts RFC 1483 bridge frames containing IP packets to unencapsulated routed frames and performs the reverse function for packets returning from the opposite direction.
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Configuring ATM Half-Bridge Services
Nortel Networks designed AHB to meet the requirements of public network providers who want to develop an end-to-end solution using DSL to provide high-speed internet an d remot e LAN acce ss t o ISP’s and corporate networks. The AHB router supports the public network provider’s WAN infrastructure network by performing the bi dire ction al conversion of RFC 1483 Ethernet bridge d pack ets for IP routing to and from the ISP and corporate networks.
Figure 1-1
shows a sample DSL access network that uses an AHB router. This
network is divided into four separate segments:
The customer premises, which consist of th e remote host and modem, referred to as ADSL terminal unit, remote end devices (ATU-R)
The network provider POP, which consists of DSL access multiplexor ADSL terminal unit, central devices (DSLAM ATU-C), ATM access network, and the AHB router
The public network WAN infrastructure (typically IP over ATM or frame relay)
The ISP or corporate network, which provides internet service for remote CPE stations
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ATM Half-Bridge Overview
customer premises
802.3 AAL ATM
ATM over DSL
Network provider
central office
1483 encapsulated IP
packets in ATM
802.3 AAL ATM
OC-3 link
Figure 1-1. DSL Network with an AHB (BLN/BCN) Router
Frame relay
ISP or
corporate network
The following steps explain how IP packets travel from th e CPE host (remote user) on an Ethernet segment to the AHB router located at the public network provider’s central office:
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A user (PC or workstation) at a remote site sends Ethernet packets to an ATU-R attached to a remote Ethernet LAN segment (10 MB).
The ATU-R, acting as an Ethernet/ATM bridge, performs the following tasks:
Accepts the Ethernet packets
Segments the Ethernet packets into ATM cells according to RFC 1483
(802.2/LLC bridge encapsulation)
Transmits the ATM cells to a DSLAM ATU-C at the public network
provider’s site
The ATU-C receives the ATM cells, which are multiplexed along with cells from other ATU-Cs, and tra nsmits them t o the ATM netw ork o v er one or more OC-3 links.
Configuring ATM Half-Bridge Services
The ATM network, located at the central office, switches the ATM cells and forwards them over PVCs to the ATM interface on the AHB (BLN/BCN) router.

How the AHB Router W orks

AHB combines bridging and I P routin g on the r outer pla tform. On t he DSL access side, the router receives RFC 1483 encapsulated bridged Ethernet frames containing IP packets from CPE hosts. On the WAN side, ISP’s and corporate networks receive routed IP frames. AHB dynamically learns the association between IP addresses assigned to CPE hosts and the correct RFC 1483 bridged Ethernet header data for the host.

Forwarding Inbound Packets from CPE Hosts

AHB decapsulates and then routes IP packets it receives from a remote CPE host to an ISP or corporate network. When AHB receives the incoming packets on its ATM inte rface, it checks its local b ridge table to determine whether the p acket’s source IP address corresponds to the host IP address in the associated AHB table entry. If the bridge table contains the bridge entry, and the entry matches the bridge information (the correct circuit and VCID), then AHB strips off the RFC 1483 bridged Ethernet header information and forwards the packet using IP routing to the appropriate ISP’s and corporate networks.
If AHB does not find the bridge entry in its local bridge table, and you selected unsecure learning mode, AHB creates a new bridge entry using the packet header data from the incoming packet. If you selected secure learning mode, AHB creates a new bridge entry only if this is a new DHCP request (for information about using unsecure and secure learning mode, see “Dynamically Learning New
Bridge Table Entries”). The AHB router cannot use this bridge entry until it
receiv es a DHCP reply on a non-AHB interf ace that matches the desti nation MAC address in the bridge ent ry. The IP address is assig ned at this time. If no matching bridge entry is found for an i ncoming pack et on an AHB interf ace, the pack et may still be forwarded if either it is a DHCP packet or if you have disabled inbound packet filtering.
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Forwarding Outbound Packets to CPE Hosts

IP packets received from ISPs or corporate networks that are destined for CPE hosts are sent to AHB b ased on th e AHB rout e in t he IP r outin g tabl e. When AHB receiv es I P pack et s, it sea rches its loc al bridge t able fo r an asso cia ted bri dge ent ry based on the packet’s destination IP address. If AHB finds an associated bridge entry, it adds the RFC 1483 encapsulation and Ethernet header information to the packet. Then it forwards the packet on the correct outgoing interface and PVC to reach the remote CPE host.
If AHB does not f ind a n associ ated bri dge entr y for the pack et in its br idge ta ble, it drops the packet.

Using DHCP to Dynamically Assign IP Addresses

CPE hosts can use DHCP to obtain their IP address and default gateway address. When you boot the router, the CPE host sends a DHCP request packet, which is relayed by the DSL modem to the AHB router. The AHB router acts as a DHCP/ BootP relay agent. When the BootP relay agent configured on the ATM service record receives the DHCP request packet, it fills in the associated IP interface address (the address you specified for the ATM interface) as the gateway address. The BootP relay agent then forwards the packet to the DHCP server using either the BootP forwarding interface method or the BootP preferred server method.
ATM Half-Bridge Overview
When the DHCP server receives the DHCP REQUEST packet, it checks to see whether the gateway address is filled in. If this address is fille d in, DHCP sends a reply packet (DHCPACK) to the BootP relay agent on the AHB router. The AHB router then forw ar ds t he DHCPACK reply to the CPE ho st usi ng th e a sso ciated IP address of the unnumbered IP interface.
DHCP servers often use the gateway address in the DHCP request to determine the address pool to use when assigning a client IP address.
The DHCP server may not respond if it receives a DHCP request where the gateway address is on the same subnet as the DHCP server’s IP address. Therefore, when selecting an associated IP address for the unnumbered ATM circuit, choose an add re ss other than the IP a ddr ess of a di re ctl y conn ect ed DHCP server.
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Configuring ATM Half-Bridge Services
Figure 1-2 shows how the remote hosts identify the DHCP server on the network.
1. Remote host broadcasts a DHCPDISCOVER
4. BootP relay agent forwards DHCPOFFER message to CPE host.
AHB router (BootP relay agent)
DHCP server
Figure 1-2. How CPE Hosts Identify a DCHP Server
2. BootP relay agent transmits DHCPDISCOVER packet to DHCP server that supplied a DHCPOFFER packet.
3. DHCP server transmits DHCPOFFER message to BootP relay agent in AHB router.
Figure 1-3 shows how the CPE hosts request and receive IP addresses from the
DHCP server.
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ATM Half-Bridge Overview
1. Remote host broadcasts DHCPREQUEST packet.
4. BootP relay agent agent transmits DHCPACK packet or DHCPNAK packet to remote host.
AHB router (BootP relay agent)
DHCP server
2. BootP relay agent forwards DHCPREQUEST packet to DHCP server using the preferred server or forwarding interface method.
3. Target DHCP server transmits DHCPACK packet or DHCPNAK packet to BootP relay agent.
Figure 1-3. How CPE Hosts Request and Receive IP Addresses from the DHCP Server

Dynamically Learning New Bridge Table Entries

The AHB router dynamically learns new bridge entries it receives from CPE hosts. You can determine the method by which AHB learns these entries by configuring the auto learning method configuration parameters on the AHB router. AHB provides the following auto learning methods:
Both (default)
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Configuring ATM Half-Bridge Services
Unsecure Learning Method
AHB learns new bridge entries from any IP and ARP packets it receives on ATM/AHB-configured inter faces when you set the auto learn method to unsec ure or both.
Secure Learning Method
When you set the auto learning met hod to Secure or Both, AHB learns ne w bridge entries from DHCP replies sent on AHB-configured circuits. Secure entries take precedence over unsecure entries.
Before you can use secure learning mode, make sure that you:
Configure BootP on both the unnumbered ATM interface and on the associated numbered IP interface.
Configure a BootP preferred server or forwarding interface on the unnumbered ATM interface (use the circuit number as the IP source address).
V e rify that the IP ad dress assigne d by the DHCP serv er is on a dif ferent subnet than the BootP gateway address (that is, the associated numbered IP interface).
In secure learning mode, the AHB router serves as a BootP relay agent, forwarding DHCP requests it receives from CPE hosts.
When you set the learning method to both, AHB learns bridge entries either securely and unsecurely. When you set the learning method to None, AHB will not learn new bridge entries.
For information about configuring the auto learn method on an AHB router, see “Setting the Auto Learn Method”on page 3-2.
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Maintaining the AHB Bridge Table

AHB maintains a bridge t able o n each s lot. The tabl e cont ains a lis t of h ost en tries to or from which the router will forward traffic. These host entries map the IP address of a CPE host to the following:
ATM interface on which it is learned on the AHB router
Virtual Path Identi fier /Virtual Channel Ident ifie r (VPI/VCI) number
RFC 1483 encapsulation type
Ethe rnet header information
ATM Half-Bridge Overview
Table 1-1
Table 1-1. Sample AHB Bridge Table
Host ID 2 101/31 Bridged Ethernet frame:
shows a sample AHB bridge table.
Outgoing Circuit VPI/VCI RFC 1483 Bridge Header
src MAC addr= 010203040506 dest MAC adrr= 07080oaaboc Ethertype= 0800 (IP)
Adding Bridge Table Entries
In unsecure learning mode, AHB adds a new entry to the bridge table whenever it receives an IP or ARP packet that is not already in the table.
In secure learning mode, AHB adds new entries to its table when it receives certain incoming and outgoing DHCP messages. AHB adds new table entries when the CPE host on the remote site s ends a DHCPDI SCOVER message (source IP address equals This new table entry identifies the incoming port, VPI/VCI, and RFC 1483 encapsulation data (including source MAC address). There is no IP address fo r the new table entry at this point.
AHB forwards only certain DHCP packets (ACK or NAK) to the CPE host using this entry before an IP address is assigned. When AHB receives a DHCPACK message, it updates the table entry to id entify the cor rect IP addr ess as provi ded by the DHCP server. When AHB learns the first host entry on a network, it inserts a route into the IP routing table for that network.
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Configuring ATM Half-Bridge Services
Removing Bridge Table Entries
AHB removes an existing table entry whenever it adds a new entry with the same source MA C a ddress , ATM port, and VPI/VCI n umber. AHB also removes a ta ble entry when it receives a DHCPRELEASE message (assuming that the source IP address-to-ATM port /VPI /VCI ma ppi ng is correct). If the entry b ein g re moved is on the original sl ot , al l other slots that h ave received copies ar e notified t o r emove those entries. When AHB removes the last host entry on a network, it deletes the corresponding route from the IP routing table.
Replacing Bridge Table Entries
If the bridge table contains a bridge entry that was learned on a different circuit/ PVC, and AHB learns another IP packet with the same IP address on a different circuit and VCID, then AHB replaces the old entry with the new entry. New entries that AHB learns in unsecure mode do not replace existing entries learned in secure mode, even if AHB learned them on different slots.

Using Source-Based Routing

The network provider can use source-based routing to ensure that the packet sent from a CPE ho st travels to the correct ISP gateway first, regardless o f its destination address. The ISP gateway can be an edge router directly connected to an AHB router via a WAN interface (frame relay, PPP) or a router located within the ISP’s domain. This option allows multiple links connecting the AHB router with the ISP network. If one link or edge router fails, traffic from ATM-attached hosts is routed via another edge router.
You use source-based routing by configuring an IP traffic filter on the ATM interface. You must specify traffi c filter criteria and a traffic filter action. The traffic filter criteria is the range of source IP add resses allocated to CPE hosts belonging to a single ISP. You must configure a separate traffic filter for each range of source addresses that get assigned to the ATM-attached hosts by an ISP. These filters must be installed on every AHB circuit.
The traffic filter action is “forward to next hop,” wh ich identifies the ISP’s gateway device. The next-hop address in the traffi c filter need not be a directly attached host. If it is not a directly attached host, AHB accesses the routing table to determine the directly attached host to which the packets are sent.
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You can use the “forward to next hop” feature to improve reliability. Consider an example where an ISP home network has two border routers: and If the source-based routing gateway address (next-hop address in the
traffic filter) is advertised by both border routers, t hen the AHB ro uter will send packets from the ATM-attached hosts to whichever border router has the best route. If this border router fails or if the link goes down, then the packets are sent to the alternate border router. The gateway address does not need to belong to a real device because the ISP border router forwards packets based on the destination IP address.
For information about configuring IP filters for source-based routing, see “Configuring Traffic Filters for Source-Based Routing,” on page 3-10.

Responding to Proxy ARP Requests

By default, AHB receives ARP requests from ATM-attached hosts. When the AHB router receives an ARP request, it responds to this request with its own hardware address as the target MAC address. You must enable proxy ARP separately on each circuit.
ATM Half-Bridge Overview
When proxy ARP is enabled, the AHB router responds to ARP requests if all of the following conditions are true:
The ARP request receiv ed by AHB is not a self-ARP request (tha t is , the ho st
The host’s (sender) address is already in the bridge table or can be learned
The target host address either is in the host table and has a different
For informat ion about conf iguring p roxy ARP, see “Enabling and Disabl ing Proxy ARP on a Circuit” on page 3-10.
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IP address equals the target IP address or the source address equals
from this packet (unsecure mode enabled).
circuit VPI/VCI, or the target host address is not in the bridge table.
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