Avaya 5900, 5928GTS Quick Start Configuration

Quick Start Configuration for Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 5900 Series
Release 7.0.1
Issue 02.01
October 2015
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Chapter 1: Introduction............................................................................................................  6
Purpose.................................................................................................................................. 6
Related resources...................................................................................................................  6
Searching a documentation collection.................................................................................  7
Subscribing to e-notifications.............................................................................................. 8
Support................................................................................................................................  10
Chapter 2: New in this release............................................................................................... 11
Features............................................................................................................................... 11
Other changes......................................................................................................................  11
Chapter 3: Fundamentals....................................................................................................... 12
System connection................................................................................................................  12
System Logon....................................................................................................................... 13
Secure and nonsecure protocols............................................................................................  13
Out-of-band management......................................................................................................  14
New unit Quick Configuration.................................................................................................  16
Password encryption.............................................................................................................  16
Quick Start............................................................................................................................ 17
Enterprise Device Manager.................................................................................................... 17
Chapter 4: Connecting and configuring the switch............................................................. 21
Connecting a terminal to the switch......................................................................................... 21
Configuring the switch...........................................................................................................  22
Configuring Quick Start using ACLI................................................................................... 22
Configuring Quick Start using EDM................................................................................... 24
Configuring the terminal......................................................................................................... 25
Configuring BootP on the current instance of the switch or server.............................................. 26
Configuring diagnostics quick mode........................................................................................ 27
Setting user access limitations using ACLI............................................................................... 27
Setting the read-only and read/write passwords.................................................................  28
Enabling and disabling passwords....................................................................................  28
Setting user access limitations using Enterprise Device Manager.............................................. 29
Configuring the console password using EDM...................................................................  29
Configuring the web and telnet password using EDM.........................................................  30
Configuring the ACLI banner..................................................................................................  31
Configuring system identification............................................................................................  33
Enabling logging.................................................................................................................... 35
Configuring Simple Network Time Protocol.............................................................................. 35
Configuring real-time clock..................................................................................................... 36
Variable definitions..........................................................................................................  37
Configuring local time zone....................................................................................................  37
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Configuring the clock.............................................................................................................  39
Configuring a static route.......................................................................................................  40
Enabling remote access......................................................................................................... 41
Using telnet to log on to the device.........................................................................................  42
Enabling the web server management interface....................................................................... 42
Accessing the switch through the web interface.......................................................................  43
Enabling or disabling Quick Configuration...............................................................................  44
Recording a Quick Configuration............................................................................................  44
Configuring a VLAN using ACLI.............................................................................................. 45
Configuring VLAN using EDM................................................................................................  48
Installing a license file............................................................................................................ 50
Saving the configuration......................................................................................................... 51
Storing the configuration files.................................................................................................  52
Chapter 5: Configuring management IP addresses using ACLI........................................  55
Configuring an in-band management IP address...................................................................... 55
Obtaining an in-band management IP address automatically....................................................  57
Displaying in-band management information...........................................................................  58
Configuring an out-of-band management IPv4 address............................................................  58
Displaying out-of-band management information...................................................................... 60
Configuring a management route............................................................................................ 61
Configuring an in-band management IPv6 address..................................................................  62
Displaying in-band IPv6 management information.................................................................... 63
Configuring an out-of-band management IPv6 address............................................................  64
Displaying out-of-band management IPV6 information.............................................................  68
Enabling or disabling the out-of-band management port...........................................................  69
Setting in-band management IP address parameters from the ip.cfg file on a USB device........... 70
Configuring a Domain Name Server........................................................................................ 72
Resolving domain names to IP addresses...............................................................................  72
Clearing the IP address ......................................................................................................... 73
Setting the in-band default IP gateway address........................................................................ 74
Deleting the in-band default IP gateway address...................................................................... 74
Chapter 6: Configuring management IP addresses using EDM......................................... 76
Configuring out-of-band management using EDM....................................................................  76
Chapter 7: Verification............................................................................................................ 79
Pinging an IP device.............................................................................................................. 79
Verifying the software release................................................................................................  79
Displaying local alarms..........................................................................................................  80
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Chapter 1: Introduction


The Quick Start Guide provides basic instructions to install the hardware and configure the switch.

Related resources

For a list of the documentation for this product and more information about documents on how to configure other switch features, see Documentation Reference for Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 5900 Series, NN47211-103.
For more information on new features of the switch and important information about the latest release, see Release Notes for Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 5900 Series, NN47211-400.
For more information about how to configure security, see Configuring Security on Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 5900 Series, NN47211-505.
For the current documentation, see the Avaya Support web site: www.avaya.com/support.
Ongoing product training is available. For more information or to register, see
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Related resources
Viewing Avaya Mentor videos
Avaya Mentor videos provide technical content on how to install, configure, and troubleshoot Avaya products.
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- In Search, type the product name. On the Search Results page, select Video in the Content Type column on the left.
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Searching a documentation collection

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Related resources
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8. Scroll through the list, and then select the product name.
9. Select a release version.
10. Select the check box next to the required documentation types.
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11. Click Submit.


Go to the Avaya Support website at http://support.avaya.com for the most up-to-date documentation, product notices, and knowledge articles. You can also search for release notes, downloads, and resolutions to issues. Use the online service request system to create a service request. Chat with live agents to get answers to questions, or request an agent to connect you to a support team if an issue requires additional expertise.
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Chapter 2: New in this release

The following sections detail what is new in Quick Start Configuration for Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 5900 Series, NN47211-500 for Release 7.0.1.


There are no new features in this document.

Other changes

See the following section for information about changes that are not feature-related.
IPv6 management process-redirect
The procedure is updated to include the command default ipv6 mgmt interface [ process-redirect ]. For more information, see
IPv6 address on page 64.
Configuring an out-of-band management
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Chapter 3: Fundamentals

Provisioning follows hardware installation.
The Quick Start Configuration for Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 5900 Series, NN47211-500 includes the minimum, but essential, configuration steps to:
• Provide a default, starting point configuration
• Establish a management interface
• Establish basic security on the node
The shipment includes the following:
• An installation kit
• A foldout poster, Quick Install for Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 5900 Series, NN47211-303.
For more information about hardware specifications and installation procedures, see Installing Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 5900 Series, NN47211-300.
For more information about how to configure security, see Configuring Security on Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 5900 Series, NN47211-505.
To download and print selected technical publications and release notes directly from the Internet, go to http://support.avaya.com.

System connection

Use the console cable to connect the terminal to the switch console port. The console cable and connector must match the console port on the switch (DB-9 or RJ-45, depending on your model). The following are the default communication protocol settings for the console port:
• 9600 baud
• 8 data bits
• 1 stop bit
• No parity
• No flow control
• VT100 or VT100/ANSI Terminal Protocol
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System Logon

To use the console port, you need the following equipment:
• A terminal or TeleTypewriter (TTY)-compatible terminal, or a portable computer with a serial port and terminal-emulation software.
• An Underwriters Laboratories (UL)-listed straight-through or null modem RS-232 cable with a female DB-9 connector for the console port on the switch. The other end of the cable must use a connector appropriate to the serial port on your computer or terminal.
You must shield the cable that connects to the console port to comply with emissions regulations and requirements.
System Logon
After the platform boot sequence is complete, a logon prompt appears. The following table shows the default values for logon and password for console and Telnet sessions.
Table 1: Access levels and default logon values
Access level Description Default Logon Default Password
Read-only Permits view-only configuration
and status information. Is equivalent to Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) read-only community access.
Read/write View and change configuration
and status information across the switch. You can change security and password settings. This access level is equivalent to SNMP read/write community access.
RO user
RW secure

Secure and nonsecure protocols

The following table describes the secure and nonsecure protocols that the switch supports.
Table 2: Secure and nonsecure protocols
Nonsecure protocols Default status Equivalent secure
FTP Disabled SCP Disabled
Default status
Table continues…
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Nonsecure protocols Default status Equivalent secure
Telnet Enabled SSH v1, v2
Avaya recommends that you use SSHv2 instead of SSHv1.
SNMPv1, SNMPv2 Enabled SNMPv3
You must load the DES/AES image on the platform to use SNMPv3. For more information, see Configuring Security
on Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 5900 Series, NN47211-505.
Rlogin Disabled Secure SHell (SSH) v1,v2Disabled
Avaya recommends that you take the appropriate security precautions within the network if you use HTTP.
Default status
On SSH, by default, HTTP is enabled and HTTPS is disabled.

Out-of-band management

Out-of-band management allows IPv4 or IPv6 switch or stack management using the dedicated out­of-band management port. Out-of-band management supports Telnet, Secure Shell (SSH) protocol, Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), HTTP, or HTTPS, without requiring an in-band management VLAN.
To configure out-of-band management, you assign an IP address to the RJ-45 Ethernet management port for a switch or stack. You can configure a specific out-of-band management default gateway, which takes precedence over the in-band default gateway. If you do not configure an out-of-band management default gateway, the in-band default gateway is used for out-of-band switch or stack management.
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Out-of-band management
The out-of-band switch or stack management IP address must be different than the in-band IP address and belong to a different subnet.
You can use the out-of-band management port to perform tasks such as downloading software images and, when the SNMP server is enabled, access the Enterprise Device Manager (EDM) interface for a switch or stack. To access EDM, you type the out-of-band management IP address in the address bar of an Internet browser.
The out-of-band management port supports full auto negotiation, which enables management stations to connect at any of the supported speeds or duplexes.
Stack mode
In stack mode, when you use the unit, switch, or stack parameters, the device assigns the IPv4 or IPv6 address to the management stack. If a management stack IP address is in use, you can only access the stack through the management port base unit. If the base unit goes down, the stack management IP address becomes unreachable and the switch management IP address becomes status up.
Only the base unit allows all commands for out-of-band management. if the base unit leaves the stack, the stack IP addresses and priveleges transfer to the temporary base unit (TBU). You need a link in the management port TBU for the IP address to be operational.
On the base unit, if you configure the IP stack address, the base unit is the only active IP address in the stack. On the non-base units, the IP addresses you configure only become active and reachable if they become stand alone.
Stand alone mode
In stand alone mode, you assign the IPv4 or IPv6 address only to the switch. You can configure IP addresses on every switch in the stack.
On the non-base units, the IP addresses you configure only become active and reachable if they become stand alone.
Considerations and limitations
The following considerations and limitations apply when you configure and use out-of-band management:
• You must configure all out-of-band management IP addresses for a stack to the same subnet.
• You can configure only one out-of-band management default gateway for each stack.
• You cannot automatically obtain an out-of-band management IP address using BootP or DHCP.
• With out-of-band management you can issue the ping command from the out-of-band management port on a stack base unit only.
• With out-of-band management you can only download a software image, or load a configuration file from the base unit in a stack.
• You can access a management stack from the out-of-band management port on the stack base unit only.
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• You can configure both an in-band and out-of-band management IP:
- The out-of-band management default gateway takes precedence over the in-band management default gateway.
- In Layer 2 mode, once an out-of-band management default gateway is configured, the in­band management address is reachable only through a directly attached subnet for the management VLAN.
- In Layer 3 mode, you must configure a management route to maintain connectivity with the management network when you use out-of-band management.
• The MAC address for the out-of-band management port is created using the switch MAC address plus the management offset. The management offset value for the primary out-of-band management port is 0x300 and the management offset value for the secondary out-of-band management port is 0x301.
• The out-of-band management port speed is automatically negotiated, however, you can change it manually.
• The out-of-band management port does not support generation or processing of Autotopology packets when an out-of-band management IP is configured.
• RADIUS authentication is not supported for the out-of-band management IP.

New unit Quick Configuration

You can use the new unit Quick Configuration feature to create a default configuration that applies to any new unit joining the stack. Quick Configuration can configure the VLAN IDs, port speed, PVID, tagging, and spanning tree groups for the new unit without resetting the stack.

Password encryption

The local passwords for the switch are stored in the configuration file, encrypted with an Avaya proprietary algorithm.
For security reasons, Avaya recommends that you configure the passwords to values other than the factory defaults.
For more information about configuring passwords, see:
Using ACLI and EDM on Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 5900 Series, NN47211-104
Configuring Security on Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 5900 Series, NN47211-505
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Quick Start

You can use the install command in Avaya Command Line Interface (ACLI) or the Quick Start menu in Enterprise Device Manager (EDM) to configure the following:
• quick start VLAN
• in-band IP address and subnet mask
• default gateway
• management subnet mask, management IP address and management default gateway
• read-only and read-write community strings
• IPv6 in-band address and IPv6 default gateway
• management IPV6 address and management IPV6 default gateway
When you reset the switch to factory default, the setup utility does not start automatically. Use the install command to start the setup utility. The default IP address of the switch is if the switch does not get its IP address from another source.
Quick Start

Enterprise Device Manager

Enterprise Device Manager (EDM) is an embedded graphical user interface (GUI) that you can use to manage and monitor the platform through a standard web browser. EDM is embedded in the switch software, and the switch operates as a web server, so you do not require additional client software. For more information about EDM, see Using ACLI and EDM on Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 5900 Series, NN47211-104.
If you want to manage the switch from a centralized location through Configuration and Orchestration Manager (COM) 2.0 and later, Avaya offers optional, product-specific EDM plug-ins for COM that include other features such as centralized syslog, trap viewer, troubleshooting and diagnostic tools. For more information, or to purchase plug-ins, go to
Enterprise Device Manager access
To access EDM, open http://<deviceip>/login.html or https://<deviceip>/login.html from either Microsoft Internet Explorer (minimum version 8.x), or Mozilla Firefox (minimum version 3.x).
You must enable the web server from ACLI to enable HTTP access to EDM. If you want HTTP access to the device, you must also disable the web server secure-only option. The web server secure-only option is enabled by default and allows HTTPS access to the device. Take the appropriate security precautions within the network if you use HTTP.
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If you experience issues while connecting to EDM, check the proxy settings. Proxy settings can affect EDM connectivity to the switch. Clear the browser cache, and do not use a proxy when connecting to the device.
Default user name and password
The following table contains the default user name and password that you can use to log on to the switch using EDM. For more information about changing the passwords, see Configuring Security on Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 5900 Series, NN47211-505.
Table 3: EDM default user name and password
User Name Password
admin password
The default passwords and community strings are documented and well known. Avaya strongly recommends that you change the default passwords and community strings immediately after you first log on. For more information about changing user names and passwords, see Configuring Security on Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 5900 Series, NN47211-505.
Device Physical View
When you access EDM, the first panel in the work area displays a switch summary view. The tab behind the summary view is a real-time physical view of the front panel of the device or stack called the Device Physical View.
Objects in the Device Physical View are:
• Stand-alone switch, called a unit
• Switch stack, called a chassis
• Port
From the Device Physical View, you can:
• Determine the hardware operating status
• Select a switch or a port to perform management tasks on specific objects or view fault, configuration, and performance information for specific objects
Click to select an object. The system outlines the object in yellow to indicate that the object is selected.
The conventions on the device view are similar to the actual switch appearance except that LEDs in Device Physical View do not blink. The LEDs and the ports are color-coded to reflect hardware status. Green indicates the port is up and running; red indicates that the port is disabled.
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Enterprise Device Manager
From the menu bar, you can click the Device Physical View tab to open the Device Physical View any time during a session.
Figure 1: Device Physical View
EDM window
The EDM window contains the following parts:
1. Navigation tree—The navigation pane on the left side of the window that displays available command folders in a tree format.
2. Navigation tree toolbar—The area displays buttons for common functions.
3. Menu bar—The area at the top of the window that displays primary and secondary tabs that you accessed during the session; the tabs remain available until you close them.
4. Toolbar—The area just below the menu bar that provides quick access to the most common operational commands such as Apply, Refresh, and Help.
5. Work area—The main area on the right side of the window that displays the dialog boxes where you view or configure switch parameters.
6. Auto Complete Search — The area between the navigation tree toolbar and the navigation tree where you can type a partial or complete search string to find menus. When you type the search string, the navigation tree changes to display only the entries associated with your search. To return to the full navigation tree display, click the x beside the Auto Complete Search dialog box.
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Figure 2: EDM window
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Chapter 4: Connecting and configuring the
This chapter describes how to connect a terminal to the switch and the required procedures for the initial provisioning.

Connecting a terminal to the switch

This procedure describes the steps to connect a terminal to the console port on the switch.
Before you begin
To use the console port, you need the following equipment:
• Terminal with AC power cord and keyboard. Any terminal or a computer with an appropriate
terminal emulator can be used as the management station. See Installing Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 5900 Series, NN47211-300 for a list of the terminal emulation settings that must be used with any terminal emulation software used to connect to the switch.
• Use the RJ-45 or DB-9 console cable to connect the switch console port to your management
terminal. See Installing Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 5900 Series, NN47211-300 for console port pin-out information. You can use the pin-out information to verify or create a console cable for use with your maintenance terminal.
1. Connect one end of the serial cable to the connector on the terminal or on the computer.
2. Connect the other end of the serial cable to the console port on the switch.
3. Turn the terminal or computer on.
4. Set the terminal protocol on the terminal or terminal emulation program to VT100 or VT100/ ANSI.
5. Connect to the switch using the terminal or terminal emulation application. The Avaya switch banner displays when you connect to the switch through the console port.
6. Press Ctrl+Y to obtain a CLI prompt.
The switch only supports the Avaya CLI. The old Bay Stack menu interface is not supported on this product.
October 2015 Quick Start Configuration for Avaya ERS 5900 Series 21
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Connecting and configuring the switch

Configuring the switch

Use the procedures in this section to configure the switch using Quick Start.

Configuring Quick Start using ACLI

The Install script consists of a series of prompts that are used to set up the minimum configuration information.
You must enter the following information when prompted:
• Quick start VLAN
• IP address
• Subnet mask
• Default gateway
• Management subnet mask
• Management IP address
• Management default gateway
• Read-only community string
• Read-write community string
• Management IPV6 address
• Management IPV6 default gateway
Before you begin
• Connect to the switch using the terminal or terminal emulation application.
1. Press
CTRL + Y to obtain a CLI prompt.
2. Enter enable
3. Enter install
The switch setup utility banner appears.
4. Enter the VLAN ID for the Quick Start at the following prompt:
Please provide the Quick Start VLAN <1–4094> [1]:
5. Enter the IP address at the following prompt:
Please provide the in-band IP Address[]:
6. Enter the sub-net mask at the following prompt:
October 2015 Quick Start Configuration for Avaya ERS 5900 Series 22
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Please provide the in-band sub-net mask []:
7. Enter the default gateway IP address at the following prompt:
Please provide the Default Gateway []:
8. Enter the management sub-net mask at the following prompt:
Please provide the management sub-net mask[]:
9. Enter the management IP address at the following prompt:
Please provide the management IP Address[]:
10. Enter the management default gateway at the following prompt:
Please provide the management Default Gateway[]:
11. Enter the read only community string at the following prompt:
Please provide the Read-Only Community String [**********]:
12. Enter the read write community string at the following prompt::
Please provide the Read-Write Community String [**********]:
Configuring the switch
13. Enter the in-band IPv6 address at the following prompt:
Please provide the in-band IPV6 Address/Prefix_length [ : :/0]:
14. Enter the in-band IPv6 default gateway at the following prompt:
Please provide the in-band IPV6 Default Gateway [ : :]:
15. Emter the management IPV6 address at the following prompt:
Please provide the management IPV6 Address/Prefix_length[::/0]:
16. Enter the management IPV6 default gateway at the following prompt:
Please provide the management IPV6 Default Gateway[::]:
Successful completion displays the following message: Basic switch parameters have been configured and saved.
The following example displays sample output for the install command.
Switch>enable Switch#install
############################################################################### Welcome to the 5928GTS setup utility. You will be requested to provide the switch basic connectivity settings. After entering the requested info, the configuration will be applied and stored into the switch NVRAM.
Once the basic connectivity settings are applied, additional configuration can be done using the available management interfaces. Use Ctrl+C to abort the configuration at any time.
October 2015 Quick Start Configuration for Avaya ERS 5900 Series 23
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Connecting and configuring the switch
Please provide the Quick Start VLAN <1-4094> [1]: Please provide the in-band IP Address[]: Please provide the in-band sub-net mask[]: Please provide the Default Gateway[]: Please provide the management sub-net mask[]: Please provide the management IP Address[]: Please provide the management Default Gateway[]: Please provide the Read-Only Community String[**********]: Please provide the Read-Write Community String[**********]: Please provide the in-band IPV6 Address/Prefix_length[::/0]: Please provide the in-band IPV6 Default Gateway[::]: Please provide the management IPV6 Address/Prefix_length[::/0]: Please provide the management IPV6 Default Gateway[::]:
############################################################################### Basic switch parameters have now been configured and saved.
############################################################################### Switch#

Configuring Quick Start using EDM

Use the following procedure to configure the Quick Start setup mode using EDM.
About this task
You can use Quick Start to quickly setup a new switch or stack.
1. From the navigation tree, double-click Administration.
2. In the Administration tree, click Quick Start.
3. In the work area, click the IP/Community/Vlan tab.
4. In the In-Band Switch IP Address field, type a switch or stack IP address.
5. In the In-Band Stack Subnet Mask field, type a subnet mask.
6. In the Default Gateway field, type a gateway IP address.
7. In the Read-Only Community String field, type a community string. Re-type the community string in the verification field.
8. In the Read-Write Community String field, type a community string. Re-type the community string in the verification field.
For security, enter different community strings for Read-Only and Read-Write.
9. In the Quick Start VLAN field, type a VLAN ID ranging from 1 to 4094.
10. On the toolbar, click Apply.
October 2015 Quick Start Configuration for Avaya ERS 5900 Series 24
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Configuring the terminal

Configuring the terminal
You can configure the switch terminal settings to suit your preferences for the terminal speed and display.
About this task
Use the following procedure to configure terminal settings including the terminal connection speed, and number of characters in the terminal display width and length.
After you modify the terminal configuration, the new settings are applied to the current active session and to all future sessions (serial, telnet or SSH). Terminal configuration change does not affect open concurrent sessions.
1. Log on to ACLI to enter User EXEC mode.
2. At the command prompt, enter the following command:
terminal {speed <19200 | 38400 | 9600> | length <0-132> | width <1-132>}
3. To display the current serial port information, enter the following command:
show terminal
Switch#show terminal Terminal speed: 9600 Terminal width: 79 Terminal length: 23
Variable definitions
Use the definitions in the following table to use the terminal command.
Variable Definition
length Sets the length of the terminal display in lines. By
default, 23 lines are displayed.
If you set the terminal length to 0, the pagination is disabled and the display scrolls continuously.
speed <19200 | 38400 | 9600> Sets the transmit and receive baud rates for the
Table continues…
October 2015 Quick Start Configuration for Avaya ERS 5900 Series 25
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