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Preventing Toll Fraud
Toll Fraud is the unauthorized use of your telecommuni cations
system by an unauthorized party (for example, a person who is not
a corporate employee, agent, subco ntractor, or working on your
company’s behalf). Be aware that there is a risk of t oll fra ud associated with your system and that, if toll fraud occurs, it can result
in substantial addition al charges for y o u r telecommu nications services.
Avaya Fraud Intervention
If you suspect that you are being victimized by toll fraud and you
need technical assistance or support, call the Technical Service
Center’s Toll Fraud Intervention Hotline at 1.800.643. 2353.
Providing Telecommunicati ons Security
Telecommunications securit y of voice, data, and/or video communications is the prevention of any type of intrusion to, that is,
either unauthorized or m al ic io u s ac ce ss to or use of, your company’s telecommunications equipment by some party.
Your com pany’s “telecommunications equipment” includes both
this Avaya product and any other voice/data/video equipment that
could be accessed via this Avaya product (that is, “networked
Y o ur Responsibility for Your Company’s T elecommunications
The final responsibility for securing both this system and its networked equipment re sts with you – an Avaya customer’s system
administrator, your telecommunications peers, and your managers.
Base the fulfillment of your responsibility on acquired knowledge
and resources from a variet y of sources including but not limited
• Installation documents
• System administration documents
• Security documents
• Hardware-/software-based security tools
• Shared information bet w e en yo u and your peers
• Telecommunications security experts
To prevent intrusions to your telecommunications equipment, you
and your peers should carefully program and configure your:
• Avaya provided telecommunications systems and their
• Avaya provided software appli cations, as well as their
underlying hardware/software platforms and interfaces
• Any other equipment networked to your Avaya products
See the preface of this document.
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For additional documents, refer to the section in “Ab out This
Book” entitled “Related Resou r ces.”
An “outside party” is anyone who is not a corporate employee,
agent, subcontracto r, or working on your company’s behalf.
Whereas, a “malicious pa rty ” is Anyone, including someone wh o
may be otherwise authoriz ed, who accesses your telecommunications equipment with either malicious or mischievous intent.
Such intrusions may be either to/throug h sync hronous (time-multiplexed and/or circuit-b ase d) or a s ync hronous (character-, message-, or packet-based ) equipment or interfaces for reasons of:
• Utilization (of capabilities special to the accessed equip-
• Theft (such as, of intellectual property, financial assets, or
toll-facility access)
• Eavesdropping (privacy invasions to humans)
• Mischief (troubling, but apparently innocuous, tampering)
• Harm (such as harmful tampering, data loss or al terat i on,
regardl e s s of motive or intent)
Be aware that there may be a risk of unauthorized intrusions associated with your system and/or i ts ne tworked equipment. Also
realize that , if such an intrusion shoul d o ccur, it could result in a
variety of los s es to your company, including but not limited to,
human/data privacy, intellectual property, material assets, financial resources, labor costs, and/or legal costs).
Obtaining Products
To learn more about Avaya products and to order products, contact
Avaya Direct, the direct-market organization of Avaya Business
Communications Systems. Access their web site at or call 800-426-2455.
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4Avaya MultiVantage™ Fault and Performance Manager Installation and Configuration
This book explains how to install and configure Avaya™ ATM WAN Spare Processor
Manager, how to test the installation, and how to troubleshoot it.
Installing ASP Manager requires familiarity with data networking concepts, knowledge of
your company’s data network, and proficiency with Windows.
We wrote this book for PC Administrators who are responsible for installing this software.
In this book, we use the following typographical conventions:
•We use bold type for emphasis and for any information that you should type; for
example: save translation.
•We use Courier font for any information that the computer screen displays; for
•We use arrows to indicate options that you should select on cascading menus; for
example: “Select File>Open” means choose the “Open” option from the “File” menu.
•We use the term “main server” to mean DEFINITY Server R.
Avaya™ ATM WAN Survivable Processor Manager Installation and Configuration5
You may find the following additional resources helpful.
For help using ASP Manager, look in the online help. For more detailed information on ATM
WSPs, see ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration Using Avaya MultiVantage
For help with complex administration tasks, use the Administrator’s Guide for Avaya
Software, 555-233-506, which explains system features and interactions in
Let us know how this book measured up to your expectations. Your opinions are crucial to
helping us meet your needs! Please complete and return the comment card at the front of
this book. Optionally, send us your comments by mail, fax, or e-mail, as follows:
Mail:Avaya Inc.
ASP ManagerDocumentation Team
Room 1E-124
307 Middletown Lincroft Rd.
Lincroft, NJ 07738
Fax:ASP Manager Documentation Team
+ 1 732 817-2469
6Avaya™ ATM WAN Survivable Processor Manager Installation and Configuration
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If you do not already have access to the Internet, contact an Internet Service Provider
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8. Under the heading “VisAbility Management Suite,” locate the heading, “Avaya™ ATM
9. Locate the title of the book you want and then click it.
Product Documentation.
System and Network Management.
WAN Spare Processor Manager” and then click the link corresponding to the software
release for which you want documentation.
Avaya™ ATM WAN Survivable Processor Manager Installation and Configuration7
To order this book, call or write us and request the following publication:
Order:Document Number:555-233-223
Issue:Issue 4
Date:November 2002
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8Avaya™ ATM WAN Survivable Processor Manager Installation and Configuration
Avaya™ ATM WAN Spare Processor Manager(ASP Manager) is a client-server application
that allows you to upload translations from Avaya MultiVantage™ software on a “main”
server and download them to multiple WAN spare processors (WSPs) simultaneously,
according to a schedule you specify. This chapter explains roughly how the application
works, explains security considerations, and summarizes the installation process.
The ASP Manager client now runs on Windows XP Professional in addition to all previously
supported platforms. Also, ASP Manager now allows you to specify a name of your own
choosing when you set up email notification, and it allows you to manually test your email
notification configuration. Finally, upload and download speeds have improved.
ASP Manager copies translations from MultiVantage software on the “main” server to its
WSPs as follows.
When ASP Manager copies translations from a main server to its WSPs, it first makes a
connection with the main server over an Ethernet LAN or WAN, via the C-LAN board on the
main server. It logs in to the main server using an “administration” login ID and password
that has already been set up on the main server and specified in ASP Manager. It issues the
save translations command, and if the command is successful, ASP Manager logs off and
disconnects. It then reconnects using the “upload/download” login, and issues the upload translations command. (If the save translations command fails, ASP Manager will proceed
with the second command only if you have specified that ASP Manager should do so.) The
translations from the main server are uploaded to ASP Manager, and then ASP Manager
disconnects. ASP Manager logs the success or failure of the upload in its log, which you can
view from the ASP Manager user interface. If the translations were uploaded successfully,
ASP Manager keeps a copy before downloading the translations to the WSPs.
Avaya™ ATM WAN Survivable Processor Manager Installation and Configuration9
ASP Manager does not download an exact copy of the translations to the WSPs. If it did, it
would overwrite critical connectivity information that allows the WSP to communicate with
other systems. Instead, after uploading translations from the main server, ASP Manager
makes some minor adjustments to the translations; for example, changing IP address, port,
and node name information, as appropriate, to work on the given WSP.
Once ASP Manager has uploaded translations from the main server, it issues the status atm
wsp command on the main server. If the WAN Processor Role field contains a value of
“pending”, no WSP data is available and ASP Manager logs an error. If the WAN Processor
Role field contains any other value, ASP Manager can then display the name, number, and
link status of each WSP in the network.
ASP Manager then connects and logs in to each WSP, using login IDs and passwords that
have previously been set up on the WSPs and specified in ASP Manager. ASP Manager issues
the status atm wsp command on each WSP. If the WAN Processor Role field contains a
value of “spare” and the State field contains a value of “standby,” then ASP Manager issues
the save translations removable-media command, and then the download translations command. If the WAN Processor Role and the State fields contain any other
values, then ASP Manager aborts the save translations and the download and logs an error.
After ASP Manager downloads translations successfully, it does one of two things: for
anything prior to DEFINITY ECS Release 10 systems, it issues a reset system 4 disk
command; for DEFINITY ECSRelease 10 and later systems, it issues a reset system 3 disk preserve-license command. These commands reboot the WSP in a forced-standby mode.
This terminates the connection between the WSP and ASP Manager.
Several minutes later, ASP Manager attempts to reconnect to the rebooted WSP. If it fails, it
tries again in another several minutes. If it fails again, it logs an error in its status log. If it
succeeds, ASP Manager modifies the translations. Precisely how depends on whether or not
the main server has the “critical reliability” feature enabled.
10Avaya™ ATM WAN Survivable Processor Manager Installation and Configuration
If the main server has critical reliability enabled, ASP Manager issues the status pnc
command to determine whether A-pnc or B-pnc is active. If B-pnc is active, ASP Manager
issues the command reset pnc interchange override and waits for two minutes. A-pnc
must be active before ASP Manager can issue the command busyout pnc-standby, which
occurs next. If that step is successful, ASP Manager issues the command change system duplication, and sets both SPE dup and PNC dup to ‘n’. If that is successful, ASP Manager
issues the command busy atm pnc 1, and if that is successful ASP Manager issues the
command remove atm pnc1. Next, ASP Manager issues the command list config all to
determine the physical location of the ATM interface circuit packs. This returns two locations.
Then, ASP Manager issues the command change system maintenance, changing the value
of the field called WSP to ‘SPARE,’ entering the ATM interface circuit pack locations
determined with the list config all command, entering the WSP number, and entering the
takeover time. Next, ASP Manager issues the change system duplication command, and
changes the value of the field called PNC dup back to ‘y’. Finally, ASP Manager issues the
commands save trans active and either reset system 4 disk or reset system 3 disk preserve-license, depending on the release number of the systems.
For systems without critical reliability, ASP Manager issues the busyout atm pnc 1
command; it issues the remove atm pnc 1 command; and then busyout atm pnc 2 and remove atm pnc 2 (if applicable). Then, it issues a list configuration all command to
retrieve the ATM interface location. This location is required for the next change system
parameters command. This returns one location. Then, ASP Manager makes the following
changes on the change system-parameters maintenance form of the WSP: it enters
“spare” in the WAN Processor Role field; it enters the previously determined location of the
ATM-EI board in the A-PNC Board Location field; it enters the WSP number (gathered from
the main server) in the WSP Number field; and it enters the number of minutes (gathered
from the ASP Manager user) after which the WSP will take over in the event of a main server
failure in the WSP Takeover Time field. Finally, ASP Manager issues the commands save trans active and either reset system 4 disk or reset system 3 disk preserve-license,
depending on the release number of the systems.
ASP Manager lets you specify when you want to copy translations. You can copy them
immediately or schedule the copy to occur once, daily, or weekly.
ASP Manager lets you set the number of minutes after which a WSP will take over in the
event of a main server failure. All other WSP administration commands are accessible only
from a System Administration Terminal (SAT) or system administration application, such as
Avaya MultiVantage™ Configuration Manager or Avaya Site Administration.
Avaya™ ATM WAN Survivable Processor Manager Installation and Configuration11
ASP Manager has no login and password protection. Unauthorized use of ASP Manager is
prevented only through the login and password required by Windows, and the logins and
passwords required by the MultiVantage software on the main servers and WSPs. Once ASP
Manager has been installed and configured, it stores the login IDs and passwords of the main
server and its WSPs on the ASP Manager server, which means from that point forward, only
your Windows security prevents unauthorized users from gaining access to these devices.
However, all that an unauthorized user could do with ASP Manager is copy translations from
the main server to its WSPs. Using ASP Manager, users cannot manually modify translations
between uploading them from the server and downloading them to the WSP, which means
that using ASP Manager, users have no way to introduce errors or sabotage the WSP
If you have a service agreement with Avaya, or if you want Avaya support during ASP
Manager’s warranty period, you must install a copy of pcAnywhere on the ASP Manager
computers that you want Avaya to support. For the required version number of
pcAnywhere, see ‘‘ Understanding System Requirements’’ on page 15. If used incorrectly,
pcAnywhere can be a security risk. It is your responsibility to protect your network from
unauthorized use. Before installing pcAnywhere, see the guidelines in “Understanding
pcAnywhere Security” on page 28.
The installation will follow a process like the one listed below.
1. Connect ASP Manager computers to the main server(s) and WSPs.
We recommend that PC administrators or telephone technicians perform the
following steps.
a. Connect ASP Manager computers, and the main server and WSPs that it supports,
to a LAN or WAN, following the instructions in "Connecting the Hardware" (page
2. Prepare the main server(s) and WSPs for ASP Manager.
We recommend that an Avaya technician perform the following tasks.
a. Install main PPN, ATM-PNC, and WSPs, if you have not already.
For instructions on installing main PPNs and WSPs, visit and click the MCC link to view Installation for MCC
Made Easy. For instructions on installing ATM-PNC, refer to ATM Installation,
Upgrades, and Administration Using MultiVantage Solutions. A copy of this book is
available from the VisAbility home page, or on your ASP Manager software CD.
12Avaya™ ATM WAN Survivable Processor Manager Installation and Configuration
b. Install, administer, and test C-LAN boards on all main servers and WSPs that ASP
Manager will support, if you have not already.
c. Set up asynchronous links, if you have not already.
d. If you will be using Access Security Gateway (ASG) on a main server or WSP that
ASP Manager supports, and if it is not already enabled, then contact Avaya to have
this feature enabled (page 20).
e. Have Avaya enable the “
System Management Data Transfer Only?” customer
option for each main server and WSP that ASP Manager supports, if it is not
already enabled (page 20).
f. Create an “Upload/Download” login and “Administration” login for each main
server and WSP that ASP Manager supports, if these do not already exist (page
3. Prepare computers for ASP Manager.
a. Upgrade existing computers (if necessary) to meet the hardware and software
requirements specified on page 15.
b. Ensure TCP/IP connectivity between the ASP Manager server and all ASP Manager
c. Ensure TCP/IP connectivity between the ASP Manager server, the “main” server,
and all of its WSPs.
Make sure they can ping each other. Troubleshoot problems with the LAN/WAN
d. Set the PC’s time (page 33).
4. Give Avaya access to your system.
This step applies if you have a maintenance support agreement with Avaya, or if you
want Avaya to be able to support you during ASP Manager’s warranty period. We
recommend that PC administrators perform the following tasks.
a. Install modems and pcAnywhere on all computers that you want Avaya to be able
to access to support ASP Manager.
b. Provide Avaya’s Technical Service Center (TSC) the phone number or IP address to
access ASP Manager computers.
5. Install ASP Manager.
We recommend that PC administrators perform the following tasks.
a. Install ASP Manager client and server software (page 29).
b. Reboot.
Avaya™ ATM WAN Survivable Processor Manager Installation and Configuration13
6. Configure ASP Manager.
We recommend that PC administrators perform the following tasks.
a. Specify the “main” server connection information (page 34).
b. Specify the WSP connection information (page 35).
c. Set up e-mail notification (page 36).
7. Test the Installation.
We recommend that PC administrators perform the following tasks.
a. Test connections to devices (page 37).
b. Have ASP Manager copy translations from the “main” server to the associated
WSPs and examine the Status Log for errors.
8. Troubleshoot, if appropriate.
We recommend that PC administrators and network administrators collaborate to
perform the following tasks.
a. Troubleshoot hardware connections.
b. Troubleshoot software connections (page 38).
c. Troubleshoot uploading/downloading.
If you are located within the United States and require assistance installing ASP Manager,
contact your local Avaya representative for options and details. Please allow a 4-week lead
time to ensure that your requested due date can be met.
If you are located outside the United States and require assistance installing ASP Manager,
contact your Avaya local representative or dealer. Please allow a 4-week lead time to ensure
that your requested due date can be met.
14Avaya™ ATM WAN Survivable Processor Manager Installation and Configuration
Any computer you use to run the ASP Manager client or server software should meet the
following requirements:
Operating SystemWindows 98, 2000,
Windows NT (SP 4 or
later), or XP
ProcessorIntel Pentium II 250
Other Softwareantivirus softwareantivirus software,
RAM64 MB128 MB
Available Disk
CD-ROM DriveYesYes
Network TypeEthernetEthernet
* Note: *If client and server software are on the same computer, add these space
requirements together.
In addition, ASP Manager computers must be on the same LAN or WAN as the main
server(s) and WSPs that ASP Manager will support. If you want to use ASP Manager’s E-mail
notification feature, then the ASP Manager server must have access to the SMTP mail server
that would be sending the notification E-mail.
10 MB*100 MB, plus
Windows 2000
Intel Pentium III 450 MHz
Java Runtime Environment
15 MB for each main switch or WSP*
IP addresses on the ASP Manager client and server computers can be static or DHCP. If you
are using DHCP, you must refer to the ASP Manager server by host name.
ASP Manager can run on the same computer with Avaya Site Administration and
pcAnywhere 9.0.
Avaya™ ATM WAN Survivable Processor Manager Installation and Configuration15
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