Avaya 4550T-PWR+, 4850GTS, 4826GTS, 4850GTS-PWR+, 4826GTS-PWR+ Fundamentals

Fundamentals Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4000 Series
NN47205-102, 05.01
December 2011
2011 Avaya Inc.
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2 Fundamentals December 2011
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Chapter 1: New in this release...........................................................................................
Cisco CLI Phase 1............................................................................................................................
Disable MAC Learning.....................................................................................................................
Equal Cost Multi Path (ECMP).........................................................................................................
Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) Querier....................................................................
Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) version 3 Snooping and Proxy................................
IP Phone automatic PoE changes....................................................................................................
Layer 3 Brouter Port.........................................................................................................................
Many to Many Port Mirroring............................................................................................................
MLT/DMLT/LAG Dynamic VLAN changes........................................................................................
Network Time Protocol (NTP)...........................................................................................................
Ping Source Address........................................................................................................................
Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP)..............................................................................................
SFP Plus..........................................................................................................................................
Show Flash command......................................................................................................................
SSH Client........................................................................................................................................
SSH RSA Authentication..................................................................................................................
Stack Health Monitoring and Recovery............................................................................................
Static FDB MAC Entry......................................................................................................................
Terminal Mode Permanent Setting...................................................................................................
VLAN Scaling...................................................................................................................................
Voice VLAN Integration....................................................................................................................
Other changes...........................................................................................................................................
New Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4000 Series models...............................................................
Avaya Identity Engines Ignition Server.............................................................................................
Diagnostic Auto Unit Replacement (DAUR).....................................................................................
Enterprise Device Manager enhancements.....................................................................................
Chapter 2: Feature licensing fundamentals.....................................................................
Feature licenses........................................................................................................................................
License generation....................................................................................................................................
Generating a license file............................................................................................................................
Installing a license file...............................................................................................................................
Displaying licenses....................................................................................................................................
Deleting a license......................................................................................................................................
License transfer.........................................................................................................................................
Special cases with software licensing..............................................................................................
Chapter 3: User interface fundamentals...........................................................................
ACLI concepts...........................................................................................................................................
ACLI command modes.....................................................................................................................
ACLI access procedures..................................................................................................................
ACLI help..................................................................................................................................................
Enterprise Device Manager concepts.......................................................................................................
Supported Web browsers.................................................................................................................
5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 11 11
13 13 14 14 16 16 17 17 18
19 19 19 21 22 24 25
Fundamentals December 2011 3
Memory requirements......................................................................................................................
Online help.......................................................................................................................................
Interface components.......................................................................................................................
Enterprise Device Manager procedures...................................................................................................
Configuring EDM through ACLI........................................................................................................
Starting EDM....................................................................................................................................
Using shortcut menus.......................................................................................................................
Opening folders and tabs.................................................................................................................
Using dialog boxes...........................................................................................................................
Editing objects..................................................................................................................................
Graphing statistics............................................................................................................................
Getting EDM online help files for embedded EDM...........................................................................
Chapter 4: Configuration files fundamentals...................................................................
ACLI configuration files.............................................................................................................................
Configuration file management procedures.....................................................................................
Enterprise Device Manager configuration files.........................................................................................
ASCII and binary configuration file procedures................................................................................
Chapter 5: Supported standards and Request for comments........................................
Chapter 6: ACLI quick reference.......................................................................................
Connect to the switch................................................................................................................................
Start ACLI from the main menu.................................................................................................................
ACLI command modes..............................................................................................................................
Use the factory default configuration........................................................................................................
Configure the management IP address....................................................................................................
Configure Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)......................................................................
Configure Network Time Protocol (NTP)...................................................................................................
Configure VLANs and tagged uplinks.......................................................................................................
Configure Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP).........................................................................
Configure a port........................................................................................................................................
Configure passwords................................................................................................................................
Configure Secure Shell (SSH)..................................................................................................................
Configure Telnet........................................................................................................................................
Configure Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP)....................................................................................
Configure log settings...............................................................................................................................
Configure Secure Socket Layer (SSL)......................................................................................................
Configure access control...........................................................................................................................
Check a configuration...............................................................................................................................
ACLI commands listed by mode...............................................................................................................
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4 Fundamentals December 2011

Chapter 1: New in this release

The following sections detail what is new in Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4000 Series Fundamentals (NN47205-102) for release 5.6.


For information about changes for this release that apply to features, see the following sections.

Cisco CLI Phase 1

In Release 5.6 selected ACLI commands for ARP, Spanning Tree, and VLAN have been modified to use Cisco CLI syntax. While the interface software remains backwards compatible, and ASCII configuration files you created prior to Release 5.6 will function normally, from Release 5.6 and up the new Cisco CLI command syntax will be used for the commands for ARP, Spanning Tree, and VLAN.

Disable MAC Learning

Y ou can use Disable MAC Learning on a port when you want to control the Layer 2 Forwarding Database (FDB) entries to prevent MAC tables from filling unnecessarily . Y ou use Disable MAC Learning in combination with Static MAC FDB Entry.

Equal Cost Multi Path (ECMP)

Routers use Equal Cost Multi Path to load balance traffic on equal cost paths to the same destination prefix and to assure faster convergence to other active paths in case of network failure.
Fundamentals December 2011 5
New in this release

Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) Querier

When you configure IGMP Querier the system sends IGMP general queries to designated sources when the switch or VLANs operate in Layer 2 mode. IGMP Querier sends IGMP general queries to all ports, Multi-Link Trunks (ML T), Distributed Multi-Link Trunks (DML T), and Link Aggregation Groups (LAG) on the configured VLAN.

Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) version 3 Snooping and Proxy

From Release 5.6 and up the switch supports full IGMPv3 Snooping and Proxy. IGMPv3 Snooping provides the ability to pack multiple group members in a single report message to reduce the amount ot network traffic. When you enable IGMPv3 Snooping, you can use IGMP proxy to receive and consolidate multiple reports for the same multicast group.

IP Phone automatic PoE changes

PoE settings and IP Phone discovery have been enhanced to allow the provision of PoE priority levels and power limits when the system discovers an IP Phone.

Layer 3 Brouter Port

From Release 5.6 and up, the switch supports the configuration of brouter ports. A brouter port is a single-port VLAN that can route IP packets as well as bridge all non-routable traffic. An advantage of this feature is that it eliminates interruptions caused by Spanning Tree Protocol recalculations in routed traffic.

Many to Many Port Mirroring

You can use Many to Many Port Mirroring to monitor more than one traffic pattern because you can use multiple instances of port mirroring simultaneously. In a network that supports a variety of complex scenarious, when you can monitor multiple traffic patterns you can, for example, set up one port mirror to allow duplication of VoIP traf fic for call recording processes and use another instance for intrusion detection while additional instances remain available for other activities or network troubleshooting.
6 Fundamentals December 2011
Comments? infodev@avaya.com

MLT/DMLT/LAG Dynamic VLAN changes

Enhancements have been made to Link Aggregation Groups (LAG) that provide consistent operation of Multi-Link Trunk (MLT), Distributed Multi-Link Trunk (DMLT), and LAGs so that you can make VLAN changes on trunks without disabling the trunk first.

Network Time Protocol (NTP)

The switch supports both Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) and Network Time Protocol (NTP) for time synchronization. You can configure SNTP and/or NTP with both primary and secondary server for SNTP and up to 10 servers for NTP, IPv4 and IPv6 for SNTP and only IPv4 for NTP.

Ping Source Address

For more flexible testing and network setup diagnostics, Ping has been enhanced so that you can specify the IPv4 source address of the outgoing ICMP request. The source address must be one of the active Layer 3 interfaces and you cannot specify the VRRP virtual address as the source address for Ping.

Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP)

For secure (SSH) software images Secure File Transfer supports download of Agent and diagnostic files and ASCII configuration file download and upload. SFTP allows secure transfer of a binary configuration file between a switch or stack and an SFTP server that uses SFTP with SSH version 2. Enabled by default, and available through ACLI and EDM, SFTP interacts with SSH Client.

SFP Plus

Release 5.6 introduces four Avaya ERS 4800 Series models that support Small Form factor Pluggable Plus (SFP+) devices. SFP+ supports 10 Gbps connectivity.
The following SFP+ devices are supported:
SFP+ order code Description
AA1403011–E6 1–Port 10 Gigabit-LR SFP+ (LC) Single
mode up to 10 km
Fundamentals December 2011 7
New in this release
SFP+ order code Description
AA1403013–E6 1–Port 10 Gigabit-ER SFP+ (LC) Single
AA1403015–E6 1–Port 10 Gigabit-SR SFP+ (LC) Multi-mode
AA1403017–E6 1–Port 10 Gigabit-LRM SFP+ (LC) Multi-
AA1403018–E6 SFP+ direct attach cable 10 m AA1403019–E6 SFP+ direct attach cable 3 m AA1403020–E6 SFP+ direct attach cable 5 m

Show Flash command

You can use the show flash command to display FLASH capacity and current usage information about FLASH allocation and files, if present, to provide information about dual images and backup configurations. You can display the actual file sizes and space allocated to them.
mode up to 40 km
fibre up to 300 m
mode fibre up to 220 m

SSH Client

Present only on switches with SSH images, and available only through ACLI, SSH Client uses SSH version 2. It is a secure shell protocol you can use to connect to an SSH Server device in the network that accepts remote connections.

SSH RSA Authentication

SSH RSA Authentication provides increased security for Secure Shell (SSH) login. With this feature, the switch supports RSA public-private key encryption that uses a digital certificate. SSH RSA Authentication is supported when you select the RSA certificate option for a Secure Shell connection from a client PC to the switch.

Stack Health Monitoring and Recovery

You can use Stack Health Monitoring and Recovery for more robust switch discovery and to obtain additional reports about stack communication failure. You can also use the recovery function to detect logical or software problems in a switch or stack.
8 Fundamentals December 2011
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Static FDB MAC Entry

You can use Static FDB MAC Entry to configure a static MAC address entry in the Layer 2 Forwarding Database (FDB). A static address does not age out and is saved in the configuration file. You use Static FDB MAC Entry in conjunction with Disable MAC Learning.

Terminal Mode Permanent Setting

When you use Terminal Mode Permanent Setting, the system saves terminal settings across login sessions. Retaining the terminal settings makes it easier to use scripts to configure or poll the switch.

VLAN Scaling

The switch supports up to 1,024 concurrent VLANs with VIDs in a range from 1 to 4094. VLAN scaling is an enhancement that enables actions on multiple VLANs simultaneously for faster configuration of a high number of VLANs. If you add multiple VLANs to a single port you must set VLAN configuration control to flexible.

Other changes

Voice VLAN Integration

Voice VLAN is enhanced to provide centralized creation and management of V oice VLAN using VLAN-specific commands. The enhancement also includes the option to configure a statically allocated port that you can permanently assign to the Voice VLAN, where that port will still persist after a system boot. Another advantage of a statically allocated port is that it does not have to participate in the ADAC or 802.1AB discovery processes, when this behavior is desired. With Voice VLAN Integration, the switch creates static V oice VLANs and Layer 3 configurations can be applied as per standard operational procedures. Voice VLAN integration is specifically useful when Layer 3 configurations are needed for ADAC Voice VLAN.
Other changes
See the following sections for information about changes that do not apply to new features.
Fundamentals December 2011 9
New in this release

New Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4000 Series models

Release 5.6 introduces the following six new hardware models to the A vaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4000 Series:
• Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4550T-PWR+
• Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4526T-PWR+
• Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4850GTS
• Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4850GTS-PWR+
• Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4826GTS
• Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4826GTS-PWR+
The new 4500 and 4800 PWR+ models support PoE+, according to the IEEE 802.3at standard, and can deliver power up to 32W, as opposed to 16W for the 4500 PWR legacy units.
Release 5.6 also introduces one new removable power supply for the A vaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4000 Series — the ERS4x00 PoE+ PSU, a stackable 1000W AC Power over Ethernet plus power supply unit.
The PoE+ models include a 1000w power supply that enables full support for 48 ports when all ports are operating at class 3 802.3af PoE.
On the new PoE+ hardware variants, the switch CPU speed is 533 MHz, and the FLASH is larger to allow for large images, backup images, and configurations.
The standard ADS console port (DTE) on all new products is an RJ-45 Female Connector: (8 pin RJ45).

Avaya Identity Engines Ignition Server

Avaya Identity Engines Ignition Server (Ignition Server) is an 802.1X-capable RADIUS authentication server and T ACACS+ server that grants or denies users access to your network based on your policies. When you use Ignition Server you can create a single set of policies that control access for all user connection methods: over a wired Ethernet jack, wireless, or VPN.
Ignition Server also authenticates devices and you can configure an 802.1X authentication bypass for older devices on your network that cannot perform an 802.1X authentication.
10 Fundamentals December 2011
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Diagnostic Auto Unit Replacement (DAUR)

The DAUR feature is disabled in Release 5.6. You can download a diagnostic image through the download ACLI command.

Enterprise Device Manager enhancements

Release 5.6 includes the following Enterprise Device Manager (EDM) user interface enhancements:
• a Save Config button was added to the Navigation tree toolbar to allow you to quickly and easily save a configuration
• a search function, called Auto Complete Search, appears just beneath the Navigation tree toolbar. You can use the entry field in this search function to help you find navigation tree folders quickly. For example, you can enter only IP in the search window and the navigation tree changes to reveal only items related to the text “IP”.
Other changes
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New in this release
12 Fundamentals December 2011
Comments? infodev@avaya.com

Chapter 2: Feature licensing fundamentals

About this task
This section provides information to help understand, install, and manage feature licensing. Review this section before using licensed features or before making changes to the license configuration.
If you reset a standalone device to the default configuration, you erase the license file.

Feature licenses

This section describes the types of licenses and lists the features that require a license. Software releases prior to Release 5.4 require no licenses. Switches and licenses are purchased separately. The Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4000 series supports trial and advanced license types.
To use the following features you must obtain the appropriate license:
• Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) (beginning with Release 5.4)
• Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) (beginning with Release 5.5)
• Equal Cost Multi Path (ECMP) (beginning with Release 5.6)
A trial license can be obtained to try out advanced license features for 30 days. Trial licenses are obtained from Avaya and installed using the ACLI. After the trial period has expired the licensed feature is disabled.
To minimize network and device impacts, the following events occur before the expiration of a trial license:
• A system trap is sent five days before license expiration.
• A system trap is sent one day before license expiration.
• A system trap is sent at license expiration.
To fully enable advanced license features, a license kit must be purchased, a license file generated, and the file installed on the switch. Each license kit contains a license certificate and a License Authorization Code (LAC) for a specific number or level of licenses. The license certificate contains the following instructions for license file generation:
• deposit LACs into an online license bank
• find and use the switch MAC address for license file generation
Fundamentals December 2011 13
Feature licensing fundamentals
• license file generation
• installation of the license file on the switch

License generation

After purchasing a license kit, a license file must be generated on the licensing portal. This licensing portal acts as a license bank to store all license entitlements and licenses.
The license certificate found in the license kit contains a License Authorization Code (LAC). This LAC is submitted to the license portal, which deposits license entitlements into a license bank. This license entitlement is combined with the switch MAC address to generate a license file. Because license files are generated based on a switch MAC address, the license file must contain the authorized MAC addresses of the switches where it will be installed.
A license can contain multiple MAC addresses and MAC addresses can be added to the license file at a later time. A single license file can support more than one MAC address. The number of MAC addresses supported is dependent on the type of license. To support licensed features in a stack, use the MAC address of the Base Unit.
The following table provides information on the license kits available for the Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4000:
Part Number
AL4516001 ERS4500 Adv License 1 AL4516002 ERS4500 Adv License 10

Generating a license file

About this task
This section contains the procedure for license file generation. Ensure the following prerequisites are met before generating a license:
• Purchase a license kit
• Ensure a properly configured TFTP server is reachable from the switch or stack on, which the license file will be installed.
• Obtain the switch base MAC addresses for the switches that use licensed features.
License Type Number of Switches / MAC
Addresses Supported
• Ensure the default web browser does not automatically decompress the files.
14 Fundamentals December 2011
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Generating a license file
License file names must conform to the following limitations:
• 63 character maximum
• Lower case characters only
• No spaces or special characters permitted with the exception of the underscore ( _ )
• A three character file extension is required. This file extension can be any three characters.
To generate a license file for multiple MAC addresses, the addresses must be specified in a text file that conforms to the following rules:
• ASCII text file
• one MAC address per line
• no additional characters, spaces, or special characters besides those used in the MAC addresses
• MAC addresses in hexadecimal, capitalized format with each pair of characters separated by colons
• must contain correct MAC addresses
• the number of MAC addresses specified must not exceed the maximum for the license type
1. Use a web browser to access the licensing portal.
2. Enter contact information in the required boxes.
3. Create a new license bank or access one already created.
4. Select an e-mail notification option.
5. Enter the LAC specified on the license certificate.
6. Click Submit.
7. Wait for notification from the system.
8. Click Go to License Bank to Download License.
9. Select the appropriate LAC on the License Bank screen.
10. Click Generate License.
11. Specify a single MAC address or multiple MAC addresses by submitting a text file
12. Specify the license file name.
13. Click Generate License File.
Generated license files are sent based the e-mail notification options.
that conforms to the preceding limitations.
Fundamentals December 2011 15
Feature licensing fundamentals

Installing a license file

About this task
This procedure is used to install a license file. If the switch is reset to default, the license file must be reinstalled and the switch reset to reenable licensed features. Resetting a switch to default removes the license file from its storage area in NVRAM.
Store the license file on a TFTP server accessible by the switch or stack before starting the installation procedure. For switches equipped with a USB port, you can also use a USB mass storage device to copy the license file to the switch.
1. At the Privileged Executive command prompt, enter the command copy [tftp| usb] license <tftp_ip_address> filename <license_file_name>.
2. Restart the switch.
License installation example using USB
1. Insert a USB mass storage device into a USB port on the front of the switch.
2. To copy a license from a USB mass storage device, use the following command:
copy usb license 4500_adv.lic The switch generates the message: License successfully downloaded
You must reboot the system to activate the license.

Displaying licenses

About this task
Display an installed license file using the command show license {<1-10> | all} [verbose]. Specify an individual license with the designated number or use the all keyword
to display all installed licenses.
16 Fundamentals December 2011
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Deleting a license

About this task
Delete an installed license file using the command clear license { <1-10> | all} in Privileged Exec mode. Specify an individual license with the designated number or use the all keyword to delete all installed licenses.

License transfer

About this task
The Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4000 implements Licensing Auto Unit Replacement. If a base unit fails, the other units in the stack will transfer a virtual key to the new base unit to eliminate the need for transfer of a license to the new base unit. Even with this functionality in place, there are still several situations where it becomes necessary to transfer the license from one device to another. These conditions are as follows:
Deleting a license
• replacement of failed non base unit
• incorrect MAC address entered during license file generation
• the system displays an error message indicating the limit of MAC swaps for the license has been exceeded
Use the following procedure to transfer a license.
1. Use a web browser to access the licensing portal.
2. Click License Bank.
3. Enter the appropriate user name and password.
4. Select the License Authorization Code (LAC) entry associated with the license type.
5. Click View Details.
6. Select the transaction that contains the appropriate license file name.
7. Click Replace Switch.
8. In Step 1: Enter Replacement MAC Address, enter the new MAC address.
9. In Step 2: Select the MAC Address to Replace, select the entry for the MAC address to be replaced.
10. Click Replace Switch MAC.
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Feature licensing fundamentals
If you exceed the MAC replacement threshold, a message appears confirming that the MAC swap is unsuccessful. Select a different LAC entry and try again. If no other LAC entries appear in the list, contact technical support.
11. After the system displays MAC swap successful, click Return to License Bank Details.
12. Select the transaction that contains the license file name with the new MAC address.
13. Click Download.

Special cases with software licensing

About this task
The following sections describe situations when software licensing can be lost or fail.
Downgrade of switch software followed by upgrade of switch software
On a standalone switch, if you downgrade from R5.4 or later software to R5.3 or earlier software, and then upgrade back to R5.4 or later software, the software license is lost.
In a stack, if you downgrade from R5.4 or later software to R5.3 or earlier software, and then upgrade back to R5.4 or later software, the license is retained. The system sets the operational license to Advanced software and the installed license displays as none. Because R5.3 is unaware of software licensing, the license can be lost in the rare event that memory is reused. If this happens, you must reinstall the software license after upgrade.
Base unit failure in a stack of 2 units
It is not recommended to operate a stack of two switches with a software license based only on the base unit (BU) MAC address. If the base unit fails, after you reboot the former non-base unit (NBU), now a standalone switch, the switch is unlicensed.
To prevent the loss of the software license, Avaya recommends that you install a software license that contains the NBU MAC address.
Base unit failure in a stack of more than 2 units
It is not recommended to install a license file when the system is operating in temporary base unit (TBU) mode.
In a stack, if you create a license file based on the MAC address of the base unit (BU), then designate another unit in the stack as the BU, when you download the license file the system generates error messages and the license process fails.
18 Fundamentals December 2011
Comments? infodev@avaya.com

Chapter 3: User interface fundamentals

This chapter provides basic information to help you understand the interfaces you can use to configure and manage an Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch. Available features depend on switch model and configuration.

ACLI concepts

Avaya Command Line Interface (ACLI) is a text-based interface that you can use for switch configuration and management. A common command line interface (CLI), ACLI follows the industry standard used for device management across Avaya products.
The command modes within ACLI are listed in order of increasing privileges and each mode is based on user logon permission level. User logon permission is determined by logon password as supplied by your system administrator.
Y ou can access ACLI directly through a console connection, remotely through a dial-up modem connection, or in-band through a Telnet session.
Y ou can use ACLI interactively or use configure network to load and execute ACLI scripts, manually loading the script in the console menu or automatically loading the script at startup. For more information about the command, see
using ACLI on page 58.
The following topics describe ACLI command modes, provide procedures to access ACLI, and describe ACLI help.
• ACLI command modes
• ACLI access procedures
• ACLI help

ACLI command modes

This section describes the use and purpose of ACLI command modes. ACLI provides the following command modes:
• User EXEC
• Privileged EXEC
Downloading a configuration file automatically
Fundamentals December 2011 19
User interface fundamentals
• Global Configuration
• Interface Configuration
• Router Configuration
Command mode access is determined by access permission levels and password protection.
If no password is set, you can enter ACLI in User EXEC mode and use enable to move to the next level, Privileged EXEC mode.
However, if you have read-only access, you cannot progress beyond User EXEC mode, the default command mode.
If you have read-write access you can progress from the default mode through all of the available command modes.
User EXEC mode is the default ACLI command mode and the initial access mode. Also known as exec mode, it is the most restrictive ACLI mode and has few commands available; for example, ping and logoff. User EXEC commands are available from the other modes.
Privileged EXEC mode is an unrestricted command mode that can display all switch settings, and, if you are logged on with write access, you can access all configuration modes and commands that affect switch operation from this mode. In Privileged EXEC mode, also known as privExec mode, you can perform basic switch level management tasks such as downloading software images, setting passwords, and starting the switch. Privileged EXEC commands are also available in Global and Interface configuration modes.
Global Configuration mode, also known as config mode, provides commands used to set and display general switch configurations such as IP address, Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) parameters, Telnet access, and Virtual Local Area Networks (VLAN).
From the Global Configuration mode, access the Router Configuration Mode by entering one of the following commands:
router rip
router ospf
router vrrp
Interface Configuration mode, also known as config-if mode, provides commands used to configure parameters for each port or VLAN such as speed, duplex mode, and rate limiting.
With sufficient permission, you can use the rules in the following table to move between the command modes.
Command mode and
sample prompt
User EXEC 4548GT-PWR> No entrance command,
Entrance commands Exit commands
default mode
20 Fundamentals December 2011
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ACLI concepts
Command mode and
sample prompt
Privileged EXEC 4548GT­PWR#
Global Configuration 4548GT-PWR(config)#
Interface Configuration 4548GT-PWR(config-if)#
Entrance commands Exit commands
enable exit
From Privileged EXEC mode, enter
To return to Privileged EXEC mode, enter
To exit ACLI completely, enter
From Global Configuration mode: To configure a port enter
interface fastethernet <port number>
To configure a VLAN enter:
interface vlan <vlan number>
To return to Global Configuration mode, enter:
To return to Privileged EXEC mode, enter:
To exit ACLI completely, enter:
Router Configuration ERS4000(config-router)#

ACLI access procedures

About this task
Perform the procedures in this section to access ACLI. Prerequisites
• Connect to the switch with a console cable, connected directly to the console port, or use Telnet.
• To connect to the switch remotely, through Telnet, ensure that you enable remote access and that the switch IP address is valid.
From Global Configuration mode, to configure OSPF, enter:
router ospf
To configure RIP, enter:
router rip
To configure VRRP, enter:
router vrrp
To return to Global Configuration mode, enter:
To return to Privileged EXEC mode, enter:
To exit ACLI completely, enter:
Fundamentals December 2011 21
User interface fundamentals
• Use a terminal or PC, with a terminal emulator, as the ACLI command station.
• If you use a console cable and console port, ensure that the terminal emulation program conforms to settings listed in the following table.
Property Value
Baud Rate 9600 bps Data Bits 8 Stop Bits 1 Parity None Flow Control None Terminal Protocol VT100 and VT100/ANSI
Opening an ACLI session

ACLI help

This section describes help available in ACLI. ACLI help is available at all levels.
Command list
To obtain a list of all commands available from a prompt, enter a question mark (?).
Command options
1. Connect to the switch.
2. Enter the password, if applicable.
3. At the ACLI Banner Screen, enter CTRL+Y.
4. To access ACLI, from the main menu, press c or scroll to Command Line Interface.
5. Press Enter.
To obtain a list of all options for a command, at the prompt enter a portion of a command followed by a space and a question mark (?).
22 Fundamentals December 2011
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ACLI help
Command names
To obtain a correct command name, at the prompt enter a portion of the command name, and then press the Tab key. The system displays the first unambiguous match for your selection. For example, enter down + Tab and the system displays download.
Command modes
To obtain a list of ACLI command modes available, enter help modes.
Commands organized by mode
To obtain a list of ACLI commands, organized by command mode, enter help commands. A short explanation of each command is included.
Keystroke shortcuts
To make using ACLI easier, use the keystroke shortcuts in the following table.
Key combination Function
Ctrl+A Start of line Ctrl+B Back 1 character Ctrl+C Abort command Ctrl+D Delete the character indicated by the cursor Ctrl+E End of line Ctrl+F Forward 1 character Ctrl+H Delete character left of cursor (Backspace key) Tab Command or parameter completion Ctrl+K and Ctrl+R Redisplay line Ctrl+N or Down arrow Next history command Ctrl+P or Up arrow Previous history command Ctrl+T Transpose characters Ctrl+U Delete entire line Ctrl+W Delete word to left of cursor Ctrl+X Delete all characters to left of cursor Ctrl+z Exit Global Configuration mode to Privileged EXEC mode ? Context sensitive help Esc+C and Exc+U Capitalize character at cursor Esc+l Change character at cursor to lower case Esc+B Move back 1 word
Fundamentals December 2011 23
User interface fundamentals
Key combination Function
Esc+D Delete 1 word to the right Esc+F Move 1 word forward

Enterprise Device Manager concepts

This section provides information to start and use Enterprise Device Manager (EDM) to monitor, manage, and configure Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 4000 Series switches.
If you want to manage the switch from a centralized location, using Configuration and Orchestration Manager (COM) 2.0 and higher, Avaya offers optional, product-specific EDM plug-ins for COM that include other features such as centralized syslog, trap viewer, troubleshooting and diagnostic tools. For more information, or to purchase plug-ins, go to
The following table compares EDM functions in the embedded version to COM plug-in version.
Table 1: EDM functions: embedded version compared to COM plug-in version
EDM functions Embedded
100% device configuration: device view, device­specific configuration
Stackable Device Web User Interface features Yes No Centralized off-box multi-user element
• user and device credential manager
• user preference
• SSO-based user access control
• user-based Device Access Control (read only and read-write)
• authentication through third party (RADIUS, Microsoft AD, Sun AM)
Centralized EM plug-in management (downloadable install and uninstall, upgrade, patch, and inventory view
Yes Yes
No Yes
No Yes
Plug-in version
User activity log and audit trail No Yes
24 Fundamentals December 2011
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Enterprise Device Manager concepts
EDM functions Embedded
Device performance monitoring and polling Limited High
Device-specific single device wizards and template No Yes Centralized syslog and trap viewer No Yes Troubleshooting and diagnostic tools (ping,
CLI*Manager, path-trace)
EDM is an embedded application that you can use for single device element management and configuration through a standard Web browser. Because EDM is embedded into Ethernet Routing Switch software, and the switch operates as a Web server, you do not require additional client software.

Supported Web browsers

The following is a list of Internet Web browsers supported by EDM:
• Microsoft Internet Explorer versions 7.0 and 8.0
Plug-in version
performance and low latency
No Yes
• Mozilla Firefox version 3.x

Memory requirements

If you install Configuration and Orchestration Manager on a PC to manage your switch, the PC must have at least 500 MB of free disk space.
There are no memory requirements to use EDM through a Web browser.

Online help

Online help is context-sensitive and appears in a separate window in the Web browser. To obtain help for the current topic, click the help button on the toolbar in the work area. If you are using EDM through a Web browser, you need to download the help file to a TFTP
server or a USB mass storage device and configure the EDM Help file path. For procedures, go to Getting EDM online help files for embedded EDM on page 51.
Fundamentals December 2011 25
User interface fundamentals

Interface components

This section describes Enterprise Device Manager interface components. The Enterprise Device Manager window includes the following parts:
• Navigation tree toolbar
• Switch Summary View
• Device Physical View
• EDM window
• Navigation tree
• Menu bar
• Tool bar
• Work area
Switch summary view
The EDM initial view displays a switch summary view in the work area. The Switch Summary tab displays basic switch information. This information-only display
derives from the configuration tab Edit > Chassis > Chassis. Following is a list of the fields on the Switch Summary tab:
• hardware model
• hardware version
• firmware version
• software version
• system up time
• system object identifier
• system contact
• system name
• system location
A Stack Information panel appears at the bottom of the switch summary view work area that provides a description of your switch or the units in your switch stack.
26 Fundamentals December 2011
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This information includes the following:
• Unit number (for stacks) — also lists which unit is the base unit in a stack Switch type
• Description
• Running software version
Device Physical View
When you access EDM, the first panel in the work area displays a switch summary view. The tab behind the summary view is a real-time physical view of the front panel of a device or stack called the Device Physical View.
Objects in the Device Physical View are
• a stand-alone switch, called a unit
• a switch stack, called a chassis
• a port
From the Device Physical View you can
Enterprise Device Manager concepts
• determine the hardware operating status
• select a switch or a port to perform management tasks on specific objects or view fault, configuration, and performance information for specific objects
To select an object, click the object. The system outlines the object in yellow, indicating that the object selected.
The conventions on the device view are similar to the actual switch appearance except that LEDs in Device Physical View do not blink. The LEDs and the ports are color-coded to reflect hardware status. Green indicates the port is up and running; red indicates that the port is disabled.
From the menu bar you can click the Device Physical View tab to open the Device Physical View any time during a session.
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User interface fundamentals
Figure 1: Device Physical View
EDM window
The EDM window contains the following parts:
1. navigation tree—the navigation pane on the left side of the window that displays available command folders in a tree format
2. navigation tree toolbar—the area displays buttons for common functions
3. menu bar—the area at the top of the window that displays primary and secondary tabs that you accessed during the session; the tabs remain available until you close them
4. toolbar—the area just below the menu bar that provides quick access to the most common operational commands such as Apply, Refresh, and Help
5. work area—the main area on the right side of the window that displays the dialog boxes where you view or configure switch parameters
6. Auto Complete Search — the area between the navigation tree toolbar and the navigation tree where you can type a partial or complete search string to find menus. When you type the search string, the navigation tree changes to display only the entries associated with your search. T o return to the full navigation tree display , click the x beside the Auto Complete Search dialog box.
28 Fundamentals December 2011
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Enterprise Device Manager concepts
Figure 2: EDM window
Navigation tree
The navigation tree displays available command topics as folders in a tree. To open a folder or sub-folder, you can click the arrowhead to the left of the folder or double-
click the folder to display the available commands tabs. To close a folder, click the arrowhead once. To access a command tab, click the selection in the navigation tree.
Navigation tree toolbar
You can use the toolbar above the navigation tree to perform common functions more easily.
Figure 3: Toolbar
The following is a description of the toolbar button functions:
Button Description
Switch Summary — you can use the Switch Summary toolbar button to open
or reopen the switch summary tab.
Refresh Status — in addition to the existing refresh methods you can use the Refresh Status toolbar button to refresh the device status
Fundamentals December 2011 29
User interface fundamentals
Button Description
Edit Selected — in addition to the existing edit methods, and depending on which
object you select on the Device Physical View , you can use this toolbar button to open Edit > Chassis, Edit > Unit, or Edit > Ports tabs. If you do not select an object from the Device Physical View and you click the Edit Select toolbar button, the Edit > Chassis tab opens.
Graph Selected — depending on which object you select on the Device Physical View , you can use this toolbar button to open Graph > Chassis or Graph > Port tabs. If you do not make a selection on the Device Physical View , or if you select Unit, the Graph > Chassis tab opens.
Save Config — you can use the Save Config toolbar button to save the configuration to flash memory.
Help Setup Guide — this button connects you to the help setup guide for embedded EDM and it replaces the link that appeared on the top right of work panes.
Menu bar
The menu bar appears above the work area and consists of two rows of tabs. The top row displays tabs that were accessed from the navigation tree during the active
session. The tabs in this row, called primary tabs, are docked and available to reopen on demand. The docked tabs appear in the sequence that you accessed them.
When you click a primary tab from the menu bar, the associated secondary tabs appear in the second row and the default dialog box appears in the work area. Click any secondary tab to display its associated dialog box.
Figure 4: Menu bar
If you want to open a dialog without displacing the current open dialog, you can go to the tab on the menu bar and undock the tab by using your mouse to drag and drop it into the work area. You can drag the dialog box to any location on the screen and you can toggle between the open dialog boxes to compare information and make changes. When you no longer need the undocked tab, you can use the three buttons on the upper right side of the tab to temporarily shrink it, re-dock it, or close it.
When you undock a tab to make changes, and then return to another open tab, in order to see the effects of the changes you must click the Refresh button on the tool bar.
30 Fundamentals December 2011
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