Product Bulletin
Bulletin Number: P-2006-0355-Global-Rev1
Date: 9 Jan 2007
Firmware Maintenance Release 0624C39, 0625C39 and
0627C39 for IP Phone 1120E, 1140E and 1150E
Date Revision # Summary of Changes
20-Dec-06 Original bulletin This is the original publication
9-Jan-07 Rev1
Bluetooth enhancements apply to IP Phone
1140E and 1150E only (Bluetooth is not
supported on IP Phone 1120E)
Nortel* is pleased to announce the general availability of a maintenance release of firmware
version 0624C39, 0625C39 and 0627C39 for the IP Phone 1120E, IP Phone 1140E and IP
Phone 1150E, respectively.
Nortel recommends an upgrade to these maintenance releases of firmware for all applicable
IP Phones and Call Servers at the earliest convenience. These maintenance releases are
being provided as a no charge update to all customers.
These maintenance releases deliver general quality improvements. As well, the 0624C39,
0625C39 and 0627C39 maintenance releases deliver an enhancement to the IP Phone
1120E, IP Phone 1140E and IP Phone 1150E respectively. The enhancement available at
GA includes:
Support for the Expansion Module for IP Phone 1100 Series
Bluetooth headset enhancements on IP Phone 1140E and 1150E
Support for Cached IP feature
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Support for the Expansion Module for IP Phone 1100 Series (Applies to IP Phone
1120E, 1140E and 1150E)
The 0624C39, 0625C39 and 0627C39 maintenance releases of firmware provide
enhancements to the IP Phone 1120E, IP Phone 1140E and IP Phone 1150E respectively
to support the Expansion Module for IP Phone 1100 Series. For more information on the
capabilities of the Expansion Module for IP Phone 1100 Series, refer to Product Bulletin
P-2006-0338-GLOBAL or Sales and Marketing Bulletin SM-2006-0337-GLOBAL.
Bluetooth Headset Enhancements (Applies to IP Phone 1140E and 1150E)
The 0625C39 and 0627C39 maintenance releases of firmware provide enhancements to the
IP Phone 1140E and IP Phone 1150E respectively including
o support for the dual pairing feature of the GN Netcom 6210 headset
o support for remote headset “ring” feature and remote audio open & close
o improved “out of range” handling allowing a user to recover audio to the
headset after they return in range by pressing the headset’s “Call” button
Support for Cached IP (Applies to IP Phone 1120E, 1140E and 1150E)
In response to requests to allow a phone, which has been configured to use DHCP, to
remain in service in the event of a DHCP server failure (or loss of connection to the DHCP
server) firmware releases 0624C39, 0625C39 and 0627C39 allow the phone to use a
cached IP address. The use of a cached IP address, however, is not compliant to the
DHCP specification. Therefore a new checkbox prompt in the Network Configuration menu
is now provided:
Cached IP
The “Cached IP” configuration menu checkbox will not be available if VLAN selection is
selected to be Auto VLAN via DHCP. Cached IP cannot be enabled when Auto VLAN via
DHCP is enabled.
The default setting, of disabled, is compliant with the DHCP specification resulting in service
denial until connection to the DHCP server can be re-established. Only if Cached IP is
enabled (checked) will the phone be more resilient in the event of broken communication to
the DHCP server.
For the Bluetooth enhancements to take effect, one must first unpaired and then pair their headset
after upgrading to 0625C39 or 0627C39 firmware
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Quality Improvements
The 0624C39 and 0625C39 maintenance releases bundle together numerous resolved
issues and closed cases into a firmware up-issue. The list of resolved issues and closed
cases since the last suite of GA firmware loads (0624C23 and 0625C23 respectively) are
listed below.
IP Phone 1120E and IP Phone 1140E fixed issues include:
Latency improvements
DHCP improvements
Side tone adjustment
Headset volume adjustments
Time and date flickering fix
EAP Re-authentication improvements
Add "Umlaut" (..) to German language support
Add Timeout indication for XAS connection
Bluetooth headset improvements
IP Phone 1120E and IP Phone 1140E closed cases include:
Case # Title
051118-59193 Audible Side Tone
060208-36364 BPDU issue with 3-port switch
060324-85528 Issues when DHCP goes out of service
060619-76879 IP Phone failed to connect to SigServer
060623-83068 LLDP issues
060725-16776 Unable to EES on H.323 trunk calls
Time and date flickers on the IP Phone
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Product Advisements
These firmware releases modify the operation of the phone slightly from the previous
versions of firmware in a couple key areas:
Network Loop (Applies to 1120E and1140E)
These firmware releases include a fix to help prevent network loop scenarios from being
introduced into the network, and the resultant network outages that can occur. The network
loop avoidance fix was first introduced in 0624C1E and 0625C1E.
upgrading to 0624C39 or 0625C39 from any load previous to 0624C1E or 0625C1E
respectively, is that IP Phones that were inadvertently mis-wired during initial installation will
not be allowed to work until the cabling problem is corrected. This fix is only an issue if the
installer, when installing the Nortel IP Phone 1120E or 1140E, inadvertently connected the
network Ethernet cable to the PC Ethernet port on the back of the phone, instead of
connecting it to the network Ethernet port on the back of the phone. IP Phone 1120E and
1140E running firmware previous to 0624C1C and 0625C1C respectively will work when
incorrectly connected, but this does introduce the potential for network degradation. These
new firmware loads will safe guard the network by not allowing phones that are mis-cabled
to function. This means that the IP Phones that are working on a previous release of
firmware will stop working if they are not correctly wired. As a preventative measure to
reduce the potential for network degradation, and
ceasing to work when their firmware is upgraded, please consider taking the necessary
steps to ensure your Nortel IP phones network cables are plugged into the correct ports on
the back of the phone – network cable into the network Ethernet port, and the PC Ethernet
cable (if connecting a PC) to the PC Ethernet port (little computer icon) on the back of the
to prevent mis-cabled phones from
One important note when
Correction to VLAN Access Process (Applies to IP Phone 1120E, 1140E) – may
impact current network configurations
The 0624C39 and 0625C39 firmware releases continue to support the changes to the VLAN
Access Process that were first introduced in 0624C1E or 0625C1E firmware.
When upgrading to 0624C39 or 0625C39 from any load previous to 0624C1E or 0625C1E
respectively, the corrections to the VLAN access process, might impact current customer
network configurations, especially if something special was done to compensate for the
former operation of the phone.
1) Voice VLAN enabled with the Automatic VLAN Discovery feature – initial DHCP request is
forwarded based on the Data VLAN policy (i.e. untagged if Data VLAN is disabled or tagged
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