MegaRAID® SAS 9280-16i4e RAID
Quick Installation Guide
46563-00, Revision A,
June 2010

Revision History
Version and Date Description of Changes
46563-00 Rev. A, June 2010 Initial release of document.
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MegaRAID SAS 9280-16i4e RAID Controller Quick Installation Guide
Quick Installation Guide
MegaRAID SAS 9280-16i4e RAID Controller
The MegaRAID® SAS 9280-16i4e RAID controller is a PCI-Express, standard-height,
half-length RAID controller that offers a 6 Gb/s transfer rate. It controls 16 internal
SAS/SATA ports through four SFF-8087 x4 internal connectors and four external
SAS/SATA ports through one SFF-8088 x4 external connectors.
Thank you for purchasing the LSI™ MegaRAID 6Gb/s SAS 9280-16i4e RAID controller.
Your MegaRAID controller provides reliability, high performance, and fault-tolerant
drive subsystem management. Before you install your RAID controller, please take a few
minutes to read this quick installation guide. If you need more information about any
topic covered in this guide, refer to the related documents on your MegaRAID Universal
Software Suite CD.
Figure1 shows the MegaRAID SAS 9280-16i4e RAID controller.
Figure 1: MegaRAID SAS 9280-16i4e RAID Controller
LSI Corporation Confidential | June 2010 Page 3

Controller Installation
MegaRAID SAS 9280-16i4e RAID Controller Quick Installation GuideController Installation
NOTE: Record your controller serial number in a safe location in case you need to
contact LSI.
NOTE: SATA II is the only type of SATA supported by this RAID controller.
You can connect your MegaRAID SAS 9280-16i4e RAID controller remotely to the LSI
intelligent Battery Backup Unit 07 (LSIiBBU07) and the LSI intelligent Battery Backup
Unit 08 (LSIiBBU08). For more information about these batteries, refer to the MegaRAID
iBBU07 Intelligent Battery Backup Unit Quick Installation Guide and the MegaRAID iBBU08
Intelligent Battery Backup Unit Quick Installation Guide on the MegaRAID Universal
Software Suite CD.
Back up your data before changing your system configuration.
Otherwise, you might lose data.
1. Unpack the RAID Controller
Unpack the RAID controller in a static-free environment. Remove it from the
antistatic bag, and inspect it for damage. If the RAID controller appears to be
damaged, or if the MegaRAID Universal Software Suite CD is missing, contact LSI or
your MegaRAID OEM support representative.
The CD contains utility programs, device drivers for various operating systems, and
the following documentation:
— MegaRAID 6Gb/s SAS RAID Controllers User’s Guide
— MegaRAID SAS Software User’s Guide
— MegaRAID SAS Device Driver Installation User’s Guide
— Battery Backup Units for MegaRAID SAS RAID Controllers User’s Guide
— MegaRAID iBBU07 Intelligent Battery Backup Unit Quick Installation Guide
— MegaRAID iBBU08 Intelligent Battery Backup Unit Quick Installation Guide
— Software license agreement
2. Prepare the Computer
Turn off the computer, and unplug the power cords from the rear of the power
supply. Remove the cover from the computer.
Before you install the RAID controller, make sure that the computer is
disconnected from the power and from any networks.
3. Review the Jumpers and the Connectors
Figure2 shows the location of the jumpers and the connectors on the RAID
controller. The jumpers are set at the factory, and you usually do not need to change
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