MegaRAID® SAS 9271-4i and SAS 9271-8i
RAID Controllers
Quick Installation Guide
July 2014
53822-00, Rev. B

MegaRAID SAS 9271-4i and SAS 9271-8i RAID Controllers Quick Installation Guide
July 2014
Revision History
Version and Date Description of Changes
53822-00, Rev. B, July 2014 Revised the board layout graphic to show pin 1. Removed the CacheVault® installation section and the
LSIiBBU09 section. Added references to the documentation for the CacheVault modules and the LSIiBBU09
unit. Updated the Technical Support information.
53822-00, Rev. A, June 2012 Initial release of the document.
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Document Number: 53822-00, Rev. B
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MegaRAID SAS 9271-4i and SAS 9271-8i RAID Controllers Quick Installation Guide
July 2014
Product Overview
MegaRAID® SAS 9271-4i and SAS 9271-8i RAID Controllers Quick
Installation Guide
Thank you for purchasing the LSI® MegaRAID® SAS 9271-4i RAID controller or the MegaRAID SAS 9271-8i RAID
controller. Your MegaRAID controller provides reliability, high performance, and fault-tolerant drive
subsystem management.
Before you install your RAID controller, take a few minutes to read this quick installation guide. This guide describes
the RAID controller and the related components (sold separately), which include the LSICVM01 CacheVault® Kit and
the intelligent Battery Backup Unit 09 (LSIiBBU09). The LSICVM01 kit contains the CVFM02 CacheVault Flash Module,
the CVPM02 CacheVault Power Module, the clip, and the cable.
This guide also describes how to install the MegaRAID SAS 9271-4i RAID controller and the MegaRAID SAS 9271-8i
RAID controller.
If you need more information about any topic covered in this guide, refer to the related documents on your MegaRAID
Universal Software Suite CD. See Section 3, Technical Support for contact information for LSI Technical Support.
NOTE This section shows the installation of the MegaRAID SAS 9271-8i RAID
controller. You can install the MegaRAID SAS 9271-4i RAID controller in
the same way.
1Product Overview
The MegaRAID SAS 9271-8i RAID controller is a PCI Express® 3.0, low-profile RAID controller that offers a 6-Gb/s
transfer rate. It controls eight internal SAS+SATA ports through two SFF-8087 mini SAS 4i internal connectors.
The MegaRAID SAS 9271-4i RAID controller is a PCI Express 3.0, low-profile RAID controller that offers a 6-Gb/s transfer
rate. It controls four internal SAS+SATA ports through one SFF-8087 mini SAS 4i internal connector.
The MegaRAID SAS 9271-4i RAID controller does not support the J5B1 port connector, which the MegaRAID SAS 92718i RAID controller supports. Otherwise, the MegaRAID SAS 9271-4i RAID controller supports the same connectors as
the MegaRAID SAS 9271-8i RAID controller.
NOTE This RAID controller supports SATA I, SATA II, and SATA III.
NOTE Record your controller serial number in a safe location in case you
need to contact your LSI® Technical Support representative.
1.1 CacheVault Flash Module and CacheVault Power Module
The MegaRAID 9271 RAID controllers support CacheVault Module Kit LSICVM01, which includes a CacheVault Flash
Module (CVFM02), a CacheVault Power Module (CVPM02), a clip, and a cable. The CVFM02 product is a USB flash
module that provides cache offload capability to protect cached data in case of a host power loss or a server failure.
The CVFM02 module connects to a remote CVPM02 module, which is a super-capacitor pack that provides power for
the backup of your data in case of a host power loss or a server failure.
For more information about the CacheVault modules and how to install them, refer to the CacheVault Flash Module 02
and CacheVault Power Module 02 Quick Installation Guide or the Cache Backup Products for MegaRAID SAS+SATA RAID
Controllers User Guide on the MegaRAID Universal Software Suite CD.
LSI Corporation
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