Autodesk AutoCAD AutoCAD - 2015 Complete Guide to What’s New

AutoCAD 2015
AutoCAD 2015: Complete Guide to What’s New
AutoCAD 2015: Complete Guide to What’s New
User Interaction ........................................................................................ 4
New Tab ............................................................................................... 4
Create ............................................................................................. 4
Learn ............................................................................................... 5
Help ..................................................................................................... 6
Color schemes ...................................................................................... 7
Workspaces .......................................................................................... 8
Ribbon enhancements .......................................................................... 8
Galleries ........................................................................................... 8
View Ribbon ..................................................................................... 9
BIM 360 Ribbon ................................................................................ 9
Layouts ................................................................................................ 9
Improved graphics .............................................................................. 10
Line smoothing ............................................................................... 10
Create and edit enhancements .......................................................... 11
Selection enhancements .................................................................. 12
Command preview .......................................................................... 15
Cursor enhancements ...................................................................... 17
Model space viewports ....................................................................... 19
Layer sort ........................................................................................... 21
Isometric drafting environment .......................................................... 21
Mtext enhancements .......................................................................... 22
Auto bullets & numbering ................................................................ 22
Caps Lock ...................................................................................... 23
Autostack ...................................................................................... 24
AutoCAD 2015: Complete Guide to What’s New
Paragraph tabs ............................................................................... 24
Match Properties ............................................................................. 25
Text alignment ................................................................................ 26
Dimension enhancements ................................................................... 26
Polyline enhancements ....................................................................... 27
Geographic location ........................................................................... 28
Reality capture ................................................................................... 33
Display........................................................................................... 35
Visualization ................................................................................... 36
Cropping ........................................................................................ 38
Point Cloud Manager ....................................................................... 39
Point cloud object snaps .................................................................. 40
3DOrbit .............................................................................................. 41
Design Feed ........................................................................................ 42
Autodesk Translation Framework ....................................................... 45
DGN data ........................................................................................... 45
Autodesk BIM 360 add-in for AutoCAD .............................................. 45
Configuration ..................................................................................... 45
Button images .................................................................................... 46
Application Manager .......................................................................... 47
AutoCAD 2015: Complete Guide to What’s New
User interaction
New Tab
One of the first things you’ll notice in Autodesk® AutoCAD® 2015 software is the New Tab. It displays as a file tab when you launch AutoCAD, when there are no drawings open, and when you create a new tab. The New Tab contains two sliding content frames: Learn and Create.
The Create page is displayed by default and serves as a launchpad where you can access sample files, recent files, templates, product updates, and the online community. It’s divided into three columns: Get Started, Recent Documents, and Connect
In the Get Started column you can use the Start Drawing tool to quickly begin a new drawing from a default template or choose from the list of available drawing templates organized by groups. The last template you use becomes the new default. Other tools enable you to open existing drawings and sheet sets, get more templates online, and explore sample drawings.
AutoCAD 2015: Complete Guide to What’s New
In the Recent Documents column you can view and open your recent drawings. You can pin them to ensure they remain on the list. Icons at the bottom of the column enable you to change how you preview the recent drawings: thumbnail view, thumbnail and text view, or just text view.
The third column displays notifications such as hardware acceleration, trial period, and where to download oine help. It also enables you to sign into Autodesk® 360 cloud-based service and send feedback directly to Autodesk.
You can slide to the Learn page from the Create page by clicking on Learn at the left or bottom of the page. To return to the Create page, click on Create at the right or bottom of the page.
The Learn page provides tools to help you learn AutoCAD 2015. It’s divided into three columns: What’s New, Getting Started Videos, and Tip/Online Resources.
The NEWTABMODE system variable specifies whether clicking the plus (+) button on the file tab bar displays a New Tab or a new drawing.
AutoCAD 2015: Complete Guide to What’s New
The AutoCAD Help system includes a new way to help you locate tools in the AutoCAD user interface (UI) directly from the relevant Help content. In the Help window, click the tool you want to use or the Find link next to it. An animated arrow points you directly to that tool in the AutoCAD Ribbon.
If the tool is not accessible from the current workspace or is located in a hidden tab or panel, a tooltip in the Help window tells you on which Ribbon tab and panel you can find it.
AutoCAD 2015: Complete Guide to What’s New
Color schemes
AutoCAD 2015 offers a modern, dark-themed interface that includes the Ribbon, status bar, and palettes. The new dark-themed interface combined with the traditional dark model space minimizes the contrast between the drawing space and the surrounding tools to help reduce eye strain.
You can easily change between the dark theme and a more traditional light theme using the Color Scheme control on the Display tab of the Options dialog box.
AutoCAD 2015: Complete Guide to What’s New
The Workspace drop-down list has been turned off in the Quick Access toolbar. You can turn it on or switch workspaces using the control on the status bar. The option for classic workspace has been removed.
Ribbon enhancements
The Ribbon is updated to support the dark color theme as well as improve eciency for accessing tools.
AutoCAD 2015 offers new block galleries to view and insert blocks directly from the Ribbon for block definitions that are stored in the current drawing.
Galleries are also available for styles that are defined in the current drawing, including dimensions, mleaders, text, tables, and table cells.
AutoCAD 2015: Complete Guide to What’s New
View Ribbon
Tools on the reorganized View Ribbon tab make it easier to control the visibility of UI elements such as the UCS icon, ViewCube, Navigation bar, and Layout tabs.
BIM 360 Ribbon
A new BIM 360 Ribbon offers easy access to tools for sharing your AutoCAD models and viewing clash results with the project team using Autodesk® BIM 360 TM Glue® online service.
Layout tabs are enhanced to include a new plus (+) icon for quickly adding new layouts. A tooltip displays the layout name in addition to the preview image when you pass the cursor over a Layout tab. An overflow menu provides easy access to layouts when they extend beyond the width of the display.
AutoCAD 2015: Complete Guide to What’s New
The appearance of layout sheets has been updated and a new color option, accessible from the Colors button on the Display tab of the Options dialog box, enables you to control the paper background color.
Improved graphics
AutoCAD 2015 offers an improved graphics experience without compromising performance.
Line smoothing
The LINESMOOTHING variable enables you to turn on anti-aliasing of drawings in viewports configured with the 2D wireframe visual style. When enabled, 2D objects—such as lines, arcs, circles, and drawings aids like grid lines—look smoother, especially when drawn at an angle.
AutoCAD 2015: Complete Guide to What’s New
You can enable Smooth Line Display in the Graphics Performance dialog box. It does not affect plotting.
Create and edit enhancements
AutoCAD 2015 offers improved visual feedback when creating and editing objects.
During a move operation, the selected objects are displayed in their originalposition with a faded deletion effect instead of a dashed selection effect.
Complex linetypes display as you draw, move, copy, or rotate them, enabling you to more easily place them. You can control this behavior with the new COMPLEXLTPREVIEW system variable.
AutoCAD 2015: Complete Guide to What’s New
AutoCAD 2015 displays color, linetype, and lineweight for lines and polylines as you draw them.
Selection enhancements
Lasso selection
In AutoCAD 2015 you can click the cursor in a blank area of the drawing and then drag around objects to create a lasso selection. For a traditional rectangular window or crossing selection, click and release to pick each corner of the rectangle.
A new control in the Options dialog box on the Selection tab enables you to specify lasso selection.
AutoCAD 2015: Complete Guide to What’s New
Selection effects
AutoCAD 2015 offers modern and clear feedback when you preselect and select objects. As you pass the cursor over an object in the drawing, the line geometry appears thicker and darker or lighter depending on the background color.
If hardware acceleration is turned on, selecting an object changes its color and it remains thickened to clearly identify it as part of the selection set.
Similar visual enhancements help you clearly identify when faces such as solid hatches are preselected or selected.
Similar visual enhancements are included when selecting 3D solids.
AutoCAD 2015: Complete Guide to What’s New
Visual Effect Settings
Improved graphics and performance in AutoCAD 2015 reduces the need to individually control line and face highlighting. Those controls and associated system variables (PREVIEWEFFECT and PREVIEWFACEEFFECT) have been removed from the Visual Effect Settings dialog box, which is accessible from the Selection tab of the Options dialog box. The Advanced Options have been added to the dialog box, eliminating the extra click for accessing the former Advanced Preview Settings dialog.
Tolerance object
Double-clicking on a tolerance object opens the Geometric Tolerance dialog box instead of Quick Properties.
AutoCAD 2015: Complete Guide to What’s New
Command Preview
A new Command Preview control on the Selection tab of the Options dialog box enables you to preview the results of Trim, Extend, Lengthen, Break, and MatchProp operations prior to actually selecting the objects. The new Command Preview control also affects preview for Fillet, Chamfer, and Offset operations.
The Trim and Extend tools are enhanced in AutoCAD 2015 to provide a preview of the results before you commit to the selection. After you select the cutting or boundary edges, you simply pass the cursor over the object you want to trim or extent. A preview of the resulting object is displayed. When trimming, the segment to be removed is dimly displayed and a cursor badge indicates that it will be deleted.
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