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Chapter 1Find the Information You Need . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Overview of Creating or Modifying a DWF6 Configuration File . 833
Set the DWF File Resolution . . . . . . . . . . . . 836
Set the DWF File Compression . . . . . . . . . . . 837
Set Font-Handling for the DWF File . . . . . . . . . . 838
Edit Pen Patterns for the DWF File . . . . . . . . . . 840
Part IXCreate Realistic Images and Graphics . . . . 843
Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 845
xvi | Contents
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 859
Find the Information You
you work with a high level of efficiency and
productivity. You install AutoCAD with the Installation
wizard that starts automatically when you insert the
product CD.
AutoCAD is often intuitive, but when you do need to
look something up, you can save time and avoid frustra-
tion if you use the Help system to find information. The
Help system is organized in a structured design that
makes information easy to locate.
is a powerful application with tools that help
In this chapter
■ Install the Product
■ Use the Help System Efficiently
■ Use Active Assistance
■ Learn the Product
■ Obtain Documentation
■ Receive Product Updates and
■ View the Product Readme
Install the Product
You can easily install and configure AutoCAD on a stand-alone computer.
Insert the product CD in the CD-ROM drive. Then in the AutoCAD CD
Browser, on the Install tab, click Install. The Installation wizard leads you
through the installation process. The AutoCAD CD Browser also provides
instructions for network installations and access to information about technical support and licensing.
If you want more extensive information about installing a stand-alone
version of AutoCAD, you can consult the Stand-Alone Installation Guide. To
access this guide, in the AutoCAD CD Browser, after you click Install on the
Install tab, click Stand-Alone Installation Guide (.pdf).
If you want more extensive information about deploying AutoCAD on a network, you can consult the Network Administrator's Guide. To access this guide,
in the AutoCAD CD Browser, click the Network Deployment tab, and then
click Network Administrator's Guide (.pdf).
Once the product is installed, you can access either the Stand-Alone Installa-tion Guide or the Network Administrator's Guide in the Help system.
Migration Tools
AutoCAD Migration Tools help you when upgrading to a new release of
AutoCAD. You can download the Migration Tools from the Autodesk website
in several languages. Available tools include
■ Layer State Converter
■ Batch Drawing Converter
■ AutoLISP Compatibility Analyzer
■ Menu and Toolbar Porter
■ Command Alias Porter
■ ScriptPro
After going to the Autodesk website,,
perform a search on Migration Tools.
Note Because these are public tools, product support for them is limited to the
Autodesk discussion groups.
2 | Chapter 1Find the Information You Need
Use the Help System Efficiently
AutoCAD Help contains complete information about using AutoCAD. In the
Help window, you use the left pane to locate information. The tabs above the
left pane give you several ways for finding the topics you want to view. The
right pane displays the topics you select.
Find Information in Help
The tabs on the left side of the Help window provide different methods for
finding information. To locate a specific word or phrase in the current topic,
use the CTRL+F keys.
Contents Tab
■ Presents an overview of the available documentation in a list of topics and
■ Allows you to browse by selecting and expanding topics.
■ Provides a structure so you can always see where you are in Help and
quickly jump to other topics.
Index Tab
■ Displays an alphabetical list of keywords related to the topics listed on the
Contents tab.
■ Accesses information quickly when you already know the name of a fea-
ture, command, or operation, or when you know what action you want
AutoCAD to perform.
Search Tab
■ Provides full-text search of all the topics listed on the Contents tab.
■ Allows you to perform an exhaustive search for a specific word or phrase.
■ Displays a ranked list of topics that contain the word or words entered in
the keyword field.
Favorites Tab
■ Provides an area where you can save "bookmarks" to important topics.
■ Displays your list of favorite or often-used topics.
■ Lists any topic that is displayed in the right pane of the Help window,
even topics that are on the Web.
Use the Help System Efficiently | 3
Ask Me Tab
■ Allows you to find information using a question phrased in everyday
■ Displays a ranked list of topics that correspond to the word or phrase
entered in the question field.
■ Provides a "Search the Web" link that sends a query to a search engine on
the Web.
To start Help
■ On the Help menu, click Help or Developer Help.
Note You can press F1 at the Command prompt, in a dialog box, or at a
prompt within a command to display Help information.
To use the Help Contents
1 If necessary, choose the Show button to display the left pane of the Help
window. Then choose the Contents tab to display Help Contents.
2 To expand the Help Contents list, use one of these methods:
■ Double-click a closed-book icon or click the + icon next to it.
■ Right-click in Help Contents and choose Open All.
3 To close the Help Contents list, use one of these methods:
■ Double-click an open-book icon or click the - icon next to it.
■ Right-click in Help Contents and choose Close All.
4 To view a topic, use one of these methods:
■ In Help Contents, click the topic.
■ Click any blue underlined text in a topic.
To use Favorites for storage and retrieval of Help topics
1 In the right pane of the Help window, display the topic that you want to
2 Click the Favorites tab, and then click Add.
3 Do one of the following:
■ To redisplay the topic, select it in the Topics list and click Display.
■ To remove the topic from Favorites, select it in the Topics list and click
4 | Chapter 1Find the Information You Need
Use Searches
A basic search using the Search tab consists of the word or phrase you want
to find. The basic search rules are as follows:
■ Type your search in uppercase or lowercase characters; searches are not
■ Search for any combination of letters (a-z) and numbers (0-9).
■ Do not use punctuation marks such as the period, colon, semicolon,
comma, hyphen, and single quotation marks; they are ignored during a
■ Group the elements of your search using double quotation marks or
parentheses to set each element apart.
Note When you use the Search tab, all topics that contain the word or phrase
that you specify are listed. This includes the text in topic titles and labels, not just
the topic text.
Use Advanced Search
Advanced full-text search on the Search tab allows you to search using Boolean operators and wild cards. You can limit the search to previous results,
match similar words, or search topic titles only. When searching for multiword topics, use double quotation marks (" ") to enclose words that must
appear next to each other in the specified sequence. For example, enter
"specifying units of measurement" to find only topics with all those words in
that order. If you don’t use the quotation marks around that text, Help finds
all topics containing any one of the listed words, that is, all topics containing
"specifying", all topics containing "units", all topics containing "of", and all
topics containing "measurement".
With the AND, OR, NOT, and NEAR operators, you can precisely define your
search by creating a relationship between search terms. The following table
shows how you can use each of these operators. If no operator is specified,
AND is used. For example, the query "spacing border printing" is equivalent
to "spacing AND border AND printing".
Search forExampleResults
Both terms in the
same topic
Either term in a topic"raster" OR "vector"Topics containing either the word
"tree view" AND
Topics containing both the words "tree
view" and "palette"
"raster" or the word "vector" or both
Use the Help System Efficiently | 5
Search forExampleResults
The first term without the
second term
Both terms in the
same topic, close together
"ole" NOT "dde"Topics containing the word "OLE," but
not the word "DDE"
"user" NEAR "kernel" Topics containing the word "user"
within eight words of the word "kernel"
Note The |, &, and ! characters do not work as Boolean operators. You must
use AND, OR, and NOT.
To search for information in Help
1 Choose the Search tab and then enter the word or phrase you want to
To use Boolean operators to refine your search:
■ Click to add Boolean operators to your search.
■ Enter the word or phrase you want to appear after the Boolean
You can also use the check boxes at the bottom of the Search tab to further
refine your search:
■ Search previous results. Refines a search by applying new search
criteria to the results of a previous search.
■ Match similar words. Expands the search to include words similar to
your search criteria, rather than limiting the search to exact matches.
■ Search titles only. Limits the search to topic titles, rather than search-
ing titles and topic contents.
2 Choose List Topics, select the topic you want, and then choose Display.
3 To sort the topic list, click the Title, Location, or Rank column heading.
To view only procedures, click the Title column heading and scroll down
to the items that begin with the word “To.”
Use Ask Me
You can find information by typing a question phrased in everyday language.
You can perform this natural language query in Help by choosing the Ask Me
tab and entering a question, a word, or a phrase. For example, you could
enter: How do I create a layout?
6 | Chapter 1Find the Information You Need
The results of natural language queries are often more accurate than the
results of searches. Matching topics are ranked by percentages that reflect
how likely they are to answer your questions.
You can also expand your natural language query to the Web.
To use natural language queries in Help
1 Choose the Ask Me tab, and then enter the question you want answered.
Alternatively, you can enter a phrase or a single word.
2 To narrow query results, select a particular item or set from the List of
Components to Search.
3 Click the link for the topic you want to display.
Note For hints on obtaining good query results, click the Query Tips link on
the Ask Me tab.
To expand your queries to the Web
Use this procedure if the results of a natural language query did not provide
the information you needed.
1 Scroll to the bottom of the list of matching topics that resulted from your
2 Click the Search the Web link at the bottom of the list.
A web search engine displays the results of your search.
Note For hints on obtaining good query results, click the Query Tips link on
the Ask Me tab.
Understand How Help Topics Are Organized
Most topics in the Help system have three tabs above the right pane of the
Help window. The tabs display different types of information.
■ Concepts. Describes an AutoCAD feature or function. When you click a
concept tab, notice that the Help Contents list in the left pane of the Help
window expands and highlights the current topic. The Contents tab displays the structure of the Help on that topic. You can easily display nearby
topics by clicking them in the list.
Use the Help System Efficiently | 7
■ Procedures. Provides step-by-step instructions for common procedures
related to the current topic. After displaying a procedure, you can click the
Procedures tab to redisplay the current list of procedures.
■ Reference. Lists commands and system variables related to the current
topic, with links to detailed descriptions of related commands. If you click
an entry on the Reference tab, the Command Reference opens to the command or system variable that you selected.
When you click a different tab, the topic remains the same. Only the type of
information displayed--concepts, procedures, or reference links--is different.
Concepts Tab Organization
In the Concepts tab, there are two types of information displayed: navigation
text and destination text. Navigation text displays links with short descrip-
tions. The purpose of navigation text is to guide you step-by-step to the information that you need. The links on navigation pages lead to additional navigation pages deeper in the Help structure until you come to a destination
page. Each link is designed to provide you with more detailed information.
Procedures Tab and Reference Tab Organization
As you navigate deeper into the Help structure, the corresponding information on the Procedures tab and on the Reference tab becomes more specific,
and the number of entries displayed on each tab decreases.
To change the type of Help information displayed
■ Choose the Concepts, Procedures, or Reference tab to change the type of
information displayed in the right pane of the Help window.
Use the Up Arrow to Navigate Help Topics
An up arrow may be displayed in the upper right corner of a topic.
Click this arrow to move up a level from the current topic to a topic that contains a broader scope of information.
Print Help Topics
The quickest way to print the current topic is to right-click within the topic
and choose Print.
The Print button on the Help toolbar provides these print options:
■ Print the selected topic (recommended)
■ Print the selected heading and all subtopics
8 | Chapter 1Find the Information You Need
Note When you select the second option, you may get numerous printed
pages, depending on how many subtopics the currently selected topic contains.
To print a Help topic
1 Display the topic you want to print.
2 Right-click in the topic pane and select Print.
3 In the Print dialog box, choose OK.
To print a selected heading and all subtopics
1 Display the topic you want to print and make sure that the Contents tab
is showing.
2 On the Help toolbar, choose the Print button.
3 In the Print Topics window, select Print a Selected Heading and All
4 Choose OK.
Show and Hide the Contents Pane
You can shrink the Help window to a compact size by hiding the pane that
contains Help Contents, Index, Search, Favorites, and Ask Me tabs. The compact window size is best for displaying procedures while you work.
You can expand the Help window to display the pane that contains Help
Contents, Index, Search, Favorites, and Ask Me tabs. The expanded window
size is best for locating and displaying conceptual and reference information.
Use the Help System Efficiently | 9
Get Additional Help
You can access several additional sources of help:
■ Press F1 from within a command, system variable, or dialog box. Dis-
plays complete information from the Command Reference.
■ Choose the question mark button in many dialog boxes. Displays a
description of the dialog box option you select.
■ View the product Readme topic in Help. Displays late-breaking informa-
tion about this product.
Other resources help you get information about Autodesk products and assistance with your AutoCAD questions.
■ Local support. Check with your AutoCAD dealer or Autodesk country
Use Active Assistance
The Active Assistance window provides a convenient portal to the Help system. During any command, Active Assistance displays links to the Command Reference and to procedures that are relevent to the current command.
You can type a question in the box at the top of the Active Assistance window
and then click Ask. The Help system then displays a list of topics that are
related to your question.
Often, the guidance you get from Active Assistance is just enough to get you
started performing unfamiliar or rarely used tasks.
To display Active Assistance
■ From the Help menu, choose Active Assistance.
To navigate in Active Assistance
1 Right-click in the Active Assistance window to display the shortcut menu.
2 Choose Home, Back, or Forward to navigate in Active Assistance topics, as
you would in a web browser.
10 | Chapter 1Find the Information You Need
To control Active Assistance settings
1 Right-click in the Active Assistance window.
2 Choose Settings from the shortcut menu.
3 In the Active Assistance Settings dialog box, use the Show on Start check
box to determine whether you want Active Assistance to start automatically when you start AutoCAD.
■ Selecting Show on Start causes Active Assistance to start automatically.
■ Clearing Show on Start causes Active Assistance to start in an alterna-
tive manner. Select an alternative in the next step.
4 In the Active Assistance Settings dialog box, under Activation, select one
of these options to determine when you get Help from Active Assistance:
■ All commands. Active Assistance starts when you begin a command.
■ New and enhanced commands. Active Assistance starts when you
begin a command that is new or changed in this version of AutoCAD.
■ Dialogs only. Active Assistance starts when a dialog box is displayed.
■ On demand. Active Assistance starts when you choose Active Assis-
tance from the Help menu or enter
ASSIST on the command line.
5 Choose OK to close the Active Assistance Settings dialog box.
Note If you close Active Assistance, double-clicking the Active Assistance icon,
which is usually located in the system tray in the lower-right corner of your
screen, reopens the window.
To print Active Assistance information
1 Display the information you want to print in the Active Assistance
2 Right-click in the Active Assistance window.
3 Choose Print from the shortcut menu.
4 In the Print dialog box, choose OK.
To disable Active Assistance
1 Right-click the Assist icon located in your system tray in the bottom right-
hand corner of your display.
2 Choose Exit.
Use Active Assistance | 11
Learn the Product
Through Autodesk’s training programs, products, and services, you can learn
about fundamental or advanced features, and about products.
For the latest information about Autodesk training, visit or contact your local Autodesk office.
Autodesk Authorized Training Centers
The Autodesk
Autodesk-authorized, instructor-led training to design professionals who use
Autodesk software. More than 1,100 ATC sites are available worldwide to
meet your needs for discipline-specific, locally based training.
Autodesk Official Training Courseware
Autodesk Official Training Courseware (AOTC) supports training organizations and customers. AOTC is authorized technical training material
developed by Autodesk for traditional 2- to 5-day, instructor-led classroom
training. You can purchase AOTC from your local reseller or distributor, or
you can order it online from the Autodesk Store at
Partner Products and Services
Autodesk works together with thousands of software partners around the
world. These partners provide products and services that enhance Autodesk’s
products for design professionals. Visit the “Partner Products & Services”
page at for a list of resources available for your Autodesk
product and your industry.
Authorized Training Center (ATC® ) network delivers
Obtain Documentation Updates
You can obtain product documentation updates from the Web. To check
whether documentation updates are available, click on the link below.
Between releases of documentation updates, check here for interim documentation of known issues. You may find it helpful to add some of the
interim updates to your Favorites tab for easy reference as you work.
■ Check for updates
12 | Chapter 1Find the Information You Need
Receive Product Updates and
Overview of Communication Center
Communication Center provides the following kinds of announcements:
■ General Product Information. Stay informed about Autodesk company
news and product announcements; provide your feedback directly to
■ Product Support Information. Get breaking news from the Product Sup-
port team at Autodesk.
■ Subscription Information and Extension Announcements. Receive
announcements and subscription program news if you are an Autodesk
subscription member (available in countries where Autodesk subscriptions are offered).
■ Articles and Tips. Be notified when new articles and tips are available on
Autodesk websites.
When you begin using your product, you use the Welcome wizard to set
Communication Center for your country, and for the frequency you prefer
for updates and the information channels you want displayed.
To open Communication Center, click the Communication Center icon in
the tray on the right side of the status bar.
Receive Product Updates and Announcements | 13
Communication Center Online Privacy
Communication Center is an interactive feature that must be connected to
the Internet to deliver content and information. Each time Communication
Center is connected, it sends information to Autodesk so that the correct
information can be returned. All information is sent anonymously to maintain your privacy.
The following information is sent to Autodesk:
■ Product Name. The name of the product in which you are using Commu-
nication Center
■ Product Release Number. The version of the product
■ Product Language. The language version of your product
■ Country. The country that was specified in the Communication Center
Autodesk compiles statistics using the information sent from Communications Center to monitor how it is being used and how it can be improved.
Autodesk will maintain information provided by or collected from you in
accordance with Autodesk’s published privacy policy, which is available on
Turn Communication Center On or Off
The CAD Manager Control utility turns Communication Center on and off.
For example, if you want to prevent Communication Center from sending
information to Autodesk, you can turn it off. Information about how to use
the utility is available by installing and running the utility, and then clicking
Help in the CAD Manager Control Utility window.
To install the utility, double-click setup.exe on the product CD. In the CD
Browser, click the Network Deployment tab, and under Install Supplemental
Tools, click Autodesk CAD Manager Tools 2.0. Under Autodesk CAD Manager
Tools 2.0, click Install. After you install the CAD Manager Control utility, you
access it from the Start menu (Windows).
Customize Program Update and Announcement
After installing your Autodesk product, you configure Communication
Center with the Welcome wizard to specify the information you want sent to
■ Country. Specifies your country so that Communication Center can
provide information that is designed specifically for your location.
14 | Chapter 1Find the Information You Need
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