Solid Perfect-Surface
Copper (PSC)
22 AWG Solid Perfect-Surface Copper (PSC) Conductor (+)
PVC Insulation
22 AWG Solid PSC Conductor (-)
Foil/Mylar/Foil Shield
Green PVC Jacket
Black/Green - Nylon Braid
AQ Solder
.252 in. (6.40 mm) O.D.
At first glance, Copperhead's design looks like a traditional coaxial cable. However, PSC copper and many
other very important differences each contribute to Copperhead having such unprecedented ease and
clarity in an affordable cable.
DESIGN BASICS: Copperhead has identical conductors for the positive and ground connections.
Underneath the 100% coverage foil shield is a bare conductor, exactly the same as the insulated center
conductor. The conductor under the shield does double duty as a low distortion audio connection, and as
the drain wire connecting the shield to ground.
CONDUCTORS: Both of Copperhead's conductors are solid. Electrical and magnetic interaction between
strands in a conventional cable is the greatest source of distortion, often causing a somewhat dirty harsh
sound. Solid conductors are fundamental toward achieving Copperhead's very clean sound.
METAL: PSC (Perfect-Surface Copper) has an astonishingly smooth and pure surface. Proprietary metal
processing technology protects the wire's surface at every stage of drawing and fabrication. When highÂpurity low-oxide copper is kept as soft, pure and smooth as possible, it becomes a wonderfully low distortion
conductor. For fifteen years AudioQuest has pioneered the use of superior metals; yet even we were
surprised by this huge leap in performance. PSC clearly outperforms previous AQ metals that cost over ten
times as much.
INSULATION: Any solid material adjacent to a conductor is actually part of an imperfect circuit. Wire
insulation, circuit board materials all absorb energy (loss). Some of this energy is stored and then released
as distortion. The general cable industry ranks insulating materials by loss, with little regard for distortion.
AudioQuest ranks materials by damage to an audio signal. The PVC used in Copperhead has too much
loss to be used in a quality video cable, but it has a very benign distortion profile through the audio range,
keeping Copperhead's sound pleasant and natural.
TERMINATIONS: Precision gold plated plugs are carefully attached with the very best solder. Through
choice of flux and metallurgy, AQ solder has been optimized to make a low distortion connection. All solder,
including "silver solder," is a lousy conductor. The difference you hear between solders is a result of
connection quality. AQ Solder does not have a high silver content because the more silver there is in solder,
the more difficult it is to make a good connection.