Application Note
Issue Date: April 2010
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The aim of this document is to give some advices about the use of the Audio Analogue products having a USBDAC inside.
At the end of the document a brief glossary reporting some of the most common words used speaking about this kind of technology.
It is not pretending to be a exhaustive and complete one but we hope is useful for who has never approached this matter. It’s our
intent to update this document for what we can…
The USBDAC function is to connect the PC or MAC to the Hi Fi system so that any sound produced by the PC/MAC will be played
by the Hi Fi system. The PC/MAC Hi Fi system connection is performed via a USB connection USB REV1.1 or USBREV2.0
compatible. The USB cable which physically implements the connection must be shorter than 3 meters. Anyway you can increase
the connection length as much as you like adding along the connection devices called “active Hubs”. There are many USB active
Hubs available on the market. If you are going to buy a one please be sure it is a USB REV2.0 compatible. To increase the USB
connection length via the active hubs doesn’t decrease the audio chain performances because the digital levels are re-generated by
the active hubs. Therefore, from the audio reproduction point of view, there is no loss in quality in the chain: “PC/MAC USB
cable Hub attivo cable USBDAC”. Of course is important that the USB cables between the active USB hubs aren’t longer
than 3meters and that the active hubs are correctly linked and working. The opportunity to increase the connection length is very
important when a PC/MAC in an other room is used instead of a laptop. Moreover remind that, for the best listening experience, is
better that the PC/MAC is placed in a room different from where the Hi Fi System is. That’s because of the noise produced by the
PC/MAC inner fan.
Once the connection PC/MAC USBDAC is performed, and the first initialization done (by which the PC/MAC load the proper
driver software ), the PC/MAC sees the USBDAC and what connected to its analog outputs as its audio board. Therefore any sound
produced by the PC/MAC, even the “system” sounds, is played by the Hi Fi system.
The next step is to use a player, that’s say a software which can read different audio formats and reproduce them. In such way all
the audio files present into the PC/MAC and all the audio files which can be downloaded from the web can be reproduced by the
PC/MAC and so will be played on the Hi Fi system. Usually both the PC and the MAC have already a player inside, and such
software is run any time a audio or video file is clicked. The players by default inside the PC and MAC, perfectly work with the Audio
Analogue USBDACs, anyway there are many others players, many of which are free. Some players are particularly interesting
because they guarantee a transparent crossing in the digital data flux. In fact, normally, the players perform some kind of digital
elaboration between the data reading and the data sending to the audio board. For the PC (Personal Computer with a Windows
operative system) the behaviour of the player in passing the data is controlled by softwares named “drivers”.
Below, a list of free players is reported, some of which are dedicated to the Mac OsX
At the reported web links is possible to download the software and to have information about its use and installation.
- Foobar2000 (freeware audio player for Windows):
- VLC (open source audio player for Windows and Mac):
- SongBird (open source audio player for Windows and Mac):
- Audion (free audio player and many more for Mac):
- Play (open source audio player for Mac):
April 2010 | revision 1.0
and some others to the Microsoft Windows
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Listening to music using a USBDAC
We point out the player: “Foobar2000”. It is a PC player which is very interesting because can use the drivers “ASIO
drivers is possible to pass the data directly to the audio board with no other digital elaborations. To use “Foobar2000” with the ASIO
drivers is required to properly set the player. Below the correct procedure is reported.
First of all is necessary to have the ASIO drivers and install them. Then the Foobar2000 player will be installed (if not already on the
PC) and then, by a proper “support” (“foo_out_asio.dll” to be copied into the Foobar folder) the player will be able to use the ASIO
drivers. In the last step we will have to set the Foobar to use the new ASIO drivers instead of its default ones.
These are the details:
1) Installing the ASIO drivers: you can download the ASIO drivers at the link: Look for the
English revision of ASIO4ALL_2_9 and run it clicking it. The file will be downloaded and it will install itself.
Different behaviours are possible according to the used browser.
2) Installing Foobar2000: Foobar2000 is a freeware software, is possible to download its last revision at the link: Click on the icon “download” of “Latest stable version. The file will be
downloaded and installed. Different behaviours are possible according to the used browser.
3) Installing the ASIO drivers support: you can download the last revision for the Foobar2000 player at the link: clicking on “download”. Once downloaded the zip
file, decompress it and then copy the file “foo_out_asio.dll” into the folder “\Components” inside the
Foobar2000 main folder.
For example: for a standard installation of Foobar2000 which install Foobar2000 in “C:\Programmi\”, the folder
will be in “C:\Programmi\Foobar2000\Components: or in “C:\Programs
Files\Foobar2000\Components”. The folder “\Components” will be, anyway, in the path selected when
the Foobar has been installed (at point 2).
Once the ASIO drivers have been installed, Foobar has been installed and once copied the file “foo_out_asio.dll” into the folder
“\Components”, the player must be set to use the ASIO drivers (which are now available).
1. Run Foobar2000 clicking the software icon: the software will open as below.
April 2010 | revision 1.0
”. Using such
Fig. 1: Foobar2000 main screen
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