Some features described in this manual require the latest rmware to be installed on the hardware platform. Check with ATX
Networks Technical Support for the latest release of rmware. The rmware installed on your Device may be found in the GUI.
At the time of publication of this manual the most current released rmware versions are:
Firmware Version VA1.0.3.124_VMS1.0.3.703
Mkip System Menu Version 0.5.5
Organization of This Manual
This manual is generally organized based on the main functions of Encoding and Transcoding with individual chapters dedicated
to describing the congurable features and monitoring. Further chapters outline activities related to the GUI operation and
Cross Reference Usage
Hyperlinks are used throughout the guide to assist the reader in nding related information if the reader is viewing the PDF
le directly. Hyperlinks may be identied by their blue text. Most links are to related pages within the document, but some may
reference outside documents if the reader needs that additional information. The Table of Contents is entirely hyperlinked and
bookmarks are available but the bookmark feature must be turned on in your Reader application.
Symbol Usage
Throughout the manual, some symbols are used to call the readers attention to an important point. The following symbols are
in use:
WARNING: This symbol usage will call the reader’s attention to an important operation feature of
the equipment which may be safety related or may cause a service outage.
NOTE: This symbol indicates that there is helpful related information available in this note or
elsewhere in the guide.
Although every effort has been taken to ensure the accuracy of this document it may be necessary, without notice, to make amendments or correct omissions.
Specications subject to change without notice.
DigiVu®, DigiVu® CD, DigiVu® Mini, UCrypt® and VersAtive®Pro are registered trademarks of ATX in the United States and/or other countries. Products or features contained herein may be covered by
one or more U.S. or foreign patents.
14.2 Warranty Information ............................................. 14-1
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vi VersAtive®Pro, DigiVu® II, DigiVu® II Micro – Operation Manual
1. GUI Environment
The GUI is the Device interface (Graphical User Interface) used to manage the VersAtivePro transcoder, DigiVuII and DigiVuII
Micro encoders. In this manual these encoders and transcoders will be referred to as Devices since the GUI is common to
all three products.
1.1 Chapter Contents
• “Port Opening - Switch and Firewall”
• “The GUI”
• “Application Terminology”
• “Descriptive Icons”
• “Context Sensitive Menus”
• ”Copy & Paste”
• “Conguring the Device - Quick Summary”
• “Launch the GUI and Log in”
1.2 Port Opening - Switch and Firewall
NOTE: Any Management Switch used between Devices and the Management Computer will
require the following ports to be opened both Inbound and Outbound.
Port Number Transport ProtocolDescription
8080TCPHTTPHTTP Communications
1935TCPRTMP/E Adobe® Flash® (Previewing, Monitoring) Flash Media Server listens for
1935UDPRTMFPAdobe Flash (Previewing, Monitoring) Flash Media Server listens for RTMFP
8443TCPHTTPSHTTPS Communications
1.2.1 Notes on Opening Fire Wall Port 1935 for Monitoring
Some rewalls reject trafc that doesn’t use the HTTP protocol. This behavior can prevent communication over RTMP even
if port 1935 is open. Consult the documentation for the rewall to determine how to congure it to allow RTMP trafc. To use
RTMP and RTMFP, any switch or rewall between the server and clients must allow inbound and outbound trafc on port 1935.
If it is not possible to open port 1935 inbound and outbound then monitoring will not work. In this case it is best to disable
monitoring altogether within the GUI, see Figure 1-4.
The resource contains both the actual publish and the preview. When the preview can not connect the whole pipeline of the
stream will stop and retry and not publish. The events log will report “Cannot connect to RTMP server”. The resource will show
“Resource is retrying” at the events tab. Disabling ‘Preview’ will prevent events from being detected when the streams cannot
connect during monitoring.
File Upload (Licence, VersAtive Software) By default, Flash Player clients
make RTMP connections over port 1935 using TCP.
To communicate over the RTMP protocol, clients attempt to connect to ports
in the following order: 1935, 80 (RTMP), 80 (RTMPT).
RTMP/E requests on port 1935/TCP. Flash Player and AIR clients attempt
to connect over ports in the following order: 1935, 80 (RTMP), 80 (RTMPT).
requests on port 1935/UDP
VersAtive®Pro, DigiVu® II, DigiVu® II Micro – Operation Manual 1-1
The Preview function for each Resource is on by default, Figure 1-4, but may be disabled at each individual Resource by
unticking the Preview On box and then clicking Save.
1.3 Launch the GUI and Log in
1. Open the web browser of your choice, Figure 1-2.
2. Enter the IP address of the Management Port; factory default
3. Login with credentials, Figure 1-3, (case sensitive): User Name: vms
Password: VMS
4. The GUI will open as shown in Figure 1-4.
Figure 1-1: Preview Enabled
Figure 1-2: GUI Address
1.4 Conguring the Device - Quick Summary
These are the key steps required to set up the Device.
1.4.4 Covered in Encode, Transcode & Publish Chapters
• Create Resources
The resource may come from an analog or digital program on a Capture Card or an Ethernet IP
stream address (Devices may have multiple physical Ethernet ports on which Resources may be
• Create SPTS Streams
Figure 1-3: GUI Login
1-2 VersAtive®Pro, DigiVu® II, DigiVu® II Micro – Operation Manual
The stream denes the resolution, bitrate, audio codec, and CBR/VBR for the stream. Multiple
streams may be added to the session. In the case of the SPTS Stream instance, there cannot be any
other streams added.
• Create Adaptive Sessions
A session is intended for MBR applications and denes the codec to be used for the series of output
streams. Multiple sessions may be added to any resource. SPST Stream is for IPTV applications.
• Create Publish Points
The publish denes the output protocol, SPTS, HLS etc, the output IP and interface. Multiple Publish
Points may be added to the stream.
• Start Encoding or Transcoding Streaming from the Resource icon.
1.4.5 Covered in Ethernet Multiplexer Chapter
• Create an Ethernet Multiplex.
If a number of programs will be aggregated into a single MPTS stream, rst create a MUX instance.
• Create TS Sources to the MUX.
• Create a program to the TS source.
1.4.6 Covered in QAM Multiplexer Chapter
• Create a QAM Multiplex to the Device icon.
If a number of programs will be aggregated into a single MPTS stream, rst create a MUX instance.
• Create TS Sources to the MUX.
• Create a program to the TS source.
1.5 The GUI
The GUI is based on a familiar Tree and Tabbed Pane design, Figure 1-4. The main parts are:
1. Tree View of Managed Elements.
2. Pane View of the Selected Element.
3. Tool Bar.
4. Path of Selected Element.
5. Context Sensitive Right Click Menu.
6. Tree View Search Tool.
7. Details View for Selected Element.
8. Alarms Notication Area.
9. Events Notication Area.
Figure 1-4: The GUI
VersAtive®Pro, DigiVu® II, DigiVu® II Micro – Operation Manual 1-3
Managed Elements are displayed in their relationships to each other in the Tree View, see Figure 1-4(1), and details pertaining
to the elements are displayed in the Pane View (2) when the element is selected. Further details about the selected element
and conguration dialogs are accessed within the Pane View with Navigation Tabs.
1.6 Application Terminology
A review of the application terminology used in the GUI and for the encoding & transcoding applications:
1. Resource
The external video and/or audio source content attached to the Capture Card or IP Port.
2. SPTS Stream
The SPTS Stream denes the resolution, bitrate (constant or variable), and audio codec of the
session for IPTV applications.
3. Adaptive Session
An Adaptive Session denes the parameters to be used for encoding & transcoding multi-bitrate
4. Publish
The Publish denes the output protocol; SPTS, HLS, Flash; the output URL and Physical Interface.
1.7 Descriptive Icons
The icons used in the Tree View are designed to be as descriptive as possible to identify each element’s function but each
element may also be named by the user with a exible descriptor.
1.7.1 General
An icon of a Globe representing the Device Hardware Platform.
1.7.2 Device
An icon representing a computer server. This is the managed VersAtivePro, DigiVu II, or DigiVu II Micro Device.
DeviceDevice ErrorDevice WarningDevice Streaming
1.7.3 Resource
An icon showing content downloaded. Resources are from Capture Card or IP sources without distinguishing between the two.
Platform Error
Resource ErrorResource WarningResource Streaming
Resource Monitoring
A single Resource may be used to create multiple Sessions.
An icon of the Globe again, this time with an encircling arrow showing output to a broad area ‘around the Globe’.
Publish Error
1.7.7 Conguration Icons
Some Icons in the GUI are for conguration and operation purposes.
Log Out
User Settings
1.8 Context Sensitive Menus
These are menus that appear on Right Click and are different depending on the element that was rst selected.
1.8.1 Device Menu & Tool Bar
Device Conguration options are available on both the Right Click menu and the Tool Bar, Figure 1-5.
Publish Warning
Publish Streaming
Figure 1-5: Device Right Click Menu & Tool Bar
1. Add Resource
Add to this Device a Capture Card Resource for encoding content or an Ethernet Resource for
transcoding content.
2. Add MPTS Multiplexer
Multiplexes may be built for Ethernet streaming to remote Edge QAMs or output directly to MQAMs
(if QAM Output equipped).
VersAtive®Pro, DigiVu® II, DigiVu® II Micro – Operation Manual 1-5
3. Stop All
May be used to stop all resources simultaneously. (Resources may also be stopped individually from
the resource itself).
4. Paste
A powerful feature used along with the Copy feature to quickly replicate Resources.
5. Disable
Disables the Device Platform.
6. Upgrade Version
Device rmware may be upgraded from here.
1.8.2 Resource Menu & Tool Bar
Resource operations are available on both the Right Click menu and the Tool Bar, Figure 1-6.
1. Start
Starts the associated sessions and streams created on the selected resource.
2. Preview
Displays a 5 frames/sec video window for verication of the resource presence and quality.
3. Delete
Deletes the selected Resource
4. Copy
A powerful feature used along with the Paste feature to quickly replicate Resources. Will copy all
streams created on the selected resource.
5. Paste
A powerful feature used along with the Copy feature to quickly replicate Streams, Sessions and
6. Settings
A shortcut to basic Info tab.
7. New Adaptive Session
Used to create a new Adaptive session. Multiple sessions may exist on any single Resource.
8. New SPTS Stream
Used to create SPTS streams for IPTV applications.
1.9 Copy & Paste
This section shows a few examples of copying and pasting to replicate Streams, Sessions and Publish Points in the Tree View.
Once a Resource and it’s related Sessions, Streams and Publishes are dened, the Sessions, Streams and Publishes may be
replicated any number of times in any location in the Tree View. All pasted objects represent exact images of the copied source
and will require some editing to avoid duplication within the Device. The process is the same for all Copy & Paste operations
whether Sessions, Streams or Publish Points are being copied.
Figure 1-6: Resource Right Click Menu & Tool Bar
1-6 VersAtive®Pro, DigiVu® II, DigiVu® II Micro – Operation Manual
NOTE It is not possible to rename a Resource once it is created so it is not highly recommended
to use this feature to replicate Resources. The Copy & Paste feature was intended to replicate
Streams, Sessions and Publish Points only. Copying a Resource will result in the Resource Name
being appended with a sequential number to ensure it is unique.
1.9.1 Copy & Paste Sessions
1. Create the Donor Resource with a Session and Publish Points that it is desired to replicate, Figure 1-7.
2. Create a Recipient Resource or multiple Resources that will have Sessions copied to them.
Figure 1-7: Create Donor Resource
3. Right click the Session on the Donor Resource and select Copy from the menu, Figure 1-8.
Figure 1-8: Select Copy
VersAtive®Pro, DigiVu® II, DigiVu® II Micro – Operation Manual 1-7
Figure 1-10: Session Replicated
4. Right click the Recipient Resource and select Paste from the menu, Figure 1-9.
5. An exact copy of the session is replicated on the new Resource, Figure 1-10.
Figure 1-9: Select Paste
NOTE The replicated Session will have identical properties to the copied Session so conicting
properties must be edited manually before the session may be streamed.
1-8 VersAtive®Pro, DigiVu® II, DigiVu® II Micro – Operation Manual
6. Click to select the Session in the Tree View then rename the Session to a meaningful name such as the service
name, Figure 1-11.
7. Click Save to save the new session name in Tree View.
Figure 1-11: Copied Session Renamed
8. Click the Stream in Tree View to open the stream parameters window, Figure 1-12.
9. Edit Video, Audio & Video Pre-processing Parameters as required.
10. Click Save to save and add the session to the Tree View.
Figure 1-12: Update Copied Stream Parameters
VersAtive®Pro, DigiVu® II, DigiVu® II Micro – Operation Manual 1-9
11. Click the Publish in the Tree View to open the Publish parameters window, Figure 1-13.
12. Next, Tick the box of the Connection to be edited.
13. Click Edit to enable changing the IP address.
14. Next, Edit the IP address to the correct value for this publish.
15. Click Apply to apply the change to the connection.
16. Click Save to save the changes.
Figure 1-13: Update Copied Publish Parameters
1-10 VersAtive®Pro, DigiVu® II, DigiVu® II Micro – Operation Manual
2. General (Global) Conguration
General level conguration represents the Platform Global settings. This is the top level of the Tree View of the Device and
includes the categories of Firmware Upgrades, NTP, User Management, SNMP & Licencing.
To congure Global Platform settings:
1. Click the General icon at the top level of Tree View, Figure 2-1.
2. Tabs are then presented in the Pane View for specic system conguration.
Figure 2-1: General Conguration Tabs
2.1 Chapter Contents
• “Firmware Upgrade”
• “System Time”
• “User Management”
• “Licence”
• “SNMP”
2.2 Firmware Upgrade
Firmware upgrades, when available, are obtained from ATX Networks Technical Support group. Obtain the le and save it to
your Management Computer before beginning this upgrade.
WarningBefore proceeding, you must stop any congured streams before upgrading the Device.
2.2.1 Upgrade Procedure
1. Login to the system to be upgraded.
2. Click on the General icon in Tree View, Figure 2-2.
• The Settings & Info upper level tab and the Products Upgrade sub-tab will be selected by default, Figure 2-2. The
page shows saved rmware versions, allows reinstalling previous versions or deletion of versions no longer needed.
A pin icon on the right marks the currently installed version.
Figure 2-2: Upload Version
VersAtive®Pro, DigiVu® II, DigiVu® II Micro – Operation Manual 2-1
3. Click Upload Version on the Tool Bar.
4. In the Dialog box that opens, click Choose File then browse to locate the le stored on your computer, Figure 2-3.
5. Click Upload to begin the process.
When the upload is complete, the new version will be listed below any previous versions, Figure 2-4.
Figure 2-3: Select File
Figure 2-4: New Uploaded Version
6. Click the selector Button to select the rmware you just uploaded, Figure 2-5.
7. Click Install Version.
Figure 2-5: Install Version
The rmware upgrade process will begin and a progress screen is presented, Figure 2-6.
Figure 2-6: Install Progress
• Soon, the SEULA(Software End User Licence Agreement) is presented, Figure 2-7.
Figure 2-7: Accept SEULA Agreement
2-2 VersAtive®Pro, DigiVu® II, DigiVu® II Micro – Operation Manual
8. Click the I Agree box.
9. Click Accept.
Login to the GUI and check that the rmware is installed. The pin icon identies the rmware just installed, Figure 2-8.
Figure 2-8: New Version is Now Current
VersAtive®Pro, DigiVu® II, DigiVu® II Micro – Operation Manual 2-3
2.3 System Time
System time is set by default to be automatically updated by an internally dened NTP server. This setting may be changed to
setting the time and date manually or an alternate NTP server may be specied.
2.3.1 Change Time Zone & NTP Server
1. Click General Icon at top of Tree View.
2. Click System Time tab, Figure 2-9.
3. Select the appropriate Time Zone from the dropdown menu.
4. Click the adjacent Apply button.
5. Enter the IP Address of the desired NTP server (do not enter the URL)
6. Click the adjacent Apply button.
Note While it is possible to manually change the date on the System, do so with the caution that
Licensing may be adversely affected. This is to ensure that dates are not changed to defeat licence
expiry dates. Contact ATX Networks Technical Support if the date on the System needs to be
manually changed.
2.4 User Management
A single user is dened by default but users may be added or managed as required. Further, Radius authentication may be
2.4.1 GUI Authentication
Add User
1. Click General Icon at top of Tree View to select it, Figure 2-10.
Figure 2-9: NTP Time Server Conguration
Figure 2-10: Add New User
2-4 VersAtive®Pro, DigiVu® II, DigiVu® II Micro – Operation Manual
2. Click the User Management tab.
3. Click New.
4. Enter Username for new user, Figure 2-11 (a user’s actual name may also be entered, optional).
5. Select the Access Level for new user.
6. Enter Password for new user (password will be masked by default).
7. Click abc to show password momentarily.
8. Click Save.
2.4.2 Radius Server Authentication
1. Click General Icon at top of Tree View to select it, Figure 2-12.
2. Click the User Management tab.
3. Select Radius Server from the menu.
4. Enter the appropriate information and choose the Radius Authentication Type from the drop down menu.
5. Click Save.
Figure 2-11: New User Conguration
Figure 2-12: Radius Conguration
VersAtive®Pro, DigiVu® II, DigiVu® II Micro – Operation Manual 2-5
2.5 Licence
This page is for information only and displays the licence level installed on the platform. Licences may be updated with a
licence le.
2.5.1 Licence Update
The licence on the machine may be updated from a le provided by ATX Networks and this needs to be obtained and stored
on the management computer rst.
Figure 2-13: Licence Page
1. In the Tree View, click the General icon to select it, Figure 2-14.
2. Click Licence Update on the Tool Bar.
Figure 2-14: Licence Update
3. Click Browse to locate the le on the management computer, Figure 2-15.
4. Select the le with the explorer window.
5. Click Open.
6. Click Upload.
• The licence le is uploaded and updated.
Figure 2-15: Upload Licence File
2-6 VersAtive®Pro, DigiVu® II, DigiVu® II Micro – Operation Manual
2.6 SNMP
The platform may be congured to sent SNMP traps to a remote SNMP manager. At this time, the Port is xed at 162 which is
the well known port for SNMP and community is Public.
2.6.1 Add SNMP Remote Manager
Multiple SNMP managers may be added to receive traps.
1. Click General Icon at top of Tree View to select it, Figure 2-16.
2. Click the SNMP tab.
3. Enter the IP Address of the remote SNMP manager.
4. Click Add IP button to add this IP address to the list.
5. Click Save to apply the changes.
• Repeat to add more SNMP Managers.
2.6.2 Download and Compile the MIB
The MIB will need to be compiled to the SNMP Manager and it is stored locally on the Device hard drive. It may be obtained
from the link on the SNMP tab.
1. Click General Icon at top of Tree View to select it, Figure 2-17.
2. Click the SNMP tab.
3. Click the link Download MIBs.
4. Open the downloaded zip le with any zip le client.
5. Extract the two .txt les and compile the les into the SNMP Manager.
Figure 2-16: Add SNMP Manager
Figure 2-17: Download MIB
VersAtive®Pro, DigiVu® II, DigiVu® II Micro – Operation Manual 2-7
2.6.3 System Traps
The traps listed in Table 2.6a are sent by the system to the remote SNMP Managers.
Table 2.6a: System Traps
Trap NameDescription
vmsVersionSupportTrap"Error: This trap appears when VMS version doesn't support the version of the VersAtive "
treeEditTrapThis trap can be an error, info or edit. This trap appears when the user edits the VMS tree
treeEnableTrap "This trap appears when the user enables/disables the tree in the VMS. "
mysqlUnusedTablesDeletedTrap "This trap appears when one of the unused tables was deleted from MySQL. "
userAddTrap "This trap appears when a new user is added to VMS successfully. "
userDeleteTrap "This trap appears when a user is deleted from VMS successfully. "
userLogoutTrap "This trap appears when the user successfully logs out. "
versativeConnectTrap "This trap appears when the VersAtive connects successfully to the VMS. "
This trap can be an error or info. - Error trap appears when the license update fails. - Info
trap appears when the license is updated successfully.
"This trap can be an error or a warning. - Error trap appears when the license is expired.
- Warning trap starts to appear 7 days before the VMS license expires. "
VMS DB Traps
"This trap appears when the user is updated in the VMS. Update can be in the user name,
password or permissions. "
"This trap appears in two situations: When the user logs in to the VMS successfully or
unsuccessfully. "
VersAtive Communication Traps
versativeTimeoutTrap "This trap appears when there is no response from the VersAtive. "
versativeGeneralExternTrap "This trap appears when a non-handled by VMS event received from VersAtive. "
versativeDuplicateHostidTrapThis trap appears when two VersAtive machines has the same Host ID.
"This trap appears when the VersAtive is taken to another VMS. The VersAtive becomes
disabled on the current VMS. "
"This trap appears when the VersAtive is taken from another VMS. The Versative
becomes disabled on the other VMS. "
VersAtive General Traps
"ERROR - This trap appears when the VMS receives a 'General Error' event from the
VersAtive. "
"This trap appears when the Versative software is upgraded. This trap can be an error or
info. The error indicates that the software upgrade failed. "
"This trap appears when the VersAtive conguration is set successfully or unsuccessfully.
This trap is only info. There are two messages: 'Conguration set Successfully' or 'Failed
to Set Conguration' "
"This trap appears when the VMS performs sync with VersAtive, and VersAtive Version
is Changed. This trap can be error or info. - Info: VersAtive Version OK. - Error: VersAtive
Runs NOT Supported Version. "
VersAtive Streaming Traps
2-8 VersAtive®Pro, DigiVu® II, DigiVu® II Micro – Operation Manual
Trap NameDescription
versativeFrameRateDropTrap "Frame Rate dropped to more then 10% from conguration. "
versaFtiveNoSignalTrap "This trap appears there is no signal at the input side - Only for encoding. "
"This trap appears when the Resource Starts playing. This trap can be either an Error
or Info. - Error: says that the Resource failed to start and the reason for the failure. - Info:
says that the resource is started. "
"This trap appears when the resource stops playing. This trap can be either an Error or
Info. - Error: says that the resource failed to stop and the reason for it. - Info: says that the
resource is stopped. "
"This trap appears when the Versative fails to delete a session XML le. This trap can be
only an Error. "
"This trap appears when the VersAtive fails to analyze a transport stream. This trap can
only be an error. "
"This trap appears when the VersAtive has a problem with the pipeline and cannot start
playing. This trap can only be an error. "
"This trap appears when the VersAtive doesn't detect a video signal. This trap can only be
an error. The message says that the VersAtive can not detect a video signal. "
"This trap appears when the VersAtive has no connection to publish point or VersAtive
cannot publish the stream. This trap can be only an Error. "
"This trap appears when there is no input for the resource and the VersAtive retries to
connect. This trap can be a warning or info. - Warning: indicates the name of the resource
and that the VersAtive is retrying. - Info: indicates the name of the resource and that the
streaming is OK. "
"This trap appears when no redundancy for the resource is found. This trap can only be
an error. The message indicates that the resource is stopped and that no backup for the
resource is found. "
"This trap appears when the resource redundancy switched to backup. This trap can only
be a warning. The message says that the Resource switched to the backup resource. "
versativeFailToOpenAudioDeviceTrap "This trap appears when audio device cannot be open - Only for encoding. "
versativeDataTimeoutTrap "This trap appears when the Resource receive Input Data timeout. "
versativeStreamEndedTrap "This trap appears when Stream is close due to an internal server error. "
versativeFailedToConnectToDrmSrvrTrap "This trap appears when the VersAtive fails to connect to the DRM server. "
versativeProgressReportTrap "This trap is holding progress of ofine transcoding. "
versativeVideoBitrateTrap "This trap appears when the video bit rate changes in the monitor of the resource. "
versativeFramerateTrap "This trap appears when the video frame rate changes in the monitor of the resource. "
versativeFrameDropTrap "This trap appears when the video frame rate drops in the monitor of the resource. "
versativeAudioBitrateTrap "This trap appears when the audio bit rate changes in the monitor of the resource. "
versativeConnectToPublishServerTrap No Description available.
versativeSrcInputTimedOutTrap "This trap appears when the source has a data timeout "
versativeMissingPtsDataTrap "This trap appears when there is no PTS in PES header. "
"This trap appears when the VersAtive has a problem with internal data ow. This trap
can only be an Error. "
VersAtive®Pro, DigiVu® II, DigiVu® II Micro – Operation Manual 2-9
Trap NameDescription
versativeRolloverTrap "This trap appears when PTS of elementary streams overlaps. "
versativeCantRecordAudioFastEnoughTrap "This trap appears when the VersAtive can't record audio fast enough. "
versativeFailToStartRtmpServerTrap "This trap appears when the VersAtive fails to connect to the RTMP server. "
versativeOvfFifoSizeTrap "This event appears when the SPTS MUX gets overowed. "
versativeAc3AudioChangedTrap "This trap appears when the AC3 audio changes. "
versativeDelayCalculationTrap "This trap appears when the multiplexer loses sync. "
versativeAliveAfterEosTrap "This trap appears when le transcoding is almost complete - Ofine. "
versativeNoInputDataTrap "This trap appears when no input data for the resource is detected. "
versativeExternalStopSignalReceivedTrap "This trap appears when User initiates 'stop resource'. "
versativeEvntPsiMonitoringTrap "This trap appears when there is a PSI change at the input. "
versativeEvntCcErrorTrap "This trap appears when the resource has a continuity count error. "
versativeCapcardInputChangedTrap "This trap appears when the capture card format changes. "
"This trap appears when the program time stamp is changed. this can happen when the
transport stream changes. "
This trap appears when there is an MPEG2 conguration error. This trap can only be an
versativeClosingConnectionsTrap "This trap appears when the VersAtive closes all the streams. "
versativeFailedToPutFileTrapThis trap appears when an HLS or RTMP stream fails to publish.
versativeSignalDetectedTrap "This trap appears when a signal for resource is detected. "
versativeReconnectTrap "This trap appears when the VersAtive reconnects successfully to RTMP server. "
versativePipeEvntNoUdpInput "This trap appears when there is no UPD input for the pipeline. "
VersAtive Hardware Traps
"This trap appears when the CPU heat nears it's maximum operation temperature. This
trap can be an error or info. - Info message indicates that the CPU heat is at 70C degrees.
- Error message indicates that the CPU heat is at 75C degrees. "
"This trap appear when the CPU usage nears it's maximum capacity. This trap can be
an error or info. - Info message indicates that the CPU usage is at 75 percent. - Error
message indicates that the CPU usage is at 85 percent. "
"This trap appears when the memory usage nears it's maximum capacity. This trap can
be an error or info. - Info message indicates that the memory usage is at 85 percent. Error message indicates that the memory usage is at 92 percent. "
"This trap appears when the Ethernet card nears it's maximum capacity. This trap can
be an error or info. - Info message indicates that the Ethernet card is at 80 percent of it's
capacity. - Error message indicates that the Ethernet card is at 90 percent of it's capacity. "
This trap shows the status of the demod card (enabled/disabled or locked/not locked).
This trap can be an error or info. - Error message indicates that the demod card is not
locked. - Info message indicates that the demod card is locked, enabled or disabled.
2-10 VersAtive®Pro, DigiVu® II, DigiVu® II Micro – Operation Manual
Trap NameDescription
VersAtive MPTS MUX and MQAM Traps
versativeMuxStillNoTsTrap "Not Used. "
versativeMuxEventLostTsTrap "This trap appears when the input transport stream for the mux is lost. "
versativeMqamSyncErrorTrap "This trap appears when MQAM receives an error. This trap can only be Error. "
"This trap appears when the mux is started. This trap can be an error or info. - Error
message indicates that the mux didn't start. - Info message indicates that the mux started
successfully. "
"This trap appears when the mux is stopped. This trap can be an error or info. Error
message indicates that the mux didn't stop. Info message indicates that the mux stopped
successfully. "
"This trap appears when the mux monitor sends a trap. This trap can be an error or
info. - Error message indicates that multiplexer monitor received time-out. - Info message
indicates that the mux monitoring is OK. "
"This trap appears when the output bit rate is less than the sum of input bit rates. This
trap can only be an Error. "
VersAtive®Pro, DigiVu® II, DigiVu® II Micro – Operation Manual 2-11
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2-12 VersAtive®Pro, DigiVu® II, DigiVu® II Micro – Operation Manual
3. Device Conguration
Device Conguration centers on setting up the input and output interfaces of the hardware platform.
3.1 Chapter Contents
• “Basic Information”
• “Ethernet Network Settings”
• “Capture/Demod Cards”
• “Licence Information”
• “QAM Output Devices”
3.2 Basic Information
This tab species the actual hardware model such as VersAtivePro, DigiVu II or DigiVu II Micro. This model number/name is
shown on the Basic Info tab, Figure 3-1.
Figure 3-1: Basic Info Page
VersAtive®Pro, DigiVu® II, DigiVu® II Micro – Operation Manual 3-1
3.3 Ethernet Network Settings
The Management Port IP address and Streaming Port addresses are dened on the Ethernet Cards tab. There may be more
or less Ethernet ports depending on the model and there may even be Virtual ports if a VLAN has previously been dened.
NOTE Changes to the Management Port address will result in a platform reboot. You will need to
login on the new IP address.
Change an ETH Port Address
1. Click on the Device icon to select it, Figure 3-2.
2. Select Settings and Info tab.
3. Select Ethernet Cards tab.
4. Select the Pencil Icon for the ETH port to be changed.
5. Edit settings as required.
6. Click Save to apply the changes.
3.3.1 Create a VLAN
NOTE For more about management network VLANs, see “VLAN TAGGING” on page 12-1.
Figure 3-2: Congure Network Settings
3-2 VersAtive®Pro, DigiVu® II, DigiVu® II Micro – Operation Manual
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